In tosca what if What if not able to identify control unique in Tosca using Technical proprty,index,image and anchor not working - tosca

What if not able to identify control unique in Tosca using Technical proprty,index,image and anchor is there any other way to identify control unique?


Duplicate a GA4 Property for Training Users

We have GA4 set up with GTM. We need to train the staff on using GA4, but we do not want those users in the master property playing around. To resolve this, we thought an exact duplicate property would be the solution. When creating the duplicate property, we cannot choose the same data source as the master, only create a new one. What would be the best method of duplicating the master property?
The easiest way to duplicate the property would be to use another measurement id in your tracking, effectively sending the data to one more endpoint.
However, the idea to duplicate a property to teach stuff is not reasonable. There's no reason to not allow them into the main property if you keep them at read-only permissions.
Another way to duplicate a property would be re-inserting the data through a measurement protocol, first exporting it from the original property, but, again, that's an overkill.

How do I load data from a record into multiple edittexts in android studio?

I'm currently working through my A Level computer science controlled assessment, and am making an application designed to help Scout Leaders manage their group. This is my first time working in Java, SQLite, Android Studio and XML so I've run into a few problems along the way. At this point in time, I'm in the process of creating a login system, part of which involves editing login details. I was wondering if there's a way of loading multiple values from one record into different EditTexts at once, so the user only needs to edit the already-existing username and password, rather than type it in again with a slight edit? Thanks in advance. I didn't think it necessary to include any code in this question, as I'm only looking for an example, however if it would help please don't hesitate to ask - I just couldn't find a guide on this anywhere else.
You retrieve the data into a Cursor via a query that selects the required columns.
You then move to the appropriate row (record) in the Cursor (probably the first and only row).
For each EditText you set the text, using the setText method with the data from the respective column using an appropriate get???? method passing the column offset to the method (e.g. your_cursor.getString(<the_column_offset>)).
Rather than calculating and hard coding an offset, it is more reliable and flexible to use the getColumnIndex(<the_column_name_as_string>) method.
After all have been set you then close the Cursor
Note and would be replaced with respective values specific to the App.

Risks to database and front-end coupling

I could not come up with any better title, after reading the question you can suggest a better one. Also you can suggest some better tags, I could not find web-development.
I am a student so I don't know the standard way to achieve the following issue.
I usually set the IDs of elements (div,span,tr,etc) according to the database primary key to reference it later easily.
For example on page having some rows of entries having their id set to the sno in the DB which is primary key and on click on any row checking the id and display the result from database using that id.
But I think its a bad idea as anyone can use Inspect Element or Dev Tools and change the ID.
What is the standard way to achieve this?
I know that web browser wont enforce the security policy for me that's why I am asking for the standard way, or standard practices to use for this matter.
Anyway, you must assume that any request that comes to the back end may be forged, any any data sent to browser (visible or hidden) is public.
If you considere the the id are private (rather uncommon requirement), you could instead simply use a row order and keep on server session a table row_order <-> id.
If you simply want to ensure that the id are correct, just control them (server side) before updating the database, or at the time of the database write if you cannot control them before.
If you want to enforce any other policy (users have roles and depending on roles are allowed or not to update some values) all those controls have to be done server side.

Selecting an item from a very large list

Suppose I have a list of a couple of thousand organizations and a user needs to be able to select one of them. The list is too large to populate in a dropdown at page load, and the user often knows what they want but it's not the first part of the organization name. That is, they know "Collections" but not that the precise name of the organization is "Department of Collections". So the user will need/want to type in some information.
It's easy enough to use an autocompleting textbox of some kind, but I don't want to allow the user to type in random text - they have to choose one of the organizations explicitly.
What's the best solution?
IMO I will simplify the UI to:
a textbox to enter the string
a drop down to set the filter options like: "contains | starts with | ends with"
a button "Find"
Then, I will populate a view based on the search string & let the user choose the valid item or refine the search
IMO with something like an auto-complete, you will end up writing a lot of parsing code to get to the string & then there might be server-side load considerations...
In additional check if 'facetted navigation' is something you need. Ref.:
So it seems to me your main challenges are to
Express that the user needs to select an organization from the list (and only from the list).
Express that there are a lot of organizations on the list.
Provide some means for the user to quickly find the organization on the list.
I would say present a selector control that fits in with the rest of your design with a search box just above it. You should then page the list as there will be lots of pages with that many elements indicating that the user should definitely use the search. The search essentially acts like the auto complete, but instead of the found options changing the text, it will change the contents of the paginated list. If you do this on a character by character basis (or throttle using Reactive Extensions), it's very clear that you're just filtering the list to make selection easier.
You could use a CustomValidator to ensure that the TextBoxes content in contained in your collection.
You could use the Ajax AutoComplete Control: You can opt to only do a lookup if the user has typed in a certain number of characters.
You'd create a static Web Method to query the collection (you could use LINQ) and return matching organizations.
You'd obviously need to validate the textbox input afterwards.
Is it possible to structure your list a bit more like a tree, so that it is not a single list. E.g. Could you have a grouping like "Government Depts" and then add Dept of Collections to that. Then ask you users to first select the top level grouping then show them a shorter lists of organizations in that group?
It sounds to me as if your data list should really be in either a database or at least stored well away from the UI.
Wherever its really stored, place a keyword for each entry, say "Collection". The list of keywords could be available as part of your auto-complete functionality. Then search on the keyword alone.
If you could divide items in categories, would using some kind of tree control help?
So, when user clicks on a node you load only items in that node. And so on.
I'd break it into two paths...
Use an autocompleting textbox, for the person who types the correct title (i.e., Department of Collections); and a separate search button to search for possible matches. The search button would take you to a results page to select the desired choice. This functionality would be similar to the way search on MSDN works.
Initially a tree view sounds cool, but are you certain that a single classification will reduce the data into manageable sets? If 80% of your data gets classified as "government dept" this doesn't really help things.
The problem is you want criteria that allows users to quickly split a large list into smaller sets that are easier to consume. Additionally, there should be enough flexibility to react to changes in data.
I'd suggest using a tagging pattern like iTunes. In my library "rock" describes 80% of my collection - but is still a useful categorization for something like random shuffle. I also have the ability to stack tags so I can use genre="rock", decade="1990" and quickly sift my data down to whatever is of interest.
In the UI, I'd recommend a section that allows the user to apply "filters" which is nothing more than selecting specific values for tags. Break the list out into pages and allow them to see a tally of potential matches.
- Navigate to screeen XYZ and see there are 10,000 companies to pick from
- Click "classification" and select "Government dept" and the list updates to indicate there are now 1,000.
- Click "region" and select "South" and see my list drop to 200.
- Sort list by name and then select (or scroll through, whatever)

MS Reportviewer - Save Expanded/Collapsed Nodes in ViewState?

I have a report that's being populated from an ObjectDataSource. The report includes expandable/collapsible nodes per user.
I'm allowing the viewer to filter the report by setting the FilterExpression on the datasource, then calling ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(). This is done during PostBack.
This filters the results, but the state of the expanded/collapsed nodes is lost. Is there some way to store the expanded/collapsed nodes in the ViewState? Or is there a better way to accomplish this altogether?
I know its been a while since this question was asked, but since i had to go through this recently i want to share my experience with somebody who might be dealing with this.
It's tricky but if you add a multivalued parameter to your report and the values match the values in the toggable fields, then you can write a group expression in the grid (And in the labels so those go away too). Once that is done, you just have to keep track of what is toggled (this is hard, but is possible with javascript).
Basically, there are two of the hidden child controls in the reportviewer control (indexes 4 & 5 in vs2008) that have the name of the event and the id of the table cell clicked, with this you cand build an array in javascript and keep track of the status of all toggable fields.
