How do I do jumps to a label in an enclosing function in LLVM IR? - llvm-ir

I want to do an LLVM compiler for a very old language, PL/M. This has some peculiar features, not least of which is having nested functions with the ability to jump out of an enclosing function. In pseudocode:
toplevel() {
nested() {
if (something)
goto label;
The constraints here are:
you can only jump into the top-level function, luckily
the stack does get unwound (the language does not support destructors, so this is easy)
you do not have to have executed the statement at label before jumping (so the naive setjmp/longjmp method doesn't work).
code at label can be executed normally, i.e. it's not like catch
LLVM has a number of non-local jump mechanisms, such as the exception handling system, but I've never used that. Can this be implemented using LLVM exceptions, or are they not suitable for this? Is there an easier way?

If you want the stack to get unwound, you'll likely want it to be in a separate function, at least a separate LLVM IR function. (The only real exception is if your language does not have a construct like C's "alloca()" and you don't allow calling a nested function by address in which case you could inline it.)
That part of the problem you mentioned, jumping out of an enclosing function, is best handled by having some way for the callee to communicate "how it exited" to the caller, and the caller having a "switch()" on that value. You could stick it in the return value (if it already returns a value, make it a struct of both values), you could add a pointer parameter that it writes to, you could add it a thread-local global variable and fill that in before calling longjmp, or you could use exceptions.
Exceptions, they're complex (I can't describe how to make them work offhand but the docs are here: ) and slow when the exception path is taken, and really intended for exceptional situations, not for normal code. Setjmp/longjmp does the same thing as exceptions except simpler to use and without the performance trade-off when executed, but unfortunately there are miscompiles in LLVM which you need will be the one to fix if you start using them in earnest (see the postscript at the end of the answer).
Those two options cover the ways you can do it without changing the function signature, which may be necessary if your language allows the address to be taken then called later.
If you do need to take the address of nested, then LLVM supports trampolines. See . Trampolines solve the problem of accessing the local variables of the calling function from the callee, even when the function is called by address.
PS. LLVM miscompiles setjmp/longjmp today. The current model is that a call to setjmp may return twice, and only functions with the returns_twice attribute may return twice. Note that this doesn't affect the whole call stack, only the direct caller of a function that returns twice has to deal with the twice-returning call-- just because function F calls setjmp does not mean that F itself can return twice. So far, so good.
The problem is that in a function with a setjmp, all function calls may themselves call longjmp. I'd say "unless proven otherwise" as with all things in optimizers, but there is no attribute in LLVM doesnotlongjmp or any code within LLVM that attempts to answer the question of whether a function could call longjmp. Adding that would be a good optimization, but it's a separate issue from the miscompile.
If you have code like this pseudo-code:
%entry block:
allocate val
val <- 0
setjmpret <- call setjmp
br i1 setjmpret, %first setjmp return block, %second setjmp return block
%first setjmp return block:
val <- 1;
call foo();
goto after;
%second setjmp return block:
call print(val);
goto after;
The control flow graph shows that is no path from val <- 0 to val <- 1 to print(val). The only path with "print(val)" has "val <- 0" before it therefore constant propagation may turn print(val) into print(0). The problem here is a missing control flow edge from foo() back to the %second setjmp return block. In a function that contains a setjmp, all calls which may call longjmp must have a CFG edge to the second setjmp return block. In LLVM that control flow edge is missing and LLVM miscompiles code because of it.
This problem also manifests in the backend. The first time I heard of this problem it was in the context of the backend losing track of the placement of variables on the stack, and this issue was the underlying root cause.
For the most part setjmp/longjmp seems to work because LLVM isn't usually able to analyze what calling foo() might do and can't perform the optimization. For instance if val was not a fresh allocation but was a pointer, then who's to say that foo() doesn't have access to the same pointer, and then performs "val <- 1" on it? If LLVM can't prove that impossible, that precludes the transform to print(0). Secondly, setjmp/longjmp are just not used often in real code.


Rcpp-Modules: Understanding .finalizer() and why it doesn't get called

I have written a Rcpp-Module named RMaxima that spawns a child process when it's constructor is called. My motivation for this question is, that I need an object of this class to be destructed, when R exits a functions execution environment in which it has been allocated and bound to a name.
Here are the important parts of my source file:
class RMaxima
// spawnes child process by instantiating an object
myMaxima = new Maxima(...);
// causes the child process to terminate properly
delete myMaxima;
Maxima* myMaxima;
static void rmaxima_finalizer(RMaxima* ptr)
if (ptr)
delete ptr;
My understanding of garbage collection in R is that when the interpreter exits an environment the value bindings from this environment are thrown away and R's garbage collection frees up memory for any unbound values.
However, this seems to be different for Rcpp-Modules: If I call and exit a function that creates an instance of my class
foo <- function() {
m <- new(Rmaxima)
then, as expected, m does not appear in the global environment. However, the child process is still running. This means that my class' destructor/ finalizer has not been called. It is called however, when I quit the R session or when I install my corresponding custom package during which loading is tested.
Why? How can I cause it being destructed in a different scope? "Extending R" (Chambers, 2016) gave me some hint
The Rcpp templated type allows conversions to and from "externalptr"
with computations in the C++ code specialized to the type T of the object referred
to. Templated code can in fact use 3 parameters: type, storage scope and a final-
izer to be called when the object pointed to is deleted. The object returned to R
is in all cases of class and type "externalptr". No information is available about
the parametrized form.
as to point out that classes are returned as externalptr and protected from gc(), but I don't see the connection, since object is typeof(m): S4, i.e. a reference class.
Any further hint, where to read about this?
You are using Rcpp Modules which are in a way an alternative to using things yourself with an external pointer. Rcpp offers you Rcpp::XPtr and those are used by a few packages you could look at. (My favourite is a quick GitHub search as in this one across the 'cran' org that mirrors CRAN -- it shows over 1k code hits so some further triage needed.)
And XPtr itself seems to have an open issue in as far as guaranteed access to the finalizer is concerned; I filed issue #1108 on that last year and plan to revisit this 'soon'. But despite that issue which may be a corner case, in general this appears to work. So I would look into XPtr and/or the two helper packages for XPtr use on CRAN.
Lastly, Rcpp Classes were an extension written and contributed by John. They have not seen too much use though. Rcpp Modules is fairly widely used, and there too you could look at examples.
Lastly, you could also do something more simple and direct:
create a class Foo with an empty-ish constructor
have static pointer to a singleton of the class
create an init method to set up the class and have it hold the memory it needs
have setter/getter/worker/result methods as needed
create a teardown method to free the memory
and then call init first (maybe from package load), followed by all the work and then ensure the teardown is called. It's a far-from-perfect design (maybe teardown is not called?) but the simplicity gives you a comparison. And once you have the fragments you can build fancier structures on top.

Do you make safe and unsafe version of your functions or just stick to the safe version? (Embedded System)

let's say you have a function that set an index and then update few variables based on the value stored in the array element which the index is pointing to. Do you check the index to make sure it is in range? (In embedded system environment to be specific Arduino)
So far I have made a safe and unsafe version for all functions, is that a good idea? In some of my other codes I noticed that having only safe functions result in checking conditions multiple time as the libraries get larger, so I started to develop both. The safe function checks the condition and call the unsafe function as shown in example below for the case explained above.
Safe version:
bool RcChannelModule::setFactorIndexAndUpdateBoundaries(factorIndex_T factorIndex)
if(factorIndex < N_FACTORS)
return true;
return false;
Unsafe version:
void RcChannelModule::setFactorIndexAndUpdateBoundariesUnsafe(factorIndex_T factorIndex)
If I am doing it wrong fundamentally please let me know why and how I could avoid that. Also I would like to know, generally when you program, do you consider the future user to be a fool or you expect them to follow the minimal documentation provided? (the reason I say minimal is because I do not have the time to write a proper documentation)
void RcChannelModule::setCuurentFactorIndexUnsafe(const factorIndex_T factorIndex)
currentFactorIndex_ = factorIndex;
Safety checks, such as array index range checks, null checks, and so on, are intended to catch programming errors. When these checks fail, there is no graceful recovery: the best the program can do is to log what happened, and restart.
Therefore, the only time when these checks become useful is during debugging and testing of your code. C++ provides built-in functionality for dealing with this through asserts, which are kept in the debug versions of the code, but compiled out from the release version:
void RcChannelModule::setFactorIndexAndUpdateBoundariesUnsafe(factorIndex_T factorIndex) {
assert(factorIndex < N_FACTORS);
Note: [When you make a library for external use] an argument-checking version of each external function perhaps makes sense, with non-argument-checking implementations of those and all internal-only functions. If you perform argument checking then do it (only) at the boundary between your library and the client code. But it's pointless to offer a choice to your users, for if you want to protect them from usage errors then you cannot rely on them to choose the "safe" versions of your functions. (John Bollinger)
Do you make safe and unsafe version of your functions or just stick to the safe version?
For higher level code, I recommend one version, a safe one.
High level code, with a large set of related functions and data, the combinations of interactions of data and code are not possible to fully check at development time. When an error is detected, the data should be set to indicate an error state. Subsequent use of data within these functions would be aware of the error state.
For lowest level -time critical routines, I'd go with #dasblinkenlight answer. Create one source code that compiles 2 ways per the debug and release compiles.
Yet keep in mind #pete becker, it this really likely a performance bottle neck to do a check?
With floating-point related routines, use the NaN to help keep track of an unrecoverable error.
Lastly, as able, create functions that do not fail and avoid the issue. With many, not all, this only requires small code additions. It often only adds a constant of time performance penalty and not a O(n) penalty.
Example: Consider a function to lop off the first character of a string - in place.
// This work fine as long as s[0] != 0
char *slop_1(char *s) {
size_t len = strlen(s); // most work is here
return memmove(s, s + 1, len); // and here
Instead define the function, and code it, to do nothing when s[0] == 0
char *slop_2(char *s) {
size_t len = strlen(s);
if (len > 0) { // negligible additional work
memmove(s, s + 1, len);
return s;
Similar code can be applied to OP's example. Note that it is "safe", at least within the function. The assert() scheme can still be used to discovery development issues. Yet the released code, without the assert(), still checks the range.
void RcChannelModule::setFactorIndexAndUpdateBoundaries(factorIndex_T factorIndex)
if(factorIndex < N_FACTORS) {
} else {
Since you tagged this Arduino and embedded, you have a very resource-constrained system, one of the crappiest processors still manufactured.
On such a system you cannot afford extra error handling. It is better to properly document what values the parameters passed to the function must have, then leave the checking of this to the caller.
The caller can then either check this in run-time, if needed, or otherwise in compile-time with a static assert. Your function would however not be able to implement it as a static assert, as it can't know if factorIndex is a run-time variable or a compile-time constant.
As for "I have no time to write proper documentation", that's nonsense. It takes far less time to document this function than to post this SO question. You don't necessarily have to write an essay in some Word file. You don't necessarily have to use Doxygen or similar.
But you do need to write the bare minimum of documentation: In the header file, document the purpose and expected values of all function parameters in the form of comments. Preferably you should have a coding standard for how to document such functions. A minimal documentation of public API functions in the form of comments is part of your job as programmer. The code is not complete until this is written.

When Qt-5 will fail the connect

Reading Qt signal & slots documentation, it seems that the only reason for a new style connection to fail is:
"If there is already a duplicate (exact same signal to the exact same slot on the same objects), the connection will fail and connect will return false"
Which means that connection was already successful the first time and does not allow multi-connections when using Qt::UniqueConnection.
Does this means that Qt-5 style connection will always success? Are there any other reasons for failure?
The new-style connect can still fail at runtime for a variety of reasons:
Either sender or receiver is a null pointer. Obviously this requires a check that can only happen at runtime.
The PMF you specified for a signal is not actually a signal. Lacking proper C++ reflection capabilities, all you can do at compile time is checking that the signal is a non-static member function of the sender's class.
However, that's not enough to make it a signal: it also needs to be in a signals: section in your class definition. When moc sees your class definition, it will generate some metadata containing the information that that function is indeed a signal. So, at runtime, the pointer passed to connect is looked up in a table, and connect itself will fail if the pointer is not found (because you did not pass a signal).
The check on the previous point actually requires a comparison between pointers to member functions. It's a particularly tricky one, because it will typically involve different TUs:
one is the TU containing moc-generated data (typically a moc_class.cpp file). In this TU there's the aforementioned table containing, amongst other things, pointers to the signals (which are just ordinary member functions).
is the TU where you actually invoke connect(sender, &Sender::signal, ...), which generates the pointer that gets looked up in the table.
Now, the two TUs may be in the same application, or perhaps one is in a library and the other in your application, or maybe in two libraries, etc; your platform's ABI starts to get into play.
In theory, the pointers stored when doing 1. are identical to the pointers generated when doing 2.; in practice, we've found cases where this does not happen (cf. this bug report that I reported some time ago, where older versions of GNU ld on ARM generated code that failed the comparison).
For Qt this meant disabling certain optimizations and/or passing some extra flags to the places where we know this to happen and break user software. For instance, as of Qt 5.9, there is no support for -Bsymbolic* flags on GCC on anything but x86 and x86-64.
Of course, this does not mean we've found and fixed all the possible places. New compilers and more aggressive optimizations might trigger this bug again in the future, making connect return false, even when everything is supposed to work.
Yes it can fail if either sender or receiver are not valid objects (nullptr for example)
QObject* obj1 = new QObject();
QObject* obj2 = new QObject();
// Will succeed
connect(obj1, &QObject::destroyed, obj2, &QObject::deleteLater);
delete obj1;
obj1 = nullptr;
// Will fail even if it compiles
connect(obj1, &QObject::destroyed, obj2, &QObject::deleteLater);
Do not try to register pointer type. I've used the macro
#define QT_REG_TYPE(T) qRegisterMetaType<T>(#T)
with pointer type CMyWidget*, that was the problem. Using the type directly worked.
No it's not always successful. The docs give an example here where connect would return false because the signal should not contain variable names.
QObject::connect(scrollBar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int value)),
label, SLOT(setNum(int value)));

How to separate concerns functionally

I'm writing a program in Scala and trying to remain as functionally pure as is possible. The problem I am facing is not Scala specific; it's more to do with trying to code functionally. The logic for the function that I have to code goes something like:
Take some value of type A
Use this value to generate log information
Log this information by calling a function in an external library and evaluate the return status of the logging action (ie was it a successful log or did the log action fail)
Regardless of whether the log succeeded or failed, I have to return the input value.
The reason for returning the input value as the output value is that this function will be composed with another function which requires a value of type A.
Given the above, the function I am trying to code is really of type A => A i.e. it accepts a value of type A and returns a value of type A but in between it does some logging. The fact that I am returning the same value back that I inputted makes this function boil down to an identity function!
This looks like code smell to me and I am wondering what I should do to make this function cleaner. How can I separate out the concerns here? Also the fact that the log function goes away and logs information means that really I should wrap that call in a IO monad and call some unsafePerformIO function on it. Any ideas welcome.
What you're describing sounds more like debugging than logging. For example, Haskell's Debug.Trace.trace does exactly that and its documentation states: "These can be useful for investigating bugs or performance problems. They should not be used in production code."
If you're doing logging, the logging function should only log and have no further return value. As mentioned by #Bartek above, its type would be A -> IO (), i.e. returning no information () and having side-effects (IO). For example Haskell's hslogger library provides such functions.

Should every function which calls itself be considered a recursive function?

I understand what recursive functions are, but consider the following example of a function meant to get the local version of data on an item, check if there is new data about it available online based on locally stored cache time, and if there is, updating the local data with the new version, returning up-to-date data about it either way.
function getItemData(id){
var local=getLocalItemData(id);
var newData=getOnlineItemData(id);
updateLocalItemData(id, newData);
return getItemData(id);
return local.returnHumanReadable();
My argument against considering it a recursive function is the fact that it will only end up calling itself on rare occasions when the cache time indicates the data has expired, and that the function only calls itself for convenience.
Instead of using return getLocalItemData(id).returnHumanReadable(); I can use return getItemData(id); because it will return the same result, as the newly saved data won't need to be refreshed again in the several microseconds it will take the function to call itself. Also, it is much shorter: in the actual code, I would use lower level commands instead of those function calls, resulting in code duplication which would make the entire function harder to read and maintain.
So, do you think that my argument makes any sense, or do you consider this to be nothing more than a matter of code organization?
The short answer is: yes it is recursive
It becomes important if you consider a platform that does not support recursion
Since it can call itself, your code will not work on that platform because it is technically recursion
For a trivial case like this replacing the recursive call with getLocalItemData(id).returnHumanReadable(); will allow it to work on this platform. In fact, you can change your code to:
function getItemData(id){
var local=getLocalItemData(id);
var newData=getOnlineItemData(id);
updateLocalItemData(id, newData);
return local.returnHumanReadable();
NOTE: If you cannot 100% guarantee that only one call is needed, change the if to while
