Using pick in array Nuxt 3 useFetch - vuejs3

I'm trying to replicate the nuxt 3 useFetch sample but no luck so far.
My post.vue page contains the below code:
<div v-for="mountain in mountains" :key="mountain">{{mountain}}</div>
<script setup>
const runtimeConfig = useRuntimeConfig()
const { data: mountains, pending, error, refresh } = await useFetch('/mountains',{
baseURL: runtimeConfig.public.apiBase,
pick: ['title']
For some reason the data is not shown in template.
The console.log() shows Proxy {title: undefined}
I've realized that removing the pick option solves the issue, so I'm wondering if pick only works for objects and can't be used in arrays.
It's odd because the sample is using an array

The pick option currently works only if you are fetching one document (one Js object).
In the official docs you can see they are fetching a specific document in their API:
One option you have is to make an API route that returns one object only.

Inside of your <div>, you are trying to return {{mountain}}, but at the time this page loads there is no such variable--because the const mountains hasn't been fetched yet. What you need to do is add a <div v-if="mountains" v-for="mountain in mountains" :key="mountain">{{mountain}}</div>
For the brief moment it takes before the useFetch function to return mountains,the <div> will not try to show {{mountains}}, because the v-if prevents the <div> from being shown in the first place.


SvelteKit: Pass Data From +Layout.svelte To +page.svelte SPA (static) application

I'm struggling with the latest version of SvelteKit, the docs available only works with SSR, and I'm developing SPA app (static page), so, what is the way to pass data from my +layout.svelte to +page.svelte?.
The documentation says that with load function from page.js (I've already set the SSR=false, and I understood that page.js is for SSR), but that doesn't work with SPA, and if I have the load function from the layout it's seems not work.
Aditionaly I want to trigger a function from my +page.svelte that is in the layout page.
Any ideas?
here my try
export function load() {
return {
data: { title: 'default title' }
export let data;
export let data;
console.log(data.title); //undefined
the docs says that don't use: <script context="module">, and I don't want to use the store becouse I think that sholud be a better way.
Load functions belong in the accompanying files +layout.js/ts, not on the page. They also do not return a property data, everything returned is the data. See the docs.
If SSR is disabled, you can event return a store that could be modified from the page.
To get a store from the data so it can be used with $-syntax, the data property can be destructured on the page:
export let data;
$: ({ title } = data);
You could also create a store and set it as a context in the layout. Pages then can get said context and interact with it. This allows two-way interaction.
Using a store is necessary if the contents require reactivity (i.e. are changed) and the page or layout needs to update.

Vue3 dynamically watching child component data

I'm working in Nuxt3 and I've got a slightly unusual setup trying to watch or retrieve data from child components in a complex form that is structured as a multi-step wizard. It's obviously Vue underneath and I'm using the composition API.
My setup is that I have a page the wizard component is on, and that component has a prop that is an array of steps in the wizard. Each of these steps is some string fields for titles and labels and then a component type for the content. This way I can reuse existing form blocks in different ways. The key thing to understand is that the array of steps can be any length and contain any type of component.
Ideally, I'd like each child component to be unaware of being in the wizard so it can be reused elsewhere in the app. For example, a form that is one of the steps should handle its own validation and make public its state in a way the wizard component can read or watch.
The image below explains my basic setup.
The page includes this tag:
<Wizard :steps="steps" :object="project" #submit="createProject"/>
The Wizard loops over the steps to create each component.
<div v-for="(step) in steps" :key="">
<component v-if="step.status === 'current'" :is="step.content.component" />
The data to setup the component with the right props for the wizard itself and the child component props.
const steps = ref([
name: 'overview',
title: t('overview'),
subTitle: t('projectCreateOverviewDescription'),
status: 'current',
invalid: true,
content: {
component: Overview,
props: null,
model: {}
name: 'members',
title: t('members'),
subTitle: t('projectCreateMembersDescription'),
status: 'upcoming',
invalid: false,
content: {
component: ThumbnailList,
props: {
objects: users,
title: t('users'),
objectNameSingular: t('user'),
objectNamePlural: t('users'),
So far I've tried to dynamically create references in the wizard component to watch the state of the children but those refs are always null. This concept of a null ref seems to be the accepted answer elsewhere when binding to known child components, but with this dynamic setup, it doesn't seem to be the right route.
interface StepRefs {
[key: string]: any
let stepRefs: StepRefs = {}
props.steps.forEach(step => {
stepRefs[] = ref(null)
watch(() => stepRefs[].value, (newValue, oldValue) => {
}, { deep: true })
Can anyone direct me to the right approach to take for this setup? I have a lot of these wizards in different places in the app so a component approach is really attractive, but if it comes to it I'll abandon the idea and move that layer of logic to the pages to avoid the dynamic aspect.
To handle changes in child components I'd recommend to use events. You can have the children emit an event on change or completion, and the wizard is listening to events from all children and handling them respectively.
On the wizard subscribe to the event handler of the step component, and process the data coming from each step on completion (or whatever stage you need).
This way you don't need any special data type for the steps, they can just be an array. Simply use a ref to keep track of the current step. You don't even need a v-for, if you just display one step at a time. For a wizard navigation you might still need a v-for, but it would be much simpler. Please see a rough example below.
<stepComponent step="currentStep" #step-complete="handleStepComplete"/>
<wizardNavigationItemComponent v-for="step in steps" :active=" ===" />
<script setup lang="ts">
const steps = step[/*your step data here*/]
const currentStepIndex = ref(0)
const currentStep = ref(steps[currentStepIndex.value])
function handleStepComplete(data) {
/* handle the data and move to next step */
currentStepIndex.value = currentStepIndex.value + 1 % steps.length
In the component you just need to define the event and emit it when the data is ready, to pass along the data:
<script setup lang="ts">
const emit = defineEmits<{
(event: "stepComplete", data: <your data type>): void
/* call emit in the component when its done / filled */
emit("stepComplete", data)
I hope this helps and can provide a viable path forward for you!

CSS crashes when I reload page

I am building a site with Gatsby.
I am using a component that imports a script and returns a form.
The problem is, that after you loaded the page that shows the form, and then you click to any other page and go back to that form page, the css fully crashes for the entire site and you have to refresh the whole page.
To check out what I mean click this link, go to the dark blue button on the very right of the menu, then click to any other navigation site and then click again on the blue button (jetzt-spenden).
Here is my component for the donation form :
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"
import {Helmet} from "react-helmet"
import Loading from "./Loading"
function Child() {
<div style={{width: "75%", margin: "4em auto"}} >
<script type='text/javascript' aysnc>
{` window.rnw.tamaro.runWidget('.dds-widget-container', {language: 'de'}) `}
<div className="dds-widget-container"></div>
function RaiseNow() {
const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
const scriptTag = document.createElement('script')
scriptTag.addEventListener('load', ()=> setLoaded(true))
return ()=>{
scriptTag.removeEventListener(); // check if necessary
setLoaded(false) // check if necessary
}, []);
return (
{loaded ? <Child /> : <Loading/>}
export default RaiseNow
What I noticed is, that the second time you visit the page, the Loading.... component does not even show anymore.. the Layout is displayed but as soon as the form shows, it crashes...
Since I cannot solve this issue since literally last year I would really appreciate any help with this. Thank you in advance.
Apparently, your script is breaking React's hydration when the component should be mounted/unmounted. There's no "clean" solution if there's no React-based script available. The problem here is that your script is manipulating the DOM while React manages the virtual DOM (vDOM). Changes in the DOM outside React's scope are not listened to by React and vice versa.
That said, I'd try forcing the loading and rendering of your widget each time the page loads. Something like:
function RaiseNow() {
const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
const scriptTag = document.createElement('script')
scriptTag.addEventListener('load', ()=> setLoaded(true))
window.rnw.tamaro.runWidget('.dds-widget-container', {language: 'de'})
return ()=>{
scriptTag.removeEventListener('load', setLoaded(false)); // check if necessary
setLoaded(false) // check if necessary
}, []);
return (
{loaded ? <Child /> : <Loading/>}
export default RaiseNow
Without a CodeSandbox it's difficult to guess how the code will behave but what it's important is to detach and clean up the listeners when the component is removed from the UI to avoid breaking React's hydration process, in the return statement. From the useEffect docs:
The clean-up function runs before the component is removed from the UI
to prevent memory leaks. Additionally, if a component renders multiple
times (as they typically do), the previous effect is cleaned up before
executing the next effect. In our example, this means a new
subscription is created on every update. To avoid firing an effect on
every update, refer to the next section.
There, besides removing the listeners from the script, you can also set the loading state to false.
I've also removed the second useEffect because the idea to avoid the CSS breaking is to force the loading of the script in each page rendering. It's not an optimal solution but it may work for you. The ideal solution would be using React-based dependencies.
Another thing to take into account is to delay the trigger of your rnw.tamaro script until the DOM tree is loaded, by moving it from the Helmet to the useEffect. This should ensure that your div and the window are available.
Turns out it was a issue on their end. Since they did an update it works.

createPages in Gatsby issues ; duplications and unrendered content

I've had a few errors trying to render single blog posts.
I tried using the page template with /post/{post_name} and I was getting this error:
warn Non-deterministic routing danger: Attempting to create page: "/blog/", but
page "/blog" already exists
This could lead to non-deterministic routing behavior
I tried again with /blog/{post_name}.
I now have both routes, which I'm not sure how to clean up; but more importantly, on those pages, nothing renders, even though there should be an h1 with it's innerhtml set to the node.title and likewise a div for the content.
I've uploaded my config and components to so you can have a look.
Not sure how to fix
I just want to see my content rendered on the screen.
Developer tools don't seem to help when there's no content rendered as I can't find anything to inspect to try to access it another way.
Thank you for your help
Your approach is partially correct. You are using a promise-based approach but when using then() you are already settling and partially resolving it so you don't need to use the callback of resolve(), which may be causing a duplication of the promise function so try removing it.
Additionally, you may want to use a more friendly approach using async/await functions. Something like:
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions, reporter }) => {
const yourQuery= await graphql(
allWordpressPost {
if (yourQuery.errors) {
reporter.panicOnBuild(`Error while running GraphQL query.`);
const postTemplate = path.resolve("./src/templates/post.js")
_.each(, edge => {
path: `/post/${edge.node.slug}/`,
component: slash(postTemplate),
context: edge.node,
// and so on for the rest of the queries
In addition, place a console.log(pageContext) in your postTemplate to get what's reaching that point and name the template as:
const Post = ({pageContext}) => {
console.log("your pageContext is", pageContext);
return <div>
export default Post;

How can I change the subscriptions query parameters in react-komposer (meteor) from a child component?

I'm building an app with Meteor using the react-komposer package. It is very simple: There's a top-level component (App) containing a search form and a list of results. The list gets its entries through the props, provided by the komposer container (AppContainer). It works perfectly well, until I try to implement the search, to narrow down the results displayed in the list.
This is the code I've started with (AppContainer.jsx):
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { composeWithTracker } from 'react-komposer';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Entries from '../api/entries.js';
import App from '../ui/App.jsx';
function composer(props, onData) {
if (Meteor.subscribe('entries').ready()) {
const entries = Entries.find({}).fetch();
onData(null, {entries});
export default composeWithTracker(composer)(App);
App simply renders out the whole list of entries.
What I'd like to achieve, is to pass query parameters to Entries.find({}).fetch(); with data coming from the App component (captured via a text input e.g.).
In other words: How can I feed a parameter into the AppContainer from the App (child) component, in order to search for specific entries and ultimately re-render the corresponding results?
To further clarify, here is the code for App.jsx:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<input type="text" placeholder="Search" />
{ => (
<li key={entry._id}>{}</li>
Thanks in advance!
I was going to write a comment for this to clarify on nupac's answer, but the amount of characters was too restrictive.
The sample code you're looking for is in the search tutorial link provided by nupac. Here is the composer function with the corresponding changes:
function composer(props, onData) {
if (Meteor.subscribe('entries', Session.get("searchValues")).ready()) {
const entries = Entries.find({}).fetch();
onData(null, {entries});
The solution is the session package. You may need to add it to your packages file and it should be available without having to import it. Otherwise try with import { Session } from 'meteor/session';
You just need to set the session when submitting the search form. Like this for instance:
Session.set("searchValues", {
key: value
The subscription will fetch the data automatically every time the specific session value changes.
Finally, you'll be able to access the values in the publish method on the server side:
Meteor.publish('entries', (query) => {
if (query) {
return Entries.find(query);
} else {
return Entries.find();
Hope this helps. If that's not the case, just let me know.
There are 2 approaches that you can take.
The Subscription way,
The way,
The Subscription way
It involves you setting a property that you fetch from the url. So you setup your routes to send a query property to you Component.Your component uses that property as a param to send to your publication and only subscribe to stuff that fits the search criteria. Then you put your query in your fetch statement and render the result.
The way
Forget subscription and do it the old way. Send your query to an endpoint, in this case a Meteor method, and render the results. I prefer this method for one reason, $text. Minimongo does not support $text so you cannot use $text to search for stuff on the client. Instead you can set up your server's mongo with text indexes and meteor method to handle the search and render the results.
See what suits your priorities. The way requires you to do a bit more work to make a "Search result" shareable through url but you get richer search results. The subscription way is easier to implement.
Here is a link to a search tutorial for meteor and read about $text if you are interested
