display a specific value inside a fragment with xhtml - xhtml

I have a fragment displaying an error message ['ERROR_AMOUNT_TO_HIGH'].
<ui:fragment rendered="#{view.shouldShowMessageAmountTooHigh()}">
<hum:msgHalt title="#{i18n['label.msg.panel.title.warning']}"
text="#{i18n['ERROR_AMOUNT_TO_HIGH']}" />
what I want to do is follow the error message by the value that was picked in the form corresponding to this:
So if I do this:
<ui:fragment rendered="#{view.shouldShowMessageAmountTooHigh()}">
<hum:msgHalt title="#{i18n['label.msg.panel.title.warning']}"
text="#{view.requestedInsuranceAmount}" />
the value that I want is displayed but I want to display it AFTER my error message ['ERROR_AMOUNT_TO_HIGH'] in the same fragment
thanks for your help


Xamarin Forms data binding from xaml

I have an <Entry> in xaml, and I want to get that value the user types.
<Entry x:name="enteredInput>
The file with that <Entry> is in startingPage.xaml with a code behind class startingPage.xaml.cs.
Then I would like to transfer that value in the <Label> element of a different xaml, MainPage.xaml.
In your second page, add another constructor with string parameter.
For ex, If your page name is StartingPage.xaml, then add another constructor like below. Inside, assign the incoming value to your label.
public StartingPage(string entryTextFromStartingPage)
lblEntryTextDisplay.Text = entryTextFromStartingPage;
From the StartingPage.xaml.cs, add the below code in a button click or any event that you are calling the Main page,
Navigation.PushAsync(new MainPage(enteredInput.Text);

Chrome default MinLength Error

I have a input field through which users can submit some data.
But, if the data character length is less than 10, then they won't be able to submit.
<input type="text" minlength="10" placeholder="Submit" class="dataSubmit" />
Which means, in case a user tries to submit data with less than 10 characters then google chrome shows this error Please lengthen this text to 10 characters or more (you're currently using 3 characters).
But I want to change this error message to More data required.
So, how can I change this default message?
Thank You!
We can define the id for input and add custom validation using JavaScript.
<input id="data" type="text" minlength="10" placeholder="Submit" class="dataSubmit" />
In JavaScript, we can add custom validation for input something like below :
var data = document.getElementById("data");
data.addEventListener("input", function (event) {
if (data.validity.typeMismatch) {
data.setCustomValidity("Updated Error message");
} else {

Where should I put my code in ActionBar.TabListener

I have just started with an ActionBar.TabListener with 3 tabs.
I selected new "Tabbed activity" in Android Studio.
My activity is called test...not the best name but I'm just trying to learn:)
I have a listView in fragment_test.xml that I want to fill with data after a raw sql search.
If I put this code in onCreateView then everytime I click on a tab it will re-write that tab with the same info in the listView.
What I want is to have diffrent information in those tabs.... then I need to know which tab that is clicked. That I did with mViewPager.getCurrentItem() ....Is this right? How can i get the name of the tab instead?
I have also found onTabSelected...should I put my code here? In this case I think I know which tab that is selected but is it really wise to put the code here?
If I do this then listView1 becomes null...why?:
public void onTabSelected(ActionBar.Tab tab, FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction) {
listView1 = (ListView)findViewById(R.id.listView2);
listAdapter2 = new ArrayAdapter<String>(context, R.layout.simplerow, testArray);
android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" />
If I understand it correctly, you want to load Fragment's ListView according to Tab's selected position.
If that's the case, you should not modify Fragment's ListView in Activity. Instead, pass Tab's selected position to Fragment as an argument from Activity and load ListView in Fragment according to that position.

Range validation

Suppose I have a table like:
create table
id numeric(5,3),
code varchar(10)
I have two text boxes in my form for the two fields.
Suppose if I type 1234578 in the first text box the error has been thrown in ASP.NET because I crossed the limit.
How can I validate in JavaScript or some other way for that particular range validation?
Let's take one textbox only. Attach an 'onchange' event handler to your textbox like this:
<input type="text" onchange="handleChange(this);" />
Then declare a script for validation like this:
function handleChange(input) {
if (input.value > ..your_value_here..) alert ("Invalid input");
Please note that the alert pop-up used here should not be actually used. Use a more subtle reminder at a more appropriate moment. The alert here is only to make things simple.

Use naming convention to apply class if label contains text

I'm new to jquery, and sorry if this question is asked before (could find exactly what I was looking for)
I would like to implement the following convetion: If I create a error label with the name '_lblError' like this:
<asp:label ID="_lblError" text="this is a error msg"/>
classA or classB would be applied to it depending on a empty string or not in the 'text' parameter of the label.
I also would like to place this code in a external js file that would be used throughout the app.
Thanks for any help!
To start with, you probably need to give the label a css class that can be used for selection:
<asp:Label Id="_lblError" Text="This is the error message"
CssClass="ThisIsWhatWeWillllWorkWith" />
This will probably output something like
<span id="ct100__lblError" class="ThisIsWhatWeWillWorkWith">
This is the error message.
You can now select the label in jQuery using the class as selector, and add class A or B depending on whether the .text() property is empty or not.
$(function() {
$('.ThisIsWhatWeWillWorkWith').each(function() {
if($(this).text() == '') { $(this).addClass('ClassA'); }
else { $(this).addClass('ClassB'); }
All code is provided as is, with no guarantees of working without modification. But you get the general idea of how to solve the problem...
EDIT: In response to your comment, here's a way to do it without adding a css class to the label. Instead of using an <asp:Label> tag for the error message, wrap a literal in a tag you hard-code on your page:
<span class="ThisIsWhatWeWillWorkWith"><asp:Literal ID="__ltlError" Text="This is the error message.</asp:Literal></span>
Another, perhaps more elegant way, would be to create your own custom label, and use that instead.
public class ErrorLabel : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
public ErrorLabel() {
this.CssClass = "ThisIsWhatWeWillWorkWith";
You then put the error message on your page with the following line:
<asp:ErrorLabel ID="__lblError" Text="This is the error message" />
Again, not sure if the above code will work as is. But again, you get the idea of what to do...
If the idea is to provide say, have different font and/or background if there is an error and display nothing if there is no text in the error label then you could make the control a literal instead of a label. The literal control does not create a control with no text (MSDN doc)
