Getting Error "not spawned anonymously - use the __ class rather than a TraversalSource " while adding or updating the edge(in Neptune using gremlin) - gremlin

I am using Amazon Neptune engine version and I am trying to execute below query
g.E().has(id, '6529056485837422516').fold().coalesce(unfold().property('id','6529056485837422516').property('createdat', 1553676114).property('status', 0).property('edgeproperty', 'connects').property('source', '63').property('destination', '54'),g.V('54').addE('connects').to(__.V('63')).property(id,'6529056485837422516').property('id','6529056485837422516').property('createdat', 1553676114).property('status', 0).property('edgeproperty', 'connects').property('source', '63').property('destination', '54'))
I am executing this query from my gremlin console and after executing this I am getting error like below
{"detailedMessage":"The child traversal of [GraphStep(vertex,[54]), AddEdgeStep({label=[connects], createdat=[1553676114], edgeproperty=[connects], ~to=[[GraphStep(vertex,[63])]], destination=[54], id=[6529056485837422516], id=[6529056485837422516], source=[63], status=[0]})] was not spawned anonymously - use the __ class rather than a TraversalSource to construct the child traversal","code":"InternalFailureException","requestId":"ceee889e-c382-4bde-ad91-86ea1cb010c1"}
But If I am adding edge separately with below query then I am able to add edge
g.V('54').addE('connects').to(__.V('63')).property(id,'6529056485837422516').property('id','6529056485837422516').property('createdat', 1553676114).property('status', 0).property('edgeproperty', 'connects').property('source', '63').property('destination', '54')
Even if I am able to update edge with below query then also I am able to update
g.E().has(id, '6529056485837422516').fold().coalesce(unfold().property('id','6529056485837422516').property('createdat', 1553676114).property('status', 0).property('edgeproperty', 'connects').property('source', '63').property('destination', '54'))
but if I am trying to update or add same time by using fold(). coalesce() then I am getting error as not spawned anonymously - use the __ class rather than a TraversalSource.
Please help me how to solve this error

The resolution is in the error message itself and is described in further detail here, but basically as of TinkerPop 3.5.0 you can no longer use a child traversal spawned from g (i.e. a GraphTraversalSource). It must be spawned anonymously from __ (i.e. double underscore class).
In short, you need to spawn the g.V('54').addE(... traversal as __V('54').addE(....


Airflow Custom Metrics and/or Result Object with custom fields

While running pySpark SQL pipelines via Airflow I am interested in getting out some business stats like:
source read count
target write count
sizes of DFs during processing
error records count
One idea is to push it directly to the metrics, so it will gets automatically consumed by monitoring tools like Prometheus. Another idea is to obtain these values via some DAG result object, but I wasn't able to find anything about it in docs.
Please post some at least pseudo code if you have solution.
I would look to reuse Airflow's statistics and monitoring support in the airflow.stats.Stats class. Maybe something like this:
import logging
from airflow.stats import Stats
PYSPARK_LOG_PREFIX = "airflow_pyspark"
def your_python_operator(**context):
Stats.incr(f"{PYSPARK_LOG_PREFIX}_read_count", src_read_count)
Stats.incr(f"{PYSPARK_LOG_PREFIX}_write_count", tgt_write_count)
# So on and so forth
logging.exception("Caught exception during statistics logging")

Encounter warning when add edge in OrientDB

Here is my Code:
OrientVertex luca = graph.addVertex(null);
luca.setProperty("name", "John" + Integer.toString(i));
OrientVertex marko = graph.addVertex(null);
marko.setProperty("name", "Van Ness Ave." + Integer.toString(i + 1));
OrientEdge lucaKnowsMarko = graph.addEdge(null, luca, marko, "knows");
Here is a snapshot of the same.
And then, I encountered this warning:
WARNING: The command 'create edge type 'knows' as subclass of 'E''
must be executed outside an active transaction: the transaction will
be committed and reopen right after it. To avoid this behavior execute
it outside a transaction (db=test)
Googling this problem, it seems that this question is relevant to the not-transactional and transactional databases operations.
You are working schema less, so OrientDB creates classes for you the first time you create vertexes/edges. In this case it was for the Edge class 'knows'. You can avoid this by creating classes at the beginning, or however, outside the scope of transaction. Try to execute this before your code, only once:
OrientGraphNoTx graph = new OrientGraphNoTx(url);

How do I have my Bot respond with arguments?

So I've built a Telegram bot, which can receive the following commands:
/info 123
This works great, as I can catch /info and pass the additional arguments as ints. But, sadly, the Telegram clients don't see /info 123 as a complete command, but just the /info part. Is there a way to make it recognize the entirety of the command as the command?
I've tried Markdown-ing it: [/info 123](/info 123), but no joy. Is this possible?
I've reached out to #BotSupport with the same question, and he/they/it responded swiftly with the following answer:
Hi, at the moment it is not possible to highlight parameters of a command. I any case, you may can find a workaround if you use correct custom keyboards ;)
— #BotSupport
Custom keyboards may be an option for someone, but not for me. The solution I've gone for is to give the command as /info123. As the bot receives all / commands, I check if the received command starts with info, and if so, I remove the info part. I convert the remaining string/int to arguments, and pass that along to the relevant command.
If you mean to pass the 123 as an argument for your command info and if you happen to use the python-telegram-bot, then here's how you do it:
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('hello', SayHello, pass_args=True))
According to the documentation: pass_args Determines whether the handler should be passed the arguments passed to the command as a keyword argument called args. It will contain a list of strings, which is the text following the command split on single or consecutive whitespace characters. Default is False.
you can use RegexHandler() to do this.
Here is an example
def info(bot, update):
id = update.message.text.replace('/info_', '')
update.message.reply_text(id, parse_mode='Markdown')
def main():
updater = Updater(TOKEN)
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(RegexHandler('^(/info_[\d]+)$', info))
The command /info_120 will return 120
and /info_007 will return 007
for newer versions, you may use this method instead!
MessageHandler(filters.Regex(r'^(/info_[\d]+)$'), info)
To get the argument of command you don't even need to use pass_args as said Moein you can simply get it from context.args look at Github page. So you can pass as many arguments as you want and you will get a list of arguments! Here is an example from Github.
def start_callback(update, context):
user_says = " ".join(context.args)
update.message.reply_text("You said: " + user_says)
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start_callback))
Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will display a reply interface to the user (act as if the user has selected the bot's message and tapped 'Reply'). This can be extremely useful if you want to create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces without having to sacrifice privacy mode.
a simple shot
In this case, a user should send a valid number with /audio command (e.g. /audio 3, if they forgot it, we can inform and force them to do so.
This is a fairly rudimentary way of creating kwargs from user input.
Unfortunately, it does require the user to be aware of the fields that can be used as parameters, but if you can provide informative response when the user doesnt provide any detectable kwarg style messages then you could probably make a better experience.
As I say, extremely rudimentary idea, and would probably be achieved faster with the regex filters available. And this would be much more reliable when checking input from the user of the "pesky" variety.
The script relies on || delimiter preceeding the command and as is shown will trim any extra characters like new lines and spaces
You can remove the extra check for commit as this is provided in order to tell the bot that you want to save your input to the database explicitly.
def parse_kwargs(update):
commit = False
kwargs = {}
if update.message:
for args in update.message.text.split('||')[1:]:
for kw_pair in args.split(','):
key, value = kw_pair.split('=')
if key.strip() != 'commit':
kwargs[key.strip()] = value.strip()
elif key.strip() == 'commit' and value.strip().lower() == 'true':
commit = True
return kwargs, commit

Meteor: Match error: Failed Match.OneOf or Match.Optional validation (websocket)

I have a website that uses Meteor 0.9. I have deployed this website on OpenShift (
The problem I'm experiencing is that when I go to a path on my site (/discover), then sometimes (though not always), the data needed are not fetched by Meteor. Instead I get the following errors:
On the client side:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400
And on the server side:
Exception from sub rD8cj6FGa6bpTDivh Error: Match error: Failed Match.OneOf or Match.Optional validation
at checkSubtree (packages/check/match.js:222)
at check (packages/check/match.js:21)
at _.extend._getFindOptions (packages/mongo-livedata/collection.js:216)
at _.extend.find (packages/mongo-livedata/collection.js:236)
at Meteor.publish.Activities.find.user [as _handler] (app/server/publications.js:41:19)
at maybeAuditArgumentChecks (packages/livedata/livedata_server.js:1492)
at _.extend._runHandler (packages/livedata/livedata_server.js:914)
at _.extend._startSubscription (packages/livedata/livedata_server.js:764)
at _.extend.protocol_handlers.sub (packages/livedata/livedata_server.js:577)
at packages/livedata/livedata_server.js:541
Sanitized and reported to the client as: Match failed [400]
Can anyone help me to eliminate this error and get the site working? I'd be very grateful!
P.S.: I never got this error using localhost.
The line causing the problem the problem is this (line 41):
return Activities.find({user: id}, {sort: {timeStamp: -1}, limit:40});
One document in the activities collection looks like this:
"user" : "ZJrgYm34rR92zg6z7",
"type" : "editArg",
"debId" : "wtziFDS4bB3CCkNLo",
"argId" : "YAnjh2Pu6QESzHQLH",
"timeStamp" : ISODate("2014-09-12T22:10:29.586Z"),
"_id" : "sEDDreehonp67haDg"
When I run the query done in line 41 in mongo shell, I get the following error:
error: { "$err" : "Unsupported projection option: timeStamp", "code" : 13097 }
I don't really why this is though. Can you help me there as well? Thank you.
Make sure that you are passing an integer to skip and limit. Use parseInt() if need be.
You have a document on your website that does not match your check validation.
The validation you have is in app/server/publications.js:41
So the attribute in question exists in some way like Match.optional(Match.oneOf(xx)) but the document's attribute is neither of the values in Match.oneOf
You would have to go through your documents for the collection causing this and remove or correct the attribute causing this to match your check statement.
Update for your updated question.
You're running Meteor commands in the meteor mongo/mongo shell. The error you get is unrelated to the problem in Meteor, to sort in the mongo shell you would do activities.find(..).sort(), instead of activities.find(.., { sort : {..}). This is unrelated to the issue
The issue is most-likely that your id is not actually a string. Its supposed to be sEDDreehonp67haDg for the document you're looking for. You might want to use the debugger to see what it actually is.
I don't think you can use limit in client-side find queries. Removing limit from my query solves the problem. If you're looking for pagination, then you can either manually roll your own by passing a parameter to your Activities publication so that the limit is added to the server-side query along with an offset. There is also this pagination package.

Count messages in an msmq sub-queue

Is there any way (C# or native) of counting the messages in a message queue (sub queue).
Using a queue name of "DIRECT=OS:slc11555001\private$\file-queue;retry"
I want to know how many messages are in the sub queue. At the moment I can see using the management console that there are in fact messages in that queue. If the OS can do it, so should I.
MQMgmtGetInfo returns 0xc00e0020 (which is not a documented error code).
I am therefore confused.
I am using code from here:
The error is as follows (from
MQMgmtGetInfo won't understand the subqueue format name.
The retry subqueue only really exists as a logical division of private$\file-queue queue.
You can call a count on the file-queue but not subqueues within it.
From the MSDN page on subqueues:
Subqueues are created implicitly, so only the following APIs can be
used with subqueues: MQOpenQueue, MQCloseQueue, MQCreateCursor,
MQReceiveMessage, MQReceiveMessageByLookupId, MQHandleToFormatName,
MQMoveMessage, and MQPathNameToFormatName. Calling any of the other
Message Queuing APIs returns an error
