firestore, coroutine and flow - firebase

firebase method is working on worker thread automatically. but I have used coroutine and callbackflow to implement firebase listener code synchronously or get return from the listener.
below is my code that I explained
coroutine await with firebase for one shot
override suspend fun checkNickName(nickName: String): Results<Int> {
lateinit var result : Results<Int>
.addOnCompleteListener { document ->
if (document.isSuccessful) {
val list ="nickNameList") as List<String>
if (list.contains(nickName))
result = Results.Exist(1)
result = Results.No(0)
else {
return result
callbackflow with firebase listener
override fun getOwnUser(): Flow<UserEntity> = callbackFlow{
val document = fireStore.collection("database/user/userList/")
val subscription = document.addSnapshotListener { snapshot,_ ->
if (snapshot!!.exists()) {
val ownUser = snapshot.toObject<UserEntity>()
if (ownUser != null) {
awaitClose { subscription.remove() }
so I really wonder these way is good or bad practice and its reason

Do not combine addOnCompleteListener with coroutines await(). There is no guarantee that the listener gets called before or after await(), so it is possible the code in the listener won't be called until after the whole suspend function returns. Also, one of the major reasons to use coroutines in the first place is to avoid using callbacks. So your first function should look like:
override suspend fun checkNickName(nickName: String): Results<Int> {
try {
val userList = fireStore.collection("database")
.get("nickNameList") as List<String>
return if (userList.contains(nickName)) Results.Exist(1) else Results.No(0)
} catch (e: Exception) {
// return a failure result here
Your use of callbackFlow looks fine, except you should add a buffer() call to the flow you're returning so you can specify how to handle backpressure. However, it's possible you will want to handle that downstream instead.
override fun getOwnUser(): Flow<UserEntity> = callbackFlow {
}.buffer(/* Customize backpressure behavior here */)


How to remove the listener when using StateFlow<Boolean>?

Earlier, I have used this function:
override fun getAuthResponse() = callbackFlow {
val listener = AuthStateListener {
trySend(it.currentUser == null)
awaitClose {
But due to some constraints that are explained here I had to use:
override fun getAuthResponse(): StateFlow<Boolean> {
val flow = MutableStateFlow(auth.currentUser == null)
val listener = AuthStateListener {
flow.value = it.currentUser == null
return flow
Which is what I need, but I cannot find awaitClose {...}, so I can remove the listener. How to remove the listener when using StateFlow?
You can use your callback flow with stateIn to turn it into a StateFlow that only uses a listener when it has collector(s). When it loses all collectors, WhileSubscribed causes the upstream callback flow to terminate, so it will remove the listener. When it gets a new first collector, it restarts the upstream flow from scratch.
To use stateIn, you must have a coroutine scope available to run the state flow conversion in. I'm just using GlobalScope for this example. If this is in a ViewModel you might want to use viewModelScope instead. Or you could make the coroutine scope an input parameter of the function. I think GlobalScope is probably OK due to the use of WhileSubscribed().
override fun getAuthResponse(): StateFlow<Boolean> = callbackFlow {
send(it.currentUser == null)
val listener = AuthStateListener {
trySend(it.currentUser == null)
awaitClose {
}.stateIn(GlobalScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(), auth.currentUser == null)

How to run a Firebase Transaction using Kotlin Coroutines?

I'm trying to run a Firebase Transaction under a suspended function in Kotlin and i see no documentation about it.
I'm using
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-play-services:1.5.2'
for coroutines with firebase (eg: setValue(*).await() ) but there seems to be no await function for runTransaction(*)
override suspend fun modifyProductStock(
product: ProductModel,
valueToModify: Long,
replace: Boolean
) {
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
val restaurantId = authRepository.restaurantId.value ?: throw Exception("No restaurant!")
val productId = ?: throw Exception("No Product ID!")
val reference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("database/$restaurantId").child("products")
if (replace) {
} else {
.runTransaction(object : Transaction.Handler {
override fun doTransaction(p0: MutableData): Transaction.Result {
//any operation
return Transaction.success(p0)
override fun onComplete(p0: DatabaseError?, p1: Boolean, p2: DataSnapshot?) {
You could wrap it in suspendCoroutine:
val result: DataSnapshot? = suspendCoroutine { c ->
.runTransaction(object : Transaction.Handler {
override fun doTransaction(p0: MutableData): Transaction.Result {
//any operation
return Transaction.success(p0)
override fun onComplete(error: DatabaseError?, p1: Boolean, snapshot: DataSnapshot?) {
Obtains the current continuation instance inside suspend functions and suspends the currently running coroutine.
In this function both Continuation.resume and Continuation.resumeWithException can be used either synchronously in the same stack-frame where the suspension function is run or asynchronously later in the same thread or from a different thread of execution.
Given that the Kotlin example in the Firebase documentation on transactions uses the same callback style that you have, it seems indeed that there is no specific support for co-routines there.
It might be worth posting an issue on the Android SDK repo to get it added, or hear why it wasn't added.

Issue with coroutines fold function and Firestore

thank you for taking your time to read my problem.
Im currently using Firebase Firestore to retrieve a list of objects that I which to display to the UI, im trying to use a suspend function to fold the accumulative values of a sequence of calls from the Firestore server, but at the moment im unable to pass the result value outside the scope of the coroutine.
This is my fold function:
suspend fun getFormattedList(): FirestoreState {
return foldFunctions(FirestoreModel(""), ::getMatchesFromBackend, ...., ....)
This is my custom fold function:
suspend fun foldFunctions(model: FirestoreModel,
vararg functions: suspend (FirestoreModel, SuccessData) -> FirestoreState): FirestoreState {
val successData: SuccessData = functions.fold(SuccessData()) { updatedSuccessData, function ->
val status = function(model, updatedSuccessData)
if (status !is FirestoreState.Continue) {
return status
updatedSuccessData <--- I managed to retrieve the list of values correctly here
val successModel = SuccessData()
successData.matchList?.let { successModel.matchList = it }
successData.usermatchList?.let { successModel.usermatchList = it }
successData.formattedList?.let { successModel.formattedList = it }
return FirestoreState.Success(successModel) <--- I cant event get to this line with debugger on
This is my first function (which is working fine)
suspend fun getMatchesFromBackend(model: FirestoreModel, successData: SuccessData): FirestoreState {
return try {
val querySnapshot: QuerySnapshot? = db.collection("matches").get().await()
querySnapshot?.toObjects( { list ->
val matchList = mutableListOf<Match>()
list?.let {
for (document in it) {
successData.matchList = matchList <--- where list gets stored
} catch (e : Exception){
when (e) {
is RuntimeException -> FirestoreState.MatchesFailure
is ConnectException -> FirestoreState.MatchesFailure
is CancellationException -> FirestoreState.MatchesFailure
else -> FirestoreState.MatchesFailure
My hypothesis is that the suspen fun get cancelled and the continuation of the scope gets blocked, I have tried to use runBlocking { } without vail. If someone has an idea of how to circumvent this issue I'd be very gratefull.

Wrong order of execution in Flutter asynchronous code

I am having problems with futures in a Flutter app.
void saveCats() async {
var cats = await convertToCats(_rawData);
await DatabaseProvider.db.addCats(cats);
Future<List<Cat>> convertToCats(CatList catData) async {
var cats = <Cat>[];
await catData.forEach(key, value) async {
var pos = await calculatePos();
print('This should come first');
cats.add(Cat(name: key, pos: pos);
Future<int> calculatePos() async {
return await DatabaseProvider.db.calculatePos();
Future<void> addCats(List<Cat> cats) async {
print('This should come second');
// Do adding stuff here
Future<int> calculatePos() async {
// Some code to calculate the position
return pos;
In the above code, the saveCats function is called when a button is tapped. This function converts some raw data to a list of Cat models, and adds them to the database. As part of this conversion process, it calculates the pos of the cat in a list. My problem is that I would expect that, of my two print statements, the one in the forEach loop should come before the one in the addCats database function. But instead they appear in reverse order. Where am I going wrong?
You can't async/await in List.forEach() or Map.forEach() as both of them return void.
Either use
await Future.forEach([1, 2, 3], (num) async {
await asyncMethod(num);
or something similar;
forEach often doesn't do what you expect, because the provided function runs as a closure.
It's more natural when you want to iterate over a list doing something to each element to use for (or one of the more functional type methods like map).
It's not clear what type CatList is, so this is approximate, but you'll want something more like:
Future<List<Cat>> convertToCats(CatList catData) async {
var cats = <Cat>[];
for (var i = 0; i < catData.length; i++) {
var key = catData[i].key;
var pos = await calculatePos();
print('This should come first');
cats.add(Cat(name: key, pos: pos));
return cats;
Future<List<Cat>> convertToCats(CatList catData) async {
return mapping function...).toList();

Removing Firestore snapshot listener inside of LiveData-returning function

I'm trying to optimise the performances in my app and I noticed that I do not remove Firestore listeners from my repository.
My repository has a number of functions that return a LiveData, that is then observed via Transformations from ViewModels and then the views.
One-time operations work absolutely fine (upload, delete etc.) but permanent listeners don't get garbage collected when the activity finishes.
Right now the function inside the repository looks like this:
// [...]
class Repository {
// [...]
fun retrieveCode() {
val observable = MutableLiveData<Code>()
val reference =
.addSnapshotListener { snapshot, exception ->
if(exception != null) {
observable.value = null
if(snapshot != null {
observable.value = snapshot.//[convert to object]
return observable
I found a workaround which is to create a custom LiveData object that handles the listener removal when it becomes inactive, like this:
class CodeLiveData(private val reference: DocumentReference):
LiveData<Code>(), EventListener<DocumentSnapshot>{
private var registration: ListenerRegistration? = null
override fun onEvent(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot?,
exception: FirebaseFirestoreException?) {
if(exception != null) {
this.value = null
if(snapshot != null) {
this.value = snapshot.//[convert to object]
override fun onActive() {
registration = reference.addSnapshotListener(this)
override fun onInactive() {
Is there a way to solve this problem without creating a custom class, but rather by improving a function similar to the first example?
There are two ways in which you can achieve this. The first one would be to stop listening for changes and this can be done in your onStop() function by calling remove() function on your ListenerRegistration object like this:
if (registration != null) {
The approach would be to you pass your activity as the first argument in the addSnapshotListener() function, so Firestore can clean up the listeners automatically when the activity is stopped.
var registration = dataDocumentReference
.addSnapshotListener(yourActivity, listener)
