Kong FastApi connection - fastapi

I am new to FastApi, and Kong API-Gateway!
I am trying to call fastAPI application from the Kong API gateway.
The fastAPI application is running perfectly, but when I try to access it from Kong (after adding it as a service and configuring a route for the service), it fails showing the following error:
Failed to load API definition.
Fetch error
Not Found /openapi.json
The FastAPI code is as follows:
from typing import Union
from fastapi.openapi.docs import (
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile
from application import predict, read_imagefile, explain#,read_model
app = FastAPI(
async def predict_api(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
extension = file.filename.split(".")[-1] in ("jpg", "jpeg", "png")
if not extension:
return "Image must be jpg or png format!"
image = read_imagefile(await file.read())
prediction = predict(image)
return prediction
#app.get("/docs", include_in_schema=False)
async def custom_swagger_ui_html():
return get_swagger_ui_html(
title=app.title + " - Swagger UI",
#app.get(app.swagger_ui_oauth2_redirect_url, include_in_schema=False)
async def swagger_ui_redirect():
return get_swagger_ui_oauth2_redirect_html()
any idea, how I can fix this issue.

You need to configure your openapi_url and docs_url correctly. This works in my case:
def create_application() -> FastAPI:
application = FastAPI(openapi_url="/building/openapi.json", docs_url="/building/docs")
application.include_router(create_building.router, prefix="/building", tags=["building"])
application.include_router(modify_building.router, prefix="/building", tags=["building"])
application.include_router(get_building.router, prefix="/building", tags=["building"])
application.include_router(get_buildings.router, prefix="/building", tags=["building"])
application.include_router(remove_building.router, prefix="/building", tags=["building"])
application.include_router(assign_users_to_building.router, prefix="/building", tags=["building"])
return application
app = create_application()
kong.yml file:
_format_version: "3.0"
_transform: true
- name: building_service
url: http://building_service/building
- name: building_service_route
- /building


Azure Web App returns Internal Error Server when executing a Get Request using FastAPI in Python code

We are trying to execute a Get Request from the Azure Web App using our python code. The request will be made to our DevOps Repo following the available API. This is just a part (example) of the entire code:
from fastapi import FastAPI
import requests
import base64
import uvicorn
app = FastAPI()
async def root():
return {"Hello": "Pycharm"}
async def sqlcode(p: str = '/ppppppppp',
v: str = 'vvvv',
r: str = 'rrrrrr',
pn: str = 'nnnnnnn'):
organizational_url = f'https://xxxxxxxx/{pn}/_apis/git/repositories/{r}/items?path={p}&versionDescriptor.version={v}&api-version=6.1-preview.1'
username = 'username'
password = 'password'
basic_authentication = base64.b64encode((f'{username}:{password}').encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Basic {basic_authentication}',
response = requests.get(url=organizational_url, headers=headers)
return {"sqlcode": response.text}
# Code ends for Fastapi with swagger
def print_hi(name):
print(f'Hi, {name}') # Press Ctrl+F8 to toggle the breakpoint.
# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
And this is the requirements.txt
When we execute the code in Pycharm this works without any issue :
But when we execute the same code from the Web App we've got the Internal Server Error Message
I'm just trying to help the team to understand this error. I'm not a cloud engineer. What could be missing, is it something in the code, a particular port to use, is a permission needed in Azure Web Service?

How to handle path parametes with hyphen(-) in a FastAPI application?

How to handle path parametes with hyphen(-) in FastAPI, as python does not allow hyphen in identifiers?
You can use alias in your definitions. It’s all documented here
As stated in the comments below, if the links stops working here is the code:
from typing import Union
from fastapi import FastAPI, Query
app = FastAPI()
async def read_items(q: Union[str, None] = Query(default=None, alias="item-query")):
results = {"items": [{"item_id": "Foo"}, {"item_id": "Bar"}]}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
return results

FastAPI - dependency inside Middleware?

I am building a browser game where every user has 4 types of ressources and each users produce more ressources based on the level of their farms.
What I am trying to do, is whenever a given user is logged in, I want to recalculate it's current ressources whenever he is refreshing the page or performing any action.
Seems the middleware is the right tool for my need but I am a bit confused on the implementation with my current architecture (multiple routers). What would be the cleanest way to call a function to perform ressources recalculation before performing any other API calls?
This is what I have tried so far (example middleware):
app.py (without middleware):
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, Request
from src.api.v1.village import village_router
from src.api.v1.auth import auth_router
from src.api.v1.admin import admin_router
from src.core.auth import get_current_user
from src.core.config import *
def create_app() -> FastAPI:
root_app = FastAPI()
return root_app
I then added an helloworld middleware and add the get_current_user as a dependency because a user must be logged_in to perform the calculations.
app.py (with middleware):
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, Request
from src.api.v1.village import village_router
from src.api.v1.auth import auth_router
from src.api.v1.admin import admin_router
from src.core.auth import get_current_user
from src.core.config import *
import time
def create_app() -> FastAPI:
root_app = FastAPI()
async def add_process_time_header(
request: Request, call_next, current_user=Depends(get_current_user)
start_time = time.time()
response = await call_next(request)
process_time = time.time() - start_time
response.headers["X-Process-Time"] = str(process_time)
print("middleware call")
return response
return root_app
Seems the dependency is ignored because the middleware is called even when I am not logged in, which is not the case for my protected_routes (I am getting a 401 error on my routes if I a not logged in).
async def get_current_user(
session=Depends(get_db), token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)
) -> UserAuth:
payload = jwt.decode(token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[AUTH_TOKEN_ALGO])
email: str = payload.get("email")
user_id: str = payload.get("user_id")
if email is None:
raise ValueError("A very specific bad thing happened.")
token_data = UserJWTToken(user_id=user_id, email=email)
except jwt.PyJWTError:
raise ValueError("A very specific bad thing happened.")
user = get_user_by_email(session, token_data.email)
if user is None:
raise ValueError("A very specific bad thing happened.")
return user
You can make use of the Global Dependencies. Here is one example that may help you in this situation
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, Request
def get_db_session():
print("Calling 'get_db_session(...)'")
return "Some Value"
def get_current_user(session=Depends(get_db_session)):
print("Calling 'get_current_user(...)'")
return session
def recalculate_resources(request: Request, current_user=Depends(get_current_user)):
print("calling 'recalculate_resources(...)'")
request.state.foo = current_user
app = FastAPI(dependencies=[Depends(recalculate_resources)])
async def root(request: Request):
return {"foo_from_dependency": request.state.foo}

How to authenticate static routes in FastAPI

I am statically serving a folder via FastAPI following the documentation:
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
app = FastAPI()
app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static")
How can I add basic authentication (user, password) to this route /static?
Pulled directly from the FastAPI docs: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/security/http-basic-auth/
import secrets
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from fastapi.security import HTTPBasic, HTTPBasicCredentials
app = FastAPI()
security = HTTPBasic()
def get_current_username(credentials: HTTPBasicCredentials = Depends(security)):
correct_username = secrets.compare_digest(credentials.username, "stanleyjobson")
correct_password = secrets.compare_digest(credentials.password, "swordfish")
if not (correct_username and correct_password):
raise HTTPException(
detail="Incorrect email or password",
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Basic"},
return credentials.username
def read_current_user(username: str = Depends(get_current_username)):
return {"username": username}
Im not sure you can add basic authentication to the route itself I add it directly to the endpoint. But here's a link with the best auth modules for fastapi. Hope it helps. I like FastAPI Login.
FastAPI Auth

how to set fast API version to allow HTTP can specify version in accept header?

I am working on a project that requires me to version fast API endpoints. We want to version the endpoint through HTTP accept header, e.g. headers={'Accept': 'application/json;version=1.0.1'}, headers={'Accept': 'application/json;version=1.0.2'}. Only set up the api version like this seem not work:
app = FastAPI(
title="A title",
description="Some description.",
Does anyone know what else I need to do with this ?
Well maybe the version in path url could be better
sub apps docs
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
v1 = FastAPI()
def read_main():
return {"message": "Hello World from api v1"}
v2 = FastAPI()
def read_sub():
return {"message": "Hello World from api v2"}
app.mount("/api/v1", v1)
app.mount("/api/v2", v2)
You will see the auto docs for each app
But you always get the headers in request
from starlette.requests import Request
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
def fast_service(request: Request, ):
aceept = request.headers.get('Accept')
value = great_fuction_to_get_version_from_header(aceept)
if value == '1.0.1':
"Do something"
if value == '1.0.2':
"Do something"
Try api versioning for fastapi web applications
pip install fastapi-versioning
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_versioning import VersionedFastAPI, version
app = FastAPI(title="My App")
#version(1, 0)
def greet_with_hello():
return "Hello"
#version(1, 1)
def greet_with_hi():
return "Hi"
app = VersionedFastAPI(app)
this will generate two endpoints:
as well as:
There's also the possibility of adding a set of additional endpoints that
redirect the most recent API version. To do that make the argument
enable_latest true:
app = VersionedFastAPI(app, enable_latest=True)
this will generate the following additional endpoints:
In this example, /latest endpoints will reflect the same data as /v1.1.
Try it out:
pip install pipenv
pipenv install --dev
pipenv run uvicorn example.annotation.app:app
# pipenv run uvicorn example.folder_name.app:app
Usage without minor version
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_versioning import VersionedFastAPI, version
app = FastAPI(title='My App')
def greet():
return 'Hello'
def greet():
return 'Hi'
app = VersionedFastAPI(app,
this will generate two endpoints:
as well as:
Extra FastAPI constructor arguments
It's important to note that only the title from the original FastAPI will be
provided to the VersionedAPI app. If you have any middleware, event handlers
etc these arguments will also need to be provided to the VersionedAPI function
call, as in the example below
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from fastapi_versioning import VersionedFastAPI, version
from starlette.middleware import Middleware
from starlette.middleware.sessions import SessionMiddleware
app = FastAPI(
title='My App',
description='Greet uses with a nice message',
Middleware(SessionMiddleware, secret_key='mysecretkey')
def greet(request: Request):
request.session['last_version_used'] = 1
return 'Hello'
def greet(request: Request):
request.session['last_version_used'] = 2
return 'Hi'
def last_version(request: Request):
return f'Your last greeting was sent from version {request.session["last_version_used"]}'
app = VersionedFastAPI(app,
description='Greet users with a nice message',
Middleware(SessionMiddleware, secret_key='mysecretkey')
