Is there a way to mass delete number sequences in D365? - axapta

I'm using Odata to delete mass lines of number sequences in D365 but I'm getting this error message...The deletion of a row in data set SequenceV2Tables was not published. Error message: 'Delete failed for table row of type 'NumberSequenceTableV2Entity'. Infolog: Error: BOX API can't be used from non-interactive sessions..'
I don't want to go in each number sequence one by one and delete them.


Update JSONB in Postgres using R

as the title states I am trying to update a jsonb field from inside R. I have several changes to apply. The original dataset is created by a third party application but needs to be corrected for several rows.
The following statement is working fine as a database statement:
UPDATE histories set meta=jsonb_set(meta,'{product}','"55-AB"') WHERE id = 17983;
Now, I need to update the "product" field for several different ids.
Assume the following dataframe as an example:
Usually I would use sql_glue from the glue package but I run out of quotes generating the above queries dynamically.
sql_glue("UPDATE histories set meta=jsonb_set(meta,'{product}','"{`df$product`}"') WHERE id = {`df$id`};")
Error: unexpected '{' in "sql_glue("UPDATE histories set meta=jsonb_set(meta,'{pesticide}','"{"
I am running into problems with the quotation. Any idea how to get around this?

Get error message with date field in Informatica when the workflow is run

I am getting the following error when I try to link a date field from Source Qualifier to Target table in Informatica:
ERROR 7/19/2019 9:05:26 AM node01_dev WRITER_1_*_1 WRT_8229 Database errors occurred:
FnName: Execute -- [Informatica][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver]Timestamp parameters with zero scale must have a precision of 13, 16, or 19. Parameter number: 1, precision: 12.
FnName: Execute -- [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Function sequence error
I have done the same thing (used datetime for a target) with another workflow and it ran successfully.
I have done a search on the internet with this error message but none of the solutions from my search resolved the problem.
The target table SA_Cases needs to have the data insert into it. Right now, the Monitor shows that all of the rows are rejected.
The source is a table in Oracle. The target is a table in Microsoft SQL Server
enter image description here
enter image description here
Here is the mapping that worksenter image description here
The SA_Cases table, which is the Target table, has fields with spaces. I replaced the spaces with underscores and it works. The problem was the spaces in the field names.

Record count increases in PreSQL-Informatica in the absence of Semicolon (;), Database

My PreSQL query in the WorkFlow of Informatica has 2 parts:
Insert query
Refresh Stats procedure call
When no semicolon ; is present between these 2 parts, the record count is given in Millions. When a semicolon ';' is present the record count is given in Thousands.
Two Questions:
Why is it not throwing an Error for the absence of a semicolon?
Why the increased record count?
From the documentation:
Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple statements. The Integration Service issues a commit after each statement.
The Designer does not validate the SQL.
It will not throw an error in power center because is not validating it. You can check logs on what SQL is getting passed to teradata and execute the same outside (any other client) to investigate on the row count diffference.

How to retrieve the return code descriptions in oracle audit

I need some help in auditing in Oracle. We have a database with many tables and we want to be able to audit every change made to any table in any field. However, I find it difficult to locate the descriptions for return code. For example,
ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (number) exceeded.
So my question is which table or view holds these messages all together.
If you want to print an error message for a specified error number, you can pass the error ID to the SQLERRM function:

How to Check If Recordset Row is Empty?

I am currently working on a classic ASP application extracting data from an excel sheet. Before this data is saved to the server, I validate first if the data has the required data populated.
Do Until myRecordSet.EOF
' Do processing here
if Len(myRecordSet.Fields(0)) > 0 Then
' Something has to be done inside
End if
I was able to handle this accordingly although I noticed an issue with the EOF property. Supposed my excel sheet have 50 rows populated accordingly, and then the user added 5 more rows but deleted it afterwards, the EOF property points to the end of the additional 5 more rows as EOF (instead that it will hit EOF at row 50, it will EOF at row 55). It would be tedious to exhaust all columns to check for the length if it's greater than 0 just to check if the current row is empty or not. Any leads to make checking much more easier?
If you have an ID field of some description or a reasonably small number of fields (columns), it should be possible to SELECT using a WHERE statement, even if you have a large number of fields (columns), it may be possible to say that certain fields are essential. Furthermore, it should not take all that long to run two statements, one with WHERE and one without and compare the record count.
