Detecting new user signup in [...nextauth].js - next.js

I'm building an app with NextAuth's email provider as the sole means of user registration and login.
In local development everything worked fine, but when deploying the app to Vercel I keep getting Unhandled Promise Rejection errors from Mongo, so I decided to switch to NextAuth's unstable_getServerSession and everything is running very smoothly now.
Before making the switch I used an extra parameter to communicate whether the user was just logging in or newly signing up. Based on this, I sent different emails (a welcome email with login link vs. a shorter message with just the login link).
Here is how the [...nextauth].js file looked before:
export default async function auth(req, res) {
const signup = req.body.signup || false
return await NextAuth(req, res, {
adapter: MongoDBAdapter(clientPromise),
providers: [
sendVerificationRequest(server) {
server.provider, // passing the above data for email content
signup // custom parameter to decide which email to send
I adjusted the code sample from the documentation, but wasn't able to pass a custom parameter to it.
Here is my new code:
export const authOptions = {
adapter: MongoDBAdapter(promise),
providers: [
sendVerificationRequest(server) {
export default NextAuth(authOptions)
The customLogin function doesn't do anything except construction the different email options.
Among the things I have tried are wrapping authOptions in a handler function with req and res, setting up a separate API route, and passing parameters to the NextAuth function, but none of those worked.
Any advise on how to implement a custom parameter here would be highly appreciated.


How to override AWS Amplify Api domain endpoint

I have added a custom domain to the API Gateway due to CORS/Cookies/Infosec and other fun reasons.
I then added the following code to hack the correct domain into my Amplify configuration:
import { Amplify, API } from "aws-amplify"
const myfunc () => {
const amplifyEndpoint = API._restApi._options.endpoints[0]
aws_cloud_logic_custom: [
endpoint: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL || amplifyEndpoint.endpoint,
const response = await"MyApiNameHere", "/some-endpoint", {data:"here"})
This works but a) is this really the correct way to do it? and b) I'm seeing a weird issue whereby the first request of the day from a user is missing the authorization & x-amz-security-token headers that I expect Amplify to be magically providing. If a user refreshes the page, the headers are sent and everything works as expected.
[edit] turns out my missing headers issue is unrelated to this override, so still need to get to the bottom of that!
The more correct place looks to be in the index.js:
import { Amplify, API } from "aws-amplify"
import awsExports from "./aws-exports"
const amplifyEndpoint = API._restApi._options.endpoints[0]
aws_cloud_logic_custom: [
endpoint: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL || amplifyEndpoint.endpoint,
That way it's done once - rather than needing to be done in each API call.
Naturally you would need some more complicated logic if you were dealing with multiple endpoints.

Redirect to a specific screen from React Native Firebase Push Notifications based on a Deeplink

I got a problem,
1 ) I'm using Firebase to send remote Push Notifications, i test by sending from FCM tester.
2 ) I've activated Deep-Linking in my project and started to use it.
3 ) In FCM tester i pass this key value into "" :
{ "link" : "MY_LINK" }
Now i want my app to be able to recognize there is a deepLink in it & read it.
Which i achieved to do somehow but not the way i was looking for.
What i did :
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribeClosedApp = messaging().onNotificationOpenedApp(
remoteMessage => {
'Notification caused app to open from background state:',
console.log(, 'remote message data');
console.log(remoteMessage, 'remote message full');
console.log(remoteMessage.notification?.body, 'remote message body');
console.log(remoteMessage.notification?.title, 'remote message title');
if ( === 'https://[MY-LINK]/TnRV') {
console.log(, 'Deeplink detected & opened');
name: 'Logged',
params: {
screen: 'Onboarded',
params: {
screen: 'LastAnalyse',
And it's working fine but it's not based on reading a link, but by comparing a value and it's not what i'm trying to achieve.
Firebase Doc' give us a way to do this :
This is what Firebase suggests :
import dynamicLinks from '#react-native-firebase/dynamic-links';
function App() {
const handleDynamicLink = link => {
// Handle dynamic link inside your own application
if (link.url === '') {
// ...navigate to your offers screen
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = dynamicLinks().onLink(handleDynamicLink);
// When the component is unmounted, remove the listener
return () => unsubscribe();
}, []);
return null;
And i have no clue how to make it works.
I got to mention that deep-links are correctly setup in my project and working fine, my code is in Typescript.
Basicaly you can find on this web page what i'm trying to achieve but i want to use Firebase/messaging + Dynamic links. My project don't use local notifications and will never do :
Any idea ?
I looked into this earlier, it seems that...
You can't send a deep link in an FCM message using the firebase Compose Notification UI.
You probably can send a deep link in an FCM message using the FCM REST API. More in this stackoverflow post.
The REST API looks so cumbersome to implement you're probably better off the way you're doing it: Using the firebase message composer with a little data payload, and your app parses the message data with Invertase messaging methods firebase.messaging().getInitialNotification() and firebase.messaging().onNotificationOpenedApp().
As for deep linking, which your users might create in-app when trying to share something, or you might create in the firebase Dynamic Links UI: For your app to notice actual deep links being tapped on the device, you can use Invertase dynamic links methods firebase.dynamicLinks().getInitialLink() and firebase.dynamicLinks().onLink().

NuxtJS store returning local storage values as undefined

I have a nuxt application. One of the components in it's mounted lifecycle hook is requesting a value from the state store, this value is retrieved from local storage. The values exist in local storage however the store returns it as undefined. If I render the values in the ui with {{value}}
they show. So it appears that in the moment that the code runs, the value is undefined.
index.js (store):
export const state = () => ({
token: process.browser ? localStorage.getItem("token") : undefined,
user_id: process.browser ? localStorage.getItem("user_id") : undefined,
mounted hook:
I'm using UserSerivce.getFromStorage to get the value directly from localStorage as otherwise this code block won't run. It's a temporary thing to illustrate the problem.
async mounted() {
// check again with new code.
if (UserService.getFromStorage("token")) {
console.log("user service found a token but what about store?")
console.log(this.$store.state.token, this.$store.state.user_id);
const values = await ["token", "user_id"].map(key => {return UserService.getFromStorage(key)});
SocketService.trackSession(this, socket, "connect")
BeforeMount hook:
isLoggedIn just checks that the "token" property is set in the store state.
return !!this.$store.state.token
beforeMount () {
if (this.isLoggedIn) {
// This runs sometimes??? 80% of the time.
console.log("IS THIS CLAUSE RUNNING?");
video explanation:
OP's app is quite big from what it looks, so finding the exact reason is kinda difficult.
Meanwhile, setting ssr: false fixed the errors.
It raised more, but they should probably be asked into another question nonetheless.

How to use Sign-In User ID to send push notifications

I have some users signed into my actions-on-google app via Google Sign-In ( )
I want to sent push notifications to one of those users.
For getting push notifications work with actions in the first place, I tried this sample: but I only can get this to work without this commit:
It works fine, but I think const userID =; returns the deprecated Anonymous User ID. The commit suggests to use const userID = conv.arguments.get('UPDATES_USER_ID'); which returns undefined.
I use this nodejs code to send the push notifications.
const request = require('request');
const {JWT} = require('google-auth-library');
const serviceAccount = require('./service-account.json');
let jwtClient = new JWT(
serviceAccount.client_email, null, serviceAccount.private_key,
jwtClient.authorize((authErr, tokens) => {
let notification = {
userNotification: {
title: process.argv[2],
target: {
userId: USERID,
intent: 'tell_latest_status',
// Expects a IETF BCP-47 language code (i.e. en-US)
locale: 'en-US'
};'', {
'auth': {
'bearer': tokens.access_token,
'json': true,
'body': {
'customPushMessage': notification, 'isInSandbox': true
}, (reqErr, httpResponse, body) => {
console.log(httpResponse.statusCode + ': ' + httpResponse.statusMessage);
I simply can't get this to work with the const userID = conv.arguments.get('UPDATES_USER_ID'); version, because as I said
When I use conv.user.profile.payload.sub as suggested here: the AoG API returns "SendToConversation response: Invalid user id for target."
Is there any way to make this work with Google Sign-In?
Has anyone made this work? I mean with the UPDATES_USER_ID field?
I already created an issue on the samples repo: but I was sent here.
While researching why I sometimes got undefined I found an answer on this question that solved my issue.
I've found solution for this problem. While getting UPDATES_USER_ID
conv.arguments.get() only works for first attempt. So, while building
your action you must save it. If you didn't store or save, you can
reset your profile and try again, you will be able to get.
You can reset your user profile for the action here.

Testing Meteor application with Chimp/Mocha - automatic login to test authenticated routes

I'm testing some forms in a Meteor application using Mocha. The routes in the application are authenticated, so only logged in users or users who have a role of 'administrator' can view them.
When the test opens the browser to view the url and fill the form in, it gets redirected to the login page as expected.
Is there a way to automatically log the user in before doing the test so I don't have to remove the route authentication?
Here's the test code so far
describe( 'Create a Client', function() {
it( 'should create a new client #watch', function() {
use this:
function login(user) {
browser.executeAsync(function(user, done) {
Meteor.loginWithPassword(user.username, user.password, done)
}, user)
// now you can do this:
username: 'someone',
password: 'aSecret'
Note that you need to make sure the user exists first, and for that you can use fixtures.
See here for more info:
