I have created a collection with 2 models on Core ML Deployment Dashboard under the Apple developer console. Now I want to add more models under the same collection but I don't see this option. How can I do that?
Video from WWDC:
Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coreml/creating_and_deploying_a_model_collection
I am trying to build a simple app that takes a picture of a dog, and it tells me what breed of dog it is. I got the camera working on my reactnative app, and uploaded my custom TFlite model to my project on Firebase. Im not sure how to proceed as my next step. The Firebase ML documentation suggests that I can only do so with native code (ios/android) My next step is 'sending' the picture i took to the custom model on Firebase. Is this possible, if so, how? thanks
You can try this PR for ML Kit wrapper which adds support for image labeling https://github.com/a7medev/react-native-ml-kit/pull/21
On our test environment we created custom Form Recognizer model. Is there a way to reuse this model on PROD environment? Prod environment is under different subscription.
I cannot find a way to somehow "export" model and move it to other environment. Do I need to create new model from scratch?
You can use the Copy Model API to copy a model between regions and subscriptions. See here for more details -
How to Copy API - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/form-recognizer/disaster-recovery#copy-api-overview
Copy Model API reference - https://westcentralus.dev.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/form-recognizer-api-v2-1-preview-2/operations/CopyCustomFormModel
currently im trying to modify my model from viewer with help of design automation api, it is possible to get properties of revit file but how to modify those properties and view back to the viewer
Yes of course - possible workflow would be:
Create a plugin to modify your model - see this code sample here
Bundle your plugin to upload to Forge and define an activity for execution - see tutorial here
Load the model into Viewer after translating it with Model Derivative
Collect the data/parameter from user input and/or model properties/metadata
Call a workitem with the parameters and execute the plugin, can upload the modified output as versioned items to track changes
Use webhooks to get notified of new version being added and trigger a translation of it, or you can upload the output to your own app and trigger upload and translation with your own workflow
Load the modified model back into Viewer
See here for our official tutorial on Design Automation.
I'm using Alfresco one 5.1 Enterprise edition. I've created a custom content model using the Model Manager in Alfresco & it has some custom properties (ds:prority, ds:action, ds:actionText, ds:linkURL, etc) associated with it. I would like to customize Share UI to include these custom properties alongside the default cm:content properties (cm:content, cm:description, cm:title, etc). I'm referring to Jeff Potts post on ecmarchitect to use custom model & share UI customization.
Now my question is, can I use the model created in Alfresco Model Manager & create a customized Share form along with these custom properties. All the examples for this process I see content model definition done in a Alfresco repo AMP and then have the Share form customization done in an Alfresco share amp. Can I create the share AMP alone (for my Share UI Customization) & still refer the model which I've already created in Alfresco Model Manager ?
You can use model console to list out created & deployed models.
Command : show models
If you're able to see your model with loaded (isLoaded) status as "Yes" then you can deploy on the share amp should be fine.
Have you created this model in your development machine or production machine?
If it is development machine, you need the Repo amp to deploy the model in the production machine.
## Model Admin Commands
ok> show models
Show deployed models - that are stored in the repository data dictionary.
ok> deploy model
Upload model to repository and load into runtime data dictionary. This will also
set the repository model as active.
If a model is already deployed then it will be updated and re-deployed.
e.g. deploy model alfresco/extension/exampleModel.xml
ok> undeploy model
Permanently delete model from repository (all versions) and unload from runtime data dictionary.
e.g. undeploy model exampleModel.xml
ok> activate model
Set repository model to active and load into runtime data dictionary.
e.g. activate model exampleModel.xml
ok> deactivate model
Set repository model to inactive and unload from runtime data dictionary.
e.g. deactivate model exampleModel.xml
As you're using Enterpise edition, you can get in touch with Alfresco support also.
Hope this helps you.
As pointed out by Murali, once the model is active, we can create a Share AMP as pointed out in Jeff Potts tutorial, create a share amp archive using maven target (mvn package) and deploy the same to alfresco amps_share folder (/alfresco_one/amps_share) and then apply the same with the apply_amps.sh command in /bin/apply_amps.sh and then restart alfresco.
Note for my requirement I needed the custom properties to be part of inline-edit screen of share only. So I added the
<config evaluator="node-type" condition="<my model>">
<form id="doclib-inline-edit">
<show id="my:property" force="true" />
Initially I had cm:content in the condition evaluator & it didn't work. Only after updating it to my model name it started reflecting the changes.
Note: without restarting Alfresco the changes are not reflecting.
I am trying to use the Breeze/Knockout Template written by Ward Bell (AKA, BreezeJS MVC Template). I successfully installed the breezetemplate.VSIX extension (by running the downloaded file) into VS 2012.
However, when I inspect the Extensions and Updates (from Tools in VS 2012) the Breeze Knockout Spa Template shows up under Tools not under Templates in the dialog. I am assuming that is why when I create an ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application, the Breeze Single Page Application does not appear in the next step when you are prompted to select a template to use. It simply does not appear in the list of available templates to use.
I wanted to install this as a sample template to see a fleshed out usage of Breeze using EF and a data-repository on the back end. I am using Hot Towel SPA as a starting point, but it really doesn't have any Breeze code.
I added in a simple Breeze DataContext to the Hot Towel Spa template based on the Breeze.WebApi NuGet packages written by Jay Traband. Using that I was able to modify my project to use EF backed by a SQL database instead of a pseudo-database as used in the Breeze.WebApi example.
However, it looks like the Breeze/Knockout template written by Ward Bell is a more sophisticated example. I need this more sophisticated sample to server as an example for how I want to use Breeze.
So after a long explanation here is what I am asking:
1) How can I get the Breeze/Knockout template to install as a template instead of as a tool in the VS 2012 Extensions and Updates?
2) If there isn't an answer to 1), is there somewhere where I download a VS 2012 project based on the Breeze/Knockout template?
3) If the answer to 2) is no, will Ward Bell please make a simple project based on this template available via GitHub, or other public code repository (NuGet Please!).
4) Is there some other non-trivial example of Breeze using EF and a data repository that is available to use as a reference?
You can install ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Update to get the templates