When I try to install ReditorSupport though the vscode extension manager I get a 'Failed to install 'reditorsupport.R' ' error.
I then accept the suggestion to try and download it manually. The download is successful, getting a file named REditorSupport.r-2.5.3.vsix.
When i try and install using this downloaded package I don't get any errors, nor does any installation occur.
if I follow a link to the webpage for the extension:
and click on the green Install it opens vscode and asks me "Would you like to install the R extension?".
When i click install I get a 'Server returned 404' error.
I should also note that I can install other extensions without error or warning through the extension manager.
Can you help me get this installed in vscode?
This issue was resolved by upgrading my vscode install.
Version where the issue occured: 1.36.1
Version where no issue occurred: 1.72.2
I have recently moved from MRO 3.4.3 to R 3.5.0. I can start and use the new installation of R perfectly from the terminal, but when I stat Rstudio-server, an error panel appears with the message: "Error occured during transmission"
The log at /var/log/messages shows this:
Jun 6 11:28:51 slave1 rsession-victor[116037]: ERROR R SUICIDE: unable to initialize the JIT|||; LOGGED FROM: void<unnamed>::rSuicide(const std::string&) /root/rstudio/src/cpp/session/SessionMain.cpp:1023
I have tried to remove the files /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf and /etc/rstudio/rsession.conf that I had changed to use the previous MRO installation, but it didn't work. Also, I have tried to to remove completely the .rstudio folder in my home directory.
Any ideas about how to solve this?
I had the same problem after installing R 3.5.1 from sources.
The reason for the error is that libR.so is not build using the
simple installation procedure described in file INSTALL. RStudio
searches for this and finds an incompatible (old) one. Use this instead:
./configure --enable-R-shlib
I am trying to install Anaconda (Anaconda2-5.0.1-Windows-x86_64) but I could not install it. I am using windows 10 64 bits. As I tried to install I got error saying "Error opening file for writing". Please see uploaded image for reference
When I downloaded and Installed Anaconda3
My FIREWALL or ANTI-VIRUS is turn off
If you have any, try to disabled it then reboot/restart your computer
and then try again. Here some link for downloading anaconda3 and some repo steps for installing properly the anaconda3, chillax and find another suitable answer for your question.
When i try to search for a package or a theme i get this error message
Searching for “package” failed. connect ETIMEDOUT
But When i try to install a package or a theme if it the searched worked without a problem i get this error message
Installing “package#ver” failed
Request for package information failed: connect ETIMEDOUT
xx.xx.xxx.xx:xxx (5 attempts) (ETIMEDOUT)
Compiler tools not found Packages that depend on modules that contain
C/C++ code will fail to install. Read here for instructions on
installing Python and Visual Studio. Run apm install --check after
installing to test compiling a native module.
I am trying to install pacakage BTYDPlus (https://github.com/mplatzer/BTYDplus)
When I enter this command
devtools::install_github("mplatzer/BTYDplus", dependencies=TRUE)
It prompts me to install
Building R package from source requires installation of additional build tools. Do you want to install the additional tools now ?
So, I went ahead and installed. I can see a folder RbuildTools in my C drive now. However
find r_tools()
#returns TRUE
However when I try to install using Devtools , I get the same error again. I also tried assigning the path of build tools as per some suggestions but even that doesn't work
I just tried installing a Drupal module and the installation was unsuccessful.
Trying to uninstall that module, however, now I'm not able to load the admin page because of the error message given from that failed module install.
How can I go over fixing that?
Also the module that I was trying to install is "devel_themer" and the error is
"Fatal error: Class 'simple_html_dom' not found in sites/all/modules/contrib/devel_themer/devel_themer.module on line 189"
Tried installing the "simple_html_dom" libraries under "sites/all/libraries/" but the error persist.
Thank you,
Got it, I just downloaded and replaced the module with an older version and it works.