R patchwork package trouble displaying many plots - r

I am enjoying the patchwork package quite a bit and I am generally happy with even its default formatting.
However, I cannot figure out how to get a reasonable result when trying to display many plots. The output is unreadable (plots shrunk down and dominated by text) and the saved output is completely blank.
plots <- list()
testfunction <- function(x) {
plot_placeholder <- ggplot(mtcars) +
geom_point(aes(mpg, disp)) +
ggtitle(paste("p", x, sep = ""))
plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <<- plot_placeholder
mapply(testfunction, c(1:66), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
Is there a way within patchwork to make the page larger or wrap plots across multiple pages of a PDF? Or is there a different package that may help with this?
Maurits Evers pointed out that this is an issue with my arguments in ggsave(), not patchwork. With these changes the plots look much better in the .pdf output, but were still being truncated at the bottom of page 1. From this post, found the last bit of change needed to generate desired results
# ...
ggsave("test.pdf", width = 20, height = 20)


R: Making Bigger Graphs when using facet_wrap()

I'm having some trouble visualizing some data in an R Markdown document. I'm attaching a picture for your reference.
I would like the graphs produced to be larger, and would expect the HTML page to allow for these graphs to be spread out, but they are all coming back "squished"
g <- ggplot(item_loc_metrics, aes(capc_ssp_ratio, avg_wk_bkrm_eoh)) + geom_point(color="firebrick")
I run this and it returns a nicely formatted graph:
This snippet of code works fine, but I would like to cut this same graph 60+ times based on the store I'm looking at. I've tried to to do that with this bit:
g2 <- ggplot(item_loc_metrics, aes(capc_ssp_ratio, avg_wk_bkrm_eoh)) + geom_point(color="firebrick") + facet_wrap(~CO_LOC_N, ncol=5, scales = "fixed", shrink = FALSE)
I end up then getting something that looks like this:
To let this question have an answer, I add my two cents.
You can increase fig.height and fig.width(as suggested in the comment) and set ncol to one.

ggplot2 and TikzDevice - Removing White Space

I am using tikzDevice package to obtain Latex-friendly graphs in R. I am having trouble in removing excessive white spaces from top and bottom of the graph below:
I have tried using par(mar) but it does not seem to work with ggplot2. Also, theme(plot.margins) seems to unresponsive as well. The white space is introduced as I try to alter the aspect ratio of the figure with theme(aspect.ratio).
Any suggestions?
EDIT: Here is a MWE:
x = seq(0,1,0.1)
y1 = x^2+2*x+7
y2= x^+2*x+2
df = data.frame(x,y1,y2)
df <- melt(df, id.vars=c("x"))
names(df) <- c("x","$latex~Name$","value")
plot <- ggplot(df,aes(x=x,y=value,color=`$latex~Name$`,group=`$latex~Name$`)) + geom_line() +
theme(aspect.ratio = 0.4)
The problem seems to be caused by some tikz statements that affect the bounding box of the image. Since there doesn't seem to be any option in tikzDevice for minimizing whitespace, I had to think of something else. I managed to fix the generated tikz file by adding the following R code at the end of your MWE:
# remove all lines that invisibly mess up the bounding box
lines <- readLines(con="mweTex.tex")
lines <- lines[-which(grepl("\\path\\[clip\\]*", lines,perl=F))]
lines <- lines[-which(grepl("\\path\\[use as bounding box*", lines,perl=F))]
I've tested it on your MWE:
The left image is without the fix, the right image is with the fix.

Ggplot does not show plots in sourced function

I've been trying to draw two plots using R's ggplot library in RStudio. Problem is, when I draw two within one function, only the last one displays (in RStudio's "plots" view) and the first one disappears. Even worse, when I run ggsave() after each plot - which saves them to a file - neither of them appear (but the files save as expected). However, I want to view what I've saved in the plots as I was able to before.
Is there a way I can both display what I'll be plotting in RStudio's plots view and also save them? Moreover, when the plots are not being saved, why does the display problem happen when there's more than one plot? (i.e. why does it show the last one but not the ones before?)
The code with the plotting parts are below. I've removed some parts because they seem unnecessary (but can add them if they are indeed relevant).
HHIplot = ggplot(pergame)
# some ggplot geoms and misc. here
ggsave(paste("HHI Index of all games,",year,"Finals.png"),
path = plotpath, width = 6, height = 4)
HHIAvePlot = ggplot(AveHHI, aes(x = AveHHI$n_brokers))
# some ggplot geoms and misc. here
ggsave(paste("Average HHI Index of all games,",year,"Finals.png"),
path = plotpath, width = 6, height = 4)
I've already taken a look here and here but neither have helped. Adding a print(HHIplot) or print(HHIAvePlot) after the ggsave() lines has not displayed the plot.
Many thanks in advance.
Update 1: The solution suggested below didn't work, although it works for the answer's sample code. I passed the ggplot objects to .Globalenv and print() gives me an empty gray box on the plot area (which I imagine is an empty ggplot object with no layers). I think the issue might lie in some of the layers or manipulators I have used, so I've brought the full code for one ggplot object below. Any thoughts? (Note: I've tried putting the assign() line in all possible locations in relation to ggsave() and ggplot().)
HHIplot = ggplot(pergame)
HHIplot +
geom_point(aes(x = pergame$n_brokers, y = pergame$HHI)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,10000)) +
scale_x_discrete(breaks = gameSizes) +
labs(title = paste("HHI Index of all games,",year,"Finals"),
x = "Game Size", y = "Herfindahl-Hirschman Index") +
theme(text = element_text(size=15),axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 1))
assign("HHIplot",HHIplot, envir = .GlobalEnv)
ggsave(paste("HHI Index of all games,",year,"Finals.png"),
path = plotpath, width = 6, height = 4)
I'll preface this by saying that the following is bad practice. It's considered bad practice to break a programming language's scoping rules for something as trivial as this, but here's how it's done anyway.
So within the body of your function you'll create both plots and put them into variables. Then you'll use ggsave() to write them out. Finally, you'll use assign() to push the variables to the global scope.
myFun <- function() {
#some sample data that you should be passing into the function via arguments
df <- data.frame(x=1:10, y1=1:10, y2=10:1)
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y1))+geom_point()
p2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y2))+geom_point()
ggsave('p1.jpg', p1)
ggsave('p2.jpg', p2)
assign('p1', p1, envir=.GlobalEnv)
assign('p2', p2, envir=.GlobalEnv)
Now, when you run myFun() it will write out your two plots to .jpg files, and also drop the plots into your global environment so that you can just run p1 or p2 on the console and they'll appear in RStudio's Plot pane.
Good practice would be to not worry about the fact that they're not popping up in RStudio. They wrote out to files, and you know they did, so go look at them there.

r - Missing object when ggsave output as .svg

I'm attempting to step through a dataset and create a histogram and summary table for each factor and save the output as a .svg . The histogram is created using ggplot2 and the summary table using summary().
I have successfully used the code below to save the output to a single .pdf with each page containing the relevant histogram/table. However, when I attempt to save each histogram/table combo into a set of .svg images using ggsave only the ggplot histogram is showing up in the .svg. The table is just white space.
I've tried using dev.copy Cairo and svg but all end up with the same result: Histogram renders, but table does not. If I save the image as a .png the table shows up.
I'm using the iris data as a reproducible dataset. I'm not using R-Studio which I saw was causing some "empty plot" grief for others.
#packages used
#Create iris histogram plot
iris.hp<-ggplot(data=iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth =.25,origin=-0.125,
right = TRUE,col="white", fill="steelblue4",alpha=1) +
labs(title = "Iris Sepal Length")+
labs(x="Sepal Length", y="Count")
iris.list<-by(data = iris, INDICES = iris$Species, simplify = TRUE,FUN = function(x)
{iris.hp %+% x + ggtitle(unique(x$Species))})
#Generate list of data to create summary statistics table
colnames(sum.data) <-c("species","sep.len.min","sep.len.1stQ","sep.len.med",
"sep.len.mean","sep. len.3rdQ","sep.len.max")
table.list<-by(data = sum.data, INDICES = sum.data$"species", simplify = TRUE,
FUN = function(x) {tableGrob(x)})
#Combined histogram and summary table across multiple plots
nrow=2, ncol=1, top = quote(paste(iris$labels$Species,'\nPage', g, 'of',pages)))
#bypass the class check per #baptiste
ggsave <- ggplot2::ggsave; body(ggsave) <- body(ggplot2::ggsave)[-2]
for(i in 1:3){
nrow=2, ncol=1,heights=c(1.65,.35),
top = quote(paste(iris$labels$Species,'\nPage', g, 'of',pages)))
Edit removed theme tt3 that #rawr referenced. It was accidentally left in example code. It was not causing the problem, just in case anyone was curious.
Edit: Removing previous answer regarding it working under 32bit install and not x64 install because that was not the problem. Still unsure what was causing the issue, but it is working now. Leaving the info about grid.export as it may be a useful alternative for someone else.
Below is the loop for saving the .svg's using grid.export(), although I was having some text formatting issues with this (different dataset).
for(i in 1:3){
nrow=2, ncol=1,heights=c(1.65,.35), top =quote(paste(iris$labels$Species,'\nPage', g,
EDIT: As for using arrangeGrob per #baptiste's comment. Below is the updated code. I was incorrectly using the single brackets [] for the returned by list, so I switched to the correct double brackets [[]] and used grid.draw to on the ggsave call.
for(i in 1:3){
nrow=2,ncol=1,top = quote(paste(iris$labels$Species))))

ggplot2 : printing multiple plots in one page with a loop

I have several subjects for which I need to generate a plot, as I have many subjects I'd like to have several plots in one page rather than one figure for subject.
Here it is what I have done so far:
Read txt file with subjects name
subjs <- scan ("ListSubjs.txt", what = "")
Create a list to hold plot objects
pltList <- list()
for(s in 1:length(subjs))
setwd(file.path("C:/Users/", subjs[[s]])) #load subj directory
ifile=paste("Co","data.txt",sep="",collapse=NULL) #Read subj file
dat = read.table(ifile)
dat <- unlist(dat, use.names = FALSE) #make dat usable for ggplot2
df <- data.frame(dat)
pltList[[s]]<- print(ggplot( df, aes(x=dat)) + #save each plot with unique name
geom_histogram(binwidth=.01, colour="cyan", fill="cyan") +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept=0), # Ignore NA values for mean
color="red", linetype="dashed", size=1)+
xlab(paste("Co_data", subjs[[s]] , sep=" ",collapse=NULL)))
At this point I can display the single plots for example by
print (pltList[1]) #will print first plot
print(pltList[2]) # will print second plot
I d like to have a solution by which several plots are displayed in the same page, I 've tried something along the lines of previous posts but I don't manage to make it work
for example:
for (p in seq(length(pltList))) {
do.call("grid.arrange", pltList[[p]])
gives me the following error
Error in arrangeGrob(..., as.table = as.table, clip = clip, main = main, :
input must be grobs!
I can use more basic graphing features, but I d like to achieve this by using ggplot. Many thanks for consideration
Your error comes from indexing a list with [[:
pl = list(qplot(1,1), qplot(2,2))
pl[[1]] returns the first plot, but do.call expects a list of arguments. You could do it with, do.call(grid.arrange, pl[1]) (no error), but that's probably not what you want (it arranges one plot on the page, there's little point in doing that). Presumably you wanted all plots,
grid.arrange(grobs = pl)
or, equivalently,
do.call(grid.arrange, pl)
If you want a selection of this list, use [,
grid.arrange(grobs = pl[1:2])
do.call(grid.arrange, pl[1:2])
Further parameters can be passed trivially with the first syntax; with do.call care must be taken to make sure the list is in the correct form,
grid.arrange(grobs = pl[1:2], ncol=3, top=textGrob("title"))
do.call(grid.arrange, c(pl[1:2], list(ncol=3, top=textGrob("title"))))
library(gridExtra) # for grid.arrange
grid.arrange(pltList[[1]], pltList[[2]], pltList[[3]], pltList[[4]], ncol = 2, main = "Whatever") # say you have 4 plots
I wish I had enough reputation to comment instead of answer, but anyway you can use the following solution to get it work.
I would do exactly what you did to get the pltList, then use the multiplot function from this recipe. Note that you will need to specify the number of columns. For example, if you want to plot all plots in the list into two columns, you can do this:
print(multiplot(plotlist=pltList, cols=2))
