How to use shinyShortcut package on linux - r

I am trying to create an shiny app for people that are not R users (they even may be frightened :D).
After the question about server/local app here (How to import remote csv file on a deployed shiny app?), I try to use the shinyShortcut package solution.
I did the following:
shinyShortcut(shinyDirectory = "/home/cha/Server",
OS = "unix")
then I got :
So I have all that is normally required (at least that is what I think).
Since I never used the .desktop before, I ran the instruction here.
I put the .desktop on my desktop
Right click and change setting the tutorial did
I allow again from a right click and the .desktop disappears. Everything seemed ok.
However, when I double-clicked on the icon, nothing happened...
I tried to change the web browser or the application to launch it, nothing works.
What did I misunderstand ?
Thanks in advance
Charlotte (Ubuntu 20.04)


VScode showing raw source code instead of the remote jupyer notebook

I'm a bit puzzled of what goes wrong, and maybe someone here knows, or has had it before.
First, i got Docker on windows 11.
It runs a ubuntu python container, for all kind of AI stuff.
My local windows PC, has Vscode, i've made a connection to the local container (ssh).
When i open a .ipynb I see the raw file a Json like structure.
That is a bit strange because if i create a new ipynb on windows 11
Its is showing code/markdown cells normally like how vscode shows it normally.
VScode should know what Jupiter notebooks are
So Vscode knows python, everything seems installed in relation to jupyter and remote (localhost) connections.
Does anyone know perhaps what is going wrong here?.
Maybe its something i overlooked, missed.
Or some extra step that needs to be done at VScode, or i open it wrongly ?.
I open the file through the left pane open.. as shown:
I believe all related jupyter notebook stuff is installed in VScode
PS C:\python projects\test> code --list-extensions --show-versions

Rstudio opens blank on user but works fine with sudo

I have a new archlinux installation and got rstudio-desktop-bin from AUR, as the project site says to. However, I get a blank screen (as below) when trying to open it. When using
sudo /usr/bin/rstudio-bin
It opens normally. I tried to reset rstudio from this tutorial
and in this question, the problem was solved changing file permission. Both did not work for me.
What could I do?
Rstudio when opening normally:
I found a suggestion that an update to electron may have caused an issue in the RStudio community forums. By disabling sandboxing, they were able to start RStudio as a user and it worked for me:
/usr/bin/rstudio-bin --no-sandbox
To make more permanent until the problem is resolved you can add a line to your .bashrc (or equivalent in another shell):
export RSTUDIO_CHROMIUM_ARGUMENTS="--no-sandbox"
There is also a suggestion in there about building from a weekly source instead. But this was easier for me so I can't vouch for it.

Jupyter Lab, R kernel - Wanted: to prevent Jupyter from opening the R help server

Unfortunately, I made a change to the Jupyter Lab settings recently. Jupyter had never been able to access the remote R help server. Usually this was never an issue because most help files are displayed in Jupyter. The way help is called on a function or method is typing: ?question. The "question" being the name of an R function or method. Ex. ?plot
Infrequently one of the R packages will not list its help in Jupyter and instead try to open the remote R help server. This has never worked in the past. The tab for a remote server never opened. This has never really been an issue until recently. Recently I decided to "fix" this issue and spent a good deal of time looking up the solution. I made this "fix" and Jupyter began working properly to open the remote R help server. But the fix is a problem that is way too obnoxious.
Each time I type the question mark in Jupyter, Jupyter causes the browser to open a new tab for the remote R help server. It is impossible to type fast enough after typing typing the ?. Once the ? is typed, the typing is interupted while the browser opens a new R server help website. As soon as returning to the typing, another browser tab opens and interrupts the typing .
It is impossible to finish typing the name of a function after the ? without having multiple interruptions to the typing while multiple new windows are opened in the browser at the R help server website. By the time I've finished typing: ?ppp, there will the 5 interruptions and new browser tabs opened. If I typed slowly, there may be 10 - 12 interruptions and 10 new tabs opened at the R help server.
How to prevent Jupyter from trying to access the remote R help server every time the ? is typed when looking up a description of a function? How to get back to that happy place I had before I'd made whatever change that caused this nightmare to happen?
Solved my own question.
This issue had nothing to do with R. I assumed I had changed a configuration in R, but that was not the case. This was an issue I had caused when I had changed a setting in Jupyter lab.
I can say with certainty this issue was definitely caused when I changed the "Contextual Help" setting under the Commands tab in Jupyter. This setting is related to the Contextual Help selection found under the Help tab. And this setting was causing multiple R help server tabs to open in the browser after I typed: ?
Upon rediscovering this Jupyter setting today I recalling that I had been down this path before. I selected "Contextual Help". Jupyter auto restarted and the issue went away. I can gladly say that I can perform search again for the description of an R function: Ex ?plot ,and receive the description of this function within Jupyter the same as before. I no longer have the issue of the browser opening or multiple new tabs at the remote R help server after typing ?

Console isn't showing up when running print() using LOVE2d with atom-editor

Using atom-editor 1.13 with the love-ide package installed to run LOVE2d 10.2 games (windows 7)
Apparently if you create a conf.lua file in the same folder as your main.lua file you can add some configuations to main.lua. So, I've got these lines of code in my conf.lua to show console.
function love.conf(t)
t.console = true
But when I go back to my main.lua and type print("ballz"), all I see is a blank LOVE2d game screen with no extra console window. Not really sure if this is because I'm using atom editor or not. Everything seems to be PATH'ed correctly.
On a side note, whenever I run atom using the love-ide package it always tries to install some "dependecy files" like the hyperclick-love package, and the auto-complete-love package. These fail to install because I don't have git installed.. honestly I really don't know what git is, but neither it, hyperclick, or auto-complete seemed like requirements to run my game, so in the spirit of not installing unnecessary things onto my computer I never installed these things... annoying as it is to see this notification always pop up when I start atom. Anyone know if this is contributing to the issue, or know a way to remove these notifications or auto-download-attempts? My LOVE2d code still seems to run without these packages.
Have you set up the terminal emulator in your configuration?
(Windows only) Try using the lovec.exe executable instead of the normal love.exe. The first one attaches to the console that executed the game, the second one ignores it.
Lua has a buffered output, try adding io.stdout:setvbuf('no') to the top of main.lua

No desktopSDK found in TideSDK Developer

when searching the internet, i came across the TideSDK which I learnt was made for develoing desktop apps with HTML, CSS & Javascript. As an experienced web designer I downloaded it hoping to begin creating desktop apps with my HTML, CSS & Jscript experience immediately. But, that wasn't the case.
Immediately I launched it I saw just two buttons one to import, the other to create new project. Since I had nothing to import, i opt to create new project. After filling the spaces for project type(project type was fixed on desktop), name, app id, directory, company/personal URL,the Titanium SDK Version was left inactive ( I don't know why but i thought it was minor), I expected to see some spaces to write my codes but none. Rather after saving my changes, I brought to a 'console' which was also inactive. No cursor at all except some buttons with lauch app, kill app, package with Runtime, package without runtime which were all not yielding any result. Infact after clicking each of them, I still remained in the inactive console.
In my curiousity to get things working, I have done many researches on the net without a fruitful result. The best article I have gotten so far is from: but even that did not work fine. I downloaded the Tiv Community App which suppose to serve as the IDE but it could not be installed.The installer always stop on the way. I have tried to instal it on my home laptop and the office desktop but it could not be completed in any of them. Please if you want to reply to this question, i would love you to download the Tiv Community app and see what am talking about. I have also downloaded the helloworld from Github but when I try to import, it gives an error message something like "Importing desktop project, but not desktop SDK found in your system". I downloaded the desktopsdk-1.2.0.C4-win32 but the installer is not work - 'cannot locate application path'.
Please, am curious about this whole project and would appreciate any useful reply. I would also appreciate if TideSDK Developer team could write a comprehensive 'getting started guide' but the guide avaiable now is not meeting up with our curiousity for getting started in SDK. Thanks
Checkout Getting Started Guide!/guide/getting_started
TideSDK's latest release version is 1.3.1-beta
You need to download the SDK from and extract the same in appropriate directory as mentioned in getting started guide.

