Create my own icons from png files in vaadin 23 - icons

I have couple .png files and I need to create icons for the button.
Initially it will be a first image and when button is clicked and action is successful, the image shall be replaced with the second one.
What I can see, you can create only predetermined Vaadin icons. Documentation does not even provide images of these icons, only names, therefore I can't even decide if any of those icon will be suitable for me.
If anyone knows how to do it, I will appreciate the tip.

The setIcon method of the Button component actually accepts any component as a parameter. Thus if you want to use png-file as a icon, you can just create Image component using png as a resource for it.
Image image = new Image(png);
Button button = new Button("Button");
The font-icons from Vaadin Icons collection are naturally more light weight, and you can find visual map of the icons here if you use them instead:


Javascript/React: Change displayed SVG background based on state value

I am working on a project for my Bootcamp. Design isn't the focus, but I want to go for the whole kaboodle: have both a working product and a good-looking front end to display it. I am using a .SVG as the displayed background set via CSS, and thus far I've succeeded in changing the displayed SVG based on CSS media queries. However, I'm interested in the possibility of having it change based on a value held in state/props.
The point of the project is an image viewer and user vote/ranking system. I was thinking to have backgrounds change based on the photo's category, which will be a value held in the state inside of the array holding the photo/user data. Let's say the category is "Dog" and I want to display a corresponding background. But when the user changes to another photo and its category is "Cat", I would like to have a different background displayed. I am working with animated SVGs for the backgrounds.
What's the best way for me to do this? I figure I can add the code into my functions that are being used to change the displayed photos.
Thank you!
You can apply styles based on state value directly.
Also you can youse ReactSvg package. It allows you to access nodes inside svg.
<ReactSVG beforeInjection={(svg) => {
const myStyleClass = this.state.myStyle == 'x' ? 'y' : 'z';
}} src={myImportedImage} />

How to add a wallpaper/image in the background page in google appmaker?

I need to add a particular wallpaper in the background page of my app to make the app look more colorful and beautiful. Is there any way?
The problem is that once you add an image to a page then it does not allow you to place another widget over it or cover it. It always aligns it horizontally or vertically.
This is pretty much basic css. I'd recommend you to look over this to learn more. So, in appmaker, if you want to apply the background image to a page do this:
1.) First, select the root widget of the page you are interested.
2.) Now, that you have the page selected, let's move to the style editor. Once there, on the Page Style section just type a "."(period, dot) and wait for the suggestions to appear. The first suggestion is what you need, so just press enter or select it with your cursor.
3.) Now that you have selected the element with a css selector, you can apply styling. For the background, you need to do this:
.app-myTestingPage-myPage {
background: url("url-to-picture");
In the above example, url-to-picture represents that, a url to a an image, preferably if it is served over https.
I know two ways in which you can get the background image url. The first one is to use any image url you find on the internet or a url hosted in your own server or cdn. The second way is to upload the image to appmaker resources and use that url. If you choose the latter, then do the following:
1.) Go to the app settings.
2.) Click on Resources
3.) Drop your image file in the respected area or click the button to browse
Once the resource finishes uploading, you can click the copy icon to copy the url to the resource and you can use that in your page css as the background url.
You should be able to accomplish this using CSS in your style editor. Either in your 'Page style' or 'Global style' depending on if you only want the background image to a specific page or be available throughout your application. You will want to declare a custom class or reference the specific elements that you want to render the background image in.
For a specific element:
.app-YourPage1-YourPanel, .app-YourPage2-YourPanel {
background-image: url(YourImageURL);
For a global style, create a class and for each element you want the background image applied you would add that class to the 'Styles' section of that element(widget):
.YourPanelClass {
background-image: url(YourImageURL);
Either way I highly suggest you do a search on 'html background image' so you can read up on additional options such as repeating the image to fill space and such.

Display decoration in ListView delegate

I have a C++ model that is used in QML. It's working fine, but I have problems showing decoration. How can I display icons in QML? I have searched the documentation and the web, no success. Image doesn't work either.
You have two options:
provide the icon as a string with a path to the icon file and use an Image element in QML to load the icon from the path string.
provide the icon as a QImage and use a custom image provider to use the QImage as a source for a QML Image.
The second approach is overkill in your case, but still, image interop between C++ and QML is possible if you need it in future.

How to change the background image IBM mobile anywhere app in login page

I am looking to re-design the Login page. I need to add a new background image. Let me know where should I be copying this image into the project and where should I be specifying the image reference. I see the change made directly into Login.html are not reflecting in the output.
There are two logos in Maximo Anywhere, ibmLogoDark.png and ibmLogoLight.png (for the light and dark backgounds). You will need to obtain suitable replacement (transparent backgound) logo gifs or png files from your customer, of an equivalent size.
The IBM logo image files are in:
and also in:
So that is where I put copies of my customers replacement logos.
You'll want to give them different names from the IBM logos just so they don't get overwritten so easily. There are 4 CSS files you need to update to the new name:
about.css, launch.css and login.css in:
and mdpi.css in
There are also two app.xml files you need to update to point to the new names. One in each of:
Then rebuild and you're done. Oh, and make sure you clear your browser cache (or use incognito mode) to test.

Show standard warning icon in Qt4

I'm trying to display a "warning" icon next to a QLineEdit if it contains invalid data. I was trying to use QStyle::standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxWarning) to get a standard pixmap and place it inside a QLabel, and in some cases this seems to work. When running Gnome the icon is displayed correctly, but when running under KDE no icon is shown. I assume that the warning icon is simply not included in the style used under KDE.
What is the preferred way to display a "standard" warning icon in Qt? Does there exist some list which shows which icons are included in every style? How can I get an icon from a style that I know includes the warning icon?
The last time I had a similar problem, I found this Qt labs discussion useful. It informed me that QIcon now (since 4.6 I believe) has a QIcon::fromTheme function that allows you to load an icon based on the Icon Naming Specification, and in addition provide a fallback icon to be used if the current theme does not have the icon in question.
What I did was then to include some very basic icons for use as fallback, and in general specify icons only by their Freedesktop names. This gave a theme-consistent look almost always, and the program still worked in cases where people were missing icons.
As for the warning icon, I'm guessing/hoping that every theme must have the one named "dialog-warning", and that it's what you're looking for.
I hope this helps.
Edit: Oh and, in case you don't know, it can be useful to look at for example the Tango icon set to get a rough idea of what the Freedesktop names correspond to (although it is of course theme-dependent).
Qt does bundle a number of images that are resources that you can use in your own code. These images are a superset of those available via standardIcon() You may want to verify that the particular image is included in the versions of Qt you're targeting.
The end result could look like the following:
QPixmap pixmap(":/trolltech/styles/commonstyle/images/up-128.png");
// use pixmap as needed
For anyone who wants to know how to do this in a Windows environment you can:
Create a qLabel in your custom class, and then in the constructor of that class create a QIcon with the style you want, convert it into a pixmap and use the QLabel::setPixmap() function to apply it to the one you created:
QIcon icon = style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxWarning); //or
//whatever icon you choose
QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(QSize(60, 60));
ui->iconLabel->setScaledContents(true); //you can set this to fill the
//dimensions of your qLabel if you wish.
