How can I add payload when generating JWT in http JWT AUTH? - http

This is what I could find on official ballerina learn-by-examples website.
But how can I sign payloads and return JWT on some endpoints, like we do in NodeJS using jsonwebtoken

You can use the jwt:issue() method to achieve this.
jwt:IssuerConfig issuerConfig = {
username: "user",
issuer: "wso2",
audience: "",
expTime: 3600,
signatureConfig: {
config: {
keyFile: "./resources/private.key"
customClaims: {
"scope": "scope1 scope2"
string jwt = check jwt:issue(issuerConfig);
You can refer this service example for a scenario where this approach was used to implement a login endpoint.


next-auth x Microsoft Graph API: Where to get the accessToken

I'm building an email marketing automation tool using NextJS, next-auth and Microsoft Graph API. I'm using next-auth's Azure AD B2C provider to authenticate users, and I've been following their docs.
Within the Configuration (Advanced) section of the docs, I've followed the steps to setup an Azure AD api app to communicate with the Microsoft Graph API (to send email on our user's behalf). Now, when a user signs up, an access_token (jwt) is added to my accounts db table. Here it is decoded:
"iss": "",
"exp": 1664588154,
"nbf": 1664584554,
"aud": "6eb...c5b",
"idp_access_token": "EwB...QI=",
"idp": "",
"name": "Will Despard",
"sub": "1f7...d6c",
"emails": [
"tfp": "B2C_1_signupsignin",
"scp": "mail.send",
"azp": "ff8...f5d",
"ver": "1.0",
"iat": 1664584554
The problem is, there is no example of how to setup the Microsoft Graph JS Client with next-auth. For example, according to Microsoft, to create a Microsoft Graph API client, you must do the following:
import { Client } from '#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client';
const client = Client.init({
authProvider: (done) =>
const sendMail = {
message: {
subject: 'Meet for lunch?',
body: { contentType: 'Text', content: 'The new cafeteria is open.' },
toRecipients: [
{ emailAddress: { address: '' } },
const userDetails = await client.api('/me/sendMail').post(sendMail);
However, the following is unclear:
Where are we meant to get the accessToken used in this example from? I've tried using the idp_access_token in the decoded accessToken on my accounts db table (above), but this doesn't seem to work.
I'm assuming the accessToken we use to communicate with Microsoft Graph API is going to expire after a short amount of time. How do we handle getting a new token?
Help/code examples would be much appreciated!
I would try it like this. First, it looks that for graph access you should be looking for Azure AD provider, not Azure AD B2C that is a service that provides identity providers. I.e. looks like you need this one:
To use Microsoft Graph to send mail you'll also need to request a non-default scope with "Send Mail" grant from your user. Means, when authorizing your app the user will be asked to consent that your app will send emails on behalf of him. Also you'll need to save the graph access token you get from the authentication flow. Something like this:
import AzureADProvider from "next-auth/providers/azure-ad"
export const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = {
providers: [
clientId: process.env.AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.AZURE_AD_CLIENT_SECRET,
authorization: {
params: {
"openid email profile Mail.Send",
// tenantId: process.env.AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID,
callbacks: {
async jwt({ token, account }) {
if (account) {
token.accessToken = account.access_token;
return token
Please note that if you do not specify tenantId that would mean that your application will be available for users from any tenant, but that in turn would mean that you must be a verified publisher (i.e. must have a valid MPN ID associated with your app). If you do specify a tenantId, then your app will only work for users from that specified tenant.
Later on, you could just use the token from the API:
import { getToken } from 'next-auth/jwt';
import { Client } from '#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client';
// some API function
export default async function handler(req, res) {
const token = await getToken({ req })
if (token) {
const accessToken = token.accessToken;
const client = Client.init({
authProvider: (done) =>
done(null, accessToken)
const sendMail = {
message: {
subject: 'Meet for lunch?',
body: { contentType: 'Text', content: 'The new cafeteria is open.' },
toRecipients: [
{ emailAddress: { address: '' } },
const userDetails = await client.api('/me/sendMail').post(sendMail);

How to access classroom api after signing through Firebase using Google Sign-in

I have created a unity application to sign-in using google and access google-classroom api. The sign-in is successful and the scope allows access to the courses too.
How to query the google classroom api after signing in with firebase.
endpoint :
Method : GET
Parameter : CourseId which I already have
BearerToken : How to retrieve this from firebase?
When I try using auth-code and/or idToken it gives the following error:
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See",
Thanks in advance.
There are many ways to make a succesfully API request via firebase Auth, in particulary to Google Classroom API:
The hard way is to create a HttpInterceptor for the firebase.UserCredentials and pass it on headers of every HttpRequest, somethis like this:
headers: new HttpHeaders(
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: `Bearer [${this.user$.AccessToken}]`
this is what I call the hard way because you have to ensure to pass and refresh tokens y every API services.
Use the javascript library "gapi" to login the client, and then use the token response as credential to login in Firebase. This aproach creates a pure OAuth2 login that serves to Firebase and further Google APIs requests, as follows:
declare var gapi;
/** Initialize Google API Client */
initClient(): void {
apiKey: environment.firebaseConfig.apiKey,
clientId: environment.firebaseConfig.clientId,
discoveryDocs: environment.firebaseConfig.discoveryDocs,
scope: environment.firebaseConfig.scope,
/** Do a OAuth login and then pass it to a FirebaseAuth service */
async login() {
const googleAuth = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
const googleUser = await googleAuth.signIn();
const token = googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token;
const credential = firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(token);
await this.afAuth().signInAndRetrieveDataWithCredential(credential);
/** Then you're ready to make a request*/
* Lists all course names and ids.
* Print the names of the first 10 courses the user has access to. If
* no courses are found an appropriate message is printed.
listCourses() {$ ={pageSize=10;}).then(response => {
return from<Course[]>(;

Get Firebase Access Token in POSTMAN

In my web application, I am using Firebase for Authentication, to access any API, I have to authenticate from firebase.
How can I get access token of firebase in Postman?
I have 2 solutions for this problem:
1) Get Access Token from firebase in postman, store that access token in postman global env. variable and then I can do other API request. (Here I don't know how to get access token in postman)
2) Do the login in the browser, copy access token from network request, store it in bash_profile and then use it in Postman. (Here I don't know how to read OS env. variable)
When you want to use Postman only and don't want to build a frontend you can use this auth request in Postman: POST{API_KEY}
In the Body you should send the following JSON string:
Content type is application/json (will be set automatically in Postman).
You can find the Firebase API_KEY in the Firebase project settings (it's the Web-API-key).
As response you will get a JSON object and the idToken is the token you need for all your API requests as Bearer token.
To have a automated setting of this token, you can add the following code in the Tests tab at your auth request:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setGlobalVariable("id_token", jsonData.idToken);
For all your API requests you should set the Authorization to Bearer Token and the value for the token is {{id_token}}.
Now the token will be automatically used once you executed the auth request and got the response.
An easy way to retrieve the access token from firebase is to:
create an html file in a directory
copy in the html file the content of firebase auth quickstart
replace the firebase-app.js and firebase-auth.js as explained in firebase web setup to point them at the proper cdn location on the web
replace firebase.init script with the initialization code from your app on the console like this:
var config = {
apiKey: "my secret api key",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "myapp-bookworm",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
open the html file in your browser and either sign in or sign up. The Firebase auth currentUser object value should be displayed.
inspect the html and expand the quickstart-account-details element. This should have the json object displayed.
copy the content of accessToken
In postman go to authorization, select bearer token and paste the copied token in the token value field.
You should be now able to call apis that are secured by firebase auth. Keep in mind that this only gets and passes the access token so once the token is expired you may need to request a new one (steps 5 to 8)
you can also look at this
Hope this helps!
In addition of naptoon's post:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setGlobalVariable("id_token", jsonData.idToken);
This is "old style", which is deprecated by Postman.
The "new style" is:
pm.environment.set("id_token", pm.response.json().idToken);
go to the pre-request script and add this code (use your API_KEY, USER_EMAIL, USER_PASSWORD)
const reqObject = {
url: "{API_KEY}", // API_KEY -> your API key from firebase config
method: 'POST',
header: 'Content-Type:application/json',
body: {
mode: 'raw',
raw: JSON.stringify({ "email": {USER_EMAIL}, "password": {USER_PASSWORD}, "returnSecureToken": true })
pm.sendRequest(reqObject, (err, res) => {
const idToken = res.json().idToken; // your idToken
pm.environment.set("FIREBASE_TOKEN", idToken ); // set environment variable FIREBASE_TOKEN with value idToken
this code will add the environment variable FIREBASE_TOKEN, but u can do whatever you want with idToken =)
I came across a need to do this where staging and production environments require a different Firebase idToken but local does not use one. I expanded upon naptoon's and leo's answers to use the identitytoolkit's verifyPassword endpoint as part of a pre-request:
const apiKey = pm.environment.get('api_key');
if ( ! apiKey) {
const tokenEnv = pm.environment.get('token_env')
if (tokenEnv && tokenEnv === {
const tokenTimestamp = Number.parseInt(pm.environment.get('token_timestamp'), 10)
const elapsed = - tokenTimestamp
if (elapsed < 20 * 60000) {
url: `${apiKey}`,
method: 'POST',
header: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: {
mode: 'raw',
raw: JSON.stringify({
email: pm.environment.get('auth_username'),
password: pm.environment.get('auth_password'),
returnSecureToken: true,
}, function (err, res) {
let json
if ( ! err) {
json = res.json()
if (json.error) {
err = json.error
if (err) {
throw err
pm.environment.set('auth_token', json.idToken)
The access token is cached for a given environment for up to 20 minutes (I have not implemented refresh token). The token is cleared if the environment is different to the last request or an error occurs.
Copy the below block of code and place it in the 'pre-request scripts' tab of the request on Postman. It will automatically get a token and put it as 'Authorization' header every time you make a request. You don't need to add any header or authorization manually. You don't even need to worry about token expiry.
Obviously, replace the app api key, username and password place holders.
const postRequest = {
url: '{APP_API_Key}',
method: 'POST',
header: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: {
mode: 'raw',
raw: JSON.stringify({
"email": "{Your_Email}",
"password": "{Your_Password}",
"returnSecureToken": true
pm.sendRequest(postRequest, (error, response) => {
var jsonData = response.json();
pm.globals.set("id_token", jsonData.idToken)
pm.request.headers.add({key: 'Authorization', value: '{{id_token}}'})
Firebase Auth not response Access Token just idToken. you must verify/exchange with your auth system to get it.
Here is the full list apis I found for interacting with Firebase by using its API endpoint directly.
If your using Node here's my solution,
With the firebase admin SDK import that into your file, and follow #naptoon instructions for setting up a route in PostMan.
In Nodejs in your file put the following
const user = admin.auth().verifyIdToken(req.headers.authorization)
I tried using
const auth = getAuth() const user = auth.currentUser
and that way didn't work for me so I went with the firebase admin route which worked well with minimal code
For anyone still a bit confused, this works perfectly with Firebase using Auth emulators.
Brief Overview
Create functions
Setup emulator
Generate Token
Perform authed request(s)
1. Create functions
2 functions are required:
Generate ID Token function:
import {https} from "firebase-functions";
import {auth} from "firebase-admin";
export const generateAuthToken = https.onCall((data, _context) => {
if (!data.uid) {
return new https.HttpsError("invalid-argument", "Missing UID argument", "Missing UID argument");
return auth().createCustomToken(data.uid).then(value => {
console.log(`Token generated: ${value}`);
return {
status: true,
token: value
}).catch(reason => {
return {
status: false,
token: ""
(optional) Auth'd function:
import {https} from "firebase-functions";
import {auth} from "firebase-admin";
export const checkAuthenticated = https.onCall((_data, context) => {
if (!context.auth) {
return new https.HttpsError("unauthenticated", "You need to be authenticated to retrieve this data");
return "Congratulations! It works.";
2. Setup environment
(optional) Setup emulators
Run your firebase project as you'd normally do
Postman, create 2 requests:
1. generateAuthToken
Method: POST
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
body (RAW: JSON)
"data": {
2. checkAuthenticated
Method: POST
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
body (RAW: JSON)
"data": {
Authentication Tab > Type Bearer: {insert token}
3. Generate Token
Call postman function using method described in 2.1
4. Perform authed request(s)
For every authed request, add the bearer token as described in 2.2 and it all works as expected.

How to request a refresh token with identityserver4

I have IdentityServer and a separate WebApi project using resource owner flow.
When I request a token as below the token is issued and can be used to access the WebApi. So I assume IdentityServer is setup correctly, and the WebApi project is setup correctly as well.
Now when I change the grant type to refresh and the scope to offline_access I get a refresh token. I then use the refresh token to get an access token, but when I use the access token to request the WebApi it is rejected.
With an error
the audience is invalid
I suspect it's because I am asking for an offline_access scope instead of api1 scope which the WebApi project expects. How do I get a refresh token that can use used with the scope api1?
var model = {
client_id: "myClientId",
client_secret: "myClientSecret",
scope: "api1 offline_access",
token_type: "Bearer", //Optional
grant_type: "refresh_token",
refresh_token: "your refresh token"
//this is most important step when to use refresh token
var base64 = btoa(model.client_id + ":" + model.client_secret);
//and your request here
method: "POST",
url: "/connect/token",
headers: {
'content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'Authorization': "Basic " + base64
data: jQuery.param(model)
response => {
response => {

Web API not authorized when using JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions

I have taken section 2 from a walkthrough on how to authorize with jwt so that I can get an access token from my client and authorize them to use the api. However, I can't seem to get this to work. I keep on getting a 401 message from Postman accompanied by a:
"Message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."
Tutorial Link:
The access token comes from an authorization service I have created in Java, so the first section of the tutorial does not apply to me.
"exp": 1489641048,
"user_name": "testuser",
"authorities": [
"jti": "2dde11c3-2f06-496c-9b36-4dbf71cdc2e2",
"client_id": "webreport_service",
"scope": [
Web API code snippet
public void ConfigureOAuth(IAppBuilder app)
var audience = "webreport_service";
// Api controllers with an [Authorize] attribute will be validated with JWT
new JwtBearerAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.Active,
AllowedAudiences = new[] { audience },
IssuerSecurityTokenProviders = new IIssuerSecurityTokenProvider[]
new SymmetricKeyIssuerSecurityTokenProvider("Any", "abc123")
It is slightly different from what is on the link in section 2, but that is because I don't base64 encode my secret and I also do not put the issuer in my jwt.
GET /api/protected HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:54706
Authenticate: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0ODk2NDEyOTAsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6InRlc3R1c2VyIiwiYXV0aG9yaXRpZXMiOlsiVVNFUiJdLCJqdGkiOiJlMDNkNWZmZC1hZWI4LTRkODctOGQ3My0zNjhjYjQ2ZDg2OWUiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJ3ZWJyZXBvcnRfc2VydmljZSIsInNjb3BlIjpbIlVTRVIiXX0.C4hivwA1VF-0GO0xCVUoDIheWQWlAcVWvAzChZTgrHY
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: ff628109-d5f4-76e0-41c2-e0c7d377b93f
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think so check the following:
Check your secret base64 code. 'abc123' is true?
I'm check your token in website on your secret code.
but Invalid Signature
Check your payload value.
What is 'iss' your jwt payload. / your issuer validate set 'Any'
What is 'aud' your jwt payload. / your audience validate set 'webreport_service'
Think about it.
Best regard
