p-treeTableToggler button accessibility issue - accessibility

I have an accessibility issue on p-treeTableToggle button, it does not have the aria-label attribute
enter image description here
How can I solve?


Correct labeling of submenus

For accessibility, what is the best/correct aria-label of a submenu. Should there be a general label followed by the purpose of the menu? Or should the aria-label be the same for all submenus?
Example: The image shows an example menu for book settings. When the user focus the menu trigger button. should the aria-label be: "submenu book settings" or just "submenu".
Open for suggestion!
It depends if you are using aria-haspopup="true". Having that attribute will already notify the screen reader user that you have a submenu. Different screen readers might announce it differently but the gist of it is that there's a submenu so you don't have to include that in your aria-label. You can just have aria-label="book settings".
Note, however, if you use aria-haspopup, then you are committing to supporting up/down arrow key navigation through your menu, rather than tabbing through the submenu list. See an example of the menu button pattern.
Alternatively, instead of using aria-haspopup, you could use aria-expanded. You can support either tabbing through the submenu or arrowing up/down through the submenu, or both. See the Disclosure Navigation Menu example. With aria-expanded, the screen reader will hear "collapsed" when they navigate to the 3-dots icon so they'll know they can press enter/space to expand the menu so, again, you don't need to say "submenu" in your aria-label.

JavaFX label text Underline Spacing with Css

I have Forget password label in JavaFX application that I applied underline on it.
I know this isn't possible to do with a basic property, but instead I have applied the following CSS to the label and I don't know how to set Spacing between the text and the underline
Specifying the underline offset
JavaFX css does not have a text-underline-offset attribute as far as I know. You could display the link in a WebView and configure the offset using web css rather than JavaFX css, but I wouldn't really recommend that.
JavaFX private implementation uses an underline offset, but that is not public API and cannot be controlled via public API, so I don't think that helps you.
Related info on clickable text (hyperlinks)
For clickable text, you should use a Hyperlink rather than a Label.
See the Hyperlink tutorial and css.
Hyperlink, by default only displays an underline on hover, to have it always displayed, see the related question:
Javafx Hyperlink: Style to influence visibility of 'underline' of link

Bootstrap: Wrong button font color after clicking on <a>-tag

I'm using twitter bootstrap (v3.3.7) and the following button was displayed just fine:
After clicking on a link like this
the font-color of the button turns black. Reloading does not help, i have to delete all history data, cache etc.
This problem occurs in Firefox and Chrome, but not in Safari.
Does anybody have an idea what could cause this problem?
I hope it's possible to fix this without overriding the styles of the button.
to clarify: the second link is not the same as the first one. So the style of the first button (a styled a-tag) changes after clicking on an other a-tag. In the developer tool it says that the font of the first button should be black, but it is white and therefore invisible, as the button is white, too.
It's not possible without overriding the styles of the button. What you're seeing is a:visited at work. You need to override this CSS rule to be the same as the unvisited a in order for the link to look the same both before and after.

QComboBox text partially hidden

For certain websites, the content is not getting displayed properly in QComboBox and the text is partially shown. There may be some issue with the height of the combo box which is not getting updated from the website contents.
I have checked on Qt5.3.0 and Qt5.5 demo browsers. If you try to access this link with Qt Demo Browser, the combo box displays partially hidden website contents.
Does anyone have a suggestion to solve this problem?

Like and Send Button flyout disappears

I'm having some issues with the Facebook Like and Send button.
I'm using XFBML for the buttons, in Wordpress, Blogum theme.
But the problem is that when the Like or Send button is clicked, the flyout where you can give reactions and so on, disappears under other objects on the site.
To check it all out for yourself, see:
at the bottom of the post we have the Like and Send buttons.
I would like to see that the flyout goes above all the other content on the webpage.
Is somebody able to help me with this problem? Thanks a lot!
The .post_content class in style.css line 80 has overflow:hidden. Because your Facebook buttons are at the very bottom of your post content div, it is hiding them when they overflow its borders. Change this to overflow:visible and the Facebook flyouts will be visible (though you may need to check that this doesn't affect other site elements).
