Is it possible to change the h2 tag on the dayGridMonth view heading? - fullcalendar

The dayGridMonth view with Fullcalendar shows the month and year in a h2 tag in the headerToolbar, and I want to change it to h3 - is this possible? I'm using Fullcalendar 5.


Bootstrap 5 style is applied to FullCalendar v5 and Angular 8

I have created calendar in Angular 8 using FullCalendar v5. Without any styling the calendar looks good.
Now I want to add forms to create event on date click, and hence I'm using Bootstrap v5. In angular.json file, I have added the required imports to use Bootstrap v5
as in this image.
I can add events to calendar using Bootstrap form, however now the bootstrap style is being applied to the calendar, which I don't want enter image description here. As you can see in the image the calendar day names and dates have blue color and underline, which I don't need, instead it should be like this.
I tried adding css to calendar classes like
a .fc-col-header-cell-cushion {
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
background-color: transparent;
but the styles are not being applied to calendar.
How can I remove/not apply bootstrap styling to calendar?
I just ran up against this under slightly different circumstances but was able to correct the underlying issue. The documentation that is most useful is here: and by using Chrome Dev Tools (Tutorial here: you can inspect the elements on your calendar. Then you update your css with the following items:
/* Removes Default Link formatting from Full Calendar*/

How to display in fullCalendar a dayGridMonth like a timeGrid?

The main difference between timeGrid and dayGrid views is that the former has a box as representation instead of a line. Here there is the dayGridMonth (a dayGrid without boxes):
instead, the same with timeGridWeek looks like:
I need a month view that shows boxes with full text for each event. Something like a timeGridMonth. How can I get it with fullCalendar v5?
Added: This is a month view in fullCalendar v1. I am looking for something similar to this that shows full text on events:
To have a result similar to v1 monthViewview, you have to change two small pieces of code.
In the config, you have to set the eventDisplay to block as suggested by #ADyson in comments (ref).
In the stylesheet, you have to add this:
.fc-daygrid-event {
white-space: normal !important;
.fc-h-event .fc-event-time {
overflow: unset !important;
With this two small changes, you'll have the expected result:

How to Turn All Bold Text in post content into h2 or h3 tag using css?

How can I turn all bold text in a post's content to a h2 or h3 tag using CSS?
I can change the color of bold text in a WordPress post to red, but I also want to make (only) the bold text in the WordPress post into h2 or h3.
b, strong {
color: red;}
if there is any other way like from functions.php or else, please share, basically i have more than 1000 pages and want a quick fiz to turn all the bold text in post into h2.
Unfortunately, you cannot do this in CSS. Tags are assigned in HTML---In CSS you can only edit the format of these tags.
One simple solution is to create a class or a few classes which all contain the format for boldness, the color you want, etc. and assign all the H2 and H3 tags in HTML to the respective classes you created.

Magento How to custom "price" font size for product page only

I'm trying to change font size and color for "Price" on product page only. When I change .price on style.css it would change price format on all pages which is not what I need. I need to change price format on product page only.
Any help,
You can simply make the change at the top of that particular page or even on that line. Simply place open and close style tags above the body tag and between them insert the rule delaration. This will override the linked style sheet.
You can keep your CSS consolidated and still do this. Add an ID to the body tag of the products page:
<body id="pgProducts">
Or Wrap the contents
<div id="pgProducts">
then you can use that in your "over-ride" selector
#pgProducts .Price {
/*Style to appear in pgProducts only*/
This could give you greater extensibility should this style end up required elsewhere.
Of course you can use what ever ID you like here. You could also use a class instead of an ID but an ID has better specificity.

change css class properties in extjs

I wanted to change the styles of calendar panel using extjs.I am using extjs calendarpanel and datepicker in my EHR application like following link
when selecting a date from datepicker if the day is a public holiday,(that is get from database on select event )i want to change the background color of calendarpanel to gray color.Is it possible?is any way to change the css class properties using extjs3.3.
you can override the extjs css with the using cls property for the particular element.Here is
i am using own css class for the text.
text:'Create App',
You can assign a custom class to the cell you need, for example here is how it works with the 15. day of month:
You can take a look to that Extjs 2/3 plugin
