Is it possible to get a superposition state where imaginary part will be with 0 state vector? - vector

I was solving the bloch sphere problem from IBM Qiskit textbook there I got a problem like this but it giving imaginary part with |0> . Is it even possible??


IterativeClosestPoint with pcl does not give expected results

I got two point clouds. To match them I try to do a registration with ICP. The point cloud's are not super similar but I want to at least get them very near together.
When using IterativeClosestPoint from the pcl library this works when I use my pointCloud A as a source and pointCloud B as a target. But it doesn't work when I use B as source and A as target. In the latter case it even increases the distance between my both clouds.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Why should there be a difference in performance when changing the source/target?
This is my code:
pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointXYZ> icp;
icp.setMaxCorrespondenceDistance(0.5); // 50cm
I am happy for any ideas and input.
Edit: here are the two clouds
Cloud A
Cloud B
I tried my code using Cloud A as source and Cloud A* as target. Where Cloud A* is a copy of Cloud A with just a translation on the x-axis. I did the same experiment with Cloud B and both were able to successfully converge in icp.
But as soon as I use Cloud B as source and Cloud A as target, it doesn't work anymore and converges after moving the cloud only a tiny bit (even the wrong direction). I checked the convergecriteria and found that it is CONVERGENCE_CRITERIA_REL_MSE (when transfromationEpslion is almost zero). I tried reducing the relative MSE with
icp.getConvergeCriteria()->setRelativeMSE(1e-15) but this didn't succeed. When checking the value of the relativeMSE after converging I get something like this: -124034642 which doesn't make any sense at all for me.
Update2: I moved the clouds quite near together first without ICP. When doing this ICP works fine.
Update3: I am doing an FPFH for a first estimation and afterwards ICP. Doing it like this works too.
This question is old and OP has already found a solution, but I'll just explain in case OP and someone find it useful.
First, ICP works by iteratively estimating correspondences between the two clouds and then minimize the overall distances between them. And ICP estimates correspondences using closest point data association (hence the name Iterative Closest Point).
And as you may know, closest neigbor graph is directed. That is to say, if point A has B as its closest neighbor, point B might not have A as its closest neighbor since C is closer to B than A!
Now that ICP uses closest point data association to estimate correspondences between the two clouds, specifying A as source will get a different correspondence set from specifying B. That explains the differences you observed.
Usually the difference is small and you may not notice after ICP. But in your case, I found the two clouds you provided are too different (one is extra large and the other small) and the relation becomes too asymmetric.
If you want to ensure the result is symmetric, you can just change the data association step (PCL might provide the option to do that) to make closest point correspondences come from both cloud (and this is just a variant of the classic ICP. For more information you can see my other answer).

pcl::NormalEstimation setSearchMethod explanation

// Compute the normals
pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::Normal> normalEstimation;
pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree(new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>);
Hello everyone,
I am beginner for learning PCL
I don't understand at "normalEstimation.setSearchMethod(tree);"
what does this part mean?
Does it mean there are some methods that we have to choose?
Sometimes I see the code is like this
// Normal estimation
pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::Normal> n;
pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree(new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>);
tree->setInputCloud(cloud_smoothed)*/; [this part I dont understand too]
Thankyou guys
you can find some information on how normals are computed here:
Basically, to compute a normal at a specific point, you need to "analyze" its neighbourhood, so the points that are around it. Usually, you take either the N closest points or all the points that are within a certain radius around the target point.
Finding these neighbour points is not trivial if the pointcloud is completely unstructured. KD-trees are here to speedup this search. In fact, they are an optimized data structure which allows very fast nearest-neighbour search for example. You can find more information on KD-trees here
So, the line normalEstimation.setSearchMethod(tree); just sets an empty KD-tree that will be used by the normal estimation algorithm.

Julia and system of ordinary differential equations

I want to try to solve a system of ordinary differential equations, perhaps parallelized and came across Julia and DifferentialEquations.jl. the system looks like
x'(t) = f(t)*z(t)
y'(t) = g(t)*z(t)
z'(t) = f(t)*(1-2*x(t))/(2) -g(t)*y(t)
over 10^2 < t < 10^14, but my initial boundary conditions are
x(10^14) == 0
y(10^14) == 0
z(10^14) == 0
Could someone please explain to me how to setup this problem in julia? I checked the documentation and could only find u0 as a parameter, but it doesn't give details on choosing for a right handed set of boundary conditions Many thanks!
You're looking to solve a boundary value problem (BVP). While this area is currently less developed than other areas of DifferentialEquations.jl, there are methods which exist for this which are shown in the tutorial on solving BVPs. The MIRK4 method may be the one to try.
I will note however that your timescale is quite large and may lead to numerical errors. Either using higher precision numbers (BigFloat, ArbFloat, DoubleFloat) may be required for handling that range, or you may want to rescale time in your equations so that way it better fits for standard double precision floating point numbers (Float64).

Maths - How to plot a course to a point with constrained final velocity?

First of all a disclaimer: I'm posting this question here even if I realize it is quite maths heavy, because I have trouble figuring out on what other site it could belong.
I'm writing a 2d spaceships game where the player will have to select the ship's destination and a course will be automatically plotted.
Along with this, I'm offering various options to control the ship's acceleration while it gets there. All these options have to do with the target velocity at the destination.
One option is to select the desired destination and velocity vector, in which case the program will use cubic interpolation, since starting and target coordinates and velocity are available.
Another option is to just select the destination point, but let the game calculate the final velocity vector. This is done through quadratic interpolation (ie. acceleration is constant).
I would like to introduce another option: let the player select the destination and the maximum absolute value of the velocity vector, as in
sqrt( vf_x^2 + vf_y^2 ) <= Vf_max
I take I shall use a 3rd order polynomial to model the course in this case, but I'm having a pretty hard time figuring out the coefficients, since I miss one equation for each coordinate (the one given by velocity at destination). Furthermore, I'm confused as to how I should use the Vf_max constraint to help me figure out the missing coefficients.
I suspect it could be an optimization problem, but I'm quite ignorant about this topic.
Can anybody help me find a solution or point me in the right direction, please?

Function for returning a list of points on a Bezier curve at equal arclength

Someone somewhere has had to solve this problem. I can find many a great website explaining this problem and how to solve it. While I'm sure they are well written and make sense to math whizzes, that isn't me. And while I might understand in a vague sort of way, I do not understand how to turn that math into a function that I can use.
So I beg of you, if you have a function that can do this, in any language, (sure even fortran or heck 6502 assembler) - please help me out.
prefer an analytical to iterative solution
EDIT: Meant to specify that its a cubic bezier I'm trying to work with.
What you're asking for is the inverse of the arc length function. So, given a curve B, you want a function Linv(len) that returns a t between 0 and 1 such that the arc length of the curve between 0 and t is len.
If you had this function your problem is really easy to solve. Let B(0) be the first point. To find the next point, you'd simply compute B(Linv(w)) where w is the "equal arclength" that you refer to. To get the next point, just evaluate B(Linv(2*w)) and so on, until Linv(n*w) becomes greater than 1.
I've had to deal with this problem recently. I've come up with, or come across a few solutions, none of which are satisfactory to me (but maybe they will be for you).
Now, this is a bit complicated, so let me just give you the link to the source code first: What you want is in the LengthIterator class. You shouldn't have to look at any other parts of the file. There are a bunch of methods that are defined in another file. To get to them just cut out everything from /raw_files/ to the end of the URL. This is how you use it. Initialize the object on a curve. Then to get the parameter of a point with arc length L from the beginning of the curve just call next(L) (to get the actual point just evaluate your curve at this parameter, using deCasteljau's algorithm, or zneak's suggestion). Every subsequent call of next(x) moves you a distance of x along the curve compared to your last position. next returns a negative number when you run out of curve.
Explanation of code: so, I needed a t value such that B(0) to B(t) would have length LEN (where LEN is known). I simply flattened the curve. So, just subdivide the curve recursively until each curve is close enough to a line (you can test for this by comparing the length of the control polygon to the length of the line joining the end points). You can compute the length of this sub-curve as (controlPolyLength + endPointsSegmentLen)/2. Add all these lengths to an accumulator, and stop the recursion when the accumulator value is >= LEN. Now, call the last subcurve C and let [t0, t1] be its domain. You know that the t you want is t0 <= t < t1, and you know the length from B(0) to B(t0) - call this value L0t0. So, now you need to find a t such that C(0) to C(t) has length LEN-L0t0. This is exactly the problem we started with, but on a smaller scale. We could use recursion, but that would be horribly slow, so instead we just use the fact that C is a very flat curve. We pretend C is a line, and compute the point at t using P=C(0)+((LEN-L0t0)/length(C))*(C(1)-C(0)). This point doesn't actually lie on the curve because it is on the line C(0)->C(1), but it's very close to the point we want. So, we just solve Bx(t)=Px and By(t)=Py. This is just finding cubic roots, which has a closed source solution, but I just used Newton's method. Now we have the t we want, and we can just compute C(t), which is the actual point.
I should mention that a few months ago I skimmed through a paper that had another solution to this that found an approximation to the natural parameterization of the curve. The author has posted a link to it here: Equidistant points across Bezier curves
