Locking Quiz - Preventing opening another window during quiz - google-forms

Is it possible to get an app script code to stop users from opening another window/ tab while filing up a form/quiz? What are the other possible solutions?

I don't think this is possible via Apps Script code. However, there are different ways you can achieve this depending on devices users log in to. For instance, there is this option Use locked mode for quizzes for ChromeOS devices. Furthermore, if you have Google Workspace users, you can block by URLs using a Local policy or remotely from the Admin console. These last 2 options, block users from navigating to other web URLs by using the wildcard "*" except the URLs you specify in the "Exceptions".
If you have other browsers installed in users'devices, then you can create a temporal Context-Aware access rule as specified in these steps. With these rule and the correct Google Workspace edition, you can block access from any other browser except Chrome.


Google Tag Manager on localhost

I was asked to implement the Google Tag Manager scripts into the React application. I've added the scripts to head and body of my html file. I've tested the site in the Preview mode of GTM and everything seems to working fine. Clicks and route changes are tracked correctly.
I have one doubt... What about the localhost development ? Is it going to generate unnecessary logs on the analytics (which I have no access to)? Or maybe it's just enough to paste the snippets and that's it?
I can't find an answer so that's why I decided to ask here.
If someone has some experience on that topic - please let me know :)
I would advise you to map separate Google Analytics property IDs by either a datalayer variable, URL or custom JavaScript to return a separate property ID based on whether users are accessing your website from either your localhost development environment, your UAT environment (if any) and then your production environment (or others as applicable).
Essentially you're looking at having something that says "if the URL contains "localhost", return my development property ID", then use this variable name in your Google Analytics tag(s) instead of a static value.
Yes, unfortunately all your existing testing is all in your profile because if you had the production property ID configured and fired off a bunch of events and pageviews, it absolutely collected and sent there as part of the debugging experience. Generally though, that's a low concern on a production app because you make up such a small portion of overall traffic; you're just a couple of blips in the larger dataset.

Is there a way to get a developer account to avoid being confused with an automated tool?

I'm currently developing a Chrome extension to use with LinkedIn Sales, and I'm having issues while testing the front end.
Due to some style changes, I had to refresh the page multiple times and now my account is temporarily banned because they confused me with an automated tool.
Does anyone know a workaround for this? Or, alternatively, can I create some type of developer account to use?
Due to some style changes, I had to refresh the page multiple times
This is really a suspicious action.
So isn't your "Chrome extension" also an automated tool?
Either get some API access (you find available APIs here https://developer.linkedin.com/product-catalog)
or if you just do some visual brush-up for users, you could try to make an offline copy of the page once (with a tool like HTTrack) and then use that copy for development.
For the Sales API it says
It's required that all integrations are built by approved partners for the SNAP program. To become a partner, visit this page.

Is there a way to customize the text content of Google One Tap prompt?

Our application has a multi-tenant architecture where we have multiple different websites deployed using a single codebase. Is there a way to edit the application name (ie. show Sign in to <Website 1> with Google instead of Sign in to <App name> with Google) without needing to create a separate project in Google Console for each website?
If editing the app name is impossible, is there a way to just show Sign in with Google instead?
I don't think Google allows you to do that, basically due to some legal/UX concerns. Take below UX as an example.
Users go to website1, and see prompt for "App Name 1". Then grant it.
Users go to website2, and see prompt for "App Name 2". And it'd be a big surprise, to some of them, that the permission has arleady been granted. Users may think 1)Google granted it without user's consent, or 2) someone had stolen his credentials and granted it, etc.
In summary, you need to make a decision first:
if you think end users should treat your different origins as different apps, you should create different projects for them(, so that their UX are isolated from each others).
if you think users should treat your different origins as a single app, then using same app name is not an issue at all.

Should I use Firebase Dynamic Links over Universal and App Links?

Im building an app for iOS and Android and need to open urls in the app on mobile and in the browser on desktop.
All links should open in the app if possible, so I cant generate one link for each possible url.
Can I do this in Firebase or do I have to create links in advance?
I'm not sure this question is related specifically to Firebase, or a general one.
I can try answering about the general case:
For opening in App:
In order to use Universal Links in iOS and AppLinks in Android, you'll need your click server to host Apple's AASA file or Android's asset file. This means that you'll need to serve that file for the operating system.
For opening in browser on desktop:
You'll need your click server to be able to detect desktop user agent and redirect you to store.
I didn't understand your question about: All links should open in the app if possible, so I cant generate one link for each possible url. Actually one link can fit all use cases, but you'll need to develop that capability in your own click server.

Programmatically set name of file to upload in webpage

Is there a way to programmatically set the name of a file to be uploaded from a web page? I suspect that browser security restrictions make this impossible, but I'm hoping someone will prove me wrong.
I have a web application that needs to let the administrator upload HTML. The admin selects the HTML file, then the app uploads that file, plus figures out all the supporting files (images, stylesheet, etc) and uploads them too. There doesn't seem to be a way to programmatically upload the supporting files from a web page, since the user has to specify each file explicitly.
Currently I have a separate Windows app to do this, but it would be ideal to have this functionality integrated with the rest of the app. My back end is ASP.NET with C#.
There is no way to programatically grab files from a user's computer via the browser. This would be a security violation if a website could just grab things.
Yes you can (in modern browsers)...
You can get and set the value of HTMLInputElement.files.
See this answer.
No, you cannot do this without a client-side application or special plug-in.
Browser security doesn't allow the server to obtain information about the hard drive contents of the client.
You may be able to do this using some form of browser plug-in. This is more work for you (and there are potential security implications for this beyond those found when you just have users run your app). However, it may prevent a more integrated experience for your users. I'd hesitate to eliminate the application completely, though. Browser compatibility issues are common.
