Drupal 9 Group module widget and selection - drupal

This question concerns the Drupal 9 Group module, https://www.drupal.org/project/group.
We regularly assign content to groups but I wanted to know if there is a way to assign the content to several groups at once or at least change the widget to checkboxes. Currently the only field widgets are drop down and autocomplete for assigning content to groups.
So, for example, we have the groups Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Washington, Oregon. Would it be possible to have a person select "Southwest" (Utah, Nevada, Arizona) or "Northwest" (Washington, Oregon)


Tableau - Filter Buttons not filtering correctly

I created filter buttons to use as a filter for 6 category's (measures) in Tableau Public (latest version) to filter 2 different graphs called - "Military Enrollment by Branch & War Films" as well as "Military Enrollment & Year-Over-Year Change". What I need is to be able to click on each category name (Army, Marines, War Films, etc) and for both charts to only give me data for the category selected on my dashboard. However, what is happening is that when I click on one of the buttons it displays the values for a bunch of categories instead of one and is also showing the data for specific years instead of the values for all of the years for whichever category I clicked on. Some of the years it is showing is 1980 or 1981-1983 whereas it should be displaying all the values across all years on the x-axis (from 1980-2021). It is also not showing any values for "War Films". The buttons are not working correctly and I can't find out why it is doing this.
Another issue is I can't get the "Reset Button" to work to clear all filters.
For reference I am using the worksheet called "Filter Images" for my buttons.
Attached is the workbook link: https://public.tableau.com/views/LastOne_16419877017470/Dashboard?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link
This is the chart without any button filters applied:
enter image description here
Example of what it shows when I click on "Marines", it's showing me data for multiple measures when I only selected one and it's showing me data for the year 1983 instead of data for Marines from 1980-2021.
enter image description here
That was VERY strange (until I looked at your data)
You only have Category values for 1983 but you also have all the Categories as separate measures as well.
You need to work on the data & I hate to have to say it now, but I think you should pivot your data and have 3 columns - Category, Year, Headcount (or whatever) but this will mean rebuilding a LOT of your dashboard again.

Conditional Logic for getting a list of sub categories in ACF

I am creating a business listings and Advanced Custom Field (ACF) helps me to create the backend form.
The question is, how do I get the sub category of a main category only if I set the condition.
For example,
I have 100s of City names as City Taxonomy
I have 100s of Area names as sub category of the City Taxonomy
I have created a form that includes these 2 fields.
City:_________ (Drop down selection of City Taxonomy)
Area Name:_______ (I want this sub category drop down to show up based on City selection above)
Is this possible? Or does it require coding to make it work?
I have searched enough and I could not find even a premium plugins to support this.
I can simply set these 2 fields to pull data from City Taxonomy but the data entry becomes very tough with hyphen appearing before sub-city Taxonomies and possible duplicate value under different city.
Thanks in advance.

Dynamic drop downs in Tridion designing in schema in SDL Tridion 2011 SP1

I am working on a Schema creation in SDL Tridion 2011 SP1.
I have struck at one thing.
I have to display three drop downs to user.
List: Country
If the user selects one country in the drop down, need to populate the states according to it. Depending the selected state I have to populate Locations.
I thought of implementing through Categories.
Created categories to countries
Created States as Abstract Keywords under for each country.
Created locations as Normal keywords under every state as normal keywords.
Can any one suggest how to achieve the following:
I will have three drop downs, for Country, States, Locations.
If the User selects any Country, the states should be populated accordingly and depending on selected state the locations should be populated.
Do I need to do any customization to tridion or it can be implemented in Tridion directly?
Do you really need to select Countries and States? If you select a Location keyword from the taxonomy structure, you are indirectly selecting the Country and State. I would implement this as a single tree type keyword field.
E.g. Select "Dallas" and it will imply that you have selected "Texas" and "USA"
That way you only need one field. In the CME you will see be able to see items classified against USA by including child keywords, and on the Content Delivery side you will be able to query the content.
Do I need to do any customization to tridion...
Yes. If you want this exact behavior in the Component editing screen, you would need to implement it in a GUI extension.

Hierarchical select module issue in drupal

i am using 'Hierarchical select' module in Drupal to create 2 drop down of States and cities and connecting the city ones to state in a way by changing the state,the list of cities changes too.(it is beside of CCK and taxonomy content module)
The problem is that by selecting the state and city for a new content,just the city shown.but i need both of them,State - city combination.
Hierarchical select is UI representation of hierarchical structure of vocabulary that is normally shown in a flat list.
From a single vocabulary (if multi select is disabled) you can select only one term. Selecting a leaf would not enlist parent tids.
Use taxonomy_get_parents() or taxonomy_get_parents_all() functions.
If you have all that data inside of one vocabulary and cities are children of states, once you select a city, it should display State >> City on the node. if you're displaying them with $terms; then it should display in such fashion.

In Drupal 6 how do i automatically create CCK fields on a node when a new node of a referenced node type is created?

I'm using Drupal 6 and Views 2, along with CCK, Panels and Node Relationships. (so far)
I have two basic content types defined:
User Profile (using Content Profile module)
Each of these content types has a node reference to two other content types, Tier and Commission:
User Profile content references "Tier" content
Product content references "Commission Category" content
There may be 5-10 of each of these, and up to 100 of each of users/products.
When a Commission Category is added, dollar values need to be added for each currently existing Tier node.
When a Tier node is added, dollar values for this Tier need to be added to each currently existing Commission Category node.
The desired effect is that users with a "staff" role can administrate both Tiers of users and Categories of Product.
Users will see a value when they view a product that is displayed as a combination of both their Tier and the Commission Category.
For Example:
Category A => Tier 1 ($100), Tier 2 ($200), Tier 3 ($300)
Category B => Tier 1 ($120), Tier 2 ($250), Tier 3 ($300)
Is there a way to do what I'm suggesting? or do I need to try a different approach altogether to achieve the desired effect?
I assume that you also want to be able to later edit those amounts from either the Tier node page or the Commission Category node page.
To make those values easier to manage, you will probably need to create another content type (called Commission for example) which references a Tier and a Commission Category, and holds a dollar value.
What I would do then is to use hook_form_alter() so that in the Tier form, an input field is added for each Commission Category. That way, whenever you add a new Tier (or edit an existing one), you can update all those values at once. Use hook_nodeapi() to insert/update all of the corresponding Commission nodes.
Then you can do the same thing for the Commission Category form, but in the other direction.
If you expect to have a large number of tiers or categories, this may be a heavy operation, but otherwise it should be fine since I'm assuming you wouldn't be changing these values that frequently.
