How do i solve object not found error message in R - r

I am trying to filter a dataset in R. I have installed (dplyr) package. I keep getting an error message that the column i am trying to filter cannot be found. I have checked the dataset name for spelling errors as well as the column name. I can clearly see the column "dose" in the dataset. I was expecting the dataset to be filtered according to the codeCan someone please help? I will share the code below and the error message.
View (ToothGrowth)
filtered_ToothG <- filter(ToothGrowth,dose==0.5)
View (filtered_ToothG)
Error in filter(ToothGrowth, dose == 0.5) : object 'dose' not found


Using R tidyverse I got This error on the filter Error in filter(ToothGrowth, dose == 0.5) : object 'dose' not found and I cant find a solution

Im learning R and using aprefunded database "ToothGrowth"Im learning to use Tidyverse and I have this block
#will add name to the new data set and apply a filter filtered_tg <- filter (ToothGrowth,dose==0.5)
and getting this error on the filter Error in filter(ToothGrowth, dose == 0.5) : object 'dose' not found but is it like that on the data base , any idea? ) the videoinstructer it got fine [example of the instructur]([code from the instructor](
Im trying to get the filter work and obtain this result from the instructor after apply filter and view function

Radlibrary for Facebook Ads as_tibble function not working "Column `percentage` not found in `.data`"

I'm using the Radlibrary package in R and have used it several times. Now I want to update my data on Facebook Ads but when running the as_tibble function to convert the data I have in class paginated_adlib_data_response I'm being met with the error message: Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `percentage`. x Column `percentage` not found in `.data`
Last time I used the API and Radlibrary package was back in May. I don't know if it's the dplyr package that has changed and now producing the problem or if Facebook has changed in it's dataformat. The problem only arises for demographic and regional data - the 'ad' part of the data still works fine with the as_tibble function.
Does anyone know the answer to this or perhaps know another way of converting the "paginated_adlib_data_response" into a data.frame format or something similar?
My code looks like this:
query_dem <- adlib_build_query(ad_reached_countries = 'DK',
ad_active_status = 'ALL',
search_page_ids = ID_media$page_id,
fields = "demographic_data")
result_dem <- adlib_get_paginated(query_dem, max_gets = 100)
tibble_dem <- as_tibble(result_dem, type = "demographic") # This is where the error is produced```

ARTool anova: Error in list2env(data) : first argument must be a named list

So I am trying to run the section of code
attach(salix.dat) <- art(logSumSalix ~ as.factor(NewCode) + (1|Reach))
and I keep getting the error message
Error in list2env(data) : first argument must be a named list
From what I have read in previous post you need to convert the data you are using into a data frame but I tried that and it produced the exact same error message. Does anyone know a work around for this problem?

R imbalance package Error in[, classAttr], minorityClass) ‘==’ only defined for equally-sized data frames

So whenever I try to use some imbalance function on my dataset I get this error:
Error in[, classAttr], minorityClass) :
‘==’ only defined for equally-sized data frames
This is my code:
dset <- read_csv("C:/Users/Downloads/streaming.csv") %>% select(-X1)
head(dset, 10)
imbalanceRatio(dset, classAttr = "cont_subs")
The task is a binary classification of whether the user continues his subscription to the service or not, with the "cont_subs" column containing only "Yes" or "No"
There was a similar question where the fix was adding classAtr to the function but adding classAtr to the function for me causes this error. So far I wasnt able to find someone getting the same error using the same package.
If I remove the classAtr from the imbalanceRatio func I get
Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist.
x The column `Class` doesn't exist.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
I'm new to R so excuse me if there's something obvious I'm missing.

Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object not found However, the object does appear to exist

I am new to R and to actually asking a question in Stack Overflow. I looked at several similar questions, but they did not seem to apply to help my situation. I am trying to make a linear model with the lm() function, but I get an error returned that states one of my data frame columns is able to be found:
library(SemiPar) # Contains Janka data
names(janka) <- c("Density", "Hardness")
janka.ls1 <- lm(hardness~dens, Data = janka)
I get the following error after running the final line:
Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'Hardness' not found
As you can see, I named one of the two columns 'Hardness' and when I view the data I also see that the names do match. Further, when I try running the code using the original data column name, it still has the same issue.
Thanks for your help!!
