Device-to-device messages with FCM and XMPP - firebase

I'm setting up a React Native app to, essentially, send messages between devices (it's not a chat app in practice but technically that's what it's doing). I've decided to use Firebase and the RN Firebase library to manage this.
I've finally got my iPhone receiving notifications from the Firebase notification composer. But it's saying I need an XMPP server in order to send messages from devices.
I do see the example in the RN Firebase docs but I'm hoping to do this app severless, just using Firebase for messaging, db, what have you.
I'm going through docs on Firebase (searching their site for XMPP) but it's not quickly clear, so I'm posting here to see if anyone can point me to instructions to quickly set this up in Firebase itself without running my own server (or that someone would know whether it's possible).


how can i send notification from flutter-web to flutter-application?

I had a project from two application(flutter application) and three flutter-web on the same firebase i want to send notification from the web to the application.
i searched alot for this and i cant find any answer or solution for this case.
I had a project from two application(flutter application) and three flutter-web on the same firebase i want to send notification from the web to the application.
i searched alot for this and i cant find any answer or solution for this case.
I hope you understand that we can't give you the finish solution here. I would recommend to you to go trough this docs.
What we can do is to explain it a little bit. For your solution I would recommend to use FCM. And how they work is that:
you use the Firebase SDK to receive a token from the client device.
you store that token on one of the Firebase databases
when sending a push notification to a device you would need to do it from the Firebase Cloud Functions and use that token to send the message to it. When you do that the device from witch the token is will get the message.
It doesn't matter what platform the device is (web, ios or android). All of them can receive Push Messages (in Web most of them but nor 100% all).
From your use case I would not recommend to use topics. You want to send messages from device to device and therefore the tokens are the best solution for it.

React native app sending push notification while device is offline

I'm about to develop an app similar to a birthday reminder and I plan to use firebase for push notifications but what makes me second question my choice is whether users will be able to receive a birthday notification if they are offline(not connected to internet for the whole birthday day). I know firebase has some offline persistence support but I'm not sure if this includes push notifications support. Are there any options to achieve that with firebase or with any other tool compatible with react native?
If the device is not connected to the internet, it is going to be impossible to deliver messages to it through Firebase Cloud Messaging or other internet protocols.
The common way to deal with such a scenario is to deliver the message to the device when the user does have an internet connection, and then only display it once it's the right time. By sending a data-only message through FCM, your application code controls exactly what happens with the message data.
There are essentially two types of notifications: in app messaging and cloud messaging. Both are offered by Firebase: In App Messaging and FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging).
The details you've given about your app is a little bit vague but if you're asking for push notifications, then FCM does the job. FCM will send notification when the app is on background or killed (exited out). When you say device is offline I'm assuming you mean when the user isn't using the phone. Yes, the notification will still come.

Receive Custom FCM In Unity

I integrated Firebase Cloud Messaging with Unity successfully and I can receive usual messages when I send them from Firebase Console, but I need some extra things.
1 - How can I send my notification as a URL? I mean I want that when user touches the notification it opens the URL that I put in the value in FireBase Console.
2 - How I can send and show a picture and a custom icon in the notification?
Unfortunately, I can't find anything on the internet and official documents confused me.
Is there any way to gain these request only with FireBase SDK?
Thank you.
You have to handle all the messages from FCM manually to get all those features you are looking for. I mean you got the general implementation all the stuff, but you need the unique one. All the notification display settings and notification click handlers have to be implemented on the Android native side.
Probably you will find some interesting FCM asset in the Asset Store with nice notifications customization, not sure. But I would recommend you to surf the Asset Store, maybe there will be some useful packages.

Is Firebase client SDK necessary for simple APNS?

I have a project that currently sends PNs through APNS and I'm investigating using Firebase for this purpose. I would prefer that the push notifications be sent through APNS and Firebase merely acts as a wrapper/intermediate around APNS. I'm not using any other feature of Firebase(storage, persistent connections, messaging, etc) either.
All guides/examples on this topic seem to integrate the Firebase SDK and relevant config files but I don't see the need for any client side change if the notifications are going to go through APNS.
Do I really need the Firebase SDK for simply sending PNs? If yes, for what reason?
You only need the Firebase SDK if you intend to use the service.
The behavior of FCM, as you know it, is that when you send a message with FCM, it forwards the message towards APNs, which in turn would send it to the iOS device.
If you're already fine using APNs alone for the push notifications, then you technically don't need the Firebase SDK.

Should I deploy Firebase Cloud Messaging server myself?

I've read the document about FCM, but I wonder if I should deploy a FCM server myself. Does the google cloud platform not provide FCM server? Or do I must implemented my own FCM server refering to the official reference implementation, gcm-playgroud?
It depends. (How's that for an answer?)
By "server", I'm assuming you mean, "Code I will be running on the server level to communicate with the FCM service". And honestly, the answer depends on whether or not you need extra functionality that's not supplied by the Firebase Notifications panel.
You can do a lot with Firebase Notifications, including sending scheduled messages, or sending messages to individual users, topics, or Audiences. But that is work that is done manually. If you just want to send the occasional promotional message to your users, you shouldn't need a server.
On the other hand, maybe you've got a messaging app and you want to send a notification to your user anytime they receive a new message. Well, that's clearly something that needs to be automated, and that requires some server-side code. So for that, you will need to set up your own server that communicates with FCM.
