Razor Page IActionResult for shared page set-up method - .net-core

Is it possible to call some sort of shared set-up method from both the OnGet and OnPost methods of a Razor page for loading data and running checks rather than repeating that same code in both methods? If so, what sort of return type should I use if I want to make it async? Hopefully the below illustrates what I want to do.
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync()
await SetupPageAsync();
return Page();
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
await SetupPageAsync();
// DO other stuff like saving data (so above method can't return page yet)
return Page();
public async Task<IActionResult> SetupPageAsync()
// Run some checks and load some data (including data loaded from db with await)
// ...but method might find issues and return other responses like:
return Unauthorized();
return LocalRedirect(...);
// If checks are OK and required data loaded, how do I return out of this?
return [what?]


A second operation was started on this context before a previous completed how to fix that

InvalidOperationException: A second operation was started on this context before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads concurrently using the same instance of DbContext. For more information on how to avoid threading issues with DbContext, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2097913.
public async Task<List<SiteBanner>> GetSiteAllBanners()
return await _siteBannerRepository.GetQuery().ToListAsync();
public IQueryable<TEntity> GetQuery()
return _DbSet.AsQueryable();
services.AddScoped<ISiteService, SiteService>();`
public async Task<IActionResult> ShowBanners()
ViewBag.banners = await _siteService.GetSiteAllBanners();
return View();
enter image description here

WebAPI controller throwing exception in background

I have a restful WebAPI application that handles requests from an AngularJS app. The controller actions requiring the GET verb works fine, but actions with POST/PUT that does not return any content will throw a Nullreference Exception.
public void Update()
This gives me the following message after function execution returns:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. <SendAsync>d__0.MoveNext
It will also return HTTP status code 204 to the client.
By changing method signature to be async and return an empty object it will work as expected:
public async Task<object> Update(ProfileViewModel model)
return Ok(new {});
Note that just returning status code 200 will not work. Some content must also be returned, or else the exception is thrown.
This happens on every request that is not GET, including DELETE. How can I fix this without having to change the signature and return an anonymous object for every single method?
Please try this code without any _profileManager.Update(model);
Use IActionResult if you are using .net core.
return Ok() does not force you to return anything and should work.
if that does not work then check for any errors in your custom serializer.
if that WORKS then put back your _profileManager.Update(model) and check if that is throwing any errors.
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Update(ProfileViewModel model)
return Ok();
You don't have to return object:
public IActionResult Update()
return Ok();

ASP.NET MVC - Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I have recently taken over support of an ASP.NET MVC project, and am trying to work through some of the errors, one in particular has me stumped though.
We have a 'New' page to add new items, with the following code running when the page is posted:
public ActionResult New(RecordView i)
return View("Index");
return View("Index");
However, when it tries to load the Index view, I get the following error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." and it points to the following block of code at the top of a file called RecordsView.cshtml:
#for (var i = 0; i < Model.Records.Count; i++)
The record does add correctly though, it just doesn't load the listings page correctly, and since this is just a "nice to have" I thought I'd simplify things by changing it so that it either returns some text which generates an error as it's expecting a boolean returned.
Any ideas on how to fix this please? I'm stumped.
The flow of your code here doesn't look right:
public ActionResult New(RecordView i)
return View("Index");
return View("Index");
From your description above, it sounds as though you're POSTing from your New view, to this New action, which should then redirect, when successful, to your Index action. Currently, the above code is not doing that, and it also fails to redisplay the form if the model isn't valid. It should probably look more like this:
public ActionResult New(RecordView i)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// Redisplay the `New` view, passing the model
// back to it in order to repopulate the form
return View(i);
The important distinction between return View(...) and return RedirectToAction(...) is that the latter will run the action and return the associated view. The former will simply return the view. That has implications in that if the Index action builds a model, and passes it to the Index view, none of that will happen if you simply return the view.
You could of course do something like:
return View("Index", new YourModelType());
but that isn't going to work if, as discussed above, your Index action performs some other data construction for your model, such as building drop down lists, which new YourModelType() wouldn't do.
Also, when data that is sent to a POST action is valid, you should be redirecting to another action (as I've done above), rather than simply returning a view, in order to conform with the Post-Redirect-Get pattern, which prevents some types of duplicate form submissions.
You display Index view, and seems that it requires some Model - Model.Records. And you don't pass it in this HttpPost action.
If you have action for that Index page, then you can just do
public ActionResult New(RecordView i)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(i);
It will just redirect a user to Index view, after creation of new RecordView item
Basically you may are trying to achieve PRG(Post/Redirect/Get) modal.
I guess, the problem is you are not sending the model for your GET request.
Post--> Save --> Redirect --> Load Data -->Assign to View in Index -->Access in view
public ActionResult New(RecordView i)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
public ActionResult Index()
var model=new MyViewModel();
return View(model); //Assign to View in Index
#model MyViewModel
#for (var i = 0; i < Model.Records.Count; i++)
If Records is a list, make sure your ViewModel has a constructor:
public class RecordView
public List<Record> Records { get; set; }
public RecordView()
Records = new List<Record>();
You mentioned that the record adds correctly, so you must be passing a valid record model into your view from some other action than the one provided.
If #for (var i = 0; i < Model.Records.Count; i++) is the cause of this error, my guess is that the model exists, but the Records property has not been set. One immediate work around would be checking the existence of this property before accessing it. For example:
if (Model.Records != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < Model.Records.Count; i++) .....
i think you have collections are not instantiated, the error may be in models not in view models. this because when ever you have a collection you need to instantiate inside of constructor of that entity.
May be this is your answer...!Just look
public ActionResult New(RecordView)
return RedirectToAction("Index");

Using "async" (even if it should complete) as part of a MVC route deadlocks the route; how can this be avoided?

Consider the following (based on the default MVC template), which is a simplified version of some "stuff" that happens in the background - it completes fine, and shows the expected result, 20:
public ActionResult Index()
var task = SlowDouble(10);
string result;
if (task.Wait(2000))
result = task.Result.ToString();
result = "timeout";
ViewBag.Message = result;
return View();
internal static Task<long> SlowDouble(long val)
TaskCompletionSource<long> result = new TaskCompletionSource<long>();
result.SetResult(val * 2);
return result.Task;
However, now if we add some async into the mix:
public static async Task<long> IndirectSlowDouble(long val)
long result = await SlowDouble(val);
return result;
and change the first line in the route to:
var task = IndirectSlowDouble(10);
then it does not work; it times out instead. If we add breakpoints, the return result; in the async method only happens after the route has already completed - basically, it looks like the system is unwilling to use any thread to resume the async operation until after the request has finished. Worse: if we had used .Wait() (or accessed .Result), then it will totally deadlock.
So: what is with that? The obvious workaround is "don't involve async", but that is not easy when consuming libraries etc. Ultimately, there is no functional difference between SlowDouble and IndirectSlowDouble (although there is obvious a structural difference).
Note: the exact same thing in a console / winform / etc will work fine.
It's to do with the way the synchronization context is implemented in ASP.NET (Pre .NET 4.5). There's tons of questions about this behavior:
Task.WaitAll hanging with multiple awaitable tasks in ASP.NET
Asp.net SynchronizationContext locks HttpApplication for async continuations?
In ASP.NET 4.5, there's a new implementation of the sync context that's described in this article.
When you use .Result there is always a possibility of deadlock because .Result is blocking by nature. The way to avoid deadlocks is to not block on Tasks (you should use async and await all the way down). The subject is in details described here:
Don't Block on Async Code
One fix is to add ConfigureAwait:
public static async Task<long> IndirectSlowDouble(long val)
long result = await SlowDouble(val).ConfigureAwait(false);
return result;
Another fix is to use async/await throughout:
public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
var task = IndirectSlowDouble(10);
long result = await task;
ViewBag.Message = result.ToString();
return View();

WinRT ViewModel DataBind to async method

I am deserializing a list of objects from an XML file, and would like to bind to the actual content of those objects in my View, passing over a ViewModel. The problem is that file operations are async and this bubbles all the way up to the ViewModel, where Property getters cannot be marked as such...
I deserialize all XML files in a folder to Profile objects and store them in a List<Profile>. This method (has to be) marked async.
public static async Task<List<Profile>> GetAllProfiles()
DataContractSerializer ser = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Profile));
StorageFolder folder = await ApplicationData.Current.RoamingFolder.CreateFolderAsync("Profiles", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
List<Profile> profiles = new List<Profile>();
foreach (var f in await folder.GetFilesAsync())
var fs = await f.OpenStreamForReadAsync();
return profiles;
Ideal solution 1
The binding property in my ViewModel would then ideally call that static method like this
public async Task<ObservableCollection<string>> Lists
return new ObservableCollection<string>(GetAllProfiles().Select(p => p.Name));
BUT Properties cannot be marked async
Ideal solution 2
public ObservableCollection<string> Lists
return new ObservableCollection<string>((GetAllProfiles().Result).Select(p => p.Name));
BUT this never executes (it blocks in the await folder.GetFilesAsync() call for some reason)
Current solution
Calls an async Initialize() method that loads the result of the GetProfiles() function in a variable, and then makes a NotifyPropertyChanged("Lists") call:
public ViewModel()
public async void Initialize()
_profiles = await Profile.GetAllProfiles();
private List<Profile> _profiles;
public ObservableCollection<string> Lists
if (_profiles != null)
return new ObservableCollection<string>(_profiles.Select(p => p.Name));
return null;
Is there a better way?
Is there a pattern/method that I haven't yet discovered?
The root of the problem appears when doing non-UI code, and you cannot rely on the NotifyPropertyChanged to do some thread-synchronization stuff. -- The method Initialize has to be awaited and ctors cannot be async, so essentialy this is pattern is useless.
public MyClass()
public async void Initialize()
_profiles = await Profile.GetAllProfiles();
private ObservableCollection<Profile> _profiles;
public ObservableCollection<string> Lists
return _profiles; // this will always be null
Properties can't be async so this solution will not work as you mentioned. Task.Result waits for the task to complete, but this is blocking your UI thread where the I/O operation's async callback returns, so you are deadlocking your application, since the callback is never called. Your solution really is the best way. It could be improved though.
You should make the _profiles field an ObservableCollection, so you would not need to convert the List to the OC every time the list is accessed.
Since you are performing an I/O operation that can take arbitrary amount of time - you should enable some sort of a progress indicator while it is in progress.
In some cases you might want the Lists property to be lazier and only call the Init method the first time it is accessed.
