Change selected data.frame columns using value in first row - r

I have created a table that show how much time each person in a team has spend for tasks each month.
Empl_level team_member 2022/05 2022/06 2022/07 2022/08
0 department 117 69 73 30
1 Diana 108 108 113 184
1 Irina 90 63 56 40
2 Inga 77 56 74 30
3 Elina 23 35 58 79
However there is such "team member" as department. how to to create a new dataset, where time from the sell department will be equally divided by real team members
Empl_level team_member 2022/05 2022/06
1 Diana 108+(117/4) 108+(69/4)
1 Irina 90+(117/4) 63+(69/4)
2 Inga 77+(117/4) etc.
3 Elina 23+(117/4)

Using data.table, something like the following could work:
df[, names(df)[-(1:2)] := lapply(.SD, function(x) {x + x[1]/4}), .SDcols = !1:2][-1]
The [-1] at the end removes the first "department" row.


Assigning unique ID to records based on certain deference between values in consecutive rows using loop in r

This is my df (data.frame)
Time <- c("16:04:56", "16:04:59", "16:05:02", "16:05:04", "16:05:11", "16:05:13", "16:07:59", "16:08:09", "16:09:03", "16:09:51", "16:11:10")
Distance <- c(45,38,156,157,37,159,79,79,78,160,78)
df <,Distance));dat
Time Distance
16:04:56 45
16:04:59 38
16:05:02 156
16:05:04 157
16:05:11 37
16:05:13 159
16:07:59 79
16:08:09 79
16:09:03 78
16:09:51 160
16:11:10 78
I need to assign an ID to each record based on two conditions:
If the absolute difference between two consecutive rows of the Time column is 1 minute and
If the difference between two consecutive rows of the Distance column is 10.
Only when both conditions are satisfied then should assign a new ID.
Results should be like this
Time Distance ID
16:04:56 45 1
16:04:59 38 1
16:05:02 156 1
16:05:04 157 1
16:05:11 37 1
16:05:13 159 1
16:07:59 79 2
16:08:09 79 2
16:09:03 78 2
16:09:51 160 2
16:11:10 78 3
Thanks to all who contribute any thoughts.
Change Time column to POSIXct format. Take difference between consecutive rows for Time and Distance column and increment the count using cumsum.
df %>%
mutate(Time1 = as.POSIXct(Time, format = '%T'),
ID = cumsum(
abs(difftime(Time1, lag(Time1, default = first(Time1)), units = 'mins')) > 1 &
abs(Distance - lag(Distance, default = first(Distance))) > 10) + 1) %>%
# Time Distance ID
#1 16:04:56 45 1
#2 16:04:59 38 1
#3 16:05:02 156 1
#4 16:05:04 157 1
#5 16:05:11 37 1
#6 16:05:13 159 1
#7 16:07:59 79 2
#8 16:08:09 79 2
#9 16:09:03 78 2
#10 16:09:51 160 2
#11 16:11:10 78 3
df <-data.frame(Time,Distance)

How to sum column based on value in another column in two dataframes?

I am trying to create a limit order book and in one of the functions I want to return a list that sums the column 'size' for the ask dataframe and the bid dataframe in the limit order book.
The output should be...
oid price size
8 a 105 100
7 o 104 292
6 r 102 194
5 k 99 71
4 q 98 166
3 m 98 88
2 j 97 132
1 n 96 375
oid price size
1 b 95 100
2 l 95 29
3 p 94 87
4 s 91 102
Total volume: 318 1418
Where the input is...
I have a function book.total_volumes <- function(book, path) { ... } that should return total volumes.
I tried to use aggregate but struggled with the fact that it is both ask and bid in the limit order book.
I appreciate any help, I am clearly a complete beginner. Only hear to learn :)
If there is anything more I can add to this question so is more clear feel free to leave a comment!

cluster analysis with weight

I have a data frame 'heat' demonstrating people's performance across time.
'Var1' represents the code of persons.
'Var2' represents a time line (measured by number of days from the starting point).
'Variable' is the score they get at a given time point.
Var1 Var2 value
1 1 36 -0.6941826
2 2 36 -0.5585414
3 3 36 0.8032384
4 4 36 0.7973031
5 5 36 0.7536959
6 6 36 -0.5942059
54 10 73 0.7063218
55 11 73 -0.6949616
56 12 73 -0.6641516
57 13 73 0.6890433
58 14 73 0.6310124
59 15 73 -0.6305091
60 16 73 0.6809655
61 17 73 0.8957870
101 13 110 0.6495796
102 14 110 0.5990869
103 15 110 -0.6210600
104 16 110 0.6441960
105 17 110 0.7838654
Now I want to cluster their performance and reflect it on a heatmap. So I used the function dist() and hclust() to clustered the data frame and plotted it with ggplot2:
ggplot(data = heat) + geom_tile(aes(x = Var2, y = Var1 %>% as.character(),
fill = value)) +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow",high = "red") +
geom_vline(xintercept = c(746, 2142, 2917))
It looks like this:
However, I am more interested in what happened around day 746, day 2142 and day 2917 (the black lines). I would like the scores around these days bearing more weight in the clustering. I want people demonstrating similar performance around these days to have more priority to be clustered together. Is there a way of doing this?
As long as your weights are integer, you supposedly can just replicate those days artificially.
If you want more control, just compute the distance matrix yourself, with whatever weighted distance you want to use.

Count rows for selected column values and remove rows based on count in R

I am new to R and am trying to work on a data frame from a csv file (as seen from the code below). It has hospital data with 46 columns and 4706 rows (one of those columns being 'State'). I made a table showing counts of rows for each value in the State column. So in essence the table shows each state and the number of hospitals in that state. Now what I want to do is subset the data frame and create a new one without the entries for which the state has less than 20 hospitals.
How do I count the occurrences of values in the State column and then remove those that count up to less than 20? Maybe I am supposed to use the table() function, remove the undesired data and put that into a new data frame using something like lappy(), but I'm not sure due to my lack of experience in programming with R.
Any help will be much appreciated. I have seen other examples of removing rows that have certain column values in this site, but not one that does that based on the count of a particular column value.
> outcome <- read.csv("outcome-of-care-measures.csv", colClasses = "character")
> hospital_nos <- table(outcome$State)
> hospital_nos
17 98 77 77 341 72 32 8 6 180 132 1 19 109 30 179 124 118 96 114 68 45 37 134
133 108 83 54 112 36 90 26 65 40 28 185 170 126 59 175 51 12 63 48 116 370 42 87
2 15 88 125 54 29
Here is one way to do it. Starting with the following data frame :
df <- data.frame(x=c(1:10), y=c("a","a","a","b","b","b","c","d","d","e"))
If you want to keep only the rows with more than 2 occurrences in df$y, you can do :
tab <- table(df$y)
df[df$y %in% names(tab)[tab>2],]
Which gives :
x y
1 1 a
2 2 a
3 3 a
4 4 b
5 5 b
6 6 b
And here is a one line solution with the plyr package :
ddply(df, "y", function(d) {if(nrow(d)>2) d else NULL})

Transpose with multiple variables and more than one metrics in R

I'm previously a SAS user - since I don't have SAS anymore I need to learn to use R for work.
The dataset has the following column:
market date sitename impression clicks
I want to transpose it into:
market date sitename-impression sitename-clicks
I think in SAS I used to do:
Proc Transpose
by market date;
id sitename;
var impression clicks;
I do have a book on R and googled a lot, but couldn't find the solution that works...
Would really appreciate if anyone can help.
Thanks in advance!!!
Let me start by saying welcome to stackoverflow. Glad to have anew user. When you ask a question it's helpful and encouraged for you to provide the code you're using and a reproducible data set that looks like the original. This is called a minimal reproducible example. To get a data set into here you can use several options, here are two: use dput() around the object name and cut and paste what is displayed in the console or just post the dataframe directly. For the code provide all the code necessary to replicate your problem. I hope you find this helpful for future questions you'll ask.
I may not fully understand but I think you want to transform, not transpose, the data.
dat <- data.frame(market=rnorm(10), date=rnorm(10), #let's create a data set
sitename=rnorm(10), impression=rnorm(10), clicks=rnorm(10))
dat #look at it (I pasted it below)
# > dat
# market date sitename impression clicks
# 1 -0.9593797 -0.08411994 1.6079129 -0.5204772 -0.31633966
# 2 -0.5088689 1.78799500 -0.2469315 1.3476964 -0.04344779
# 3 -0.1527465 0.81673996 1.7824969 -1.5531260 -1.28304384
# 4 -0.7026194 0.52072913 -0.1174356 0.5722210 -1.20474443
# 5 -0.4537490 -0.69139062 1.1124277 -0.2452974 -0.33025320
# 6 0.7466588 0.36318337 -0.4623319 -0.9036768 -0.65754302
# 7 0.8007612 2.59588554 0.1820732 0.4318629 -0.36308748
# 8 1.0781715 -1.01512734 0.2297475 0.9219439 -1.15687902
# 9 0.3731450 -0.19004572 0.5190749 -1.4020371 -0.97370295
# 10 0.7724259 1.76528303 0.5781786 -0.5490849 -0.83819036
#now to create the new columns (I think this is what you want)
#the easiest way is to use transform. ?tranform for more <- transform(dat, sitename.clicks=sitename-clicks,
impression.clicks=impression-clicks) #here's the new data set. Notice it has the new and old columns.
#To get rid of the old columns you can use indexing and specify the columns you want.[, c(1:2, 6:7)]
#We could have also done:[, c(1,2,6,7)]
#or said the columns not wanted with negative indexing:[, -c(3:5)]
EDIT In looking at Brian's comments and the variables I would think that a long to wide transformation is what the poster desires. I would likely approach it using Wickham's reshape2 package as well, as this method is easier for me to work with and I imagine it would be easier for an R beginner as well. However, here is a base way to do the long to wide format using the same data set Brian provided:
wide <- reshape(DF, v.names=c("impression", "clicks"), idvar=c("market", "date"),
timevar="sitename", direction="wide")
The reshape function is very flexible but takes some getting used to to use appropriately. I'm leaving my previous response up as well to keep the history of this post though I now believe this is not the posters intent. It serves as a reminder that a reproducible example is very helpful in providing clarity to your query.
Example data, as Tyler said, is important. I interpreted your question differently because I thought your data was different. I didn't take the - as a literal subtraction of numerics, but a combination of variables.
DF <- expand.grid(market = LETTERS[1:5],
date = Sys.Date()+(0:5),
sitename = letters[1:2])
n <- nrow(DF)
DF$impression <- sample(100, n, replace=TRUE)
DF$clicks <- sample(100, n, replace=TRUE)
I find the reshape2 package useful for these sort of transpositions/transformations/rearrangements.
dcast(melt(DF, id.vars=c("market","date","sitename")),
market date a_impression a_clicks b_impression b_clicks
1 A 2012-02-28 74 97 11 71
2 A 2012-02-29 34 30 88 35
3 A 2012-03-01 40 85 40 49
4 A 2012-03-02 46 12 99 20
5 A 2012-03-03 6 95 85 56
6 A 2012-03-04 61 61 42 64
7 B 2012-02-28 4 53 74 9
8 B 2012-02-29 43 27 92 59
9 B 2012-03-01 34 26 86 43
10 B 2012-03-02 81 47 84 35
11 B 2012-03-03 3 5 91 48
12 B 2012-03-04 19 26 99 21
13 C 2012-02-28 22 31 100 53
14 C 2012-02-29 40 83 95 27
15 C 2012-03-01 78 89 81 29
16 C 2012-03-02 57 55 79 87
17 C 2012-03-03 37 61 3 97
18 C 2012-03-04 83 61 41 77
19 D 2012-02-28 81 18 47 3
20 D 2012-02-29 90 100 17 83
21 D 2012-03-01 12 40 35 93
22 D 2012-03-02 85 14 63 67
23 D 2012-03-03 63 53 29 58
24 D 2012-03-04 40 79 56 70
25 E 2012-02-28 97 62 68 31
26 E 2012-02-29 24 84 17 63
27 E 2012-03-01 94 93 32 2
28 E 2012-03-02 6 26 86 26
29 E 2012-03-03 100 34 37 80
30 E 2012-03-04 89 87 72 11
The column names have a _ between them rather than a -, but you can change that if you want. I wouldn't recommend it, though, because then you will have problems later referencing the column since the - will be taken as subtraction (you would need to quote the name).
