Xamarin Forms: How to use Embedded Videos from local forlder? - xamarin.forms

I've tried looking for a solution but I cannot find one everyone seems to be using online sources and no one actually shows how to use videos from the local folder.
I want to have a folder under Assets for Android and Resources for iOS called Videos and store all necessary videos there. I don't have a clue how to access them tho to add to my source for MideaElement from Xamarin Community Toolkit.
I found a solution for embedded images but it doesn't work the same for videos. YouTube Video
IDK if they need to be embedded or not, or can I just access them with a relative path of sort?
I've read the documentation for MediaElement and their local way of access videos but I do not understand it with thing like ms-appx:/// & ms-appdata:/// where do they point to? where do I put my own resources? how do I use that to access my own resource? So many questions but 0 answers.
This is the documentation on MediaElement.
Thanks in advance :)

The docs you link to explain exactly where to place the files on each platform
On iOS, media files must be stored in the Resources folder, or a subfolder of the Resources folder. The media file must have a Build Action of BundleResource.
On Android, media files must be stored in a subfolder of Resources named raw. The raw folder cannot contain subfolders. The media file must have a Build Action of AndroidResource.


Rooted Path and FileUpload Control

I know it's been asked and I have read the posts and Googled this all day. Still nowhere near something that works. Using an .aspx page, I need to upload a .pdf file to a specific website. I'm doing development using VS2017 and VB.Net. The app will run on different websites. It needs to upload client files to a specific different website and path. Also, the file name of the uploaded file will not be the same as the local source file. Creating the new name is no problem.
Let's say a local file must be uploaded to a website at https://www.appfileserver.co.za/pdfdocs, but I'm on https://www.myownsite.com. So, when using FileUpload1.SaveAs(rootedpath) the path that goes in there must be the rooted path to the target. What would the rooted path look like for the example I provided?
FYI, I know the IP addresses, http paths and anything else I need to know because I control those sites. It would be great to do an FTP upload. I have done this many times from desktop apps. Unfortunately I'd need the full path to the local file. It seems there is no way a web page is allowed to get that full path, so FTP upload is out - or is there a way?
After battling for two days trying to FTP upload from website to website (which is not possible because server firewalls block this), I finally solved it. The solution was a simple one. I deployed the upload .aspx file on the target server then embedded that in an iframe on the client machine apps. The files are then uploaded one time to the right place. Simple and 100% effective. Hopefully somebody see's this and understands it - so as to avoid the troubles I had.

GraphHopper offline routing using .osm.pbf file

I downloaded the .map file and display with Mapsforge. Now, I want to find route offline using GraphHopper.
Can anyone give me an example link?
What do I need to do for offline routing with GraphHopper and what files I need and where to put the file in a mobile directory?

ASP.NET MVC Get image path from different module

For sample I got these two modules.
Then, all images that are uploaded inside the Module.Admin is place inside it, sitemap goes like this.
- Content
-- Uploads
--- Images
Now, how can I load as source these images inside the Module.Web > View .cshtml file?
As I've notice, these two modules are having two different ports. I hope you understand what I'm saying. Feel free to ask. Thank you
Sounds like you made the module a web project too? That means that they will run in seperate sites and not be able to share information.
You should probably use plugins instead. I've described how you can do it in my blog: http://blog.gauffin.org/2012/05/griffin-mvccontrib-the-plugin-system/
If you only want to access files you have to setup a custom VirtualPathProvider which can access the files from the other library.

Physical Path for image saving. Asp.net

I have a web project and I saved my images in Physical folders in hdd Like d:\SecretImages\Imagename. But I can't open the files when I have to?
I thought if it can saves for examle d:\SecretImages\Temp.jpg, I can open when I have to but, I can't.
Help me please, thanks
You cannot use file paths to show your images. The browser doesn't know where to find the images and the server wouldn't serve them up anyway due to security concerns.
You could/should use an HttpHandler to show the images.
I answered a similar question here on SO how to do this.
its becus when iis get file, it get as ASP.NET user not local system user. just go to the folder and add IIS_IURS group to permission list. or just set folder accessible by everyone.
this type of problem mostly not occur when local debugging. but will happen in production or network storage.
Try this article

ASP.NET File uploading-dynamic file names

I have a web page where i have an ASP.NET file upload control to upload files from client machine to Server.Now i want to do the uploading n number of times.Ex : I want to upload 100 files from my local pc to server.The 100 file names i can read from an excel file in my program.But is there any way to assign this file to the file upload control ?
No, as a security feature, FilUpload controls do not allow you to set what to download (imagine if you sign on to a website, and it is set to upload a passwords file or something).
Now there is probably another control, or a way to code around this, buut the FileUpload control will not allow it.
I would recommend using the jQuery Multifile Uploader which would take care of a UI (if you need one). And the actual uploads with Free ASP Uploads which takes care of the actual file transfer. Though it sounds like you are tkaing care of the programs programatically, so you can skip the multifule and just work with free asp upload.
You'll have to make your own Flash object or something to accomplish this, the basic HTML/ASP.Net controls won't let you do what you're looking for.
This will require creating some kind of an active or installable control. In order to get around the security hole of doing this, you're ultimately going to have to be able to execute code on the machine to select and upload the file.
And at that point, you're platform specific, so...
I would strongly suggest that instead of trying to have a web site automatically upload files for you, that you make a WinForms utility to accomplish this task and upload the files wherever you need, communicate with the web site over web services, etc.
This is a security restriction, you cant script the file selection of an upload box as it would allow hackers to write scripts to steal files off your computer.
You could use this silverlight upload utility which is my list of "things to use when I get the chance".
It has a nice UI and supports uploading many files at once. I originally tracked it down doing some research for a photography website that we were quoting for but that project fell through.
Anyway the project can be found here:
It also has full source code included so even if the control's developers abandon it you still have the choice to edit it yourself.
