How can I fix wp all in one migration permissions error?wordp - wordpress

I have been using wp all in one migrate to import my staging site into my local environment(XAMPP). after importing the staging, there was an issue that cause me to delete the local files for the particular site all together and start over. However now after creating a new wordpress site in my local environment and dowloading the plugin again, the plugin gives an error saying to Please make sure that storage directory C:\xampp\htdocs\website-name\wp-content\plugins\all-in-one-wp-migration\storage has read and write permissions.
I've tried the following with no success:
followed the instruction suggested by the plugin which were to
change the permissions of the file by right clicking into
"properties"... all of the users have full control.
used ls -al in git bash to confirm that my username shows as the owner of all the files.
changed the user and group name from 'daemon' to my username in httpd.conf
added define('FS_METHOD', 'direct'); to wp-config.php
deleted and reinstalled the plugin as well as the entire database.
so far I keep getting the same error. I also checked other local wordpress sites I have and they all seem to have the same issue now. Any suggestions?


"Unable to create Directory" on wordpress running on XAMPP

In these days i am experiencing an annoying error. I am trying to add plugins and themes on my wordpress site, which is handled by XAMPP running APACHE webserver and obviously MySql database. Everytime that i try to install a plugin (woocommerce in this case) i get the output below:
So I tried to change permissions on all the wordpress directories (I am on windows 10), but that has not solved the issue yet. I find it pretty strange.
Actually woocommerce folders are stored anyway in the File System:
I am not able to use the plugin from the site, anyway. I definitely need someone's help.
Just need to change folder permission and follow the below step:
Change folder permissions on the wp-content directory to 775 and try to upload it again.
If it fails, change the permissions to 777 and try to upload it again.
If it still fails then do steps 1 and 2 for the “wp-content/uploads” directory too and try to upload it again.

Fresh Wordpress install on Amazon Linux EC2...can't delete and reinstall

I just recently started by creating a EC2 instance on AWS. I used the Amazon Linux package. I changed the PHP settings to include the ability to upload files larger than 200MB. Got phpinfo.php working. Installed phpMyAdmin. Everything looked good.
Next, I installed Wordpress. It worked great. Then I tried installing a theme. Worked great. Then I started installing some plugins for that theme. Something made the site crash. I tried a few things, but since I couldn't go to the sites Wordpress Admin panel, it seemed hopeless. So I decided to start from scratch. I deleted the html directory (including wp-content) and dropped all the wordpress tables. I moved a fresh copy of Wordpress into the html directory, reconfigured the config.php file, and it recreated the Wordpress tables in the database. Seems to work great. When I try to upload a theme, it says:
Connection Information
To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.
I noticed that wp-content didn't have a uploads directory, so I created one. That seemed to let me upload the theme, but it showed up as a media file. I moved it to the theme directory and that worked. But when I tried to upload a plugin, I got the same message as a above.
What happened when I deleted everything? Or rather, where was information stored that when I reinstalled Wordpress, it didn't create a uploads directory? I am fine with reinstalling Wordpress from scratch, but I don't want to reinstall the whole LAMP stack or redo the AWS instance. Any thoughts?
The issue is that your web server doesn't have the proper permissions to write to your content directory.
The WordPress Codex has some good info for proper file and directory permissions. Ideally, all files should have 644 permissions, and all directories should be 755 (no higher).
If you're still running into issues adding plugins and updating WordPress, you should heed the advice of the following (so that you don't have to enter FTP details into WordPress each time):
Any file that needs write access from WordPress should be writable by the web server. If your hosting set up requires it, that may mean those files need to be group-owned by the user account used by the web server process.

Issue with Wordpress Folders on Google Compute Engine

I'm migrating a WordPress site to Google Cloud using Click To Deploy. All as gone well so far except a folder permissions problem when migrated the current sites wp-content folder.
Steps I took to make this work...
I set up a new WordPress install by using Click To Deploy and tested that I could upload new images to the server.
Uploaded and installed my backup database and current site files. In other words, I overwrote the files on the new WordPress install.
Tested the site by changing my 'host' file to match the new Google Cloud IP.
All looks great on the front end but in the admin area I can no longer upload images for new posts or pages.
I know this is probably a permission issue but I can't figure it out. Please let me know if you have suggestions.
If you have a good sense that it's directory permission issues, a simple way to diagnose might be to create a new Google Cloud Project, create another click to deploy instance, ssh to /var/www and run ls -al and compare permissions between what you have today and what the default scheme is. You may have to descend down a few levels into the directory that holds user-uploaded files.
My guess is that when you copied your site onto your instance, you modified directories where your linux user account is the owner, and when you try to upload files, the www-data user (Apache) cannot write to those directories any more.
You shouldn't have any issues running chown when logged in via ssh. Please post the output or error messages of that command.

WordPress Local Install Error (XAMPP) - Page 2 is Blank

I'm trying to install WordPress for local use with XAMPP. I started off by installing and unzipping both the XAMPP and WordPress folders. I placed the XAMPP folder in my C:/ drive and my WordPress folder within the "htdocs" folder. After that, I made a new "config" file for my local server based on the "config-sample" file.
Here's where things get tricky: when I try to use the "install.php" file, I am brought to a screen that asks for credentials. I give it some generic credentials and then I submit it in order to install WordPress. However, when I submit the form, the loaded page is completely blank and the URL appears as "localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php?step=2".
When I go into the database, it shows me that WordPress created all of the necessary tables, but didn't create any log-in credentials for me. I was doing some research and there were a couple pages that mentioned the need for increased PHP RAM, but I'm unsure of how to increase the RAM for local use or if it's even a problem. If anyone had an error like this happen to them, I would really appreciate some feedback as to what could be causing this problem.
I had the same exact problem, with an almost blank screen on step-2 passage.
Adding in wp-config.php these lines solved everything:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');
I've installed Wordpress 4.0 from a zip file on XAMPP 1.8.3 on my Win7-32bit PC.
Setting up the DB and all, I got the same "blank screen" at the step 2.
So, I went in to phpMyAdmin, and edited the "wp_users" table on my entry. I modified the user_login and the user_password (using an MD5 converter). Saved the entry and got into the localhost url for wordpress. Got into the log in, and everything seems to be working without any issues.
As a note: I installed a fresh/clean install so there were no custom themes nor plugins.
Hope that helps.

Could not remove the old plugin

I'm trying to update the plugins on my clients site and I'm getting this error for multiple plugins. He's using plesk.
Downloading update from…
Unpacking the update…
Installing the latest version…
Removing the old version of the plugin…
Plugin update failed.
An error occurred while updating Awesometastic Plugin: Could not remove the old plugin.
I'm sure it's got something to do with directory permissions, although, could someone explain to me what the possible issues are and how to fix this?
It's a permissions issue. Run this on SSH:
chmod -R 0755 /var/www/<yourpathtowordpress>/wp-content/plugins
chown -R www-data /var/www/<yourpathtowordpress>/wp-content/plugins
The first grants writing permissions, while the second ensures the user who needs the permission is correctly set
WordPress does not display OS level errors by default but this is most definitely a permission issue on your plugins folders in your site's wp-content/plugins.
You could enable debugging in order to see the original error which triggered the more generic one you've seen if you want to work with a better view of the world.
Multiple debugging options are documented in WordPress' online manual. To enable debugging and log messages set the following variables in wp-config.php:
Enable debugging via WP_DEBUG
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Enable logging debug messages to the /wp-content/debug.log file with WP_DEBUG_LOG
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
You should probably make sure to disable these options and delete the debug.log file after gathering enough information as they could contain server information you do not want to be accessible publicly through your WordPress installation.
Alternatively we can try to guess what the most plausible cause can be:
If you installed your plugins manually on the server and not via the
WordPress administration console it is likely you did it as a
different user then the one who is executing WordPress' PHP code and
thus requires proper access to perform such OS operations.
Finally the solution may be to fix the permissions or upgrade the plugins manually.
Basically this is permission issue.
and you will have to provided or make FTP user as owner of the plugins folder.
Most of the cases where you will be using same user for WordPress install and run as well as FTP access. If you are using different users for both above purpose then providing ownership to FTP user will fix this issues just like that.
chown -R ftpadmin /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins
Hope this would be helpful if any body at this stage.
first you have to delete the old plugin than update
If you have SSH access to your blog
Login your site via SSH.
Use SSH commands to nagivate “../wp-content/plugins/”.
type the given command to see all files and folders in the plugin folder
ls -al
Search for the particular plugin folder in the list.
Next, type the given command to delete that folder.
In the command, replace the folder name with your plugin folder name which is you want to delete.
rm folder name
now you're able to delete your old plugin.
Hi this is the permission issue at wordpress so follow this command
sudo chmod -R 0777 /var/www/html/thewayivogue/wp-content/plugins
like this where thewayivogue replace to your folder name.
Open FTP ank kill em all :)
Then reinstall those plugins. It is better not to open admin panel while removed so you have it still activated.
But do backup. It can Save Willy
