DAG Airflow is failing (CloudSQLImportInstanceOperator) - airflow

I have been working on DAG Airflow and it has been failing. I tried my python code with my colleague's project and it worked. What should I configure to make it work on my project?
Here is a snippet of the Airflow DAG:
enter image description here


Apache Airflow 2.1.2 dags are not refreshing after I restarted my vm where airflow is hosted

Airflow is not able to refresh the dags.
Airflow is hosted on azure vm and filestorage is mounted and added those mounts in env file.
Eearlier things were working file. as soon as I uplaod an updated script, changes would show up. But now it suddenly stopped updating.
Things I tried:
Restarted all containers, docker down and up many time.
just restarted webserver many times.
Removed file from file storage and added again.
In your airflow.cfg, you've these two configurations to control this behavior:
after how much time a new DAGs should be picked up from the filesystem
min_file_process_interval = 0
dag_dir_list_interval = 60
python -c "from airflow.models import DagBag; d = DagBag();"
airflow dags list -v.
Is there anything else i can try to get the dags updated?

Changes made to airflow.cfg file not reflecting when running Airflow using Ubuntu

I have created a Dag file and saved it in the airflow home folder(C:\ubuntu\rootfs\home\admin123\airflow\dags) but it didn't show up in the web UI. So I tried to change the dag folder from the airflow.cfg file. This is the new dags folder location(/c/users/myuser/airflowhome/dags/)
After doing this change I restarted the scheduler and webserver in Ubuntu but still, my Dag file is not showing in the web UI.
I'm using the Airflow 2.2.5 version and Ubuntu 18.04 version.

Broken Airflow DAG: No Module Found From Docker Requirement Instillation

I am facing an issue where my DAG isn't importing into Airflow due to a "ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Name package" error.
The provider throwing the error shows in the Airflow UI and works if I import it inside of a Python Operator. I am installing the provider via a requirements file in a Docker Image which also shows correct instillation and show's it's installed in site packages. I am running via a Celery executor on Kubernetes. Could this have something to do with the issue?
This occurred due to several Kubernetes pods not being re-built. This caused my scheduler to not have the required packages which caused the import errors. I manually restarted those nodes and re-built it from the last Docker file and everything ran smoothly.

Airflow command not found for all commands

I am getting an error when attempting to create a user. I have Airflow running on Unbunto Virtualbox and I am SSH from Visual Studio Code. As a sanity test, I ran airflow scheduler and got a "command not found" again. Attempted to run the command with sudo as well.
Turns out if you are working in the sandbox and close out virtual studio code you need to get back in the sandbox and then run the commands.
>source sandbox/bin/activate
>airflow db init

How to know whether I installed Apache Airflow successfully?

My OS is Mac OS. I followed airflow official installation guide to install. But when I test: airflow test tutorial print_date 2015-06-01 from airflow testing it doesn't print any output. The result is here.. I wonder did I install it successfully? I've run other commands on the official airflow testing page. They report no error.
So far I see only WARNING output, it doesn't mean that airflow isn't running nor installed improperly. You'd have an easier time testing your install with airflow list_dags and you probably must run airflow initdb before most of the commands (and look at the airflow.cfg file).
