Deezer-like audio encryption - Protect own audio with simmilar system - encryption

I am working on a Deezer-like music streaming website.
There I also looked at the audio protection. I opened the plain audio file that Deezer serves, that was still playable in Firefox, but sounds strange - Now I wonder what Deezer does with the file? Are the files "encrypted"?
I hope someone can tell me more about the system Deezer uses.


capture video and audio from webcam locally?

I'm writing a flex 4.5 application that's supposed to capture a video from a webcam and audio from microphone and save it in some video format (i don't care which format).
I use VideoDisplay to display the webcam. how can I fetch and play audio in real time ?
Is there a way to save the video locally without using a flash media server?
Flash/Flex does not have video encoding capabilities. You will need to send to a server for the encoding.
Sorry, I know this isn't good news. :\
You can check with the red5Recorder which is a player built using flex builder and configurable to any recorder like Red5 server or Flash FMS. You can check with the open source code to understand that.

Serving WMV on a drupal site?

I have a WMV file that I need to host on my drupal 6.13 site (on ubuntu 9.x).
Is a there a relatively painless way to do this.
Do I need the "Video" module to do this?
Or can I just install a video player and point my WMV file to it?
My other concern is the user should be able to view this video on my site without needing to download anything, is WMV the appropriate format? I am worry about people viewing this on the mac and ios device.
Should I convert this to another format first?
Can I do all of the above with free software alone?
Thank a lot.
The de-facto standard, especially if you want to target iOS devices, is H.264: WMV is not going to cut it. Most Flash-based players (which you'll need for browsers like IE and Firefox that do not support H.264) also support H.264 video.
From a site administration standpoint, you'll need to either prevent users from uploading non H.264 video, or transcode the files once uploaded. This is not a trivial task, and you should use a contributed module for this. Video is probably the most far along in providing a turnkey video hosting solution.
There is also Kaltura, but it's a commercial service and they have historically failed to address privacy issues despite repeated warnings. There's a new maintainer in charge of the module, independent of the company, and the module may be safer to use than in the past.

How can I programmatically read a Adobe DRM'd Epub?

I am writing an ebook reader that supports the epub format (i have the parsing of open epub working), but I would like to support the reading of Adobe DRM locked epubs.
I have read through the Adobe digital editions site (faq and support pages) and googled, but alas as yet I have not found any docs on the API to:
authorise the PC using the user's Adobe ID credentials and
decrypt the epub for parsing by my app.
Does anyone have any pointers to docs or APIs?
I would prefer APIs in Python, C++. But any API is better than nothing ;-)
UPDATE1: I am writing my app on Desktops (linux, mac and windows).
UPDATE2: Just to be clear, I am assuming that user has paid for the book legitimately and so does have an Adobe ID. I don't want to crack the DRM, just allow the user to read their books that they bought.
Looks like the solution is to license the Adobe Mobile Reader SDK:

How to record Audio and Video at the same time into flv in Adobe air 2.0?

How to record Audio and Video at the same time into flv in Adobe air 2.0 ? So that Video and Audio will be sinchronised?
Open Source libs and
Blog aricales are wellcomed!)
All I can help with are a few links, but I haven't tried this to know how feasible it actually is:
Audio - Recording record microphone to wav devnet article or devnet cookbook article.
Audio - Compression - MP3 Compression with Lame and AIR 2.0 or MP3 encoder in Flash with Alchemy
Video - is a bit outdated and only writes images, not audio, but might be handy to get started. Also have a look at the FLV Specs.
At this point it looks like trouble waiting to happen:
Where do you store the images/sound until you write encode them ? in RAM ?
If you want to cache uncompressed files, will there be audio delays ?
It might be worth trying something different, like C++.
Or at least, write some command line tools for recording/encoding for performance
reasons and use AIR/native process just for the looks/interaction ?

Recording Audio From Web Page

I'm looking for a solution for capturing audio from a user's microphone and posting it (preferably as MP3) to a server. I need something that I can embed in a web page.
I've seen where Flash can do this, but I understand that this approach requires expensive server-side software from Adobe. I'm not aware of whether Silverlight may provide any capabilities to assist with this.
I'm curious what others have done. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You can do it with Flash and either Red5 or haXeVideo or the server, both Open Source. Regarding offering a final MP3 to the user, you will need something else because these 2 tools only record to FLV format due to the licenses needed to encode MP3s. You can use something on the server such as FFMPEG for the transformation, but still, read the small print regarding MP3s.
Good luck
SilverLight 4 now has the ability to record audio. shows encoding PCM to WAV
Silverlight does not have this capability, currently (or in their upcoming 3.0 release). Flash would be the way to go.
