ngx_http_upstream_check_module checking multiple servers - nginx

I'm trying to set up multiple cluster checks in open shift using the free ngx_http_upstream_check_module
http status check request comes only when you explicitly specify Host in the check_http_send section
config example
upstream FPK {
server Host1:80;
server Host2:80;
check interval=3000 rise=2 fall=5 timeout=5000 type=http;
check_http_send "GET /healthz/ready HTTP/1.1\r\nHOST:Host1\r\n\r\n";
check_http_expect_alive http_2xx http_3xx;
server {
listen 8090;
location /healthz/ready {
proxy_pass http://FPK;
location /nstatus {
access_log off;
allow all;
In this example, the check passes, but only on 1 host, I tried to add a host through a variable, but it seems that this module does not support variables and i get error
2022/09/12 09:17:13 [error] 4123691#0: check protocol http error with peer:Host:80
How to pass multiple hosts in the check_http_send section? Thanks in advance for any help


how to split traffic from same url path to 2 different upstreams?

i have these upstreams declared:
upstream upstream_1 {
server some_container_1:8000;
upstream upstream_2 {
server some_container_2:8001;
and this server:
server {
listen 7000;
server_name localhost;
location /path {
uwsgi_pass upstream_1;
where both some_container_1 and some_container_2 are based on same image (thus offer the same apis on the same paths) but differ on env vars and other non related stuff. i want to fork 1% of all traffic from localhost:7000/path to be delivered 'as is' to upstream_2 and 99% to remain on upstream_1. both cases should keep the request as received, altering neither path nor headers
with split_clients i can fork which path will be set before forwarding the request to a single upstream, which is not my case.
here the fork is done inside an upstream between servers, not inside a location splitting between upstreams, as i need.
can i define an upstream of upstreams like
upstream compound_upstream_1 {
upstream upstream_1 weight=99;
upstream upstream_2;
to use it on
server {
listen 7000;
server_name localhost;
location /path {
uwsgi_pass compound_upstream_1;
is it possible to do this with nginx? considering so, which way should be the standard to accomplish this?
I don't understand, what stops you from using server names in the upstream block directly?
upstream compound_upstream_1 {
server some_container_1:8000 weight=99;
server some_container_2:8001;
server {
listen 7000;
server_name localhost;
location /path {
uwsgi_pass compound_upstream_1;
Or maybe I misunderstand your question?
It might be possible to accomplish this using a load balancer:
I'm not sure what the weights would be for your '1%' scenario but you can toy with it and adjust it to your liking.

How to drop path in rewrite and proxy pass the args in nginx

Example request - http://localhost/iframe?ip=
I want to proxy pass the request to the value of IP and remove the path and args after localhost/ .
Ideally the proxy_pass should point to and the URL should be http://localhost/.
localhost /iframe {
rewrite ^/(iframe/.*)$ http://localhost/ permanent;
proxy_pass $arg_ip;
I'm not sure whether rewrite is the proper way to address this problem.
I would use the argument ip and a rewrite to remove the iframe location
server {
listen 8085;
location /iframe {
rewrite ^/iframe(.*)$ /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://$arg_ip;
server {
listen 8080;
location / { return 200 "$host$uri"; }
Security Notice
I just have a feeling you should whilelist the upstream servers accepted as arguments. If not this will be a wildcard proxy to every single http-server reachable in the network. This is a easy to use SSRF attack vector. So please add some extra layer of security.
SSRF Explained:
Let's say we use this configuration without any further security. Given the folowing NGINX config:
server {
listen 8085;
location /iframe {
rewrite ^/iframe(.*)$ /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://$arg_ip;
# Server for iframe service
server {
listen 8080;
root /usr/share/nginx/;
location / { return 200 "$host$uri\n"; }
# Private Server Section here!
server {
listen 8086;
deny all;
location / {
index welcome.html;
Trying to reach the secret server directly
curl -v EXTERNALIP:8086
will fail with HTTP 403.
The NGINX will just allow connections form localhost/ as defined in the allow/deny directives.
But lets try the iframe with the ip argument.
$# curl localhost:8085/iframe?ip=
Welcome to our very secure server! Internals only!
It prints the content of the secret server. Whitlisting a proxy-pass like this is never a good idea regardless its working or not.

NGINX Reverse proxy based on presence of set of request headers?

If a user request do not have a set of headers, then the reverse proxy response should be routed to a different back end server , else if the reqeust have those headers, than request must go to a different server.
Is it possible in NGINX and how do we do that ?
Let's say that you're using x-backend-pool for your request header,
you can use the following NGINX module to get what you want:
The map directive allows you to set variables based on values in other variables, I've provided an example for you below:
upstream hostdefault {
upstream hosta {
upstream hostb {
map $http_x_backend_pool $backend_pool {
default "hostdefault";
a "hosta";
b "hostb";
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://$backend_pool;

NGinx split test two pages on same application instance

I'm trying to a/b (split) test two webpages on a single web application with a single hostname & instance.
Here's what I'm trying to achieve:
HTTP request for /
Request gets proxied to
Request is either proxied to or
Ideally that would be a sticky session that would maintain appropriate /a or /b during their session similar to what can be achieved with application pools.
Possible? Ideas?
You are looking for the split_clients directive.
Example from
http {
# ...
# application version 1a
upstream version_1a {
# application version 1b
upstream version_1b {
split_clients "${arg_token}" $appversion {
95% version_1a;
* version_1b;
server {
# ...
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass http://$appversion;
The arg_token in this case can be pretty much any variable you want.

nginx upstream does not be recognized by proxy_pass

I want my nginx to pass different uri's to different backends,so I thought I do that:
server {
listen 8090;
access_log /var/log/nginx/nginx_access.log combined;
error_log /var/log/nginx/nginx_error.log debug;
location /bar {
proxy_pass http://backend2;
location /foo {
proxy_pass http://backend2;
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend1;
upstream backend1 {
server max_fails=3;
upstream backend2 {
If I call wget http://mynginxserver:8090/ i get the following:
wget http://mynginxserver:8090/
--2015-09-18 11:58:21-- http://mynginxserver:8090/
Connecting to mynginxserver:8090... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://backend1/
--2015-09-18 11:58:21-- http://backend1/
Resolving backend1 (backend1)... failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘backend1’
Why does it try to resolve backend1? I don't get it. Please help ;)
My Fault:
1st it should have been postet here:
and 2nd its already solved here:
