It looks like only certain devices are supported in Device Access. How do I interact with unsupported devices? Specifically, I'd like to interact with my Nest x Yale lock, but I can find no API documentation anywhere.
It's not supported through the Device Access API.
I have recently purchased a Nest Camera (Wired, Indoor) today and I am wanting to stream it to Youtube so I can embed a live-feed into my website and so I can share the stream with my friends so I do not have to add them to the Google Home application and give them access to all devices.
I've seen the api documents for it, but I do not understand them. I found the API Documents on google's developer site (, however I do not understand how this works, or how to complete it.
In my personal opinion, there should be a feature to stream it to a platform such as Youtube, such a feature would make things a lot easier for many people.
I have so far found no documents explaining how to do this except from the api documents.
There is no simple "out of the box" way to do this. You would need to setup some kind of device as an intermediary. One one side it would connect to the SDM API, open a stream, and start receiving the data. On the other side it would need to connect to the YouTube API (or equivalent) and pass the data through. Unfortunately you would need some degree of programming skill to engineer such as system.
I've been basing my project on the discover services and characteristics sample project:
I'm trying to log a list of all available services within a device into the Chrome console.
Is there a possibility to do this? Because if I don't enter a service ID, I encounter a securityError:
"Argh! SecurityError: Origin is not allowed to access any service. Tip: Add the service UUID to 'optionalServices' in requestDevice() options."
I know NRF Connect can detect all services.
So can I retrieve a list of all services from a device, without predefining the services?
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Short answer: No, you have to list the services you want access to.
Web Bluetooth is designed with user privacy in mind, and requires services an application wants to access to be listed in the requestDevice call so that browsers can offer an appropriate amount of communications to users. There is a way to request to connect to any device acceptAllDevices: true, but there is not a way to request access to all services on the device.
When you're developing and need to understand what Chrome can see on a device you can use chrome://bluetooth-internals/#devices. Start a scan to find devices, and then select Inspect. (Only some devices will accept a connection.)
NRF Connect is an excellent and more powerful tool as well.
The current design for Web Bluetooth doesn't support building that level of diagnostic application. More about the security & privacy model for Web Bluetooth is in the Web Bluetooth specification.
One good developer facing article on these topics:
I'd like to know if it is possibile using waze's API about the community like danger points for an external app and integrated them with some our features.
I'm afraid Waze has strict rules concerning to who they expose the reports sent in by users. They provide a feed of reports for specific areas through the Waze Connected Citizens Program (CCP), but this program is generally only available for governmental institutions or road authorities. Generally the program also expects a dataflow towards Waze (road closures, for example).
That said, I don't work for Waze and I don't know all the details of the app you are working on. Depending on the type of app you are talking about, they may like to collaborate. You could always try to apply as a CCP partner and perhaps they may make an exception. Just be aware that while Waze has a lot of users, it is actually not a very big company so support queries may take a while to get a reply.
Note that it is technically possible to scrape the information from the Waze Live Map, but I'd strongly advice against doing that without permission as it could lead to legal actions.
I am using the Gracenote Entourage SDK for iOS and am able to recognize Live TV shows however when I try to recognize a Movie either from DVD or VOD it returns no matches. I have signed up for the Accelerator program which should give me access to the full database rather than the last seven days of aired broadcasts.
Can anyone provide an example returning movie data? Should I have access to this data with the Accelerator Plan?
Accelerator program gives you access to publicly available API's for commercial use. However, recognizing DVD or VOD is currently available to enterprise customers only.
I am using a variety of mobile device clients such as Blackberry, Android, Windows Phone iPhone. At the moment I am focusing on Windows Mobile 6.5 (I know it is dated but I actually have one of these phones to test with).
I want to be able to register the app installed on the device with my web server. Now, I could just let the User create a Username+password combination but I thought It would be cool that the registration/activation process would involve telephone number or/and IMEI being automatically (in code) sent to my server. The benefits of this are obvious, seamless registration and as an added security measure in case the phone was lost/stolen.
Now,I know all about SMS gateways and I guess I would probably have to pay for this service to do what I want - or just let the User enter their telephone number in the login page. I also know that you can send emails to some telephone providers (not all).
Does any one have any knowledge of any free SMS gateways for small business use or pay-as-you-go service or/and clever way to register a telephone number with a web site either via GPRS or SMS?
Additionally, any knowledge of where to look to get the IMEI/UUI of the phone in code? It has to cover different devices so a generic way is a must (which rules out OpenCF).
I appreciate it is highly unlikely that are solutions to this without using a SMS gateway provider but there are some clever people on this site so open to ideas.
The IMEI (and phone) number is locked down in the Windows Phone 8 API (for security reasons) so, if you want to make your solution future proof - you are going to have to force the user to find it on their handset and type it in manually. Other platforms (or previous versions of Windows Phone) may not be so strict on this.