How can delete compilation in AWS Amplify - aws-amplify

I have a lot of compilations in AWS Amplify, and it is expensive in my billing becouse AWS bill per GB storaged. How can i delete old compilations? I do not find a delete button


Google send an email to me explaining they delete cloud shell

Google send an email to me explaining they delete ->
Deletion notice for your Google Cloud Shell home directory
It's been over 120 days since you opened Cloud Shell from the Google Cloud Platform console. In 7 days, your Cloud Shell home directory will be automatically scheduled for deletion.
I have several Firebase projects, they have huge and important data that is stored in Firebase Storage and Firebase Firestore. Does it mean they will delete firebase databases also?
No data will be removed from Cloud Storage or Cloud Firestore when you Cloud Shell home directory is deleted.
As the email says:
your Cloud Shell home directory will be automatically scheduled for deletion.
So only data in that home directory will be deleted.

With the free account of Firebase is it possible to backup firestore? How?

I have Spark plan (free) and I would like to backup the Firestore Data. I followed this Tutorial but it returns this error:
ERROR: (gcloud.firestore.export) PERMISSION_DENIED: This API method requires billing to be enabled. Please enable billing on project by visiting then retry. If you enabled billing for this project recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Is there a way to to backup it WITHOUT UPGRADING TO BLAZE? If yes, how?
The error message is pretty explicit:
This API method requires billing to be enabled.
The documentation on exporting data also has this note:
Firebase projects must be on the Blaze plan to use the managed export and import feature. Enabling billing for the Google Cloud automatically upgrades your Firebase project to the Blaze plan.
So it looks like your project will need to be on the Blaze plan to use scheduled exports.

Unable to delete Azure Resource Group

I'm trying to delete Ra esource Group or the resources in that group.
Databricks got deleted half-way is now in a failed state and can't be removed
A storage account can't be deleted because of an other resource requiring exclusive access
The Private Endpoint on the Storage Account can't be deleted, because there is no changes possible on the Storage Account - I'm owner on Subscription level
The AKS namespace returns an 'internal server error'
The Log Analytics workspace I can't delete because a SQL solution can be deleted 'ajaxExtended call failed'
Tried using CLI, PowerShell, checked for Locks, re-registered providers, tried moving resources ....

how to backup my firebase datase to another server, in cloud server hosting or VPS server

I have an application on firebase, but I must have server backup on another server, in cloud hosting or VPS, Please help me
Both Firebase Realtime Database and Firestore offer backup capability to a GCS bucket.
Firebase Realtime Database:
Use the "Backups" tab on the console and use the wizard to configure the backup. There's more about how to restore and how files are named here. There is no additional cost for the backup operation, but you are obviously charged for the storage of the backups in GCS.
For Firestore:
You can use the gcloud firestore export gs://[BUCKET_NAME] command to export to a GCS bucket, either the entire database or just one collection. Full documentation about restores, partial exports, etc, is here. Note you are charged for document reads to do the backup in addition to the GCS storage costs.
There does not appear to be a built-in way to automate this but the Admin SDK includes a FirestoreAdminClient.exportDocuments (that link is for Node) call you could presumably use to call from a scheduled cloud function to do the work.
You must be on the Blaze (pay as you go) plan for both databases.

Does firebase charge when downloading backup files?

You can enable Firebase Realtime DB to be automatically backed up daily.
Do they charge when downloading data to backup? Or do they charge when we download a backup file (.zip file).
The backups of the Firebase Realtime Database are written to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. There is no bandwidth charge for the writing of the backups to the bucket.
You will be charged for the storage space the backups occupy, and for downloading the backups from the bucket. Both are charged as a normal GCS operations.
Also see the cost section of the documentation for the backup feature:
The backups feature can be enabled for Blaze projects for no additional cost. However, you will be charged at the standard rates for the backup files placed in your Google Cloud Storage bucket. You can enable Gzip Compression and Storage 30 day Lifecycle to reduce your storage costs.
