Firebase Log-in events - firebase

I want to see Who and When login to the Firebase from UI side, as administrator.
It is not related data access from app etc.
So, I login to as User/Manager/Admin and want to see it in logs.
It should be in GCP project related to firebase, if so how can I find it - did saw in Log explorer.
Or it should be in Firebase UI?
thank you in advance.

I would give you a workaround. You can use Firebase Management API which is in beta.
Consider you have to watch a project.
You can make a request like below to get the Project Details.
Sample Response:
"projectId": "*****************",
"projectNumber": "*****************",
"displayName": "Sample App",
"name": "projects/*****************",
"resources": {
"hostingSite": "*****************",
"realtimeDatabaseInstance": "*****************"
"state": "ACTIVE",
"etag": "1_d15ff4d3-727e-431c-8eba-f33957805f23"
In the response, you have a key called ETAG. Basically, this changes whenever the project is opened by someone.
You cannot get who is logged-in or other details.
You can only know someone has opened, changed or made some operations in the project, using ETAG.
You can simply store the ETAG in your server and poll for the change.
If it is changed, then someone might have used the Project.
If you want the Updated Time of the project along with it, you can try this,


Mesibo Dashboard becomes inaccessible after API call fail

I am trying to create a new user through the backend.
My backend is a spring-boot application Java-based.
The API call end with a JSON object and have the result key set to false, with no other information to understand why the user has not been created. And then, when I tried to refresh the Mesibo dashboard, I got an empty page, with errors in the browser console.
This the user I try to save in Mesibo.
"op": "useradd",
"token": "I put here my app token",
"user": {
"address": "",
"name": "User Name",
"token": {
"appid": ""
The image shows what I see in the browser console when I try to access It.
mesibo browser console
It is important to note, that the account I use is not mine, I use the one my company gave me.
We are trying to implement our flow, so we are not in prod we are just testing APIs and others...
Thank you very much for your help!
PS: I created my own account on mesibo and got the same result!

Firebase Authentication unable to enable Google auth method - "Error updating Google"

I am trying to enable the Firebase authentication with the Google Auth sign-in method, but enabling it and clicking "save" shows the error "Error updating Google".
In the Google Cloud Console activity logs, it shows:
With the error message "Not found (HTTP 404): Operation failed with error code NOT_FOUND."
However, when I tried this in a new Google Cloud project, it worked perfectly. I have tried removing and recreating the Firebase Admin SDK, removing and creating a new app, and removing the OAuth credentials.
I cannot seem to find any solution to this problem other than creating a new project, but I would prefer to keep my existing project ID.
Alternatively, if there is any way to reset my GCP project or remake it with the same ID, that would also be fine.
This issue is caused by deleting the OAuth client autogenerated by Firebase by default.
To solve it, you need to first create a new OAuth 2 client ID, and set the necessary redirect URIs for your Firebase app (they should default to something like https://{PROJECT_ID}
Then, call this API - the request should look something like this, using the client ID and client secret from the credentials generated above:
"name": "projects/{PROJECT_ID}/defaultSupportedIdpConfigs/",
"enabled": true,
"clientId": "{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}",
"clientSecret": "{YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET}"
After making this API call, the Google authentication provider should be enabled.
Before to begin, you must have created a new oaut-credentian gcp console, because is tha main problem here.
You nee create a new oauth provider, you can use the next link to authenticate a try the request using data like next:
Parent: projects/**put here your project number**
idpId (identity provider):
Request Body
"name": "projects/**put here your project number**/defaultSupportedIdpConfigs/",
"enabled": true,
"clientId": "**put here your client id**",
"clientSecret": "**put here your client secret**"

Is that possible to add android app to firebase project programmatically using firbase cloud function

Is there any method to add a android app to exiting firebase project programmatically and i need the google-services.json as result then i need to add sha key with that same app using node-js
online documentation not solve my problem or i don't understand how to do it from that documentation
Thankyou for your answer i flowed it and facing another issue
#admin and #Frank van Puffelen please check
when i try to create android it showing this error.
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Request contains an invalid argument.", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } }
I send post request from live api test window
and in parent i set it as `projects/343202254462`
{ "displayName": "testing", "name": "te4sting", "packageName": "io.asdasd.fdsfdsf", "projectId": "324324324", "appId": "wdeqwe" }
There is a REST api, Firebase Management API, which lets you control the apps connected and other such admin work. Friendly note, make sure you restrict all client api keys from using this api!
REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.androidApps
create POST /v1beta1/{parent=projects/*}/androidApps

Actions on Google responds with "Sorry, I didn't get any response."

I am following this code lab Facts about You: Build a conversational app for the Google Assistant
I had it working once but must have done something wrong because now all. To be 100% clear i have deleted everything on my pc downloaded the code from Git again deleted the project in actions console deleted the project in This is the result of a completely new install. I have not changed anything in the code lab.
"Sorry, I didn't get any response."
The request apears to be sending corectly
From actions test:
"conversationToken": "CiZDIzU5Ym...",
"debugLevel": 1,
"inputType": "KEYBOARD",
"locale": "en-US",
"mockLocation": {
"city": "Mountain View",
"coordinates": {
"latitude": 37.421980615353675,
"longitude": -122.08419799804688
"formattedAddress": "Googleplex, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States",
"zipCode": "94043"
"query": "tell me about cats",
"surface": "GOOGLE_HOME"
Received in fire-base
[{"name":"actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"}]},"inputs":[{"rawInputs":[{"query":"tell me about cats","inputType":"VOICE"}],"arguments":[{"rawText":"tell me about cats","textValue":"tell me about cats","name":"text"}],"intent":"actions.intent.TEXT"}],"user":{"locale":"en-US","userId":"AETml1RzwqyijfbawqjZkRSXz-P1"},"device":{},"conversation":{"conversationId":"1504878811393","type":"ACTIVE","conversationToken":"[\"_actions_on_google_\",\"choose_fact-followup\"]"}}},"id":"3b97e239-346f-49a2-a106-96cfb6f69e92","timestamp":"2017-09-08T13:58:29.99Z","lang":"en","result":{"source":"agent","resolvedQuery":"tell me about cats","speech":"","action":"","actionIncomplete":false,"parameters":{},"contexts":[{"name":"_actions_on_google_","parameters":{"category.original":"headquarters","category":"headquarters","facts":{"content":{"headquarters":["Google has over 10 fitness facilities in its main campus."],"history":["Google was founded in 1998.","Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.","Google went public in 2004.","Google has more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries."]}}},"lifespan":98},{"name":"actions_capability_audio_output","parameters":{},"lifespan":0},{"name":"google_assistant_input_type_voice","parameters":{},"lifespan":0},{"name":"choose_cats-followup","parameters":{},"lifespan":2}],"metadata":{"intentId":"14df3938-3776-477c-811c-d1758ecd15cb","webhookUsed":"true","webhookForSlotFillingUsed":"false","nluResponseTime":19,"intentName":"choose_cats"},"fulfillment":{"speech":"","messages":[{"type":0,"speech":""}]},"score":1},"status":{"code":200,"errorType":"success"},"sessionId":"1504878811393"}
Response returned to actions
"audioResponse": "//NExAARAA...",
"conversationToken": "CiZDIzU5Ym...",
"expectUserResponse": true,
"response": "Sorry, I didn't get any response.",
"visualResponse": {
"visualElements": []
I must be missing something. Firebase is receiving the request its just not responding correctly.
training image
That error on appears if your web hook doesn't provide a response to the assistant. The cloud function has been triggered or has timed out and not returned the JSON back to assistant to parse. Check to see what the output of the cloud function is and check it against the API.AI web hook format here
It should look something like this:
"speech": "...", // ASCII characters only
"displayText": "...",
"data": {
"google": {
"expect_user_response": true,
"is_ssml": true,
"permissions_request": {
"opt_context": "...",
"permissions": [
"contextOut": [...],
I think this is something on the Google's end. My application have been running on production for more than a week. Based on the logs everything was fine till 6 hours ago but since that the users don't get any answer back.
If I request on the API.AI the response is okay so it's not the firebase/fullfillment causing the issue.
Checked other applications some had the same problem some had no problem at all. Not sure what we can do here.
Errors like this are usually caused by a syntax error or other problem in your Firebase Function after you've updated it. There are a few good approaches to diagnosing problems like this:
Check the Firebase function log. If there is an error, it will almost certainly show up here.
From the command line you can use firebase functions:log to see the most recent logging messages. You can also use the console to view the logs by going to, selecting the project, selecting Functions, and then the Logs tab.
If there isn't an error, it becomes more of a logic problem. Adding your own logs via console.log(),, or console.error()
Many times the logs will indicate the function is timing out after 60 seconds when you think you're returning things by then. Make sure you are completing any callbacks and calling assistant.ask() or assistant.tell() (or one of their cousins) to make sure they're being called.
After posting a question on the Google+ actions group. I got a response back from Google.
Actions Bug There is currently a bug in the Actions Platform that
might result in unexpected error messages when running your apps.
We are currently testing a fix and hope to have that rolled out soon.
As of 10 minutes ago it is working again. The code was correct all along.

Apple App Site association not working

App Search API Validation Tool of "Apple" is not validating my domain.
I am using universal links but "Link to Application" is showing me "Error".(
Here is my "apple-app-site-association" file code.
{"applinks": {"apps": [],"details": {"": {"paths": ["*"]}}}}
Can someone please solve my query or send the sample of "apple-app-site-association" valid code?
Apple's API validation tool compares your website's association file to a store listing. If your app is not yet publicly available the error you listed will be displayed.
Your apple-app-site-association has a small typo where you specify the details (it should be an array). I also assume you're replacing the XXXX's with your app ID.
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"paths": [ "*" ]
Even if you get this error from Apple's validation tool, you can test Universal links. If your Universal Link does not work on your test device you need to inspect the device logs when you fresh install it and make sure your apple-app-site-association is available at the root of your site via https with no redirects. Sometimes there is issue if the content-type is not application/json (but the file name should remain exactly apple-app-site-association).
