Git branch between hotfix and develop - git-flow

I am currently developing a branch flow based on GitFlow, I am in the stage of defining how the interaction between the hotfix branch and the develop branch will be done after a correction in production, although GitFlow recommends that a direct merge be done, I particularly want consider an intermediate branch through which to create a Pull Request and in this way peer review can be done, in addition to avoiding committing directly to the "release" and "develop" branch. The simplest way to do this is to use a feature branch, however it is not appropriate to use it.
Please does anyone have any suggestions for the definition of the name of this branch that I need? I'm considering using a "develop-integration" branch.

First, let's reiterate what Git Flow recommends for hotfix branches:
Create a branch for the hotfix, perhaps hotfix-number or hotfix/number, based on master (or main if you call it that instead).
Merge the hotfix branch into master when you deploy to Production.
Also merge hotfix into release if it exists, or develop if release doesn't exist, and now delete the hotfix branch.
For #1, the branch name of the hotfix doesn't actually matter. In Git branch names are simply to help us know what they are for, but you could call your hotfix branch fix-some-bug if you want to. This also translates to your last question:
...does anyone have any suggestions for the definition of the name of this branch that I need?
In the context of an in-between branch, perhaps even moreso than a hotfix branch, it really doesn't matter. In one of my repos where I use Git Flow, we named this in-between branch temp/merge-hotfix-into-develop since it only exists for a few minutes.
Note for #3 above about merging, after using Git Flow for a while, my preference, for both release and hotfix branches, after merging into master, is to then merge master into develop rather than the release or hotfix branch itself. This is slightly cleaner in the long run, but the end result state is identical. Therefore, since I do it this way, my actual branch name in this case would be temp/merge-master-into-develop.
That being said, I'd like to challenge your reasoning for this in the first place:
... although GitFlow recommends that a direct merge be done, I particularly want consider an intermediate branch through which to create a Pull Request and in this way peer review can be done, in addition to avoiding committing directly to the "release" and "develop" branch.
In Git Flow, anytime you are merging one shared branch into another, we can divide the merge into 2 categories:
The merge does not have conflicts.
The merge does have conflicts.
In scenario #1 (which hopefully is the most common scenario), there is nothing to be reviewed, so the PR should be basically automatic. In this case simply create a PR from hotfix (or master) to develop and complete it. You can do a sanity check first if you want to, but it should be extremely rare that it would fail at this point. If the sanity check fails, then you could resort to treating this like #2.
In scenario #2, this is when you need to create the in between branch as you mentioned. I always test the merge first, and if there are conflicts I'll create a branch, as mentioned above, like: temp/merge-release-into-develop or temp/merge-master-into-develop, resolve the conflicts myself (except in rare cases when I can't in which case I'll pull in other devs), and push out the branch and create the PR into, in this case, develop.


In GitAhead, is there a way to delete a remote branch when I already deleted the corresponding local branch?

I've already deleted a local branch without deleting its upstream branch on a GitHub.
Is there a way to delete the remote branch in a GitAhead?
In Sourcetree you just right click on the remote branch and choose delete.
Unfortunately no, GitAhead doesn't have an easy way to push a delete except for the little convenience checkmark when you delete the local branch. You would have to resort to the command line or doing it on your remote host.
This is a major design flaw in Git (in my opinion). The branching concept in mercurial is much more sane (no detached heads, named branches, no ability to delete branches - at least not if it was published once).
think about it: it is a versioning control system. What you want is to preserve and document development history. Someone has created and published a branch for purpose. So even if git allows manipulation of the repository much more than mercurial (and here most abilities are disabled by default!), just do not use it. leave the branch! Its OK. Its the way it should be. Anyway, as git is lean here, its just a pointer (not a real named branch like in hg), it does not take much space.

git flow: merge from remote develop branch, and see changes in feature branch?

I'm using git flow.
We have develop branched from master, and I have feature/INF-824 branched from develop.
One of my coworkers has added a change to develop that's relevant to INF-824.
How can I merge his changes into my copy of develop, and see them in feature/INF-824?
You can cherry pick the change from the develop branch.
git cherry-pick <commit-ish>
Commit-ish would be the SHA1-ID of the commit you want in your feature branch.
The other option would be to use rebase on your feature branch
git rebase feature branch
This might be better solution as you'll be merging your feature back in develop anyway on finishing the feature branch.

git build number c#

I'm trying to embed git describe-generated version info into AssemblyInfo.cs plus some label within ASP.NET website.
I already tried using git-vs-versionino but this assumes Git executable on PATH. However default install of msysgit on Windows does not set this up; it uses git bash. This caused problems.
Now I am looking for a way to utilize libgit2sharp library (for zero external dependencies) to use as build number generator. However this library has no describe command...
git-describe is a UI feature that nobody has implemented in the library or bindings yet (or at least nobody's contributed it), but you can do it yourself fairly easily.
You get a list of the tags and what commits they point to, do a walk down the commits and count how many steps it took to get to a commit that you have in the list you built. This already gives you the information you need. If the steps were zero, then your description would be the tag name only; otherwise you append the number of steps and the current commit's id to it.
There's a work in progress libgit2 pull request that proposes an implementation of git-describe functionalities.
See #1066 for more information.
It's not finished yet. Make sure to subscribe to it in order to be notified of its future progress.
Once it's done, it should be quite easy to bind it and make it available through LibGit2Sharp.

DVCS - How often and when to commit changes

There is another thread here on StackOverflow, dealing wih how often to commit changes to source control. I want to put that in the context of using a DVCS like git or mercurial.
How often and when do you commit?
Do you only commit changes when they
build correctly?
How often and when do you push your changes (or file a pull request or similar)?
How do you approac developing a complex feature / doing a complex refactoring requiring many places to be touched? Are "private commits" that won't build ok? When finished, do you push them also to the master repository or do you bundle all your changes into a single changeset before pushing?
It depends on the nature of the branch ("line of development") you are working on.
The main advantage with those DVCS (git or mercurial) is the ease you can:
1/ How often and when do you commit?
2/ Do you only commit changes when they build correctly?
As many time as necessary on a private branch (for instance, if it compiles).
The practice to only commit if unit tests pass is a good one, but should only apply to an "official" (as in "could be published or 'pushed'") branch: in your private branch, you merge a gazillon times if you need to.
The only thing is: do some merge --interactive to reorganize your many commits on your private branch, before replaying them on your main development branch, where you can pass some tests.
3/ How often and when do you push your changes (or file a pull request or similar)?
Publication is another matter and should be done with a "clear" history (coherent merges, representing a content which compile and pass some tests).
The branch you publish should be one where the history is never rewritten, always updated.
The pace of the publications depends on the nature of the remote branch and of the population pulling that branch. For instance, if it is for another team, you could push quite often. If it is for a system-wide integration testing team, you will push a lot less often.
4/ How do you approach developing a complex feature / doing a complex refactoring requiring many places to be touched? Are "private commits" that won't build ok? When finished, do you push them also to the master repository or do you bundle all your changes into a single changeset before pushing?
See 1. and 2.: patch first in your own private branch, then reorganize your commits on an official (published) patch branch. One single commit is not always the best option if the patch involves several different "activities" (or bug fix).
I'd commit changes to my DVCS (my own topic or task branch) very, very often, this way I can use it not only for "delivering changes" but also to help me while I work: like "why this was working 5 minutes ago and it's not working anymore?" If you commit often you can just run a diff.
Also, a technique I found very, very good is using it to "self-document refactors". Let me explain: if you've to do a big refactor on a topic branch and then review the change as a whole (having modified a nice set of files), you'd probably get lost. But, suppose you checkin on every "intermediate step" and document it with a comment, then you're creating some sort of "movie" of your own changes helping to describe what you've done! Huge for reviewers.
I commit a lot; when adding functions or even reformatting my sources.
I use git and do most of my work on non-shared branches. And when I've added enough little changes that count as a block, I use git rebase to collect the smaller related changes into larger chunks and commit that to the main branches.
This way, I have all the advantages of committed code that I can go backwards or forwards in, but I don't have to commit all my mistakes, and bactracks to the main history.
How often and when do you commit?
Very frequently. It could be as much as a few times in a hour, if the changes I've made work and make up a nice patch. Or it could be every few hours, depending on whether I am spending longer debugging things, or experimenting with risky changes.
Do you only commit changes when they build correctly?
Yes, almost always. I can't think of a reason right to check in code that didn't build correctly. There's plenty of reasons you might check in code that doesn't run correctly (in a branch) though.
How often and when do you push your changes (or file a pull request or similar)?
Normally only when a feature is complete and ready for integration testing. That means it has passed unit tests and other relevant tests, and the code/patch is clean enough that I consider it ready for review.
How do you approac developing a complex feature / doing a complex refactoring requiring many places to be touched? Are "private commits" that won't build ok? When finished, do you push them also to the master repository or do you bundle all your changes into a single changeset before pushing?
I would create a named branch for the feature (which would have traceability across design docs and Issue Tracking system). Commits that don't build would only really be ok on a private branch as an intermediate step, but would still be exceptional. Currently I don't rebase and merge the entire feature branch into a single changeset, though it is something I'm looking at doing in future. Changes are only pushed when appropriate tests are all passed.
I follow this kind of flow
alt text
(Here is the original image url)
I guess this says pretty everything. Basically I would do a check-in after implementing a full working use case / user story (depends on your software process). The major important thing is that you check-in things that work in the sense that they compile. Never break the build!
Doing a commit after each user story/use case has the advantage that you have a better tracking of past versions and undoing changes is much easier.

With subversion or TFS, how would you go about setting up automatic builds?

With subversion or TFS, how would you go about setting up automatic builds?
I need some guidance with regards to naming convention and how this would happen automatically.
I am using /branches /trunk /tags folder structure.
I am using a build app (finalbuilder).
Which tag name would I tell it to pull from (or revision # etc)? Since it is going to change all the time, how do people perform nightly builds? Using the date in the name of the release?
Just use the revision number. Something like CruiseControl.NET should make this pretty easy for you.
Use TeamCity, setup a separate build for trunk + every branch. We do this and it's very helpful.
I would set up the build server to monitor the /trunk folder and trigger a build whenever anything is commited there. If wanted, you could have the build script end with creating a tag for the build (even though that might be a bit ambitious, depending on how often things are commited to the trunk). When I have done that I have usually included the subversion revision number in the tag name, and also in the version number of the files (to the extent that this is applicable).
You should be able to pull right from the /trunk (and possibly with other nightly builds from branches that you think are important). It's not particularly useful to do a nightly build from a tag, since generally tags are static. When it is checked out, you can identify the checkout by the revision number that was checked out. That way if you ever need to find out what has changed since then, you can diff from that revision (or branch, whatever).
We use Hudson, which checks periodically (set by you) for changes to whatever svn path you give it. It then has the ability to run a shell script (we are building for iPhone so use xcodebuild, but you could use whatever is used for We then upload the results of this to our local server under $REVISION. It would be easy to run automated tests in this as well.
Since you are asking about TFS:
We are using a CommonAssemblyInfo to increment the version of the dlls. Nightly Builds are typically from a trunk.
We have a Main-Folder from which a "Dev" Folder is branched for the current release. We make nightly builds from the current Dev-branch and manual, so called reference builds once we merge Dev-stuff back into Main.
Builds are defined via the Build Agent stuff. Custom Tasks like incrementing version number enter the game via MSBuild.
