How I remove the comma separator in integer edit input? - pega

I want to remove the comma separator in the inter-input field using edit input how I achieve that?
The above image displays the standard format.
The expecting Number Format (without comma) - 1234

I guess you are using Integer input field UI control. Even if you write a Edit Input rule, it is going to display a comma separator on the UI if the Separator is marked as Yes in the Presentation tab of the input field control settings.
Go to the Presentation tab of the input control and mark Separator as No.
Integer Properties - Presentation tab


How to check an "empty" fill-in field which is not empty due to the format?

I have a window, containing some fill-in fields. One of them is meant to contain a date, having 99/99/9999 as a format. Due to that format, when emptying the field (selecting the content and press the DEL button), I see "__/__/____" on screen (the underscores mean spaces).
In order to check if this fill-in field is empty, currently the source code does this as follows:
IF Date_Fill-In:SCREEN-VALUE <> "/ /"
As you can see, this is heavily dependent on the format of the fill-in field.
Is there a built-in function I can use to check if the screen-value of a fill-in field is empty, without needing to check the format?
Thanks in advance
Check for the INPUT-VALUE property returning ?.

How to create dynamic table in pyqt5 and save them as a text file?

I want to create a widget, which is used for mapping. The widget should contain a push button (Add), which when clicked should add rows and only 2 columns, so that user can enter the value. I want to create a table that allows dynamic creation of rows and user input.
This is how the ui should look
After creating this form, I would like to save this form as a txt file but with comma separated values.
The text file would have values like:
Any sort of help will be much appreciated.

Crystal Report display collapse when one field allow can grow

My crystal report display not in correct format when I allow one field of it to "Can Grow".
Before allow "Can Grow" :
After Allow :
So how to solve the problem?
Here is what I have set :
Last edit:
Or try this.
Create a text Object.
Insert all your fields in that text Object base in your order.
How to insert? Cut the field then edit text object then paste.
Then in the properties of text object check the Suppress Embedded
Field Blank Line.
Then You can check also if you want the Can grow of text object
This is the Sample Output inside the Textobject
And the output is this
Cotabato to House is the Company name.
Sinsuat to Philippines is the Address.
Then Numbers is the contact.
They compres because i shorten the size of textobject so that they will execute the funtion of can grow
Your Output must be like this. hmmm
Your Final Output must be like this. No more '[' or ']' that can be seen inside the textobject.
Data was just Sample
If it's possible for you, you can create a section just for this field.
If you put your field which can grows and take 2, 3 or more lines in it's own section it will display all the lines but keep it separate from the other fields.
And in the case that it has one line the display will be like you want as well.
Edit : Advantage of this method : you can create a formula in the suppress formula of this new section, like if your text is null or empty, just suppress the section. Like that you can win some space in your report

CSS/JS - Force a line break at a comma in comma separated list

I have a table cell in which there is list of aircraft registration numbers in the format 'X-XXXX'. The width of the table cell means that the list gets word-wrapped on the hyphen, like so:
What I'd like to happen is that the line-break is forced on the comma:
However, I cannot insert any special characters. This is because when the form is submitted, the data in the table is submitted as JSON format which is then json_decoded in PHP. Any special characters in the comma separated string then stops the json_decode function from turning it into an array.
So I really need a solution that does not alter the list in anyway? Sounds impossible...
To force a line break, use the <br> tag. If you cannot have it in the HTML markup, add it with JavaScript.
This answers the question asked. The actual problem is probably different. You need to post more code and ask differently to have it solved. What is the context, what are the constraints, and what do you actually want to do? (From the discussion in the comments, it seems that you rather want to prevent line breaks after hyphens than force any breaks.)

getting textfield output partly unvisible

In a Drupal content type a need to get the output of a field partly unvisible. These are bank account details, the IBAN.
Normally the field shows 1234567. I need to get xxxx567. I need to show only the last 3 numbers/letters.
Also I need this output in field edit form.
On the display end you could change the output using a simple PHP function in the theme template by grabbing a substring of the field's last three digits and concatenating it with "xxxx" before printing.
You might also consider doing this at the formatter level by using the 'custom formatter' module perhaps?
To do this on the edit screen is trickier. I suppose you could do a hook form alter to use PHP to change the field value, but I am afraid you will rewrite the field value when you save the node with the 'xxxx' instead of the real data.
I wonder if it would make sense to 1.) hide the actual field, 2.) create a dummy field that displays the text formatted as "xxxx567" to the user, and 3.) write some javascript that populates the hidden field with the visible field's value if it is changed. Presumably the form would still throw values if the hidden field did not meet formatting requirements.
