Device Access Console - The project could not be created - nest-device-access

I am attempting to integrate my NEST devices with Home assistant so following these instructions:
I have created a google cloud project, enabled "Smart Device Management" and "Cloud Pub/Sub" APIs, configured OAuth Consent screen which is now in production and configured OAuth Application Credentials - which generated a client ID and Secret.
I have also paid the $5 for the device access console so can access this screen:
However when I go through the process of creating a project, inputting the OAuth Client ID and submitting, it will try for a few minutes and then get the following error:
Really not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I just encountered the same thing. I don't think it's you. The endpoint to actually create the project is returning a 503-Service Unavailable response. Likely a temporary issue.

I am encountering an issue as well
Marko seems to have discovered that it is on them right now

I had the same issue yesterday. This morning I logged out of the Drive Access Console and then logged back in with the same gmail account and my project was there.

I had this issue as well and I finally figured it out.
After spending more time than I care to admit on it, I realized I could create a project if I skipped the "OAuth Client ID" step. I was then able to go into the project and add the Client ID from there.
What happened is that I had been copy/pasting the Client ID directly from the Google Cloud Console. For some reason, copy/pasting directly from Google Cloud Console adds extra spaces to the start and end of the Client ID string. After I got rid of the extra spaces, I could create projects as expected.
I wish the errors were more descriptive.


Googlesheets quota limit issues - possible failure to use API key

We are currently using google sheets for a research project on crowd forecasts for Covid-19 case and death numbers.
Google Sheets is used for convenience, but we are often running into quota limit issues - even though the number of users we have should be well below what Google allows.
I attempted to create a somewhat reproducible example by setting up a new google account and creating a sheet from which to read.
The first thing I tried (without making any changes to the google account) is this:
# Google sheets authentification -----------------------------------------------
options(gargle_oauth_cache = ".secrets")
drive_auth(cache = ".secrets", email = "")
gs4_auth(token = drive_token())
sheet_id <- "1Z2O5Mce_haceWfduLenJQP-hddXF9biY_4Ydob_psyQ"
n_tries <- 50
for (i in 1:n_tries) {
data <- read_sheet(ss = sheet_id)
From what I understand I should be able to make around 300 read requests per minute, but I'm usually not be able to get the loop to run beyond 30-34.
As I wasn't sure the 300 requests are readily available I went to, created a new test project (not sure why that is needed) and explicitly activated the googlesheets API and created some credentials. I created an API key as well as an OAuth 2.0 Client ID (although I am admittedly somewhat lost what this does and how to use it).
I next tried to login with my api key by running
drive_auth_configure(api_key = "thisismyapikey")
gs4_auth(token = drive_api_key())
but that also didn't get me beyond 33ish. I also had a look into the google console, but also couldn't see any traffic - so not sure my API key got actually used?
I assume this is due to my inability to actually use the API in the intended way. Any help in setting this up / increasing the quota would be much appreciated. If that helps I'm happy to give access to the test account - simply write me a message.
With some kind help from very friendly people I think I mostly figured this out and it was indeed my failure to use the API correctly.
Why my approach failed
when you use googlesheets4 and any of its function out of the box, you get asked to authorize the tidyverse API OAuth app (you login with your Google credentials and give the OAuth app access rights). This means that you make all requests through the tidyverse OAuth app, as are all other users in the world who use this functionality. This is very nice as it works out of the box, but runs into limitations if other people are using the package at the same time. Sharing this quota with other people meant that I ran into limitations quite unpredictably.
How to change the setup to make it work
There are a couple of things that help to alleviate / solve the problem.
use the devtools version of googlesheets4 (devtools::install_github("tidyverse/googlesheets4"). This dev version of googlesheets4 in turn relies on the dev version of gargle, the package that manages the google authentification. The dev version of gargle has a retry function, that automatically retries your requests if they fail. This should solve the majority of issues.
Get your own OAuth app / google service account.
this allows you to manage the authentification process all on your own. You therefore don't have to share your quota with other users around the world.
To set up your own OAuth app / google service account, you can do the following (I'm focusing on the google service account here, as that is much easier in practice).
Log into You will be asked to create a project. You can see your projects on the left next to "Google Cloud Platform".
Type "APIs and Services" into the search bar, press "enable APIs and services" and search for sheets. Enable this API.
Go back to the search bar and type in "Credentials"
Press "Create credentials" and select service account. A service account gives you programmatic access to the APIs. Give it a name and a description. You should be able to skip the optional parts. Create the service account and go back to the credentials overview. You may have to refresh the page or wait a minute.
Click on your service account (it looks like a very cryptic email address) and go to the "KEYS" tab.
Click "ADD KEY" and create a new key. As key type, select JSON.
Download that key and store it somewhere secure. This should be treated as a combination of password and username!
Now to actually use your key with googlesheets4, you can run `gs4_auth(path = "path-to-your-service-account.JSON")
In order to be able to access your google sheets, you need to grant your service account permissions. Go to your google sheet, press share (as you would do to share it with any other user) and type in this cryptic service account email (it should look something like "". Everything should work now without you having to log in anywhere. If you have previously tried other things, I would suggest to restart your R session.
You should now also be able to track the API requests in the google console dashboard.
Note that there is still a limit of 60 requests per user per minute, so you're not getting your full 300 requests, but maybe it is possible to create several service accounts and balance the load between these. But not having other people's request interfere with yours is a big improvement!
Google says that it is a security measure. Try to share through adding their emails

Is OAuth Consent Screen verification required to even test the Smart Device API

When adding the sdm.service scope to the Oauth consent screen, it triggers a warning that verification is required. I'm wondering if verification is required even if I am just creating a test app that won't be published?
Through my many many weeks of trying, I've only been able to actually link my test app to an account twice, and I still don't know why it only worked those two times. I usually end up on the No Partner Connection Found screen after the Google Nest Permissions screen. There is no redirect and so no authorization code to actually access anything. I've tried with clean, brand new projects, with different email accounts, and even through different means of access. At this point, the only thing left that I can think of is that maybe my Oauth consent screen needs to be verified. But, the verification process requires information that I just do not have.
Any ideas are welcome.
You should be able to link your personal account through the API for personal use without going through OAuth Verification. What type of Client ID are you attempting to create?
Have you tried to get through the entire flow using the process described in the Quick Start guide?

Crash in Firebase auth v2 -> v3 migration code

I have some code I put in my react-native app a couple of years ago to support the forced migration of users from v2 -> v3 authentication. I am using the Web version of Firebase (6.6.0) in my app (NOT react-native-firebase).
I recently had a user try to log in with an old v2 token found in AsyncStorage (local storage). The app crashed with the following error:
TypeError · undefined is not a constructor (evaluating 'new t.default.Promise')
The crash occured on this line of the migration code supplied by Firebase. I'm guessing this migration code is no longer supported and I should just remove it from my app. But what should I do instead if a person tries to log in with a saved V2 auth token? Can she simply log out and log in again? Or does she have to change her password? Or does she have to create a new account, losing her old data?.
I don't have a way to replicate this situation since I have no way of logging in to v2 authentication. So I would appreciate a clarification from the Firebase team. Thanks.
TLDR; I've decided to remove the migration code from my app. When someone fires up the app and a legacy token is loaded from AsyncStorage, I simply delete the token and present the user with a login page.
I corresponded with Firebase auth support and include their answers below. First off, they suggested changing firebase.Promise in the code to Promise as firebase.Promise doesn't exist any more. This fixed the crash. Then, to test, I found an old simulator image that still had a legacy token in its AsyncStorage. Working with that, I found that the response to the XMLHttpRequest to the exchangeToken endpoint result in a null response (after approximately one minute). This tells me the endpoint is dead and there is no point in trying to query it, thus it makes sense to remove the migration code altogether from my app (even if the endpoint were working, a 2-year-old token surely would have expired.)
Then the question is what to do to enable users in this situation to upgrade gracefully. Firebase support suggested I should export the user (I have quite a few but I don't have a way to identify them definitively), then delete the user and import again. I couldn't believe all that hassle was necessary so I managed to find a couple of friends with old accounts. They had both forgotten their passwords, but after resetting, they were able to log in easily. So based on this limited testing, I think all that is necessary is to have them log in again. If that doesn't work they can contact our support and we'll go from there.
I understand you, it must be a very frustrating situation, let’s try to find a solution together. I have checked your case and, as you have mentioned, the library is no longer actively maintained, so I’ll escalate your case to our engineering team in order to get any suggestions for your case, please wait a little until they can answer us.
The engineering team has answered and, unfortunately, they have said that old auth tokens have been unsupported for a long time, they suggested you forked the library and try to change firebase.Promise(), which does not exist anymore and then convert that to Promise(), but they can guess other errors will pop up and probably you will need to fix the code.
Thanks a lot for the clarification, I’m so sorry for my misunderstanding. If you want to delete the migration helper, as a workaround, you can export all the users (or only the users having the old token, if you have identified them), delete the users and import them again. This process will re-create the user and it will have the auth latest version because the user would be like a new user, with the same credentials and authentication methods. After that, the user on his side, needs to update the application, log out and log in again in order to update the token.
Please try to do the described workaround with a specific and identified user to limit the scope in case of fail and let me know how it goes.
Nice to hear from you again! Yes, the users will have the same UID and password, as you can see Auth export, the format contains those data and a lot of other more. Unfortunately, based on this, there is no way to know which of the accounts have an old auth token, so, in order to do a test and error approach, I suggest you try to do this with one user (identified old auth token user) to minimize unwanted results.

Graph Explorer says access denied for view list of Channels. Using Microsoft Graph API

visual representation of graph explorer
"Failed to execute Skype backend request GetThreadsS2SRequest."
Today morning my app failed and when I digged enough I realize that somehow my permission to list the channels is denied. Weird part is if i put channels Id after channels in API, i get valid response.
I went to the documentation and made sure I have groupreadwrite permission, all of the sudden api for viewing channels of specific teams gives me
"Failed to execute Skype backend request GetThreadsS2SRequest." error. Sys admin says that no permissions has been changed.
I would expect graph explorer to list all the channels in that specific teams with the v1 endpoint /teams/teamId/channels
Yes, and yes the issue has been fixed. Whole day I had to debug my app to figure out where did the code went wrong. Sometimes it is better look at the source. I checked with Microsoftgraph dotnet issues forum and found out that channel api has some issue. Graph explorer really helped me understand that it was not my code. By the way, I thought since they are deploying channel with private members features. I thought that could be the reason behind it. Thank you for the all the above comments. I wish there is a page where microsoft could tell us in the future if there is any api that is not working

Access to connections denied

Anyone is having problems retrieving Likendin connections with new apps?
With old apps my hybridauth app is retrieving connections just fine. While with new apps (I created 3 different apps) I keep getting Access to connections denied
When authenticating I got the correct scopes on likedin login screen(r_basic_profile, r_network, w_messages, r_emailaddresses)
Im using free plugin which uses hybridauth
This is a recent problem with the linked. They have stopped providing member connection in their recent API change. Now you have to obtain a partner certificate in order to access member connection information. Even my production application has stopped this functionality to work. We might be removing linked from our application as it is of no use now with so much of restrictions.
Linkedin api changed recently, that's the reason scopes are not longer working
The get connections API in linked in has been deprecated follow this link to get the API' that are allowed as part of developers program right now.
