Is `R_ClearExternalPtr()` needed to finalize an external pointer object in R? - r

While reading Writing R Extensions, Section 5.13 External pointers and weak references we see an example of a finalizer using R_ClearExternalPtr() albeit the comment next to it saying not really needed:
(...) The finalizer code is simply
static void chanFinalizer(SEXP ptr)
if(!R_ExternalPtrAddr(ptr)) return;
R_ClearExternalPtr(ptr); /* not really needed */
In the post Storing C objects in R by #Martin-Morgan he provides two finalizer examples, where he does include a call to R_ClearExternalPtr() in the first case but not in the second:
First example:
static void
_finalizer(SEXP ext)
if (NULL == R_ExternalPtrAddr(ext))
char *ptr = (char *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(ext);
Second example:
static void
_finalizer(SEXP ext)
struct Foo *ptr = (struct Foo*) R_ExternalPtrAddr(ext);
Can someone help clarify the comment not really needed, and whether I should call R_ClearExternalPtr() at the end of the finalizer.


Recursive struct definitions in Solidity (Creating Linked Lists)

I'm trained mostly in Java so this has never really been an issue for me, but I'm trying to create a linked list in Solidity for a smart contract I am working on. In it, I am using a struct written as such:
struct Node {
address addr;
Node _next;
Node prev;
While I'm still working out the kinks on whether it's worth it to keep it as a single or doubly linked list, the main issue is that I have a recursive struct definition problem by referencing a Node struct inside my Node struct. I am a little unsure of what my alternatives are. Is this just a limitation of the language? I read this thread, but I couldn't really tell if the answer given was anything more than "it depends".
Thanks for any feedback; let me know if I can provide more information.
You could do it like this (double linked list):
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract LinkedList {
struct Node {
string data;
uint pointPrevNode;
uint pointNextNode;
mapping(uint => Node) public nodes;
uint public nodeNumber = 0;
uint public count = 1;
function setData(string _data) public {
nodes[count].data = _data;
function assignPointers(uint _count) internal {
nodes[nodeNumber].pointNextNode = _count;
nodes[_count].pointPrevNode = nodeNumber;
nodeNumber = _count;

QMetaObject InvokeMethod method passing integer Array argument

I am fairly new to Qt, and I am trying to do some Android Development. I am working with Qt and using the QAndroidJNIEnvironment. In the code, I am implementing my native method using QMetaObject::invokeMethod to invoke a slot in the QMainWindow header. The problem is that the native method in the java file has a parameter that is a java integer array(equivalent type I believe in QAndroindJniObject is jintArray). I can't find the corresponding c++/Qt type to place in the Q_ARG(type, value ) macro to resolve the argument. Please help me understand what I am doing wrong, as i thought the equivalent type to jintArray was int [], but I receive error when I use that. Thanks in advance for the help.
onReceiveNativeMounted (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj,jint array_index,jintArray version)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&MainWindow::instance(), "onReceiveMounted"
, Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, array_index),Q_ARG(int[], version));
return array_index;
the error i receive is below:
error: no matching function for call to
'QArgument<int []>::QArgument(const char [6], _jarray*&)'
#define Q_ARG(type, data) QArgument<type >(#type, data)
As requested, the java function signature is below:
public static native int onReceiveNativeMounted(int array_index, int[] version);
You need to access the java arrays according to the JNI API. The easiest thing to do is to convert the data to a QVector. You need to copy the Java array since its lifetime is not under your control (unless you wish it to be, but that makes life much harder than it needs to be).
QVector toQVector(JNIEnv * env, jintArray arr) {
auto len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, arr);
QVector result(len);
auto data = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arr, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
result[i] = data[i];
(*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arr, data, 0);
return result;
It is a bit more performant to perform the call directly from a functor, rather than through invokeMethod. The functor can capture the vector:
int onReceiveNativeMounted (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jint array_index, jintArray version)
auto window = &MainWindow::instance();
auto vector = toQVector(env, version);
QObject sig;
sig.connect(&sig, &QObject::destroyed, window, [=]{
}, Qt::QueuedConnection);
return array_index;

Qt - invoking slots that take custom pointers as arguments

I'm trying to hack with Qt's signals and slots, and I ran into an issue where QMetaType::invokeMethod won't properly pass pointer arguments to the slot being called.
call(QObject *receiver, const char *slot, const QList<QGenericArgument> &args)
const QMetaObject *meta = receiver->metaObject();
bool success = meta->invokeMethod(receiver, slot,
args.value(0, QGenericArgument()),
args.value(1, QGenericArgument()),
args.value(2, QGenericArgument()),
args.value(9, QGenericArgument()));
Then I call it the following way:
MyReceiver *receiver;
MyObject *myObject;
call(receiver, "mySlot", QList<QGenericArgument>() << Q_ARG(MyObject *, myObject));
Where class MyObject : public QObject { ... }. I also do Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(MyObject *) and qRegisterMetaType<MyObject *>("MyObject *")
What happens is that the slot on the receiver is being invoked, but with the value of the argument is always 0 no matter what I pass to the call(...) as Q_ARG
Out of curiosity I looked into the auto-generated MOC file of the receiver, and found that the slots are invoked with the following code:
void MyReceiver::qt_static_metacall(QObject *_o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
MyReceiver *_t = static_cast<MyReceiver *>(_o);
switch (_id) {
case 0: _t->mySlot((*reinterpret_cast< MyObject*(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
default: ;
Turns out that the value of _a[1] bears proper address of MyObject *. But the reinterpret_cast turns it into 0.
Now I have the following questions:
1) How to programmatically invoke a slot and make sure that the pointer arguments are properly passed to the slot?
2) What does this *reinterpret_cast< MyObject*(*)>(_a[1]) mean? What the extra parentheses (*) mean, and how to interpret this piece of code?
Ok, I think I figured why it's not working... Q_ARG only will create a pointer to my pointer and store the former. I didn't mention that the call function was part of the Task call meant to invoke a slot later on - when the values wrapped into Q_ARG are already out of scope. Basically Q_ARG only maintains a weak reference to the argument object.

Call by reference with QVector

I have in an Object an QVector of Coordinates (my type) that I want to transfer to an other Vector ( I validate and than want to use ist ).
bool getVector(QVector<Coordinates> &getCoordinates );
C File
static QVector<Coordinates> current;
int getVector( QVector<Coordinates> &getCoordinates)
.... stuff ...
getCoordinates = current;
.... stuff ....
return 0;
And I use it like
QVector<Coordinates> currentCoordinates;
currentCoordinates.X // CRASH
The debugger goes to this line where an Live Crash happens
inline QVector(const QVector<T> &v) : d(v.d) { d->ref.ref(); if (!d->sharable) detach_helper(); }
So my how can I fix this? As I can use this to get all the other Variables with this methode.
A likely cause of your problem is that current has not been constructed before getVector is called. Initialization of static objects in C++ is a thorny area, and a frequent source of bugs - for more information, see this question, and the static initialization order fiasco FAQ entry.
A simple solution to this problem is to provide access to current via a function, i.e. replace
static QVector<Coordinates> current;
static QVector<Coordinates>& getCurrent()
static QVector<Coordinates> current;
return current;
Note, however, that the function as written above is not thread-safe. If multiple threads may call getCurrent, then it should be protected with a QMutex.
For gareth and the Forum :
the header:
typedef QVector<Coordinates> VesselCoordinates;
bool (*getVessel)(Charakter forCharakter, Vessel& getVessel,VesselCoordinates &getCoordinates );
later i bind tis function pointer to an static function ( cause this part of my Program will be one day convertet to c)
cpp file lower layer:
static struct {
Charakter currentPlayerVessel;
VesselCoordinates possibility;
static bool getVessel(Charakter forCharakter, Vessel& getVessel,VesselCoordinates &getCoordinates );
// funktion to bind the funktion pointer to this static funktion so it can be called outside the File
static bool serverNamespace::getVessel(Charakter forCharakter, Vessel& getVessel,VesselCoordinates &getCoordinates )
bool retValue= false;
if ( forCharakter == data.currentPlayerVessel){
// TODO abfragen ob die Adresse regestriert ist!
if ((true == minSize()) and ((true == shipsInRow())or (true == shipsInLine())))
retValue = true;
Vessel test = (Vessel)data.possibility.size();
getVessel = test;
getCoordinates = data.possibility;
return retValue;
And then i can use this in the upper layer cpp file to get the information i need:
// in an Funktion :
VesselCoordinates currentCoordinates;
Vessel currentVessel;
if (true == basicFleet->getVessel(currentCharakter,currentVessel, currentCoordinates ))
// doing stuff to it
so its worik fine but your idea worked just as fine. Maybe you can see why my idea is also working.
Thank you

segfault after return 0;

I wrote a program to test my binary tree and when I run it, the program seems to crash (btree.exe has stopped working, Windows is checking for a solution ...).
When I ran it through my debugger and placed the breakpoint on the function I suspect is causing it, destroy_tree(), it seemed to run as expected and returned back to the main function. Main, in turn, returned from the program but then the cursor jumped back to destroy_tree() and looped recusively within itself.
The minimal code sample is below so it can be ran instantly. My compiler is MinGW and my debugger is gdb (I'm using Code::Blocks).
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
int key_value;
node *left;
node *right;
class Btree
void insert(int key);
void destroy_tree();
node *root;
void destroy_tree(node *leaf);
void insert(int key, node *leaf);
root = NULL;
void Btree::destroy_tree()
cout<<"tree destroyed\n"<<endl;
void Btree::destroy_tree(node *leaf)
delete leaf;
void Btree::insert(int key, node *leaf)
if(key < leaf->key_value)
insert(key, leaf->left);
leaf->left = new node;
leaf->left->key_value = key;
leaf->left->left = NULL;
leaf->left->right = NULL;
else if (key >= leaf->key_value)
insert(key, leaf->right);
leaf->right = new node;
leaf->right->key_value = key;
leaf->right->left = NULL;
leaf->right->right = NULL;
void Btree::insert(int key)
insert(key, root);
root = new node;
root->key_value = key;
root->left = NULL;
root->right = NULL;
int main()
Btree tree;
int i;
return 0;
As an aside, I'm planning to switch from Code::Blocks built-in debugger to DDD for debugging these problems. I heard DDD can display visually pointers to objects instead of just displaying the pointer's address. Do you think making the switch will help with solving these types of problems (data structure and algorithm problems)?
Your destroy_tree() is called twice, you call it once and then it gets called after the execution leaves main() from the destructor.
You may think it should work anyway, because you check whether leaf!=NULL, but delete does not set the pointer to NULL. So your root is not NULL when destroy_tree() is called for the second time,
Not directly related (or maybe it is) to your problem, but it's good practice to give structs a constructor. For example:
struct node
int key_value;
node *left;
node *right;
node( int val ) : key_val( val ), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
If you do this, your code becomes simpler, because you don't need worry about setting the pointers when you create a node, and it is not possible to forget to initialise them.
Regarding DDD, it;'s a fine debugger, but frankly the secret of debugging is to write correct code in the first place, so you don't have to do it. C++ gives you a lot of help in this direction (like the use of constructors), but you have to understand and use the facilities it provides.
Btree::destroy_tree doesn't set 'root' to 0 after successfully nuking the tree. As a result, the destructor class destroy_tree() again and you're trying to destroy already destroyed objects.
That'll be undefined behaviour then :).
Once you destroy the root.
Make sure it is NULL so it does not try to do it again (from the destructor)
void Btree::destroy_tree(node *leaf)
delete leaf;
leaf = NULL; // add this line
