How to update xmltype in PLSQL without altering empty tags into null tags - plsql

I need to update an XML field and within the XML field there is an empty tag. The tag must remain empty as it cannot be NULL as defined in XSD. When using updatexml or xmlquery modify, PLSQL changes the empty tag into a null tag . Is there any way to prevent/avoid this?
</root>'), 'root/notempty/text()', 'value1').getclobval())
FROM dual
With the previous query I get the following result:
While I'm looking for the following result:


Kusto query for checking that certain tag does NOT exist

I'm building a Kusto query for Azure Resource Graph that will return me all items for which a specific tag does NOT exist. What would be the query for checking this?
It depends on how the tags are represented in the table's schema.
If they are all in a single string (separated by one or more characters), then use where Tags !has "UnwantedTag"
If they are stored in a dynamic column, then use where set_has_element(Tags, "UnwantedTag") == false
found the solution:
if we want it to have the tag
'| where tags contains'
if we don't want it to have the tag
'| where tags !contains'

Find unused labels

Is there any way I can find labels which are not used in D365 FO (labels which dont have references)?
The cross references are stored in database DYNAMICSXREFDB. You can use a sql query to generate a list of labels that have no references.
This query uses two tables in the database:
Names holds an entry for each object in the application that can be referenced.
The Path field of the table holds the name of the object (e.g. /Labels/#FormRunConfiguration:ViewDefaultLabel is the path of the ViewDefaultLabel in the FormRunConfiguration label file.
Field Id is used to reference a record in this table in other tables.
References holds the actual references that connect the objects.
Field SourceId contains the Id of the Names record of the object that references another object identified by field TargetId.
The actual query could look like this:
SELECT LabelObjects.Path AS UnusedLabel
FROM [dbo].[Names] AS LabelObjects
WHERE LabelObjects.Path LIKE '/Labels/%'
FROM [dbo].[References] AS LabelReferences
WHERE LabelReferences.TargetId = LabelObjects.Id)
Make sure to compile the application to update the cross reference data. Otherwise the query might give you wrong results. When I run this query on a version 10.0.3 PU27 environment, it returns one standard label as a result.

Insert into table access 2010

How can i copy contents of my whole table in sql access and update one column to the same table.
So basically is selecting the whole table and updating one column and pasting that to the same table. thanks.
To clone an existing table back into the same table, but using a different value for one field, use something like the following (see notes that follow!):
INSERT INTO Table1 ( FldA, FldB, MyDate, StateCode )
SELECT Table1.FldA, Table1.FldB, Table1.MyDate, "FL" AS Expr1
FROM Table1;
You can't easily use the * to select/update all fields because your need to change one field would result in a "duplicate destination" error. If needed, you could use an 'IF' statement to change to different values (i.e. IF(FldA="VA","FL",IF(FldA="MD","TX",Flda))

EMC Documentum DQL - How to delete repeating attribute

I have a few objects created on my database and I need to delete some of the repeating attributes related to them.
The query I'm trying to run is:
UPDATE gemp1_product objects REMOVE ingredients[1] WHERE (r_object_id = '08015abd8002cd68')
But all I get is the folloing error message:
Error querying databse.
[DM_QUERY_E_UPDATE_INDEX]error: "UPDATE: Unable to REMOVE tghe attribute ingredients at index 1."
[DM_OBJECT_W_DELETE_ATTR_POSITION_ERROR]warning: "attempt to delete
non-existent attribute 88"
Object 08015abd8002cd68 exists and I can see it on the database. Queries like SELECT and DELETE work fine but I do not want to delete the whole object.
There is no easy way to do this. The reason is that repeating attributes are ordered, to enable multiple repeating attributes to be synchronized for a given object.
set the attribute value to be empty for the given position, and change your code to discard empty attributes, or
use multiple DQL statements to shuffle the order so that the last one becomes empty, or
change your data model, e.g. use a single attribute as a property bag with pre-defined delimiters.
Details (1)
UPDATE gemp1_product OBJECTS SET ingredients[1] = '' WHERE ...
Details (2)
For each index; first find the value of index+1:
SELECT ingredients
FROM gemp1_product
WHERE (i_position*-1)-1 = <index+1>
Use the value in a new query:
UPDATE gemp1_product OBJECTS SET ingredients[1] = '<value_from_above>' WHERE ...
It should also be possible to do this by nesting DQL somehow, but it might not be worth the effort.
Something is either wrong with your query or with your repository. I think you are mistyping your attribute name or using wrong index in your UPDATE query.
If you google for DM_OBJECT_W_DELETE_ATTR_POSITION_ERROR you'll see on this link a bit more detailed explanation:
CAUSE: Program executed a DeleteAttr operation that specified an non-existent attribute position (either a negative number or a number larger than the number of attributes in the object).
From this you could guess that type isn't in consistent state, or that you are trying to remove too big index of your repeating attribute, etc. Did you checked your repository with Consistency checker Job and other similar Jobs?
As of for the removing of repeating property (sttribute) value with DQL query, this is unachievable with single query since you need to specify index position which you don't know at first. But writing a simple script or doing it manually if it's not big amount of values to delete is the way you want to go.

Value of a NEW variable on a trigger not changing, on plsql

I'm loading data through Oracle Apex utilities using a datasheet.
I want to make a trigger that checks for a value on the table from the data loaded, and then changes it depending on what it gets.
The table has 4 columns: id,name,email,type
The data to load is something like this: name,email,type
Now my trigger:
create or replace TRIGGER BI_USER
before insert ON USER
for each row
if :NEW.ID is null then
select USERID_SEQ.nextval into :NEW.ID from dual;
end if;
:NEW.TYPE := 'something else';
The ID works great, it takes a number from the sequence, but :new.type isn't working, it doesn't change.
I also run the SQL insert separately and the same happens.
new.type type is char(1), I wrote it like this just for testing yet it doesn't change...
aah I'm dissapoint of myself, it throws the error just after reading the data and never fires the trigger.
What I was trying to do is that it will have the name of the TYPE column, and put the id from that table into the NEW.type
Is there a way to change the NEW type?
I see what you're trying to do. You want your table to accept an inserted record containing data that will not fit in the width of one of the fields, and you want to use a trigger to "fix" the data so that it will fit.
Unfortunately, this trigger will not help you because the data is validated before your triggers are fired.
An alternative way to get around this may be to use a view with an instead-of trigger. The view would have a column "TYPE" which is based on a string of length 9; the instead-of trigger would convert this to the CHAR(1) for insert into the underlying table.
Try this instead:
select 'something else' into :NEW.TYPE from dual;
If this syntax worked for ID it should also work for TYPE
