JS Event For WooCommerce Product View, Checkout, Order - wordpress

I am using this code to handle the events on woocommerce remove from cart.
JS :
removeFromCartEventBind() {
document.body.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
const classList = e.target.className.split(" ");
const removeClasses = ["remove", "remove_from_cart_button"];
if (removeClasses.some((el) => classList.includes(el))) {
And I am calling the removeFromCart() function there.
removeFromCart() {
//Pushing data to tracker
console.log("Remove from Cart Called");
Are there any similar JS Events to track the other events like :
CartView, Checkout, Order, Search ..etc.


Vue 3 updating a state does not cause rerender

I have a custom hook I created in vue 3:
That has a function :
const cart = reactive([])
const setCart = (productId) => {
qty: 1,
However, when I use this hook in another component:
const { cart } = useCart()
And use it to render a list, the cart is outdated and is not reactive. I am from a react background and would normally just call setState but I dont see anything similar to that so I am using push.
Any idea what I can do? Thanks
const cart = ref([])
export default function useCart() {
const setCart = (productId) => {
cart.value = [...cart.value, {
qty: 1,
return { cart, setCart }
I solved the issue listed before by globally declaring the cart variable instead of declaring it in the useCart function.
Note here I am using ref instead of reactive but it does not matter.

Fullcalendar using resources as a function with select menu

Using Fullcalendar 4, I am trying to show/hide my resources using a select menu. When the user selects one of the providers from a menu, I want to only show that one resourc's events.
Above my fullcalendar I have my select menu:
<select id="toggle_providers_calendar" class="form-control" >
<option value="1" selected>Screech Powers</option>
<option value="2">Slater</option>
I am gathering the resources I need using an ajax call on my included fullcalendar.php page. I am storing them in an object and then trying to control which resources are shown onscreen:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var resourceData = [];
function(data) {
$.each(data, function(index) {
id: data[index].value,
title: data[index].text
//below, set the visible resources to whatever is selected in the menu
//using 1 in order for that to show at start
var visibleResourceIds = ["1"];
//below, get the selected id when the the menu is changed and use that in the toggle resource function
$('#toggle_providers_calendar').change(function() {
var calendar_full = document.getElementById('calendar_full');
var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendar_full, {
events: {
url: 'ajax_get_json.php?what=location_appointments'
height: 700,
resources: function(fetchInfo, successCallback, failureCallback) {
// below, I am trying to filter resources by whether their id is in visibleResourceIds.
var filteredResources = [];
filteredResources = resourceData.filter(function(x) {
return visibleResourceIds.indexOf(x.id) !== -1;
// below, my toggle_providers_calendar will trigger this function. Feed it resourceId.
function toggleResource(resourceId) {
var index = visibleResourceIds.indexOf(resourceId);
if (index !== -1) {
visibleResourceIds.splice(index, 1);
} else {
To make sure the getJSON is working, I have console.log(resourceData). The information in the console once it's gathered is:
[{id: '1', title: 'Screech Powers'}, {id: '2', title: 'Slater}]
... the above are the correct resources that can be chosen/rendered. So that seems to be okay.
On page load, no resources show at all, when resource id of '1' (Screech Powers) should be shown per my code. Well, at least, that's what I am trying to do right now.
When the menu changes, resources will show/hide, but not based on what's selected; the logic of only showing what is selected in the menu doesn't seem to be working.
I used to use a URL request for my resources: 'ajax_get_json.php?what=schedule_providers_at_location', and it worked fine! All resources show then their events properly. I am just trying to modify it by using a menu to show/hide the resources as needed.
Here's what I'm doing to make it happen so far! In case someone comes across this post ever, this will help.
Here's my code before my fullcalendar code.
var resourceData = [];
var visibleResourceIds = [];
function(data) {
$.each(data, function(index) {
id: data[index].value,
title: data[index].text
$('#toggle_providers_calendar').change(function() {
My select menu with id 'toggle_providers_calendar' is the same as my original post. My fullcalendar resources as a function is the same too.
After the calendar is rendered, here are the changes I made to my toggle resources function:
// menu button/dropdown will trigger this function. Feed it resourceId.
function toggleResource(resourceId) {
visibleResourceIds = [];
//if select all... see if undefined from loading on initial load = true
if ((resourceId == '') || (resourceId === undefined)) {
$.map( resourceData, function( value, index ) {
var index = visibleResourceIds.indexOf(resourceId);
if (index !== -1) {
visibleResourceIds.splice(index, 1);
} else {
This causes the resources to show and hide properly. If the user selects "Show All" that works too!
In order to have a default resource show on load, I add this to my fullcalendar script:
loading: function(bool) {
if (bool) {
//insert code if still loading
} else {
if (initial_load) {
initial_load = false;
//code here once done loading and initial_load = true
var default_resource_to_show = "<?php echo $default_provider; ?>";
if (default_resource_to_show) {
//set the menu to that provider and trigger the change event to toggleresrource()
} else {
//pass in nothing meaning 'select all' providers for scheduler to see
I am using a bool variable of initial_load to see if the page was just loaded (basically not loading data without a page refresh). The bool of initial_load = true is set outside of DOMContentLoaded
//show selected date in title box
var initial_load = true;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
My only current problem is that when toggleResource function is called, the all day vertical time block boundaries don't line up with the rest of the scheduler. Once I start navigating, they do, but I don't understand why it looks like this on initial load or when toggleResource() is called:
Any thoughts on how to correct the alignment of the allday vertical blocks?

How to avoid action from within store update

As far as my understanding goes, it's an anti-pattern to dispatch actions from within a store update handler. Correct?
How can I handle the following workflow then?
I have some company switcher on my page header
Clicking on a company dispatches some SELECTEDCOMPANY_UPDATE action
The active view reacts on the according change in the state store by forcing a data reload. E.g. by calling companyDataService.fetchOrders(companyName).
I'd like to show some loading animation during the data is being fetched and therefore have an dedicated action like FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE which updates the fetchingData section in my app state store to which all interested views can react by showing/hiding the load mask
Where do I actually dispatch the FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE action? If I directly do this from within companyDataService.fetchOrders(companyName) it would be called from within a store update handler (see OrdersView.onStoreUpdate in exemplary code below)...
To clarify my last sentence I'm adding some exemplary code which shows how my implementation would have looked like:
// ...
export function setSelectedCompany(company) {
return { type: SELECTEDCOMPANY_UPDATE, company: company };
export function setFetchingData(isFetching) {
return { type: FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE, isFetching: isFetching };
// ...
// ...
export fetchOrders(companyName) {
.then((data) => {
// Apply the data...
.catch((err) => {
// ...
// ...
onCompanyClicked(company) {
// ...
// ...
constructor() {
this._curCompany = '';
// ...
onStoreUpdate() {
const stateCompany = this.stateStore.getState().company;
if (this._curCompany !== stateCompany) {
// We're inside a store update handler and `fetchOrders` dispatches another state change which is considered bad...
this._curCompany = stateComapny;
// ...
I agree with Davin, in the action creator is the place to do this, something like:
export function fetchOrders (company) {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch ({ type: FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE });
return fetchOrderFunction ().then(
(result) => dispatch ({ type: FETCHING_COMPLETED, result }),
(error) => dispatch ({ type: FETCHING_FAILED, error })
Then in the reducer FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE can set your loading indicator to true and you can set it back to false I both SUCCESS and FAILED

In Meteor how can I load the page links without subscribing to all the page content?

I want to load all the links to my pages. What I did it, created a seperate subscription with only the slug and title fields. Used this data in my navigation and it worked. But now I need to subscribe on every single page with all the fields. The problem is, it's showing only the slug and title fields. I think the two subscriptions are conflicting. Here's my subscriptions :
Meteor.publish("pageLinks", function() {
return Pages.find({}, {
fields: {
title: 1,
slug: 1
Meteor.publish("page", function(slug) {
check(slug, String);
return Pages.findOne({
slug: slug
And my subscriptions in the route for the single page :
FlowRouter.route('/page/:slug', {
name: 'pageSingle',
subscriptions: function(params, queryParams) {
this.register('page', Meteor.subscribe('page', params.slug));
action() {
BlazeLayout.render('panelLayout', {
content: 'pageSingle'
For the links, I subscribed in the template like this :
Template.panelLinks.onCreated(function() {
this.autorun(function() {
pageLinks: function() {
return Pages.find({});
Here's how I display the links :
{{#each pageLinks}}
{{> pageLink}}
What is the best way to solve this conflict and load all the fields of a page only in that page's route?
First, there is mistake in your publish function:
Meteor.publish("page", function(slug) {
check(slug, String);
return Pages.findOne({
slug: slug
You should see in console error :
Error: Publish function can only return a Cursor or an array of Cursors
Replace Pages.findOne with Pages.find
If you correct mistake then you should be able to use different subscriptions of the same collection (Pages) and receive correct data.

Media editor backbone js: Get the current action

I'm creating a plugin that adds an option to the native WP gallery.
When a new gallery is created (clicking the "Create Gallery" button in the media popup), a 'select' element is added, and I have a backbone event listening for the 'change' event of this 'select'.
However, I only want to listen for the change event when the gallery is being newly created, rather than when editing an existing gallery.
My code so far is:
wp.media.view.Settings.Gallery = wp.media.view.Settings.Gallery.extend({
events: function() {
var the_events = {};
//NEED TO GET STATE (ie, 'creating gallery for first time' rather than 'edit gallery'....
var is_create_gallery = true;
if (is_create_gallery) {
_.extend( the_events, { 'change select[data-setting="gallerytype"]' : 'gallerytypechanged' } );
return the_events;
gallerytypechanged: function( e ){
var self = this;
var gallery_type = jQuery( e.currentTarget ).val();
if( gallery_type != 'native' ){
self.update.apply( self, ['gallerytype'] );
return self;
template: function(view) {
return wp.media.template('gallery-settings')(view) + wp.media.template('gallery-type')(view);
Basically the --here-- code should be a check to determine whether we're editing an existing gallery, or creating a new one.
Does anybody know where to check which state we're in?
I assume you can detect the state of the gallery outside of your Backbone View.
You could set the is_create_gallery state when initializing the backbone view, then call your view constructor with the custom argument:
var newGallery = // determine the gallery state
var view = new wp.media.view.Settings.Gallery({newGallery: newGallery});
You can access the passed argument in your initialize function like this:
initialize: function (options) {
if (options.newGallery) {
_.extend(this.events, {
'change select[data-setting="gallerytype"]' : 'gallerytypechanged'
Since your events map will be either empty or contain one event, I would remove the events key completely and do the events initialization from initialize.
