Calculating the cumulative sum of the columns in a dataframe with NAs - r

I have a dataframe that has some NAs in it, and want to create a new set of columns with the cumulative sum of a subset of the original columns, with NAs being ignored. A minimal example follows:
x = data.frame(X1 = c(NA, NA, 1,2,3),
X2 = 1:5)
> x
X1 X2
1 NA 1
2 NA 2
3 1 3
4 2 4
5 3 5
If I now write
> cumsum(x)
X1 X2
1 NA 1
2 NA 3
3 NA 6
4 NA 10
5 NA 15
I tried using ifelse
> cumsum(ifelse(, 0, x))
Error: 'list' object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
but I have no difficulty working with one column at a time
> cumsum(ifelse($X1), 0, x$X1))
[1] 0 0 1 3 6
I suppose I could loop through the columns in my chosen subset, create a cumulative sum for each one, and then assign it to a new column in the dataframe, but this seems tedious, If I have a vector with the names of the columns whose cumulative sum I want to compute, how can I do so while ignoring the NAs (i,e, treating them as 0), and add the resulting set of cumulative sums to the dataframe with new names?
Thomas Philips

We could do
x %>%
~ replace(.x, complete.cases(.x), cumsum(.x[complete.cases(.x)]))))
X1 X2
1 NA 1
2 NA 3
3 1 6
4 3 10
5 6 15
Or more compactly with fcumsum from collapse
X1 X2
1 NA 1
2 NA 3
3 1 6
4 3 10
5 6 15
Or using base R with replace
cumsum(replace(x,, 0))
X1 X2
1 0 1
2 0 3
3 1 6
4 3 10
5 6 15

mutate(x, across(everything(), ~cumsum(coalesce(.x, 0))))
X1 X2
1 0 1
2 0 3
3 1 6
4 3 10
5 6 15
x[] <- 0
# but we lose the NA's
X1 X2
1 0 1
2 0 3
3 1 6
4 3 10
5 6 15


Filter based on matching condition in R [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Find rows in a data frame where two columns are equal
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm trying to execute a command to only keep rows where the 'ID' is the same in column Y as it is in column X. In other words, keep the row if the 'ID' in column Y matches the ID in column X.
edit: here's the code that is close but not quite there. What I need is to add a condition to the Y column. So it should keep rows where the ID in column X equals the ID in column Y when column Y = '34'.
data %>%
filter(ID %in% X == ID %in% Y)
You can use join or just do something like this:
df <- data.frame(x = 1:13, y = c(1:5,7:14))
x y
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 7
7 7 8
8 8 9
9 9 10
10 10 11
11 11 12
12 12 13
13 13 14
rows_to_select <- which(df$x==df$y,TRUE)
x y
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
You can use the 'which' function in base R. Example:
set.seed(7) # create toy dataframe
x1 <- sample(1:2, 10, replace = TRUE)
x2 <- sample(1:2, 10, replace = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(x1, x2)
x1 x2
1 2 2
2 2 1
3 2 1
4 1 1
5 2 1
6 2 2
7 1 2
8 1 1
9 1 1
10 1 2
keep <- which(df$x1 == df$x2) # only this line
1 4 6 8 9
df2 <- df[keep , ] # and this line required for the reduced dataframe
x1 x2
1 2 2
4 1 1
6 2 2
8 1 1
9 1 1

How do I sum a specific value from a particular column given other criteria in R?

Let's say I have the following table:
> df <- data.frame("1"=c(9,10,11,10,11,9,10,10,9,11), "2"=c(1,1,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,1), "3"=c(3,1,0,0,3,3,3,3,1,0))
> df
X1 X2 X3
1 9 1 3
2 10 1 1
3 11 2 0
4 10 2 0
5 11 1 3
6 9 2 3
7 10 1 3
8 10 2 3
9 9 2 1
10 11 1 0
How do I find the sum of all the 3's in the column X3, given the criteria that the value in column X1 must be 9, and the value in column X2 is 1?
We can use == with & to create a logical vector, get the sum and multiply by 3
with(df, 3 * sum(X3 == 3 & X1 == 9 & X2 == 1))
#[1] 3
Or another option is
3 * sum(, df) == '913')

Applying custom function to each row uses only first value of argument

I am trying to recode NA values to 0 in a subset of columns using the following dataset:
df <- data.frame(
id = c(1:10),
trials = sample(1:3, 10, replace = T),
t1 = c(sample(c(1:9, NA), 10)),
t2 = c(sample(c(1:7, rep(NA, 3)), 10)),
t3 = c(sample(c(1:5, rep(NA, 5)), 10))
Each row has a certain number of trials associated with it (between 1-3), specified by the trials column. columns t1-t3 represent scores for each trial.
The number of trials indicates the subset of columns in which NAs should be recoded to 0: NAs that are within the number of trials represent missing data, and should be recoded as 0, while NAs outside the number of trials are not meaningful, and should remain NAs. So, for a row where trials == 3, an NA in column t3 would be recoded as 0, but in a row where trials == 2, an NA in t3 would remain an NA.
So, I tried using this function:
replace0 <- function(x, num.sun) {
x[which([1:(num.sun + 2)]))] <- 0
This works well for single vectors. When I try applying the same function to a data frame with apply(), though:
apply(df, 1, replace0, num.sun = df$trials)
I get a warning saying:
In 1:(num.sun + 2) :
numerical expression has 10 elements: only the first used
The result is that instead of having the value of num.sun change every row according to the value in trials, apply() simply uses the first value in the trials column for every single row. How could I apply the function so that the num.sun argument changes according to the value of df$trials?
Edit: as some have commented, the original example data had some non-NA scores that didn't make sense according to the trials column. Here's a corrected dataset:
df <- data.frame(
id = c(1:5),
trials = c(rep(1, 2), rep(2, 1), rep(3, 2)),
t1 = c(NA, 7, NA, 6, NA),
t2 = c(NA, NA, 3, 7, 12),
t3 = c(NA, NA, NA, 4, NA)
Another approach:
# create an index of the NA values
w <- which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
# create an index with the max column by row where an NA is allowed to be replaced by a zero
m <- matrix(c(1:nrow(df), (df$trials + 2)), ncol = 2)
# subset 'w' such that only the NA's which fall in the scope of 'm' remain
i <- w[w[,2] <= m[,2][match(w[,1], m[,1])],]
# use 'i' to replace the allowed NA's with a zero
df[i] <- 0
which gives:
> df
id trials t1 t2 t3
1 1 1 3 NA 5
2 2 2 2 2 NA
3 3 2 6 6 4
4 4 3 0 1 2
5 5 1 5 NA NA
6 6 3 7 0 0
7 7 3 8 7 0
8 8 2 4 5 1
9 9 2 1 3 NA
10 10 1 9 4 3
You could easily wrap this in a function:
replace.NA.with.0 <- function(df) {
w <- which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
m <- matrix(c(1:nrow(df), (df$trials + 2)), ncol = 2)
i <- w[w[,2] <= m[,2][match(w[,1], m[,1])],]
df[i] <- 0
Now, using replace.NA.with.0(df) will produce the above result.
As noted by others, some rows (1, 3 & 10) have more values than trails. You could tackle that problem by rewriting the above function to:
replace.with.NA.or.0 <- function(df) {
w <- which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
df[w] <- 0
v <- tapply(m[,2], m[,1], FUN = function(x) tail(x:5,-1))
ina <- matrix(as.integer(unlist(stack(v)[2:1])), ncol = 2)
df[ina] <- NA
Now, using replace.with.NA.or.0(df) produces the following result:
id trials t1 t2 t3
1 1 1 3 NA NA
2 2 2 2 2 NA
3 3 2 6 6 NA
4 4 3 0 1 2
5 5 1 5 NA NA
6 6 3 7 0 0
7 7 3 8 7 0
8 8 2 4 5 NA
9 9 2 1 3 NA
10 10 1 9 NA NA
Here I just rewrite your function using double subsetting x[paste0('t',x['trials'])], which overcome the problem in the other two solutions with row 6
replace0 <- function(x){
x_na <- x[paste0('t',x['trials'])]
if({x[paste0('t',x['trials'])] <- 0}
t(apply(df, 1, replace0))
id trials t1 t2 t3
[1,] 1 1 3 NA 5
[2,] 2 2 2 2 NA
[3,] 3 2 6 6 4
[4,] 4 3 NA 1 2
[5,] 5 1 5 NA NA
[6,] 6 3 7 NA 0
[7,] 7 3 8 7 0
[8,] 8 2 4 5 1
[9,] 9 2 1 3 NA
[10,] 10 1 9 4 3
Here is a way to do it:
x <-
df[x & t(apply(x, 1, cumsum)) > 3 - df$trials] <- 0
The output looks like this:
> df
id trials t1 t2 t3
1 1 1 3 NA 5
2 2 2 2 2 NA
3 3 2 6 6 4
4 4 3 0 1 2
5 5 1 5 NA NA
6 6 3 7 0 0
7 7 3 8 7 0
8 8 2 4 5 1
9 9 2 1 3 NA
10 10 1 9 4 3
> x <-
> df[x & t(apply(x, 1, cumsum)) > 3 - df$trials] <- 0
> df
id trials t1 t2 t3
1 1 1 3 NA 5
2 2 2 2 2 NA
3 3 2 6 6 4
4 4 3 0 1 2
5 5 1 5 NA NA
6 6 3 7 0 0
7 7 3 8 7 0
8 8 2 4 5 1
9 9 2 1 3 NA
10 10 1 9 4 3
Note: row 1/3/10, is problematic since there are more non-NA values than the trials.
Here's a tidyverse way, note that it doesn't give the same output as other solutions.
Your example data shows results for trials that "didn't happen", I assumed your real data doesn't.
df %>%
nest(matches("^t\\d")) %>%
mutate(data = map2(data,trials,~mutate_all(.,replace_na,0) %>% select(.,1:.y))) %>%
# id trials t1 t2 t3
# 1 1 1 3 NA NA
# 2 2 2 2 2 NA
# 3 3 2 6 6 NA
# 4 4 3 0 1 2
# 5 5 1 5 NA NA
# 6 6 3 7 0 0
# 7 7 3 8 7 0
# 8 8 2 4 5 NA
# 9 9 2 1 3 NA
# 10 10 1 9 NA NA
Using the more commonly used gather strategy this would be:
df %>%
gather(k,v,matches("^t\\d")) %>%
arrange(id) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
slice(1:first(trials)) %>%
mutate_at("v",~replace(.,,0)) %>%
# # A tibble: 10 x 5
# # Groups: id [10]
# id trials t1 t2 t3
# <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 1 3 NA NA
# 2 2 2 2 2 NA
# 3 3 2 6 6 NA
# 4 4 3 0 1 2
# 5 5 1 5 NA NA
# 6 6 3 7 0 0
# 7 7 3 8 7 0
# 8 8 2 4 5 NA
# 9 9 2 1 3 NA
# 10 10 1 9 NA NA

Exclude a Specific Value from a Unique Value Counter

I am trying to count how many different responses a person gives during a trial of an experiment, but there is a catch.
There are supposed to be 6 possible responses (1,2,3,4,5,6) BUT sometimes 0 is recorded as a response (it's a glitch / flaw in design).
I need to count the number of different responses they give, BUT ONLY counting unique values within the range 1-6. This helps us calculate their accuracy.
Is there a way to exclude the value 0 from contributing to a unique value counter? Any other work-arounds?
Currently I am trying this method below, but it includes 0, NA, and I think any other entry in a cell in the Unique Value Counter Column (I have named "Span6"), which makes me sad.
# My Span6 calculator:
ASixImageTrials <- data.frame(eSOPT_831$T8.RESP, eSOPT_831$T9.RESP, eSOPT_831$T10.RESP, eSOPT_831$T11.RESP, eSOPT_831$T12.RESP, eSOPT_831$T13.RESP)
ASixImageTrials$Span6 = apply(ASixImageTrials, 1, function(x) length(unique(x)))
Use na.omit inside unique and sum logic vector as below
df$res = apply(df, 1, function(x) sum(unique(na.omit(x)) > 0))
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 res
1 2 1 1 2 1 2
2 3 0 1 1 2 3
3 3 NA 1 1 3 2
4 3 3 3 4 NA 2
5 1 1 0 NA 3 2
6 3 NA NA 1 1 2
7 2 0 2 3 0 2
8 0 2 2 2 1 2
9 3 2 3 0 NA 2
10 0 2 3 2 2 2
11 2 2 1 2 1 2
12 0 2 2 2 NA 1
13 0 1 4 3 2 4
14 2 2 1 1 NA 2
15 3 NA 2 2 NA 2
16 2 2 NA 3 NA 2
17 2 3 2 2 2 2
18 2 NA 3 2 2 2
19 NA 4 5 1 3 4
20 3 1 2 1 NA 3
mat <- matrix(rbinom(100, 10, .2), nrow = 20)
mat[sample(1:100, 15)] = NA
data.frame(mat) -> df
df$res = apply(df, 1, function(x) sum(unique(na.omit(x)) > 0))
could you edit your question and clarify why this doesn't solve your problem?
# here is a numeric vector with a bunch of numbers
# here is how to limit that vector to only 1-6
mtcars$carb[ mtcars$carb %in% 1:6 ]
# here is how to tabulate that result
table( mtcars$carb[ mtcars$carb %in% 1:6 ] )

R language check missing data for columns and rows

I have a data frame sells and I want to check the missing data in both rows and columns
What I did for rows is:
sells[, complete.cases(sells)]
nrows(sells[, complete.cases(sells)])
but I didn't know who to solve if for columns
Help please
First let's take the iris dataframe and insert randomly some NA's:
iris.demo <- iris
iris.nas <- matrix(as.logical(sample(FALSE:TRUE, size = 150*5,
prob = c(.9,.1),replace = TRUE)),ncol = 5)
iris.demo[iris.nas] <- NA
For rows, it is pretty straightforward:
# [1] 75
For columns, two possibilities (among several possible others):
Transposing the whole dataframe
# [1] 0 # 0 columns are complete
Using lapply to count the "non-missing" on every column and see if it's equal to nrow:
sum(lapply(iris.demo, function(x) sum(! == nrow(iris.demo))
# [1] 0
You could do it like this:
(sells <- data.frame(replicate(2, sample(c(1:3, NA), 10, T)), x3 = 1:10))
# X1 X2 x3
# 1 NA 2 1
# 2 1 3 2
# 3 3 2 3
# 4 1 1 4
# 5 2 NA 5
# 6 2 3 6
# 7 1 NA 7
# 8 2 1 8
# 9 NA 3 9
# 10 2 2 10
sells[complete.cases(sells), ]
# X1 X2 x3
# 1 2 1 1
# 2 2 1 2
# 3 3 3 3
# 9 3 2 9
nrow(sells[complete.cases(sells), ])
# [1] 6
sells[, sapply(sells, function(col) any(]
# X1 X2
# 1 2 1
# 2 2 1
# 3 3 3
# 4 NA 2
# 5 1 NA
# 6 NA 2
# 7 NA 3
# 8 3 NA
# 9 3 2
# 10 1 NA
sum(sapply(sells, function(col) any(
# [1] 2
