Replace the value in -

I want to replace the numeric value in drpFPortofCall.SelectedValue.ToString.
For example, given the string AEJEA~12060 I want the result to be AEJEA. Given the string INNSA~12430 I want the result to be INNSA only. How can I do this?
I tried the following but wasn't able to get through.
Dim frmport As String = drpFPortofCall.SelectedValue.ToString
frmport = frmport.Replace("~", "")

Easy and Simple
Using IndexOf you will replace the rest
Dim frmport As String = drpFPortofCall.SelectedValue.ToString()
Dim value as String = frmport.Substring(0, frmport.IndexOf("~"))

You can use regex to extract everything until the "~".
Here is an example. And a fiddle.
Dim foo = "AEJEA~12060"
Dim match = Regex.Match(foo,".+?(?=~)")
Dim x = match.Value
Console.WriteLine("x = " & x)
Edit: you will need this import:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

First of all, I'm pretty sure drpFPortofCall.SelectedValue is already a string (What you have might not be a ListControl directly, but it almost certainly inherits this property from it). That is, further calling .ToString() from there is silly at best and wasteful at worst.
Moving on from there, it seems like you want everything up to the ~. One option looks like this:
Dim frmport As String = drpFPortofCall.SelectedValue.Split("~"c)(0)
But that might be slower. With a little more code we could do it like this, which might be very slightly faster:
Dim endIndex As Integer = drpFPortofCall.SelectedValue.IndexOf("~"c)
Dim frmPort As String = drpFPortofCall.SelectedValue.SubString(0, endIndex)
... but you won't notice the difference unless you need to run this on 10s of thousands of inputs.
Finally, the two samples we have are strikingly similar in structure, down to the number of characters in each spot. If you can be sure that all of your data follows this format exactly, we can do even better:
Dim frmPort As String = drpFPortofCall.SelectedValue.SubString(0, 5)


string.split()(1) removes first character

I am running into an issue when i split a string on "_Pub" and get the back half of the string it removes the first character and I don't understand why or how to fix it unless i add the character back in
strFilePath = "/C:/Dev/Edge/_Publications/Ann Report/2013-2016/2016 Edge.pdf"
Dim relPath = strFilepath.Split("_Publications")(1)
lb.CommandArgument = relPath
returns Publications\Ann Report\2013-2016\2016 Edge.pdf
What you have as a delimiter is not a string array "string()" but a regular string. You need a string array to use a string as a delimiter. otherwise it takes the first char of your string.
try this
Dim relPath = strFilepath.Split(new string() {"_Publications"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)(1)
It appears that you want to get the part of the path starting at some directory. Splitting the path might not be such a good idea: imagine if there was a file "My_Publications_2017.pdf" in a directory "C:\Dev\Edge\_Publications". The split as you intended in the question would give the array of strings {"C:\Dev\Edge\", "\My", "_2017.pdf"}. As has been pointed out elsewhere, the String.Split you used doesn't do that anyway.
A more robust way would be to find where the starting directory's name is in the full path and get the substring of the path starting with it, e.g.:
Function GetRelativePath(fullPath As String, startingDirectory As String) As String
' Fix some errors in how the fullPath might be supplied:
Dim tidiedPath = Path.GetFullPath(fullPath.TrimStart("/".ToCharArray()))
Dim sep = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
Dim pathRoot = sep & startingDirectory.Trim(New Char() {sep}) & sep
Dim i = tidiedPath.IndexOf(pathRoot)
If i < 0 Then
Throw New DirectoryNotFoundException($"Cannot find {pathRoot} in {fullPath}.")
End If
' There will be a DirectorySeparatorChar at the start - do not include it
Return tidiedPath.Substring(i + 1)
End Function
Dim s = "/C:/Dev/Edge/_Publications/Ann Report/2013-2016/2016 Edge.pdf"
Console.WriteLine(GetRelativePath(s, "_Publications"))
Console.WriteLine(GetRelativePath(s, "\Ann Report"))
_Publications\Ann Report\2013-2016\2016 Edge.pdf
Ann Report\2013-2016\2016 Edge.pdf
Guessing that you might have several malformed paths starting with a "/" and using "/" as the directory separator character instead of "\", I put some code in to mitigate those problems.
The Split() function is supposed to exclude the entire delimiter from the result. Could you re-check & confirm your input and output strings?

Eliminate Portion of String in VB.NET

Lets say I have a variable: varEmail. It contains a variable equal to the user's email address, so it might contain a value like:
Now, lets say I want to get just a portion of the email address, e.g. strip off the domain, like so:
How can I accomplish this in VB.NET with string manipulation? I know this must be simple...maybe it is just early in the morning...
The first one gives the email name; the second gives the domain name.
dim varEmail as string=""
MsgBox(varEmail.Substring(0, varEmail.IndexOf("#")))
MsgBox(varEmail.Substring(varEmail.IndexOf("#") + 1))
If you know you are always dealing with valid email addresses, the easiest way might be as so:
varEmail = varEmail.Split("#"c)(0)
For the fun of it, here is a more old school approach that still works in .Net (and like Matt's answer, this assumes you know this is a valid E-mail Address)...
strResult = Mid(varEmail, 1, (InStr(varEmail, "#") - 1))
If you aren't sure you have a valid e-mail do this in a try catch (it will throw an exception if the e-mail is not valid)...
Dim objMail As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(varEmail)
strResult = objMail.User
You can use Split method. For example:
Dim MyString As String = ""
Dim MyString2() As String
Dim MyString3 As String
MyString2 = Split(MyString, "#", -1, CompareMethod.Binary)
MyString3 = MyString2(0)
Now MyString3 = myemail
Here is the solution for your problem:
Dim value, result as string
result = value.Substring(0, value.IndexOf('#')+1)
I hope this will help you out.

Using arrays with and VB

Sorry, I'm sure this is something that has been covered many times, but I can't find quite what I am after.
I have a single row data table which contains various settings which are used within my web system. I have been toying with turning this into an XML document instead of the single row datatable, would that make more sense?
Anyway, so, given that this is one record, there is a field called "locations," this field contains data as follows:
The ipAddress is just the first 5 digits of the IP and allows me to ensure that logins to certain elements (admin section managed by staff) can only be accepted when connected from a company computer (ie using our ISP) - this is a largely unnecessary feature, but stops kids I employ logging in at home and stuff!
So, as the user logs in, I can check if the IP is valid by a simple SQL query.
SELECT ips FROM settings WHERE loginLocations LIKE '%" & Left(ipAddress, 5) & " %'
What I need to be able to do now, is get the name of the users location from the dataField array.
I've come up with a few long winded looping procedures, but is there a simple way to analyse
as a string and simply get the locationName where LoginIp = IpAddressX
... or am I going about this in a totally ridiculous way and should turn it into an xml file? (which will then create a whole load of other questions for you about parsing XML!!)
u can split the string in and the send it to a query or anything
'Split the string on the "," character
Dim parts As String() = s.Split(New Char() {","c})
In SQL Server, these are the functions of interest in extracting a sub-string:
You can google the details about them (e.g. CHARINDEX at With these, you'll need to use computed columns in your query to extract that location name.
If it's not too late, you may want to devise a new way to layout these elements. For instance, instead of:
How about
That way you can use CHARINDEX to locate "{" & Left(ipAddress, 5); from that position, locate ","; then from that position locate the closing "}". From there it should be straightforward to use SUBSTRING to get at the locationName. Be forewarned that this will likely be a messy query (probably built from a few sub-queries, one for each position).
In the end, SpectralGhost's idea to just read in the column and do the extraction in VB is probably the way with the least hassle.
I've decided to do it this way, but would appreciate comments on efficiency.
I've split ipAddress and locationName into two database columns, within the one row, and getting the required data by comparing strings as arrays, as per the code below.
For this particular application I'm only dealing with one record, so it's pretty simple. However, further down the line, I need to product a system for monitoring product sales. from an invoices table.
Each invoice record is a row in the database with items in the invoice held similarly, [item1],[item2] etc. There is another column for quantities [qty1],[qty2] etc, prices [price1],[price2], etc. I'll need to be able to search the database for invoices in which an item number occurs (easy SQL WHERE itemList LIKE %[invNO]%) and then compare arrays to get the quantities and individual prices of each item on that invoice. Extracting these rows as arrays and locating the relevant position in these as per the code below, will work fine, but when the whole operation is looping through several hundred or thousand rows, will this become really slow?
ipList, locationList = list as comma separated string from database record field
Dim ipArray As Array = Split(ipList, ",")
Dim locationArray As Array = Split(locationList, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(ipArray)
If Left(ipArray(i), 5) = Left(ipAddress, 5) Then
arrayPosition = i
itemFound = "True"
Exit For
End If
location = locationArray(arrayPosition)
'loop through ips then get the position and make the location equal to that
If itemFound <> "True" Then
inValidIP = "True"
End If
I strongly advise that you break those our into database columns and each location is a separate row; had it been done that way in the first place, you wouldn't have the problem you have now.
But since you have it in a single row/column, why not bring that back and simply get the value from .NET?
Dim Source As String = "TestLocationA,127.0|TestLocationB,128.0|TestLocationC,129.0"
Dim Test As String = Source
Dim ToFind As String = "127.0"
Test = Test.Substring(0, Test.IndexOf(ToFind & "|") - 1)
Test = Test.Substring(Test.LastIndexOf("|") + 1)
Public Class Form1
Private IpLocationList As New List(Of IpLocation)
Private IpToFind As String = ""
Private Class IpLocation
Public Name As String
Public IP As String
Public Sub New(ByVal FullLocation As String)
Me.Name = FullLocation.Substring(0, FullLocation.IndexOf(","))
Me.IP = FullLocation.Substring(FullLocation.IndexOf(",") + 1)
End Sub
End Class
Private Function FindIP(ByVal IpLocationItem As IpLocation) As Boolean
If IpLocationItem.IP = IpToFind Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Source As String = "TestLocationA,127.0|TestLocationB,128.0|TestLocationC,129.0"
Dim LocationList As New List(Of String)
LocationList.AddRange(Split(Source, "|"))
For Each LocationItem As String In LocationList
IpLocationList.Add(New IpLocation(LocationItem))
IpToFind = "127.0"
Dim result As IpLocation = IpLocationList.Find(AddressOf FindIP)
If result IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
enter code here
This has the benefit of loading the array one time and not needing to manually loop through arrays. / Get URL without filename

i want to set a link in dynamically to a file.
My url looks like that:
I tried to use Request.URL but i have not found any solution to get only
without the query string and without the filename.
Please help.
Dim url = Request.Url;
Dim result = String.Format(
String.Join(string.Empty, url.Segments.Take(url.Segments.Length - 1))
You can easily get a relative file path using the Request instance, then work with that, using Path class ought to help:
Dim relativePath = Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath
Dim relativeDirectoryPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(relativePath)
It's worth noting that GetDirectoryName might transform your slashes, so you could expand the path:
Dim mappedPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(newpath)
So, to remove redundancy, we could shorten this:
Dim path = _
Server.MapPath( _
Path.GetDirectoryName( _
But you'll need to check for possible exceptions.
You can use Uri.Host to get the computer name and then Uri.Segments (an array) to get everything up to the filename, for example:
var fileName = Uri.Host && Uri.Segments(0) && Uri.Segments(1)
This will give you: server/folder/folder2
If you have a variable number of segments, you can iterate over them and ignore the last one.
I hope that might help :)

How to avoid IndexOutOfRangeException indexing DataReader columns?

I am having a little trouble with an 'IndexOutOfRangeException'. I think it is because when the code tries to get the DateModified col from the database it sometimes contains NULLS (the users haven't always updated the page since they created it).
Here is my code;
s = ("select datemodified, maintainedby, email, hitcount from updates where id = #footid")
Dim x As New SqlCommand(s, c)
x.Parameters.Add("#footid", SqlDbType.Int)
x.Parameters("#footid").Value = footid
Dim r As SqlDataReader = x.ExecuteReader
While r.Read
If r.HasRows Then
datemodified = (r("DateModified"))
maintainedby = (r("maintainedby"))
email = (r("email"))
hitcount = (r("hitcount"))
End If
End While
I thought (after a bit of msdn) that adding;
If r.HasRows Then
End If
Would solve the problem, but so far after adding I am still getting the same old IndexOutOfRangeException
(ps, I have tried datemodified as string / datetime)
Try r.IsDBNull(columnIndex).
Does changing
datemodified = (r("DateModified"))
datemodified = (r("datemodified"))
I have tried to recreate you issue by passing in nulls, empty sets. I can't recreate it in the sample of code you provided. Would you mind posting more code, maye even the whole page? Is there a line number that the error happens on? I would like to dig in further.
