Exporting Evernote notes with Siri Shortcuts - evernote

I'm writing a Siri Shortcut to export notes from Evernote to another app. But I'm having a devil of a time figuring out how to do it. When I invoke the shortcut from the iOS share sheet, it sends a link like this to Shortcuts: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s120/sh/3e0ec717-211f-42a0-0327-f64a2337ae8f/bb4a73c5eb5c46d745fe2cda1b700570 . The problem is, the page that that link goes to seems unscrapeable. I can't figure out how to get any information out of it other than the Last Updated date. 
The Evernote Get Notes action is no help, because there's no way to pass any useful information to it from that link, as far as I can tell. 
Shortcuts supports APIs, but I can't see how to use that to get the information I want without building an app. Maybe there's a way, but I can't see it. 
Does anyone know how to accomplish this? Please help!


How to add login via Twitter functionality with Firebase?

I read the documentation on https://www.firebase.com/docs/ios/guide/login/twitter.html. I downloaded and added the two files as it says in the documentation. I also imported Accounts at the beginning of the files, so Xcode builds successfully. Then I copied the exact code in the documentation to my twitterLogin IBAction, and set my Twitter API Key and Firebase base reference.
The problem is that when I click on my twitter login button, nothing happens. (It used to say no twitter accounts, then I set my account in the Settings.) I even put print statements in any if-else case but none of them prints. So is there any suggestions for making Twitter login work? I don't think Firebase is missing anything. But please give some suggestions on how to figure out the issue at least.
Check to make sure that you have Enabled Twitter Authentication in your Firebase Dashboard, and that the apiKey in your project matches the one that is in your Dashboard.
Hope that helps :)
I solved the issue. The 'funny' solution was to add an equal sign to the condition
if accounts.count > 1
For anyone who is not lucky enough to notice that the sample code in the Firebase documentation is weirdly working only for users that have 'more' than 1 twitter account signed in the device, I believe this answer would help to save some time.
I also think that this sample code is misleading.(may be something that shouldn't be the default case in the sample code)
I have recently found some pretty good stuff on exactly this topic may it can help someone:

Acces to LinkedIn API for Apply Now button

I'm trying to add an 'Apply by LinkedIn' button to my website. I realise the plugin was deprecatad and am trying to use the JS SDK to create this. What I currently have in place (as documented here) will allow me to sign in to my account, however, the documentation doesn't go any further. How is the user to apply for a specific position, should this be referenced in the url somewhere?
Also, I've submitted the application to access the API but have heard nothing back after 9 days.
Any feedback appreciated,
Thanks :)

Issue Tracking Widget Suggestion

Can you suggest a very very simple issue tracking widget. UserVoice, is a little too involved for us with their forums and what not. What we want is something that just allows people to send us an issue or note and grabs a URL.
If by widget you mean something that you can embed on your page that will allow visitors to leave feedback/issues, there are javascript plugins, like feedback_me that will allow posting feedback to a backend provided by you.
If your are not comfortable with supplying a backend of your own, there are of course countless products that will do basic stuff for you and more. This is list by no means complete, but it's a start:
Hava a look at userrules.com
It allows you to integrate to your internal Issue Tracking system (JIRA, BugZilla, Redmine, Basecamp etc.). Any feedback from your customers come, you can directly export it to ur external system. And it will keep track of its progress for you.
Liked, what they have done with their UI, plus you can add your own customizable fields to ask some specific info from your customers in the feedback widget.
Getsatisfaction? BitBucket? Github? Google Code? All have issue trackers and, except for that last one, allow you to keep your code private, but your issues public.

How to add Facebook Like button to a Flex app?

I am working on a Flex AS3 application and wanted to add the Facebook Like button inside the app. I am unable to find any API or anything apart from the http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like code generator.
Any ideas on how this might be accomplished? I am quite new to the recent changes in the Facebook Platform, so any info would be appreciated.
A direct "like" button should not be possible, since Facebook needs to sandbox the whole thing. Both like button formats (iframe and xfbml) use a sandboxed iframe, so nobody but facebook can set "likes" or know anything about the user.
For that to work with Flash, I think facebook would have to provide the button itself as a SWF file so you can load it in Flash. Then it can create a sandbox within itself and thus load the user information safely. Very much like the Chromeless Youtube Player, where it's almost impossible for Flash to access the actual FLV URL (even through introspection).
But even so, I don't think this would provide enough security... realize that you are dealing with very private user information and credentials here.
The only way I know you can "like" stuff through Flash is first doing the whole Facebook Connect thing (several popup windows asking the user for permissions) and then using the API of your choice to do the actual "liking", for instance, with the Graph API:
The closest information I could find are these 2 items so far. Hope it helps you in your journey.
Facebook Developer Site: Source
Facebook like button in flash
I hate answering "no" to a question because what I really mean is "I don't know and I can't find a way". I'm sure your Google-fu is as good as mine. All I can see are Facebook forum posts like this where people are asking the same question and no one is answering.
The examples they give of the like button are either embedded in iFrames or using XFBML <fb:like ../> tag. There are no examples of how to like something using their new graph api or either of their old APIs (FQL and REST API).
I had to get a Facebook like button in a html page (looked like a header on the top) and get the swf embedded below. As its a complete flex app in my case, this work around was possible and plausible

How can I programmatically click the "Like" link on a Facebook status?

Alright, I fear I may be critiqued for this not being so much of a "programming" question, but I'll ask anyway. I don't do to much in web development-type stuff (OO is what I stick with mostly), so I'm not too keen on exactly how all this CSS, Javascript, SQL, etc works.
The problem: My friend has been trying to quit smoking for a while, but as many smokers do, he seems to only make it so far. He recently posted a status update saying if he had the moral support, he could do it. I simple want to create a link to the "Like" button. I then intend to write a script and simple message all his friends with the link. Is this possible?
Any tips in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. An explanation of how to do this would be divine. An explanation of why I can't do this would be met with a scowling acceptance and a thank-you.
For those who don't have a facebook, here are some pastebins. Anything else you need I'll try to supply
Pastebin of a my facebook.com/homepage page source:
Pastebin of his homepage as I see it page source:
His update to ctrl+F and see surrounding code:
"would quit smoking if he had the moral support."
Thing that looks to me like the css code for the "like" command
Will this stop him from smoking? Most likely not, but it can't hurt. Worst case he'll just get a laugh and maybe feel a bit more inclined to drop the cigs.
Appreciate it as always.
The "Like link" is a Javascript-backed element which invokes an AJAX call to the server. It carries a unique ID which is keyed off both the item being "liked" and the user who pulled down the page (in this case, you) to ensure duplicate "likes" are not accidentally submitted and the UI to become out of sync with the DB; and to ensure you can't "like" something on another user's behalf. The case you are describing is indiscernible from a malicious attempt at doing the same thing.
Can you just send them a message with a link to the friend's page and tell them to "Like" the status themselves?
Why not write a Facebook application and plug directly into your own profile. You could invite his friends to your application, which would allow them to support your friend's attempt to quit smoking without having to hack together a script that "clicks" the Like link. The hack could easily be considered malicious.
