I have been practicing web scrapping from wikipedia with the rvest library, and I would like to solve a problem that I found when using the str_replace_all() function. here is the code:
pagina <- read_html("https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Premio_Grammy_al_mejor_%C3%A1lbum_de_rap") %>%
# list all tables on the page
html_nodes(css = "table") %>%
# convert to a table
rap <- pagina[[2]]
rap <- rap[, -c(5)]
rap$Artista <- str_replace_all(rap$Artista, '\\[[^\\]]*\\]', '')
rap$Trabajo <- str_replace_all(rap$Trabajo, '\\[[^\\]]*\\]', '')
The problem is that when I remove the elements between brackets (hyperlinks in wikipedia) from the Artist variable, when doing the tabulation to see the count by artist, Eminem is repeated three times as if it were three different artists, the same happens with Kanye West that is repeated twice. I appreciate any solutions in advance.
There are some hidden bits still attached to the strings and trimws() is not working to remove them. You can use nchar(sort(test)) to see the number of character associated with each entry.
Here is a messy regular expression to extract out the letters, space, comma and - and skip everything else at the end.
rap <- pagina[[2]]
rap <- rap[, -c(5)]
rap$Artista<-gsub("([a-zA-Z -,&]+).*", "\\1", rap$Artista)
rap$Trabajo <- stringr::str_replace_all(rap$Trabajo, '\\[[^\\]]*\\]', '')
Cardi B Chance the Rapper Drake Eminem Jay Kanye West Kendrick Lamar
1 1 1 6 1 4 2
Lil Wayne Ludacris Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Nas Naughty by Nature Outkast Puff Daddy
1 1 1 1 1 2 1
The Fugees Tyler, the Creator
1 2
Here is another reguarlar expression that seems a bit clearer:
gsub("[^[:alpha:]]*$", "", rap$Artista)
From the end, replace zero or more characters which are not a to z or A to Z.
I'm newer to R and am playing around with the Titanic kaggle dataset. I've watched David Langer's great youtube videos on exploring this dataset and he is able to parse out the titles of each passenger with a for loop. However, I can't help but figure there is an easier way to do this with mutate and stringr.
note: titanic.full = data.frame
This is my best guess... obviously it doesn't work though:
mutate(titanic.full, Title = ifelse(str_detect(titanic.full$Name, "Mr."), "Mr.") elseif(str_detect(titanic.full$Name, "Mrs."), "Mrs."), "Other")
Any guidance would be very appreciated.
Using a regular expression match seems easier here. .*? matches all characters up to the first occurrence of what follows. (Mr|Mrs|Miss|$) matches any of the options with $ meaning end of line (in order to capture any lines that have none of the prior values). Finally .* matches whatever is left. "\\1" refers to the characters that match the portion of the pattern within parentheses.
titanic.full %>% mutate(Title = sub(".*?(Mr|Mrs|Miss|$).*", "\\1", Name))
Note: Since the input was not provided reproducibly in the question we provide it here:
u <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vincentarelbundock/Rdatasets/master/csv/datasets/Titanic.csv"
titanic.full <- read.csv(u)
If you want the tidyverse solution you can do the following:
df <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vincentarelbundock/Rdatasets/master/csv/datasets/Titanic.csv"
df <- read.csv(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- as_tibble(df)
df %>%
"(Mr|Mrs|Miss) ([^ ]+)",
remove = FALSE) %>%
select(Name, Title)
Which returns:
# A tibble: 1,313 x 2
Name Title
* <chr> <chr>
1 Allen, Miss Elisabeth Walton Miss
2 Allison, Miss Helen Loraine Miss
3 Allison, Mr Hudson Joshua Creighton Mr
4 Allison, Mrs Hudson JC (Bessie Waldo Daniels) Mrs
5 Allison, Master Hudson Trevor <NA>
6 Anderson, Mr Harry Mr
7 Andrews, Miss Kornelia Theodosia Miss
8 Andrews, Mr Thomas, jr Mr
9 Appleton, Mrs Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson) Mrs
10 Artagaveytia, Mr Ramon Mr
# ... with 1,303 more rows
Thanks to G. Grothendieck for providing the data.
I am trying to scrape a website link. So far I downloaded the text and set it as a dataframe. I have the folllowing;
keywords <- c(credit | model)
text_df <- as.data.frame.table(text_df)
text_df %>%
filter(str_detect(text, keywords))
where credit and model are two values I want to search the website, i.e. return row with the word credit or model in.
I get the following error
Error in filter_impl(.data, dots) : object 'credit' not found
The code only returns the results with the word "model" in and ignores the word "credit".
How can I go about returning all results with either the word "credit" or "model" in.
My plan is to have keywords <- c(credit | model | more_key_words | something_else | many values)
Thanks in advance.
Var 1 text
1 Here is some credit information
2 Some text which does not expalin any keywords but messy <li> text9182edj </i>
3 This line may contain the keyword model
4 another line which contains nothing of use
So I am trying to extract just rows 1 and 3.
I think the issue is you need to pass a string as an argument to str_detect. To check for "credit" or "model" you can paste them into a single string separated by |.
text_df <- read_table("Var 1 text
1 Here is some credit information
2 Some text which does not expalin any keywords but messy <li> text9182edj </i>
3 This line may contain the keyword model
4 another line which contains nothing of use")
keywords <- c("credit", "model")
any_word <- paste(keywords, collapse = "|")
text_df %>% filter(str_detect(text, any_word))
#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#> Var `1` text
#> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 Here is some credit information
#> 2 3 This line may contain the keyword model
Ok I have checked it and I think it will not work you way, as you must use the or | operator inside filter() not inside str_detect()
So it would work this way:
keywords <- c("virg", "tos")
iris %>%
filter(str_detect(Species, keywords[1]) | str_detect(Species, keywords[2]))
as a keywords[1] etc you have to specify each "keyword" from this variable
I would recommend staying away from regex when you're dealing with words. There are packages tailored for your particular task that you can use. Try, for example, the following
text <- readLines("http://norvig.com/big.txt") # sherlock holmes
terms <- c("watson", "sherlock holmes", "elementary")
text_locate(text, terms)
## text before instance after
## 1 1 …Book of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
## 2 27 Title: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
## 5 77 To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I…
## 6 85 …," he remarked. "I think, Watson , that you have put on seve…
## 7 89 …t a trifle more, I fancy, Watson . And in practice again, I …
## 8 145 …ere's money in this case, Watson , if there is nothing else.…
## 9 163 …friend and colleague, Dr. Watson , who is occasionally good …
## 10 315 … for you. And good-night, Watson ," he added, as the wheels …
## 11 352 …s quite too good to lose, Watson . I was just balancing whet…
## 12 422 …as I had pictured it from Sherlock Holmes ' succinct description, but…
## 13 504 "Good-night, Mister Sherlock Holmes ."
## 14 515 …t it!" he cried, grasping Sherlock Holmes by either shoulder and loo…
## 15 553 "Mr. Sherlock Holmes , I believe?" said she.
## 16 559 "What!" Sherlock Holmes staggered back, white with…
## 17 565 …tter was superscribed to " Sherlock Holmes , Esq. To be left till call…
## 18 567 "MY DEAR MR. SHERLOCK HOLMES ,--You really did it very w…
## 19 569 …est to the celebrated Mr. Sherlock Holmes . Then I, rather imprudentl…
## 20 571 …s; and I remain, dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes ,
## ⋮ (189 rows total)
Note that this matches the term regardless of the case.
For your specific use case, do
ix <- text_detect(text, terms)
matches <- text_subset(text, terms)
I have the task of searching through text, replacing peoples names and nicknames with a generic character string.
Here is the structure of my data frame of names and corresponding nicknames:
names <- c("Thomas","Thomas","Abigail","Abigail","Abigail")
nicknames <- c("Tom","Tommy","Abi","Abby","Abbey")
df_name_nick <- data.frame(names,nicknames)
Here is the structure of my data frame containing text
text_names <- c("Abigail","Thomas","Abigail","Thomas","Colin")
text_comment <- c("Tommy sits next to Abbey","As a footballer Tommy is very good","Abby is a mature young lady","Tom is a handsome man","Tom is friends with Colin and Abi")
df_name_comment <- data.frame(text_names,text_comment)
Giving these dataframes
names nicknames
1 Thomas Tom
2 Thomas Tommy
3 Abigail Abi
4 Abigail Abby
5 Abigail Abbey
text_names text_comment
1 Abigail Tommy sits next to Abbey
2 Thomas As a footballer Tommy is very good
3 Abigail Abby is a mature young lady
4 Thomas Tom is a handsome man
5 Colin Tom is friends with Colin and Abi
I am looking for a routine that will search through each row of df_name_comment and use the df_name_comment$text_names to look up the corresponding nickname from df_name_nick and replace it with XXX.
Note for each person's name there can be several nicknames.
Note that in each text comment, only the appropriate name for that row is replaced, so that we would get this as output:
Abigail "Tommy sits next to XXX"
Thomas "As a footballer, XXX is very good"
Abigail "XXX is a mature young lady"
Thomas "XXX is a handsome man"
Colin "Tom is friends with Colin and Abi"
I’m thinking this will require a cunning combination of gsubs, matches and apply functions (either mapply, sapply, etc)
I've searched on Stack Overflow for something similar to this request and can only find very specific regex solutions based on data frames with unique row elements, and not something that I think will work with generic text lookups and gsubs via multiple nicknames.
Can anyone please help me solve my predicament?
With thanks
(newbie R programmer since Jan 2017)
Here is an idea via base R. We basically paste the nicknames together for each name, collapsed by | so as to pass it as regex in gsub and replace the matched words of each comment with XXX. We use mapply to do that after we merge our aggregated nicknames with df_name_comment.
d1 <- aggregate(nicknames ~ names, df_name_nick, paste, collapse = '|')
d2 <- merge(df_name_comment, d1, by.x = 'text_names', by.y = 'names', all = TRUE)
d2$nicknames[is.na(d2$nicknames)] <- 0
d2$text_comment <- mapply(function(x, y) gsub(x, 'XXX', y), d2$nicknames, d2$text_comment)
d2$nicknames <- NULL
Which gives,
text_names text_comment
1 Abigail Tommy sits next to XXX
2 Abigail XXX is a mature young lady
3 Colin Tom is friends with Colin and Abi
4 Thomas As a footballer XXX is very good
5 Thomas XXX is a handsome man
Note1: Replacing NA in nicknames with 0 is due to the fact that NA (which is the default fill in merge for unmatched elements) would convert the comment string to NA as well when passed in gsub
Note2 The order is also changed due to merge, but you can sort as you wish as per usual.
Note3 Is better to have your variables as characters rather than factors. So you either read the data frames with stringsAsFactors = FALSE or convert via,
df_name_comment[] <- lapply(df_name_comment, as.character)
df_name_nick[] <- lapply(df_name_nick, as.character)
Based on your comment, we can simply match the comments' names with our aggregated data set, save that in a vector and use mapply directly on the original data frame, without having to merge and then drop variables, i.e.
#d1 as created above
v1 <- d1$nicknames[match(df_name_comment$text_names, d1$names)]
v1[is.na(v1)] <- 0
df_name_comment$text_comment <- mapply(function(x, y) gsub(x, 'XXX', y),
v1, df_name_comment$text_comment)
Hope this helps!
l <- apply(df_name_comment, 1, function(x)
ifelse(length(df_name_nick[df_name_nick$names==x["text_names"], "nicknames"]) > 0,
gsub(paste(df_name_nick[df_name_nick$names==x["text_names"], "nicknames"], collapse="|"),'XXX', x["text_comment"]),
df_name_comment$text_comment <- as.list.data.frame(l)
Don't forget to let us know if it solved your problem :)
df_name_nick <- data.frame(names,nicknames,stringsAsFactors = F)
df_name_comment <- data.frame(text_names,text_comment,stringsAsFactors = F)
Solution 2
EDIT: In this initial solution I manually checked with grepl if the nickname was present, and then gsubbed with one of the matching ID's. I knew the '|' operator worked with grepl, but not with gsub. So credits to Sotos for that idea.
df = df_name_comment
for(i in 1:nrow(df))
matching_nicknames = df_name_nick$nicknames[df_name_nick$names==df$text_names[i]]
df$text_comment[i] = mapply(sub, pattern=paste(paste0("\\b",matching_nicknames,"\\b"),collapse="|"), "XXX", df$text_comment[i])
text_names text_comment
1 Abigail Tommy sits next to XXX
2 Thomas As a footballer XXX is very good
3 Abigail XXX is a mature young lady
4 Thomas XXX is a handsome man
5 Colin Tom is friends with Colin and Abi
Hope this helps!
I am trying to scrape data from a website using R. I am using rvest in an attempt to mimic an example scraping the IMDB page for the Lego Movie. The example advocates use of a tool called Selector Gadget to help easily identify the html_node associated with the data you are seeking to pull.
I am ultimately interested in building a data frame that has the following schema/columns:
rank, blog_name, facebook_fans, twitter_followers, alexa_rank.
My code below. I was able to use Selector Gadget to correctly identity the html tag used in the Lego example. However, following the same process and same code structure as the Lego example, I get NAs (...using firstNAs introduced by coercion[1] NA
). My code is below:
data2_html = read_html("http://blog.feedspot.com/video_game_news/")
data2_html %>%
html_node(".stats") %>%
html_text() %>%
I have also experimented with: html_node("html_node(".stats , .stats span")), which seems to work for the "Facebook fans" column since it reports 714 matches, however only returns 1 number is returned.
714 matches for .//*[#class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(#class), ' '), ' stats ')] | .//*[#class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(#class), ' '), ' stats ')]/descendant-or-self::*/span: using first{xml_node}
[1] <span>997,669</span>
This may help you:
d1 <- read_html("http://blog.feedspot.com/video_game_news/")
stats <- d1 %>%
html_nodes(".stats") %>%
blogname <- d1%>%
html_nodes(".tlink") %>%
Note that it is html_nodes (plural)
> head(blogname)
[1] "Kotaku - The Gamer's Guide" "IGN | Video Games" "Xbox Wire" "Official PlayStation Blog"
[5] "Nintendo Life " "Game Informer"
> head(stats,12)
[1] "997,669" "1,209,029" "873" "4,070,476" "4,493,805" "399" "23,141,452" "10,210,993" "879"
[10] "38,019,811" "12,059,607" "500"
blogname returns the list of blog names that is easy to manage. On the other hand the stats info comes out mixed. This is due to the way the stats class for Facebook and Twitter fans are indistinguishable from one another. In this case the output array has the information every three numbers, that is stats = c(fb, tw, alx, fb, tw, alx...). You should separate each vector from this one.
FBstats = stats[seq(1,length(stats),3)]
> head(stats[seq(1,length(stats),3)])
[1] "997,669" "4,070,476" "23,141,452" "38,019,811" "35,977" "603,681"
You can use html_table to extract the whole table with minimal work:
# scrape html
h <- 'http://blog.feedspot.com/video_game_news/' %>% read_html()
game_blogs <- h %>%
html_node('table') %>% # select enclosing table node
html_table() %>% # turn table into data.frame
set_names(make.names) %>% # make names syntactic
mutate(Blog.Name = sub('\\s?\\+.*', '', Blog.Name)) %>% # extract title from name info
mutate_at(3:5, parse_number) %>% # make numbers actually numbers
tbl_df() # for printing
#> # A tibble: 119 x 5
#> Rank Blog.Name Facebook.Fans Twitter.Followers Alexa.Rank
#> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 Kotaku - The Gamer's Guide 997669 1209029 873
#> 2 2 IGN | Video Games 4070476 4493805 399
#> 3 3 Xbox Wire 23141452 10210993 879
#> 4 4 Official PlayStation Blog 38019811 12059607 500
#> 5 5 Nintendo Life 35977 95044 17727
#> 6 6 Game Informer 603681 1770812 10057
#> 7 7 Reddit | Gamers 1003705 430017 25
#> 8 8 Polygon 623808 485827 1594
#> 9 9 Xbox Live's Major Nelson 65905 993481 23114
#> 10 10 VG247 397798 202084 3960
#> # ... with 109 more rows
It's worth checking that everything is parsed like you want, but it should be usable at this point.
This uses html_nodes (plural) and str_replace to remove commas in numbers. Not sure if these are all the stats you need.
data2_html = read_html("http://blog.feedspot.com/video_game_news/")
data2_html %>%
html_nodes(".stats") %>%
html_text() %>%
str_replace_all(',', '') %>%
I have a data.frame, df, where I have 2 columns, one with the title of a song and the other with the combined title and artist. I wish to create a separate artist field.
The first three rows are shown here
title titleArtist
There are no issues on this set of data with this code
df %>%
head(3) %>%
mutate(artist=str_to_title(str_trim(str_replace(titleArtist,title,"")))) %>%
artist title
1 Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra / Frank Sinatra & Pied Pipers I'll Never Smile Again
2 Jimmy Dorsey & His Orchestra / Bob Eberly The Breeze And I
3 Glenn Miller & His Orchestra / Ray Eberle Imagination
But when I apply it to thousands of rows i get the error
Error: Incorrectly nested parentheses in regexp pattern. (U_REGEX_MISMATCHED_PAREN)
#or for part of the mutation
df$artist <-str_replace(df$titleArtist,df$title,"")
Error in stri_replace_first_regex(string, pattern, replacement, opts_regex = attr(pattern, :
Incorrectly nested parentheses in regexp pattern. (U_REGEX_MISMATCHED_PAREN)
I have removed all parentheses from the columns and the code appears to work for a while before I get the error
Error: Syntax error in regexp pattern. (U_REGEX_RULE_SYNTAX)
Is it another special character that might be causing an issue or might it be something else?
Your general problem is that str_replace is treating your artist values as regular expressions, so there are a lot of potential errors due to special characters beyond parentheses. The stringi library, which stringr wraps and simplifies, allows more fine-grained controls, including treating arguments as fixed strings instead of regexes. I don't have your original data but this works when I throw some error-causing characters in:
df = data_frame(title = c("I'll Never Smile Again (", "Imagination.*", "The Breeze And I(?>="),
titleArtist = c("I'll Never Smile Again ( TOMMY DORSEY & HIS ORCHESTRA / FRANK SINATRA & PIED PIPERS",
df %>%
mutate(artist=stri_trans_totitle(stri_trim(stri_replace_first_fixed(titleArtist,title,"")))) %>%
Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
artist title
(chr) (chr)
1 Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra / Frank Sinatra & Pied Pipers I'll Never Smile Again (
2 Glenn Miller & His Orchestra / Ray Eberle Imagination.*
3 Jimmy Dorsey & His Orchestra / Bob Eberly The Breeze And I(?>=
df <- data.frame(ID=11:13, T_A=c('a/b','b/c','x/y')) # T_A Title/Artist
1 11 a/b
2 12 b/c
3 13 x/y
# Title Artist are separated by /
> within(df, T_A<-data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(T_A), '/', fixed=TRUE))))
ID T_A.X1 T_A.X2
1 11 a b
2 12 b c
3 13 x y