Not able to fetch Open stack Hypervisor IPV6 address using openstack4j SDK in case compute host is in dual stack network - openstack

In Open stack Hypervisor which has bot IPV4 and IPV6 address.
Tried to get the Hypervisor details using compute().hypervisors().list();
The return Object does not has a IPV6 Address
Currently in openstack4j version 3.10.
getting Hypervisor List using compute().hypervisors().list();
Returns Hypervisor with hostIpAddress = IPV4 Address in dual stack Network
Is there any way to get the IPV6 Address of the Hypervisor form the SDK,
Hypervisor has both ipv4 and ipv6 address.
Environment :
RedHat Open Stack Environment
openstack4j version, 3.10
What version(s) of OpenStack? openstack 4.0.2


How to configure proxmox 4 network interface without physical access to KVM

I am running proxmox 4 with around 10 KVM and 14LXC.
I can configure ips and network from web GUI for LXC container.
I want to configure the Network interface For KVM without accessing the VM.
Is is possible to configure Network interface without accessing the VM.
As far as I know you can't configure the IP address in proxmox for a KVM vm (only for the lxc container you can define the ip address). For a KVM vm you can configure if the network connection is in Bridged mode or NAT.
For LXC containers you can use the pct command to set network for the container. More info about that on the Proxmox WIKI (scroll down to the Network section) -
What you could do for KVM would be to use a local DHCP server (you can install one on your proxmox if you want (apt-get install isc-dhcp-server). You have to define an ip address pool that will be assigned to your vms by the dhcp server.
Then configure the kvm machine using: qm command
qm set vmid options
From a man qm you discover this:
-net[n] [model=]<enum> [,bridge=<bridge>] [,firewall=<1|0>] [,link_down=<1|0>] [,macaddr=<XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX>] [,queues=<integer>]
[,rate=<number>] [,tag=<integer>] [,trunks=<vlanid[;vlanid...]>] [,<model>=<macaddr>]
So basically you can define the network for your kvm vm, say if it's bridged, set a specific mac address for that card.
If you want to add a specific ip to that vm you can do it based on its mac address (you have to configure in the dhcp server that a specific ip address is assigned to the desired mac address).

Get IP of VM running on an Ubuntu server configured on bridged networking

I want to set up an exported VM on an Ubuntu Server using VirtualBox on headless mode.
I have the VM up and running and bridged with the ethernet interface of the host (em1), so the dhcp of the host should now assign an IP to the VM if I'm not mistaken.
Is there a way to check if this is working and if yes to get the VM's IP?
Since this is on headless mode so without GUI, the only way to login to the VM is through ssh and for that I need the IP..
you can do this with VBoxManage.
from a shell, just type:
VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate VM_NAME --pattern */IP
and you will get as response something like in the below image.
now, ignore the fact that I run this cmd from a Windows host, because its behaves exactly the same from inside a linux host
I'm not very familiar with VirtualBox. Bridged with VMWare Workstation meant the IP is given by your default DHCP server, which means you could look up the assigned IP address there (e.g. your router - if you have access to it).
Another option would be a ping sweep of your network segment as I believe Ubuntu doesn't drop ICMP requests.

SSH from Virtualbox Guest to DynDNS address

I have Windows 10 as host with a Manjaro installation as Guest on Virtualbox.
I have set a Debian server on another house with ssh installed. I have setup a dyndns on Debian's network so I can access it remotely.
For example..
From address I ssh to This port redirects me to always as this is my Debian machine and the connection is established. I am able to do this from Windows 10 as well as my android and any other device in or by 3G.
When I try to do this
$ ssh
from the Manjaro Guest in Virtualbox I get the following error:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known
So I did ifconfig and I saw my inet address was I changed virtualbox's network adapter from NAT to Bridged so I can get a lan ip and I got the host's ip, So I gave it another try and still didn't work.
Also, if i try to connect from vm to server while I'm in the same network
$ ssh user#
it works. In this case virtualbox's network adapter was NAT.
This command works if I try from my android (connectbot).
I can connect the same way from PuTTY from Windows.
So my questions are:
Can it be done?
If so, how? (and why?)
Can a VBox Guest get lan ip that's not the same as the host's?
Is there any more information I should provide?
I have searched for a couple of days in here and on google and all I found where solutions on how someone can ssh INTO a vm. No one (from what I saw) asked the opposite.
Checking manual page for ssh reveals the format of command-line options:
ssh [...] [-p port] [...] [user#]hostnamessh
This simply describes, that you need to change
ssh -p 1234
if the domain resolves correctly to the ip address.

On which MAC address Docker interface with the internet?

I'm trying to set up a container with docker.
The container can access the internet while I'm under my home network which doesn't have any filter, but fails to connect while under the university network (I can't even docker run ubuntu ping I just get nothing). From my experience the university network drops everything that's not on port :80 and is not an http/https/ftp(and similar protocols) request.
I can ask for a specific MAC address to not be filtered.
With which MAC address does docker interface with internet?
Does it use my wireless board? I think it creates a new interface, but I have no idea if all the containers traffic goes through it.
Which MAC address should I ask to unlock in order for my containers not to be filtered?
I can ask for a specific MAC address to not be filtered. With which MAC address does docker interface with internet?
When communicating with the outside world, Docker is using the MAC address and source IP address of your host. If you are connected to the University network using your wireless NIC, then this is the NIC that Docker containers use for external connectivity.
Docker creates a bridge device on your system named docker0. All containers connect to this bridge, and use a private range of ip addresses. Communication external to your host happens via NAT rules configured using iptables (you can view them by running iptables -t nat -S). These rules make traffic originating in Docker containers appear to originate from your host instead.

Virtualbox -- configuring two VMs to talk to each other / host and internet

Host: Windows 7 running lastest VBox + Extension pack
Vm1: lubuntu 3.10
Vm2: Ubuntu server 12.04.3
Problem: Can't get VMs talk/ping each other AND ping the internet at the same time
NAT: VMs have same IP, using ping/ssh is like checking connectivity/connecting to self, lol; can ping internet, can't ping each other
Bridged: VMs get unique IP; can ping each other, not the internet
Host-only: VMs get unique IP; can ping each other; not the internet
Internal network:
intnet, needs to be defined/added to windows 7, however, window 7 not accepting VBOXMANAGE add command, giving errors. VMs wait for network configuration, another 60 seconds and start without a network.
What else can I do?
Change VM to use NAT Network, generic driver... ???
edit /etc/network/interfaces?
change route?
use squid?
Following Lubuntu Networking Message pops up in Lunbutu GUI:
network service discovery disabled
your cuurent network has a .local domain which is not recommended and incompatible with the avahi network service discovery the service has been disabled.
Can anyone help?
Refresh your MAC address using Virtual Box machine settings and remove the kernel’s networking interface rules file so that it can be regenerated:
sudo rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
sudo reboot
It will work for your clone VM.
