Where to locate socket server on QT? - qt

I created simple socket server on QT. I use it for messenger app. It just send received messege to all connected clients. All this works fine. To connect to server i use string 'localhost'. But where to place the server so that my friends can connect to it?
I know that i must put my server to any hosts, like wordpress, smarterasp(correct me if i wrong). But i don't know if it would work at host on QT. And i just don't know how to place my server to host.
Searching this information gives me just 'web server'. As i know web server use http for requests, so it won't work for me i think.
If it's possible, i'd like host with free trial for my server(because i want just to test it).
So the main questions: How and where put my QT socket server, that other people can connect to it by my app?
P.S My friend has paid wordpress, so theoretically i can use it (if it match)


Establishing a constant HTTPS connection between server and client using IIS

I have a single Windows application (.NET) on serving as a server and communicating with the database. I also have client Windows applications (.NET) which communicate with the server application. Pretty standard so far.
As of now, I am using the IP address of the server, say "", which I enter in my client software to establish the link. For instance, "".
Now, I am trying to change that connection to HTTPS. Is there any way I can do that without actually changing the codebase? (I don't have the source code)
Any IIS certificate? Require SSL? Machine Key? Binding? Anything! I just want those packets to not be transmitted with regular HTTP.
Thank you so much, dear Community.

Is SQLite good if I want to make a cellphone and desktop application application? (Needs network)

I'm going to be making a fun Python project for myself. This is non concurrent. Only me will use this. I would have a desktop version of the app, with the DB on it. And then my phone would have an app that accesses the information on the DB over network and display the data I want.
For most of the SQLite checklist, seems like a perfect fit for a single user super small project. Except the network part is confusing. Some say no, or yes it's doable but not great. What's the consensus here? If I want to access my DB from my phone from anywhere, is SQLite capable? What problems could I run into with this...
You would have to host your DB somewhere accessible from the internet. By doing this, you open it up for attacks should someone get your server address. You can secure this by setting up a VPN from your phone to the PC, this would allows you to run the SQL server as just a local instance only accessed if you're on the VPN. SQL Lite should work just fine under a VPN setup since it won't require the server to have an open connection out to the internet.
As for problems. If you are somewhere where you cannot establish the VPN connection (firewall, port blocked, etc) you will be cut off from your server.

Notify or update data in browser with asterisk

I have asterisk on a server 104.x.x.x and a main website on another server(204.x.x.x). Now I want to update the browser when someone call a sip number from my asterisk. Is there a better way of doing it? What I'm thinking is to expose an api that will update my telephony system database and do a ajax pooling or websocket on the browser from my website and call that api from dialplan via AGI method, but not sure if that is possible. Vicidial and other telephony system software works this way because their web application was also installed on the same server as asterisk. What this softwares do is call an external php or other language script from their dialplan
You should use the Asterisk manager API:
to monitor calls from remote server.
Please check the manager.conf file, on how to allow access to a remote IP,
here's an example:
You only need the "write" part if you intend to interact from the remote location back, like hanging up a call...

Sockets server that handles system commands and http requests

i've been searching and trying for weeks now to find a solution to my issue that I can understand and easily implement but I had no joy. So i would be very grateful if someone could put me out of my misery.
I'm building an iphone app similar in functionality to apps like "Air Video" and "Air Playit". The app should communicate with a server running on a remote host. This server should be able to execute a command sent by the iphone to encode a video and stream it over http.
In my case, my iphone app sends commands to be executed on a remote host. the remote host is running a python socket server listening for example on port 3333.
On the iphone, i'm simply using
"CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost", "CFWriteStreamOpen" and
to connect, write and read data.
My remote host, successfully intercepts the commands and starts the encoding.
To serve the contents, I'm having to run a separate http server (i'm using Python simpleHTTPServer) which is listening on another port.
What I would like to do is use the same port for both system commands and http requests.
The apps I've mentioned above seem to do it that way and I've noticed they have their own build-in web server.
I'm sure I'm missing something but please bear with me this is my first attempt at building an app.
Encode your system commands into special HTTP requests. Decide which thing to do (execute command or serve the contents) based on HTTP request, not on the incoming port. If you need to use separate http servers (like you told), consider having a layer that receives everything from the devices and dispatches to other servers (or ports) based on the request.

Sending files from server to client with ASP.NET

I am developing a C# ASP.NET 4.0 application that will reside on a Windows Server 2003. By mean of accessing this application through a network computer, any user would be able to upload files to the windows server. But also, once these files are stored on server, he/she would be able to copy these files from the windows server to another networked computer.
I have found a way to upload files to a specified location on the server disk,
but now I need to send these files that are on server disk to the client computers.
My question is: Is there any way to send or copy files from server to other client computers (not the one that is accessing the web service) without needing a program recieving those files on the client computers? FTP, WCF, cmd commands, sockets?
Any idea?
If you want users of your webapp to download files, I'd look into an "ashx generic handler." It will allow you to send files back down to clients over HTTP(s).
If you are looking to have remote users, tell your webserver to copy files to other servers ON THE SAME LAN AS THE SERVER, you would write using normal System.IO operations.
Over a LAN, if you have the correct permissions and so on, you can write to a disk on a different machine using File.Copy -- there's nothing special about that.
If we're talking about remote machines over the internet, that's a different story. Something has to be listening whether it's FTP, WCF, DropBox, etc.
If the problem is that it can be painful to get something like WCF to work from a client due to problems like firewall issues under Windows 7, you could take a different route and have the client periodically ping the server looking for new content. To give the server a point of reference, the ping could contain the name or creation date of the most recent file received. The server could reply with a list of new files, and then the client could make several WCF calls, one by one, to pull the content down. This pattern keeps all the client traffic outbound.
You can if you can run the program as an account that has access to that computer. However having this sort of access on your network that would grant access to the outside world to put an unfiltered file on your internal network is just asking to be hacked.
Finally, I decided to install a FileZilla FTP server on each client computer and my page is working very well. But another option is to create a work group in the windows server and put every client computer to work in this work group, so that Windows server have access to the computers in the same work group.
Here are some links that may help to create the work groups:
