how to ensure Rstudio can find Rtools? - r

My R version is 4.2.1, Rstudio version 2022.07.1 build 554
Rtools 4.2
/c/Program Files/R/R-4.2.1/bin/x64:/c/rtools42/usr/bin are added in PATH in both system and user.
In Rstudio,
[1] TRUE
> Sys.getenv("PATH")
[1] "C:\\rtools42/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix/bin;C:\\rtools42/usr/bin;C:\\rtools42/usr/bin;C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.2.1\\bin\\x64;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Windows\\System32\\OpenSSH\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Interactive Intelligence\\ININ Trace Initialization\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Interactive Intelligence\\ICUserApps\\;C:\\Program Files\\Interactive Intelligence\\ICUserApps\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SQL Server\\150\\DTS\\Binn\\;C:\\Program Files\\Azure Data Studio\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\PuTTY\\;C:\\Program Files\\Docker\\Docker\\resources\\bin;C:\\ProgramData\\DockerDesktop\\version-bin;C:\\Program Files\\Git\\cmd;C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.2.1\\bin\\x64;C:\\rtools42\\usr\\bin;C:\\Users\\fzhu\\Miniconda3;C:\\Users\\fzhu\\Miniconda3\\Library\\mingw-w64\\bin;C:\\Users\\fzhu\\Miniconda3\\Library\\usr\\bin;C:\\Users\\fzhu\\Miniconda3\\Library\\bin;C:\\Users\\fzhu\\Miniconda3\\Scripts;C:\\Users\\fzhu\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps;C:\\Users\\fzhu\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Git\\cmd;C:\\Users\\fzhu\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code\\bin;C:\\Users\\fzhu\\Anaconda3\\condabin;C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.2.1\\bin\\x64;C:\\rtools42\\usr\\bin;;C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/quarto/bin"
Basically i have exact problem
when build any source package, i got non-zero exit
install.packages("jsonlite", type="source")
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/fzhu/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1051625 bytes (1.0 MB)
downloaded 1.0 MB
& was unexpected at this time.
Warning in install.packages :
installation of package ‘jsonlite’ had non-zero exit status
This happens no matter use command line or build from menu.
Also since the Rstudio cannot find the Rtools, if use menu, it will ask you to redownload the Rtools42. But after that, build still fails.
I wish the Rtools can automatically add tools path to environment.
Thanks for help!

As #MrFlick pointed out, when install package, the error & was unexpected at this time. is not caused by rtools. The package installation on windows rely on a command prompt. However, the command prompt can not be started. ( window disappear after issue a cmd in search window. )
#MrFlick referred link,
cmd.exe throws error "& was unexpected at this time." , provided problem diagnosis and solution.
Although I cannot start cmd prompt directly, I can still use vs code terminal to run dos commands. below is the following command,
Get-ItemProperty -ea Ignore ('HKCU:', 'HKLM:' -replace '$', '\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor') AutoRun
AutoRun : if exist & if exist "C:\Users\fzhu\Miniconda3\condabin\conda_hook.bat"
PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft
PSChildName : Command Processor
PSDrive : HKCU
PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry
This shows cmd shell has autorun commands attached by miniconda3
then issue command to remove these
Get-ItemProperty -ea Ignore ('HKCU:', 'HKLM:' -replace '$', '\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor') AutoRun | Remove-ItemProperty -Name AutoRun
After that, my cmd prompt is back.
And immediately, the installation error & was unexpected at this time. disappeared.
Last note, I think this issue is very rare, but might be helpful to add "check cmd prompt shell function properly" into the R build library instructions. The error is very elusive and hard to figure out.
Again, thanks MrFlick!


Error installing packages in Rstudio

I have R 3.2.2 setup installed in my system,with RStudio version 0.99.489. When I tried to install rJava package,
I am getting following Error:
Warning in install.packages :
downloaded length 4878 != reported length 200
Error in install.packages : subscript out of bounds
But if I run the below command before installing any package,it works fine, but I don't want to do this every time I install a package.
You can stick the line you want executed at every startup in your .Rprofile file which should be in your home directory. I have 3.2.3 version of R and that worked; however I do get a warning message about using a non-http version of the site.
Similarly to you, I was finding the original repository the system was using was failing to install the packages--not finding the package or downloading a file with too few bytes, perhaps because of a transient problem. You might want to consider not putting this in your .Rprofile file or commenting the line outin case this is a temporary workaround.

Build & Reload in RStudio on Windows: devtools::document() says devtools not found

When I click "Build & Reload" on the Build tab within RStudio, I get the following error:
==> devtools::document(roclets=c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace'))
Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'devtools'
Calls: suppressPackageStartupMessages ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
Exited with status 1.
But when I just enter devtools::document(roclets=c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace')) directly into the console, it works.
In addition, if I uncheck "Build & Reload" under "Automatically roxygenize when running:" in the Build Tools -> Roxygen config, the error disappears.
I've installed the latest devtools with devtools::install_github("hadley/devtools"). I'm using Windows.
If anyone has an suggestions, thank you in advance!
I had to uncheck "Build & Reload" under "Automatically reoxygenize when running:" in the Build Tools -> Roxygen Configure menu. Installing devtools in the program files/r/3.2.3/lib helped, but it still wanted all the dependencies there as well. Using packrat didn't seem to help either..
Here's a convenient solution based on's comment:
Just run this from Rstudio:
writeLines("install.packages('devtools', repos = '')", "inst.R")
system("Rscript --vanilla inst.R")
I encountered this problem multiple times and also with other packages related to devtools (e.g. knitr in the devtools::check()). As it was getting on my nerves, I tried to install devtools in other location of .libPaths(), i.e. in the first standard one (in my case it was /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/). It was telling me that I needed sudo rights. I gave them (as I was utterly annoyed by this) but still, it is needed a large number of dependencies. Therefore, my practical solution was to sudo-copy my "special" R library folder into the standard one. The following code fixed all my problems:
sudo cp -rf /home/myname/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/* /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/
I would like to point out that this is the only effective solution I found. Even so, it lacks elegance and I would definitely prefer if the guys from Rstudio provide a way to link Rstudio to a personally-defined library. It was already my case on startup and I had to add my personal lib to .libPaths() in the file which is run every time on R startup, but this did not solve the above problem anyhow.
I encounter the same issue, what I solve in the latest version of Rstudio is :
Build -> Configure Build Tools -> Build Tools -> Press Configure Button -> Uncheck "Source
and binary package builds"

Error installing and running rcpp

I'm pretty new to R so apologies for a stupid question. I'm trying to get rcpp running but I'm stuck in an endless loop of R asking me to re-install RTools.
I broadly followed the code in this blog post, although first time off I installed everything by hand & I've subsequently re-installed everything a few times over. I'm running Windows 7, R version 3.1.2, R Studio Version 0.98.1091 (not that this should matter much) and RTools 3.1.
An edited highlight of what my console looks like is as follows:
> library(installr)
Welcome to installr version 0.15.3...
> install.Rtools()
Loading required package: devtools
No need to install Rtools - You've got the relevant version of Rtools installed
> find_rtools()
[1] TRUE
> library(Rcpp)
> evalCpp("1+1")
Error in sourceCpp(code = code, env = env, rebuild = rebuild, showOutput = showOutput, :
Error 65535 occurred building shared library.
At which point a dialog box pops up saying:
Install Build Tools
Compiling C/C++ code for R requires installation of additional build tools.
Do you want to install the additional tools now?
And then I get directed to download and re-install RTools 3.1 from cran all over again.
I've seen that this can be an issue with the PATH variable but I've tried various things including:
Nothing (extra) in the PATH variable
Including both references to R (C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.2\bin\x64) and RTools (C:\RBuildTools\3.1\bin;C:\RBuildTools\3.1\gcc-4.6.3\bin;) in the PATH. Once with RTools first, once with R first
Including just a reference to RTools in the PATH as the initial install file directed me to do.
Any ideas on things to try would be gratefully accepted!
Following Dirk's comment it looks like I might have a problem with how RTools is installed. I've followed the instructions from several blogs / tutorials on how to install RTools; all to no avail (yet!)
This GitHub page gives some instructions on how install and check that the installation has worked. I've followed all the checks (see below for copy of the console) and it looks like I have a working install of RTools, but when I try to run evalCPP() again I get the same error as before directing me to install RTools.
> Sys.getenv('PATH')
[1] "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.1.2\\bin\\x64;C:\\RTools\\bin;C:\\RTools\\gcc-4.6.3\\bin;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32;C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Enterprise Vault\\EVClient\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SQL Server\\100\\Tools\\Binn\\VSShell\\Common7\\IDE\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SQL Server\\100\\Tools\\Binn\\;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\100\\Tools\\Binn\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SQL Server\\100\\DTS\\Binn\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\Common7\\IDE\\PrivateAssemblies\\;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\110\\Tools\\Binn\\;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Web Platform Installer\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\TypeScript\\1.0\\;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\100\\DTS\\Binn\\"
Warning message:
printing of extremely long output is truncated
> system('g++ -v')
Using built-in specs.
Target: i686-w64-mingw32
Configured with: /data/gannet/ripley/Sources/mingw-test3/src/gcc/configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=i686-w64-mingw32 --with-sysroot=/data/gannet/ripley/Sources/mingw-test3/mingw32mingw32/mingw32 --prefix=/data/gannet/ripley/Sources/mingw-test3/mingw32mingw32/mingw32 --with-gmp=/data/gannet/ripley/Sources/mingw-test3/mingw32mingw32/prereq_install --with-mpfr=/data/gannet/ripley/Sources/mingw-test3/mingw32mingw32/prereq_install --with-mpc=/data/gannet/ripley/Sources/mingw-test3/mingw32mingw32/prereq_install --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-targets=all --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran --enable-libgomp --enable-sjlj-exceptions --enable-fully-dynamic-string --disable-nls --disable-werror --enable-checking=release --disable-win32-registry --disable-rpath --disable-werror CFLAGS='-O2 -mtune=core2 -fomit-frame-pointer' LDFLAGS=
Thread model: win32
gcc version 4.6.3 20111208 (prerelease) (GCC)
> system('where make')
I've also had a look at Appendix D of R Installation and Admin. I can't see anything in here I've not already tried except for section D.4 which implies I might need to rebuild rcpp from source using my installed RTools. I don't have time to do this right away but will give it a try unless people say this route is not worth my time.
So I tried building rcpp from source ... and that didn't work either. I downloaded both the package source and windows binaries from the CRAN Rcpp package page. In the R console I now get:
> install.packages(pkgs = "C:/Rcpp_0.11.4.tar.gz", repos = NULL, contriburl = NULL, type = "source", verbose = TRUE)
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/james.macadie/Documents/R/win-library/3.1’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
system (cmd0): C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-31~1.2/bin/x64/R CMD INSTALL
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘C:/Rcpp_0.11.4.tar.gz’ is not available (for R version 3.1.2)
I guess my active questions now boil down to:
Reading the whole of the post above can anyone tell me how to fix things so it just works? Or, failing that...
What tests can I run to check I really do have Rtools installed correctly? Everything I have found on the internet suggests I do: system('where make') etc. However, the evidence of being unable to run evalCpp or other rccp functions suggests I don't.
What am I doing wrong when building from source? Should I try the command line option?
Running evalCpp with showOutput= TRUE and verbose = TRUE I think I've tracked the error back to R CMD SHLIB not working. I followed this blog, which shows how to work with the command line R directly. However when I get to the line R CMD SHLIB sequence_examples.c the execution just skips straight to the next command line without doing anything, generating any files in the directory or throwing any errors. I tried running the --help options at the command line but get the same sort of error:
C:\Users\james.macadie> R --help
Or: R CMD command args
where 'command' is one of:
INSTALL Install add-on packages
REMOVE Remove add-on packages
SHLIB Make a DLL for use with dynload
BATCH Run R in batch mode
build Build add-on packages
check Check add-on packages
Rprof Post process R profiling files
Rdconv Convert Rd format to various other formats
Rdiff difference R output files
Rd2pdf Convert Rd format to PDF
Rd2txt Convert Rd format to pretty text
Stangle Extract S/R code from vignette
Sweave Process vignette documentation
config Obtain configuration information about R
open Open a file via Windows file associations
texify Process a latex file
R CMD command --help
for usage information for each command.
C:\Users\james.macadie> R CMD SHLIB --help
N.B. for people reading the earlier code samples higher up this post I have changed a few things since those code snapshots:
I've installed R directly into C:\R. It used to be in C:\Program Files\R\ but as has been suggested file paths with spaces in can cause problems
I'm referencing Rtools under C:\Rtools\ and not C:\RBuildTools\
Thanks for any suggestions, as ever
Had the same endless loop issue when trying to install Twitter's BreakoutDetection (which is also written in cpp)
fixed by executing the following
and then answering "no" when presented with the following prompt:
"Install Build Tools Compiling C/C++ code for R requires installation of additional build tools. Do you want to install the additional tools now?"
Didn't try these actions independently so not sure if either on their own would have fixed the issue
I found that ensuring all of these were in my path fixed it. I did this with RStudio closed; I didn't reboot after.
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.3\bin\x64
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.3\bin
These are on my Win7-64bit computer. YMMV, and I'm mostly posting this to ensure others see it if they are having the same issue.
In the end it was something a bit left-field. Inspired by the following post, I had a look at the ComSpec environment variable. Not quite sure how, but I had it set to "cmd.exe".
Removing the double quotes, so it said cmd.exe, and then rebooting fixed everything.
Thanks to all who've tried to help.
I experienced the same problem, I fixed this problem by adding Rtools dir into env variables:
Sys.setenv(BINPREF = "C:/Rtools/mingw_$(WIN)/bin/")

Error when installing R package using Rstudio

I want to install using RStudio but when I use
> install.packages('C:\\Users\\jandre\\Desktop\\mecdf_0.6.1.tar.gz', repos=NULL, type="source")
I get this error:
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/jandre/Documents/R/win-library/3.1’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Warning in install.packages :
running command '"C:/Program Files/R/R-3.1.1/bin/x64/R" CMD INSTALL -l "C:\Users\jandre\Documents\R\win-library\3.1" "C:/Users/jandre/Desktop/mecdf_0.6.1.tar.gz"' had status 1
Warning in install.packages :
installation of package ‘C:/Users/jandre/Desktop/mecdf_0.6.1.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
This occurs in every package I want to install using the tar.gz file. I'm on Win7 x64. RStudio Version 0.98.1028
Can't think of a way to fix this at the moment -- sorry -- but the R administration manual says explicitly:
Note that installing R into a directory whose path contains spaces is not supported, and at least some aspects (such as installing source packages) will not work.
I don't know why this doesn't bite people much more often, given that C:/Program Files/... seems like a relatively normal place to install things on Windows.
I would also expect that the double quotation marks around your R executable name ("C:/Program Files/R/R-3.1.1/bin/x64/R") in the system call should have protected you from this problem ... ?
I had the same error message with the installation of some packages(under Windows 10 OS with R and Rstudio).
It seems that the R software (not R Studio) is dealing with the library where package are installed.
I uninstalled R and Rstudio and installed it a path without space (ex: C:\Program\R).I tried to load the packages that previously failed and it seemed to fix the problem.

Error in sourceCpp after installing Rtools

A month ago I installed Rtools all by default options on my personal computer and was able to write C++ functions in R ever since. Now I am trying to install Rtools on my company's computer and unable to correctly install Rtools. I believe it has something to do with the PATH or some relevant thing that I don't quite understand. Help is so needed. Below are my steps and results:
Install R-3.03 in the local drive c; successful
install.packages(c("Rcpp","installr")); successful
install.Rtools(). In this step there's one thing suspicious:
I only chose "Save version information to registry".
5. library(Rcpp); evalCpp("1 + 1"); and I got the following:
running command:
make -f "C:/R- 30~1.3/etc/i386/Makeconf" -f "C:/R-30~1.3/share/make/" SHLIB_LDFLAGS='$(SHLIB_CXXLDFLAGS)' SHLIB_LD='$(SHLIB_CXXLD)
Warning message:
SHLIB="sourceCpp_35432.dll" OBJECTS="file1bb831d14d68.o"' had status 127
Error in sourceCpp(code = code, env = env, rebuild = rebuild, showOutput = showOutput, :
Error 1 occurred building shared library.
WARNING: The tools required to build C++ code for R were not found.
Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools:
And I did restart the computer to see if miracles can happen, but no.
Can anyone help me? Thanks!
