GDI+ Library Question - Saving/Loading Annotation Data - gdi+

I am working on loading a bunch of annotations from a db. They are stored in a SQL Server DB as varchar(max). I am wondering if you can use the GDI+ library to import and export image annotation data.


Database backup Azure Resource Manager

Is there a way in Azure Resource manager to take a copy of an existing database? Currently I know there is a database import option, which points to a bacpac file in Blob Storage and creates a new database from that file, but the process to create the file is a manual one at this point. With that, what is the current process to create bacpacs and put them in Blob storage in an automated way through ARM?
There is a way to specify the createMode of your database in the ARM template. This is very undocumented stuff but I found this in the REST api documentation and then just tried in the ARM template.
You can specify the properties "createMode" and "sourceDatabaseId".
I am not using this functionality because the sourceDatabaseId needs to be in the same subscription which was not the case with me. So i export the bacpac manually and then use an ARM template to import the bacpac (which also is undocumented but I commented the ARM template used here:

i18n in using resources and entity framework

I've been trying to store my strings in a database using resource files to fetch them. I've been following the guide from
The example works fine enough when i use his sql code based on to fetch the strings from the database.
But i want to use Entity Framework to fetch the strings from the database, because my translation table is quite different. Could anyone show me an example of how to use Entity Framework in the resource project(assembly?), because i can't seem to get it to work. I cant import any of my models or contexts from my main project with "using", and it tells me i have duplicate models when i copy them to the resources project/assembly

NHibernate: modify XML/XDoc mappings to work with SQLite in-memory database

I have a project using NHibernate with XML mappings.
I'm modifying my integration test infrastructure so I can use an in-memory SQLite database rather than the SQL Server 2005 database we use in production.
However, I have a property mapping in one of my types that is not supported by SQLite. The column has a type of XML, and the entity property has a type of XDoc.
When I try to create my schema to set up my database:
SchemaExport se = new SchemaExport(configuration);
se.Create(true, true);
I get the error:
System.ArgumentException : Dialect does not support DbType.Xml
I know that I can modify my mappings at runtime, and that's what I'm attempting to do. But I can't figure out what needs to be done for this specific case so I can get this to work. Any help would be appreciated.
You can try subclassing the SQLite dialect class (and maybe also the corresponding NHibernate driver class) to map the XML types to some other type that SQLite can handle.

Moving Oracle Schemas to newer version

I have few db schemas in Oracle and i have to move these schemas into Oracle What is the best way of doing this?
I found a way that these schemas can be exported in 9i using exp utility and import these scheams into Oracle 11gR2 DB using imp. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
If the schemas have to be moved, using exp/imp is the recommended way. However this only works if the schemas are self-contained. If they are not self-contained than the referred to schemas also need to be exported and imported. In addition do not forget to analyze the objects after the import and take a backup.

Managing coredata/sqlite database lifecycle in iOS project

I'm writing an ios app which browses(read only) a sqllite db. As the project evolves, the the db entities will change (add/modify attributes). Presumably I should get xcode to rebuild the "Managed Object class" when this happens, is that all I need to do? What about the database? How do I transition the data to the new data model?
From what I know, there is no way for you to control the structure of a Core Data database. Because CoreData gives you a lot of goodies - the visual object design and mapping - it needs to control the database's structure and content. That means that loading your own SQLite database and having CoreData manipulate it is impossible. You need to have core data load, manage, store all the data that is there. Core Data is ideal if it manages local data for the app, not when it needs to load a new database it did not create. For those instances, use either the native C layer of SQLite or a library like FMDB.
