Show main product name when linked product added to cart - wordpress

I have a website with Storefront and WooCommerce and I have product and have linked multiple products to it. Now when I go to the product page and I select a quantity for the linked product and click on add cart, I get the linked product name and not the name of actual parent product.
I tried looking for solutions but can't find any. Thank you.


How can I show a custom ACF product tag in the product archive page with wordpress and elementor?

I've setup a shop with wordpress and elementor page builder, the idea is that people can see handmade products and book a reservation to come see the product in person. I have created a custom product status with ACF to show if a product is available, reserved or sold. This status is properly shown at the product detail page, as can be shown here: Now the client has asked if this status can also be shown in the product archive page, and I can't find the place where to add this custom field to the products element in elementor. Is there any way to show this product status here under the product title as well?
So here the status is shown under the price of the product properly:
And here I need to show the same status but I can't find how:
How am i able to add this custom field to the product archive?

Woocommerce products listing by category

I want there should be list of products category on my product listing page. And my Product listing will update according to that category list.
Check this png you will understand better.
Any plugin or code help please? This plugin is close one but issue is this that there are no pagination.
Woocommerce has product archives built into it. All you have to do is link to the domain url with /product-category/category-slug/ on the end. Replace category-slug with the slug of any specific product category.

Issue in add the product to cart when price field is empty

I am using plugin in my site. Using this plugin i have add variations and price for each products. But i have one issue here. I can’t able to add the product to cart when the regular price field is empty.
What can i do for this?

Woocommerce How to make multiple product pages?

I am new to Woocommerce.
I need to make product list pages for Windows, Android, and Accessories.
I already organized them by categories and made setting to display by "categories and subcategories."
However, in Shop page, still the products are showing.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this?
Also, how to make multiple category product pages?
For example, windows products page only need to show Windows products. And Android products page only need to show Android products.
WooCommerce has default product category template and it has a default slug named 'product-category'.
So you can show different products by using the link likes:
There are also some plugins that provide shortcodes/elements, so you can insert the shortcode or element on your page to show products for specific cateogry.
For example, if you are using WooCommerce with Visual Composer, there is a Product Categories element.
So you can insert the element with specific category setting on your page.
First you should delete the shop page and make a page what you want to name. Also make a category with the same name. Then use this short code [products limit="8" columns="4" category="hoodies, tshirts" cat_operator="AND"] . In the place of hoodie and tshirt you specify your own category's slug name and that's it. And paste it in the page short code box. Now the page will only show one specific category product in a single page. You can also change products limit and number of products in a row.

woocommerce product option and single-product

I want to add 3 checkboxes to the product page which are product options such as assembly, gift wrap & accessories. I want these to be assigned to the single product.
For example if i'm on a single product page underneath add to cart the customer can check these options.
I know of add_to_cart() but that adds single products to cart i want these options to be linked to the current product?
What is the correct way of doing this? at the moment i can't update woocommerce, so the plugins that accomplish this use functions not available in woocommerce 2.0
