Automatic Adjust of Data Labels in Line Graphs on Chart - graph

Is there a chance that I can make data labels automatically adjust on line graphs whether it is above or below depends on which data has higher or lower value?


How to make a histogram smaller inside another line plot

I wish to make a plot just like the following:
title("Overall cumulative association and temperature distribution")
mtext("London 1993-2006",cex=0.75)
Which code can be found here:
However, no matter what I try, when I try using my own data my plot comes with a huge histogram.
Do someone know how to make this histogram smaller?
OBS: I have tried using a different layout, putting each plot in one line layer, but it was not aesthetically pleasing
Your data have very high values four your histogram. Your upper limit value (1200) is lower than your higher values. Because of that, your histogram exceeds its boundries. You must change the upper limit value at "ylim=c(0,1200)".

ggplot error bar not showing on graph because it falls outside y axis limits [duplicate]

If I make a line plot (a time series, for example) and set my axis limits, I want the line to continue off the plot when points are outside of the axis limits, and then come back into the plot for the next point that is within the axis limits. Right now, it seems that ggplot2 will just drop the points completely and give me a an "Error:" message.
If you limit your axes by reducing the axis scale (scale_x_continuous(limits=...)), then that is the expected behavior. By adjusting the scale, you are defining what data should be part of the plot. If you want to use all the data, but just zoom in on a particular region of the axes, you want to use coord_cartesian(xlim=..., ylim=...) instead.

Toggling amongst plot spaces

Scenario: Five Graphs for Five Periods {3M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y & 3Y}, each with their own (1-2) scatter plots; sharing the same y-range (values).
Each period has different x-ranges and labeling policies.
For example, one could have either a fix or location policy; another none.
The X-Range appears to be immutable/plot-space. So I'm thinking of creating parallel plot spaces with their particular xRanges & labeling policies.
I studied the relationship of a plot space with the x.axis(s) & plot(s):
Graph <=== {NSMutableArray *plotSpaces}
So I believe I can:
1) Create a plotspace.
2) Assign the plotspace to a particular plot, x-axis & xRange.
3) add or remove the plot to/from the graph.
4) Redraw the graph.
So when the user selects a period/plotspace, All I need to do is: replace any existing plots with the period plot(s) which will cause the graph to plot the plots & display the respective x-axis (Y-axis is common)?
[myGraph removePlot:(CPTPlot *)oldPlot];
[myGraph addPlot:(CPTPlot *)plot toPlotSpace:(CPTPlotSpace *)space];
...I'm a little lost here.
Axes are also assigned to a plot space. You would need to swap out the axes, too. You'll take a relatively large performance hit by adding and removing plots and axes all the time.
As you observed, the plot ranges are immutable. That just means that you can't change an existing range, not that you can't set a new one. Either create a new CPTPlotRange object or make a mutable copy of an existing one.
Whenever you want to change the plot scale, you need to do the following things. These can all change in place, without removing and replacing major pieces of the graph.
Change the plot ranges as described above.
Update the labeling policy and related properties of the axis.
Call -reloadData on the plot to load the new data.

stop ggplot2 from dropping data points outside of axis limits?

If I make a line plot (a time series, for example) and set my axis limits, I want the line to continue off the plot when points are outside of the axis limits, and then come back into the plot for the next point that is within the axis limits. Right now, it seems that ggplot2 will just drop the points completely and give me a an "Error:" message.
If you limit your axes by reducing the axis scale (scale_x_continuous(limits=...)), then that is the expected behavior. By adjusting the scale, you are defining what data should be part of the plot. If you want to use all the data, but just zoom in on a particular region of the axes, you want to use coord_cartesian(xlim=..., ylim=...) instead.

Line Chart leaving gaps in data

I have a Flex line chart where I allow the user to change the y axis ranges. When a data point falls outside the ranges, the chart drops the line segments on either side of the out of range point leaving a gap in the data line.
I'm currently using the data function to clamp the values out of range to the y axis min/max, but this displays misleading data.
Is there a way to make it draw the lines to the y axis max/min point, making it look like the line goes off the plot?
There is a parameter filterDataValues in LineSeries - set it to "none" and it should do the trick.
