Could you have an RSS feed without an associated webpage - rss

I know the title is rough, what I mean is could you have a blog that had an RSS feed that would display your posts in an RSS reader, but the website itself doesn't have any page that showed it in blog format (of course there would need to be a link for the feed itself but that's not an easily readable format so that's ok). The only way to see the posts would be subscribing to the RSS feed, there wouldn't even be a URL you could go to that'd show it.


Should RSS link tag point to home page, or specific page RSS channel references?

I think I know the answer, but wanted to double check:
Should the link tag in an RSS feed always point to a website's home page or to the most relevant page?
What I mean: say there is a website devoted to real estate ( that has multiple RSS feeds. One RSS feed is latest listings, one RSS feed is latest home listings, one RSS feed is latest apartment listings, etc. The home listings can be found at The apartment listings can be found at
Should the link tag for all 3 RSS feeds point to Or should it point to, respectively,, and
The RSS "Profile" states that "The link element identifies the URL of the web site associated with the feed (required)."
But let's be pragamtic. The intention here, is certainly to let the user click on the link to go to the source of information.
I think it would be better to link to the apropriate section than to the homepage.

Show rss feed xml for posts without content

I am using RSS FEED's content from a wordpress site to show contents in a mobile app.
However, only posts that have content show in the feed.
The posts that only have a title and no feed, do not show up.
How can I make possible for posts that don't even have a content show up in RSS2 ?
when you are creating Rss feed u might be getting empty or null values...check for those and add something like NA or anything static that would be identifibale when u parse that Rss feed.

Tumblr RSS feed that only contains specific tags

I want to create a RSS feed based on the Tumblr tags I use. I want to submit some of my posts to a blog syndication service. To the blog syndicator I have to provide a RSS feed. But I don't want all posts to appear there. Is there a way I can do something like this?
When I tag a post with a specific keyword: (eg: #blog) the post will
get added to the RSS feed.
If the #blog tag is not there, the post doesn't get included to the RSS feed.
OP found the answer themselves here it is:
Adding /rss after a tumblr URL apparently generates an RSS feed (probably only if the blog has enabled RSS).

RSS: moving CMS content between categories

I have a client that is using the ExpressionEngine CMS. Up until recently, they had one blog with an RSS feed. They then created a second blog, with its own RSS feed. They now want to move some of the older posts in the original blog over to the second blog, as they fit better in the second blog.
My question is this: if we just re-categorize the blog posts, are these older posts going to show up in the second blog's RSS feed, and if they do, will they appear as new posts?
There are three main reasons why older posts may show up as new in a feed reader:
The GUID or permalink to the post has changed from what it was before
The post was not previously in the RSS, regardless of its date
The pubDate has changed indicating a new item compared to the existing cache
Most aggregators look at the GUID or permalink first to determine uniqueness of item and whether or not to have it show up as new. If neither of those are present they may fall back to the pubDate element.
Just changing the text or category of the post usually doesn't send out a signal that the post is new.
Unless of course changing the category also means it turns up in another RSS feed, as in your case, in which case, it will show up as new no matter when you posted it.

Can I have both full text RSS and an excerpt RSS in Wordpress?

I like giving my users the full text RSS feed, but I also have a few sites which pull the RSS feed and link to us from it. They want me to provide the excerpt/blurbs for the articles rather than the full text. Can anyone give me some direction on how to make this happen?
It should be possible. Wordpress has multiple feed types (see WordPress Feeds) and there are hooks for each feed type (see Feed Actions API). This suggests that you should be able to set up one feed type as a partial feed, and another as a full-text feed. Basically, you'd just be re-writing one of these feed types to ignore the setting you indicated on the "Reading Settings" admin screen.
I bet this could be done w/ a pretty simple plug-in.
