Is the resizeobzerver a synchronous function? - asynchronous

As title suggest, is resizeobzerver a synchronous function? I suppose It's synchronous because it waits for changes.
Edit: I asked this question because I face with following problem and I think that is because the resizeObzerver is an asynchronous function:
Here is my snippet. container is the name of a scrollable element.
let resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
for (entry of entries) {
Function myFun() {//do something}
console.log (//....);
I'm wondering why every function like myFun and other functions and codes are executed before it. I know ResizeObserver is an asynchronous function and waits to end and then, we can execute the rest of codes, but when I put ResizeObserver.unobserve(container) after resizeObserver.observe(container);, function mFun and console.log (//....); is executed first again. Why? How to modify it to run those after resizeObzerver?


Schedule a cron job with schedule expression from onRequest cloud function parameter

Keeping a cron job pub/sub function (functions.pubsub.schedule), within a cloud function (functions.https.OnRequest) and exporting it, does not execute.
A complete example is as follows:
export const sayHelloWhen = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
cors(request, response, () => {
const scheduleExpression =;
functions.logger.log(`Called sayHelloWhen with ${scheduleExpression}`);
functions.pubsub.schedule(scheduleExpression).onRun((context) => {
functions.logger.log(`Executed sayHelloWhen with ${scheduleExpression}`)
status: "success",
data: `scheduled at ${scheduleExpression}`
The problem is pub/sub does not trigger. Other codes are executed.
I would like to have HTTP request body scheduleExpression bring into pubsub.schedule's parameter. I don't want a static schedule expression in corn job.
In client, I would like to define a schedule expression in client side as follows:
function scheduleFunction() {
const functions = getFunctions();
const sayHello = httpsCallable(functions, "sayHelloWhen");
sayHello({ scheduleExpression: "every 1 minute" }).then((result) => {
// const data =;
console.log("Result:", result);
The example below works only for a static schedule expression, meaning that a cloud function itself has a fixed schedule expression:
exports.scheduledFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!');
return null;
It can be exported as cron job trigger and it executes.
But keeping pub/sub cron job function, within onRequest cloud function, as in the first code example, does not execute.
I think it is very interesting what you are trying to do, but I would like to point out that you are missing some steps that could cause your app not to execute the way you need it to.
First, you need to Terminate your HTTP functions
Always end an HTTP function with send(), redirect(), or end(). Otherwise, your function might continue to run and be forcibly terminated by the system. See also Sync, Async and Promises.
When you do not terminate them, you might end up in a deeper level in which the following code will not execute unless the previous code has finished. I would also like to say I have not found any application with nested functions like you are doing.
In the Sync, async, and promises page you can find a very explicative video to understand the lifecycle of your functions, and in the How promises work with functions section we have:
When you return a JavaScript promise to a function, that function keeps running until the promise is resolved or rejected. To indicate that a function has completed its work successfully, the promise should be resolved. To indicate an error, the promise should be rejected. This means you only need to handle errors that you want to.
In addition to all this, I would suggest using a separate file to Organize multiple functions for a more organized code, but this is only a suggestion not really necessary.
Finally, I am concerned about the scheduledExpression parameter, I think if none of the above works, you might want to check and share what this value is.

What is the canonical name for a function that ensures that an asynchronous task takes at least x time to resolve?

Say we have an asynchronous function that may resolve within any duration. However fast it may be, we want to ensure it never resolves before t time as passed. To achieve this in a reusable way, we create a function (here in JavaScript):
async function stall(task, minDuration) {
// Wait until both `task` and `delay(minDuration)` resolves
// and return the results from `task`
const results = await Promise.all([task, delay(minDuration)])
return results[0]
where delay() is a simple function that resolves after a given amount of time.
Is there a canonical name for the stall() function?

async programming in dart

I am relating to java as to how to do thread/async. I use new Thread(target).start() where target is Runnable as one way to do threading in java. New concurrent api has alternatives but we know that on specific call new threads are creating and passed in tasks are executed.
Similarly how is async done in Dart ?
I read on send/receivport, completer/future, spawnFunction. To me only spawnFunction is convincing statement that will create new thread. can one explain how completer/future help. i know they take callbacks but is there some implicit logic/rule in javascript/dart that callbacks always be execute in different thread.
below is dart snippet/pseudo code:
void callback() {
print("callback called");
costlyQuery(sql, void f()) {
costlyQuery("select * from dual", callback);
I hope my costlyQuery signature to take function as 2nd parameter is correct. so now I do not think that f() after executeSql(sql) is going to be async. may be taking above example add completer/future if that can make async to help me understand.
tl;dr: There is no implicit rule that a callback will not block.
Javascript event queue
In Javascript, there are no threads (except WebWorkers, but that's different). This means that if any part of your code blocks, the whole application is blocked. There is nothing magic about callbacks, they are just functions:
function longLoop(cb) {
var i = 1000000;
while (i--) ;
function callback() {
console.log("Hello world");
function fun() {
console.log("Called after Hello World is printed");
To make something asynchronous, the callback must be put on the event queue, which only happens through some API calls:
user initiated event handlers- clicks, keyboard, mouse
API event handlers- XmlHTTPRequest callbacks, WebWorker communication
timing functions- setTimeout, setInterval
When the event is triggered, the callback is placed on the event queue to be executed when all other callbacks have finished executing. This means that no two lines of your code will ever be executing at the same time.
I assume you have at least stumbled on this post about futures. If not, it's a good read and comes straight from the horses mouth.
In Javascript, you have to do some work to make sense of asynchronous code. There's even a Javascript library called futures for doing common things, such as asynchronous loops and sequences (full disclosure, I have personally worked with the author of this library).
The notion of a future is a promise made by the function creating the future that the future will be completed at some point down the road. If you are going to make some asynchronous call, create a future, return it, and fulfill the promise when the asynchronous call finishes. From the blog post:
Future<Results> costlyQuery() {
var completer = new Completer();
database.query("SELECT * FROM giant_table", (results) {
// when complete
// this returns essentially immediately,
// before query is finished
return completer.future;
If database.query is a blocking call, the future will be completed immediately. This example assumes that database.query is a non-blocking call (async), so the future will be fulfilled after this function exits. completer.complete will call whatever function is passed to completer.then() with the arguments specified.
Your example, modified to be idiomatic and asynchronous:
void callback() {
print("callback called");
costlyQuery(sql) {
var completer = new Completer();
executeSql(sql, () => completer.complete());
return completer.future;
costlyQuery("select * from dual").then(callback);
This is asynchronous and uses futures correctly. You could pass your own callback function into costlyQuery as you have done and call that in the callback to executeSql to achieve the same thing, but that is the Javascript way of doing it, not the Dart way.
Isolates are similar to Java's threads, except that isolates are a concurrency model and threads are a parallelism model (see this SO question for more information about concurrency vs parallelism).
Dart is special in that the specification does not mandate that everything be run in a single thread. It only mandates that different executing contexts do not have access to the same data. Each isolate has it's own memory and can only communicate (e.g. send data) with other isolates through send/receive ports.
These ports work similarly to channels in Go if you're familiar.
An isolate is an isolated execution context that runs independently of other code. In Javascript terms, this means that it has it's own event queue. See the Dart tour for a more complete introduction to isolates.
Lets say your executeSql is a blocking function. If we don't want to wait for it to finish, we could load it into an isolate:
void callback() {
print("callback called");
void costlyQuery() {
port.receive((sql, reply) {
main() {
var sendPort = spawnFunction(costlyQuery);
// .call does all the magic needed to communicate both directions"select * from dual").then(callback);
print("Called before executeSql finishes");
This code creates an isolate, sends data to it then registers a callback for when it's done. Even if executeSql blocks, main() will not necessarily block.

How to GetLocalizedItems using Tridion Anguilla Framework?

I would like to use the GetLocalizedItems method in the Anguilla Framework.
I don't know how to create a new filter and set the conditions or what to use for success and failure.
In the GUI:
tridion.Web.UI.ContentManager.WhereUsed.GetListUsedItems(id, filter.conditions,
filter.columns, success, failure);
Are the methods in this namespace intended to be used by our extensions?
Building a filter
Here is an example of how to build a filter
var filter = new Tridion.ContentManager.ListFilter();
filter.conditions.ItemTypes = 16 | 2; // folders and components
filter.conditions.Recursive = true;
filter.conditions.BasedOnSchema = "tcm:1-23-8,tcm:1-32-8".split(",");
filter.columns = Tridion.Constants.ColumnFilter.DEFAULT;
Or this extremely simple case from General.js:
var templateFilter = new Tridion.ContentManager.ListFilter({
conditions: { ItemTypes: [ itemType ] }
Calling a WCF method
The second part of your question was really already covered in, although I'll make it a bit more concrete here.
WCF/AJAX calls such as this are executed asynchronously, since they may take some time to complete. While you would normally simple handle the result of the call on the line after the closing parenthesis, you can't do that in AJAX calls since that line will be execute before the function has completed. Instead you have to pass in one or more callback functions that get called once the function completes.
I typically just pass in two functions that break into the JavaScript debugger of my browser when I first start figuring out such a method:
new function() { console.log(arguments); debugger; },
new function() { console.log(arguments); debugger; }
So the first (anonymous) function is called when the (asynchronous) HTTP call to the TCM server succeeded, while the second is called when the call failed. In the answer I linked above, we called them onSuccess and onFailure to make their nature more explicit.
Both functions in this case simply write the implicit arguments parameter that is always passed in JavaScript. They then break into the JavaScript debugger of your browser, so you can inspect the arguments further.

Get callback info back to original calling function

Let's say you have a Javascript function that calls a web service method. So that webservice completes and calls a callback function, which has the result.
How do I get that result back into the original function that called the web service method? Essentially, I'm trying to "synchronize" an asynchronous call.
This is what I'm trying to do. I'm validating based on the return value of a web service.
function(value, element) {
// Call web service function using ASP.NET Ajax.
// Get callback value to determine validity.
return this.optional(element) || ***return t/f based on validity***;
function(value, element) { return msg; }
so I guess I could do this instead:
function(value, element) {
async: false
url: **** web service url ****
success: set t/f to validity var
return this.optional(element) || ***return t/f based on validity var***;
function(value, element) { return msg; }
Since you're using jQuery, you can use async:false in your ajax command, like this:
async: false
//this code will run after the request returns
Note though, this blocks the UI (locks up the browser), it's better to continue the work that depends on the result in the success callback, like this:
success: function(data) {
Essentially, you can't, but you can break up that function into "before" and "after" parts, like so:
function foo(a) {
var b, c;
// == The "before" part:
b = /* ... */;
// == Call the service:
callWebService(a, b, callback);
// == The "after" part is contained within the callback:
function callback(d) {
// Do something with a, b, c, and d
But it's important to note that foo will return before callback is called. There's no way to prevent that with an asynchronous call, so if you're looking to have the function return something, you'll have to refactor (or use a synchronous call, but that's a very bad idea). The refactoring would involve whatever's calling foo to provide a callback and expect the result to be provided that way rather than as a return value.
Well what you're trying to accomplish is simulating a sleep command, so your script "waits" for your ajax request? But that doesn't really makes sense. That's why you have to callback in the first place, to continue with the flow once the request has returned a reply, since you cannot predict its response time.
Not to be trite, but you can't create synchronousness from asynchronousness, only the other way around. You need to design your code to allow for this, which generally means callbacks all the way through your call chain.
There is one idiosyncratic exception, which is that you can specify 'false' on the raw XMLHttpRequest's 'open' method's async parameter, which will cause the send method to block until it's done. But this is likely not compatible with some frameworks and is pretty inflexible. Most JS stuff is async.
You should not do that. Just carry on with your processing from the point of the callback.
You risk hanging the browser completely if the call does not return.
If you control the server side then you could write some code on the js side to aggregate calls and then write something on the server side to unpack and do multiple calls from each nested call in the aggregate. When the responses come back then aggregate those and send them back. This will save on performance since large calls are cheaper than many small calls.
We did that on a project I worked on and it worked very nicely. It also consolidates logic on the js side to not be spread all over due to all the async callbacks.
The only way I can think of is like
function b(){
var a = null;
$.get("abc.json", {
success: function(data){
a = data;
while(a == null){}
But generally this isn't good and may cause the browser to complain a script is taking too long to finish.
